MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 957 Sword ownership

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With his back to Jiang Ruoliu, Gu Zhang looked at the mountains and clouds in the distance, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

After a long time, he did not make a move in the end. After suppressing all the killing intent in his eyes, he turned around and said with a sigh: "Since you call me senior brother, it seems that you should have seen the master in the secret realm I left a message, would my junior sister be willing to come back?"

"If I come back, will senior brother really give up Jianzang?" Jiang Ruoliu said calmly.

"I must obey my master's order, and I dare not regret it. With the qualifications of my junior sister Cangyuan sword body, if I wield Jiancang, I will be able to reproduce the prestige of the ancestor of the Wanjian master. But now many Taoists are fighting for the fire of the false spirit. Gather in Nanzhou Resentment Fire Sha Valley, junior sister, give me a few more years, otherwise such a great opportunity, senior brother is not qualified to participate in it." Gu Zhang said earnestly with a serious expression on his face.

Jiang Ruoliu looked at the ancient chapter for a while, then shook his head at last, and said with a light smile: "The battle of the spirit fire is extremely dangerous, I hope senior brother should be careful."

"Is it possible that Yunquan and Yuanhui didn't have this idea?" Gu Zhang asked.

"Naturally, they also thought about it. It's just that Xuanyuanzong saw through the strange beast Mengji lurking decades ago, and generously divided the land of the Jiusha Temple among the eight factions among us, and gave a sweet jujube with one stick. , the implication could not be more obvious. If you are still not satisfied and insist on participating, then it is not like they have not done the work of settling accounts after autumn." Jiang Ruoliu said without haste.

"That's true, that junior sister came here, and she really has nothing else to do except to declare her identity? If you don't say it this time, then the senior brother will pretend that you don't know." Gu Zhang laughed.

"Since the senior brother insists on knowing, then the junior sister can just say it. It's nothing more than the two Taoist friends Xu and Bi want me to pass on a message. I can't shirk it here. I can only come to your place for a while and let it go. "Jiang Ruoliu said unhurriedly.

"Junior Sister, just say what's the matter." Gu Zhang raised his hand to signal.

"They want to ask if the senior brother intends to form an alliance, and I'm as close as we are, so we can help each other." Jiang Ruoliu said disapprovingly, obviously she didn't think it would be possible.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Gu Zhang shook his head and smiled and said, "Those two guys are getting older and worse. If we were an alliance, who would be the leader? If I let them go east, they will really not go west ?”

It's just that when he said this, his tone suddenly paused, as if he had thought of something, and then asked in a deep voice: "Could it be that Xuan Yu is taking the lead in this matter? Hongyuelou wants to use the joint efforts of us and other factions to divide the matter with the five sects." court fight?"

"It's Hongyue Tower, but it's not Xuan Yu. They don't want to give up such a spiritual place as Piaomiao City, so they want to unite with us and other factions to put some pressure on the five sects, so that they don't dare to act recklessly." Jiang Ruo Flow said softly.

"Then what do you Nine Sects mean?" Gu Zhang asked.

"Now there are only eight left, and the Huanyin Sect has survived in name only," Jiang Ruoliu said.

"Have you attacked Fellow Daoist Xu?" Although Gu Zhang said so, there was no surprise on his face.

After Huayin Zhenjun, the previous head of the Huanyin Sect, passed away, the new infant-forming monk in the sect was named Xu Lan, and he only broke through dangerously and dangerously when he was over seven hundred years old.

Now that nearly three hundred years have passed, this person is only a monk who has consolidated the initial stage of Nascent Soul, and has not made any further progress.

"Huayin destroyed my Jiang family, so since Xu Lan has become the patriarch of the Huanyin Sect, he naturally has to inherit the cause and effect. But this matter is still thanks to the help of Xu and the two fellow Taoists, otherwise the strength of the younger sister can be done alone. No." Jiang Ruoliu said slowly.

Hearing this, Gu Zhang sighed and said: "You know that Huayin used to serve his master! This matter about your Jiang family... Sigh!"

"Senior brother, you don't have to sigh. My junior sister already knew the reason, and my master has already explained everything clearly. Five or six hundred years later, everything has passed." Jiang Ruoliu glanced at Gu Zhang, and then said with a low eyebrow .

"In fact, Master once wanted to do it himself, but when things came to an end, he finally couldn't bear it. It's just that when Huayin retaliated against Jiang's family for the death of Zongmen Jindan, he just went along with it." Gu Zhang said slowly. Said.

"Why?" Jiang Ruoliu asked calmly.

Gu Zhang smiled wryly, and said, "Junior Sister, what do you think is the method of enlightening emptiness and transforming gods?"

"When one thought moves the heart, everything is obsessed." Jiang Ruoliu thought for a moment, then said hesitantly.

"But I said that it was just a thought, and there was nothing to do. It is not easy for us to follow the rules and practice step by step, let alone realize the void in advance with the Nascent Soul, and feed back the cultivation with the soul? What you gain will be lost, and you will become a **** with obsession, but in the end you will lose your true nature. People like Venerable Hongyue, who became here and died here. Since this method appeared in the world, I don’t know how many ancestors want to get rid of it. However, after thousands of years of groping, it is also possible Not without gains! If you use some means to advance this method to the Golden Core state, as long as the opponent can understand and enlighten and let go of their obsessions, the future troubles can be alleviated a little." Gu Zhang said.

This is the thing that can make people obsessed the most. It is nothing more than the eight sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death, love and parting, long-term resentment, not being able to ask, and not being able to let go.

"That's true, but this kind of thing is really ridiculous and sad." Jiang Ruoliu nodded and said, his expression still unchanged.

"Who says it's not? The small world is like this, so what can we and other monks do, but we are all scumbags, trying to survive on our own." Gu Zhang sighed.

He has practiced to the realm of the Nascent Soul, and he has enjoyed a long life, and he does not want to sit and wait for death.

When Jiang Ruoliu heard this, how could he not understand the other party's thoughts, and immediately said: "Then I hope that senior brother can be that fisherman and win the opportunity of spirit fire under the hands of many monks."

"Thank you for your understanding, junior sister. After this matter is over, senior brother will definitely hand over the sword, and there will be no further delay." Gu Zhang then clasped his hands and said with joy.

"Then junior sister will go back to Ming Xinzong first, lest they wait in a hurry." After Jiang Ruoliu finished speaking, he cupped his hands in return.

Then she walked out of the pavilion, soared into the sky, and the aura around her body glowed, turning into a radiant sword energy, and galloped away towards the distance.

Gu Zhang watched him go away.

After a while, his face turned red, and he coughed lightly with his hands over his mouth, a trace of blood spilled between his fingers.

After the backlash from the restriction slowed down a bit, Gu Zhang frowned and said:

"Master, you are too eccentric. Since I have become the master, why don't you want to pass on Jianzang to me, and leave everything to my junior sister!"

He was only a little bit murderous just now, and the restrictions that Yu Xing had placed on his soul before began to bite back. Fortunately, he restrained himself in time, otherwise he wouldn't be able to understand it with such a minor injury.