MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 500 Child born

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Temporary camps were filled with gunpowder smoke, and the soldiers around were sitting in a weak state.

"Sir, it is too timely for you, General. General Jock was killed suddenly. Now the soldiers are in a state of polarization, morale is weak, and they are even a little passive." Colonel Martin took off his helmet and stared at his eyes. Man.

Qiao Bieye stared at the map in front of him for a moment. They had been driving straight to reach the center of Country K, but unexpectedly such a split would occur midway. When he got the news, he thought it was Jock's death. Going to mess **** rebels.

After he hurried over a long distance, he discovered that his brother and brother had died, and it was unknown.

Martin felt the terrible suffocation emanating from the man next to him and asked cautiously, "Let's rest for the night, or kill it immediately?"

Qiao Buye pinched the bridge of his nose. "You also said that morale is now weak. If you rush back to kill it, it is not good for us. We will rest for half a day, and after dark, we will make a comeback."

"What about the flower-lovers in custody?"

Job shook the dagger in his hand and stabbed it hard.

Martin looked at a dagger severely inserted on the map, apparently understood the intention of the sergeant, and quietly exited the camp.

Most people are eating compressed bread and drinking water, and the surroundings are very quiet. Even the wind screams and the snoring sounds of the leaves are heard.

A figure flickered past the camp without a trace. Where he passed, a leaf fell quietly on the ground and swirled on the ground.

Martin hurriedly walked towards the camp where the captives were being held, the soldier saluting with his head raised.

"You two come with me," Martin said to the soldiers guarding outside.

The soldiers entered the camp one after the other.

A group of people who were tied to their hands and feet and casually dropped on the ground, one by one panic stared at the three or four people who entered at the same time, one by one, anxious to reduce their sense of existence, no one dared to say more.

Martin squatted down and looked at the middle-aged man headed by his mouth, his mouth slightly raised, "It's a pity that your chief didn't come back to rescue you after being saved."

Secretary-General Qi Jiang gritted his teeth and exhaled a spit of water, "We are all willing to use our own lives in exchange for our leadership."

Martin smiled nonchalantly, "Yes, then I have to ask them a few."

Everyone looked at Qi's guns that fell on their foreheads, one by one even more afraid to pant, for fear that the bullets with long eyes would land on their innocent bodies.

Martin pulled one of the women out and asked with a bit of pity, "Would you?"

The woman was frightened and looked at her fellows in horror.

Martin reached into his temple with a gun, accented, "speak."

"I, I do." The woman said carefully.

"Very well, I like your hero who is willing to give herself up." Martin let go of her restraint.

Before the woman's high-hanging heart was put down, she could hear the other person again.

Martin laughed. "Now that you are willing, I will fulfill you now, and you will die for him."

The woman turned her head stunned, and the bullet came forward with a hot wave of air, her body leaned back and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah." The sudden scene scared everyone involuntarily moving their bodies backwards, timid like a rat shaking their bodies.

"Who are you willing to die for your sir?" Martin blew the heat in his muzzle, staring at the group who was afraid to speak in front of the corner with a stern tone.

No one dares to be this early bird, hiding behind each other one by one, fearing that the next goal of the other party is his own.

"Sir, don't you say that everyone is willing to die generously for the leadership in your mouth? In the face of life and death, human nature is not as noble as you think." Martin gently pierced Qi Jiang's forehead with his muzzle, " How about you die for your leader? "

"Kill if you want to kill. You don't have to waste anything, even if I say you don't want to, you won't let me go, don't you?" Qi Jiang looked at his eyes without hesitation.

Martin clapped his hands. "It's really stunned."

The two eyes crossed for a minute.

Martin could not bear bearing his muzzle against his forehead. "You are very boney, but I hate your self-righteous boney."

"Well." The sound of the gunfire did not mean that Qi Jiang was shot down, but a staff member behind him had a meal and a pupil, as if he hadn't figured out why he died.

Qi Jiang looked at the man behind him in surprise, angrily, "Aren't you trying to kill me?"

"No, no, no, I like to look at the desperate expression of a person who wants to survive but cannot survive, rather than your self-righteous self-death."

Qi Jiang twisted his neck stiffly and looked at the group of people behind him. The words in his mouth had not yet been spoken, and the sound of gunfire tortured his reason like a nightmare, but in the blink of an eye, everyone, all with opposites The hopeful innocents fell to the ground, blood stained their thin coats, and blood stained their young and energetic features.

"You demon, you are a demon." Qi Jiang stood up angrily, rushing to the same destination.

Martin lifted his foot and kicked the pebbled guy to the ground with ease. He stepped on his head and looked down at his wolf howling. I like to see your pride become a burden on your heart, and finally blame yourself, why the dead person is not you. "

Qi Jiang growled, "You won't get a good end, you rebels."

Martin lifted him off the ground, and threw it severely on the wall. "Rebels? In country xx, there is no difference between justice and evil. Only victory and defeat. We are winners now, we are The king who rules here, you are just a captive, a worthless captive. "

Qi Jiang fell to the ground in a hazy state, and had not responded yet, and was pulled up by the place.

Martin smashed his cheek with a punch, punching out one of his teeth instantly.

Qi Jiang opened his mouth and vomited, and his blood was mixed up with his own teeth, and he spit out on the ground. He tried to struggle, but he couldn't get up after two or three struggles. Eventually he even gave up.

Martin smiled jokingly, "Are you planning to take advantage of the hero?"

"Why didn't you kill me?" Qi Jiang asked back.

Martin squatted down and looked at him. "I like to watch someone's despair, are you desperate?"

"Do I have hope?" Qi Jiang asked again.

Martin squeezed his chin thoughtfully. "It doesn't seem to be."

He held a gun, intending to finally solve this stubborn flower nation.

"Well." Two subtle voices came from behind Martin, and he turned subconsciously, and the two soldiers behind him fell to the ground without knowing what happened.

Martin stood up quickly, alerting, "What's going on?"

The two soldiers did not respond, as if they had declared their deaths.

Martin tried the nose temperature of the two and killed him in one shot!

He looked around alertly, "Who?"

Shen Shengfeng didn't plan to deal with anything. The muzzle was directed at the man looking around.

Martin dragged Qi Jiang off the ground and used him as a cover to step forward towards the camp.

The man's figure flickered, he was very clever to cover himself completely behind the captive, but he obviously ignored his opponent.

Shen Shengfeng did not hesitate, and his index finger pulled the trigger.

The bullet brushed over Qi Jiang's cheek, and the first shot landed on Martin's shoulder with only one corner exposed. At the moment of the shot, his body trembled uncontrollably, and his head hiding behind Qi Jiang was clear. Exposed.

"Well." Shen Shengfeng made up the second shot without hesitation.

The bullet also wiped Qi Jiang's cheek and landed perfectly on the man behind him.

The blood was splashing warmly on Qi Jiang's face, and the suffocation of his throat that was contained by death kept him from moving.

"Secretary General Qi Jiang?" Shen Shengfeng jumped from the top of the camp.

Qi Jiang looked back from shock. He couldn't believe staring at the strange man in front of him, and nodded, "I'm Qi Jiang, who are you?"

"I'm here to rescue you, please follow me." Shen Shengfeng walked to the camp and stared cautiously. No one noticed the difference here. Everything went quietly.

Qi Jiang hurriedly hid behind him, "How are we going to leave?"

"Follow me." Shen Shengfeng flew past the camp with a brisk movement. His speed exceeded the average speed of human beings, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Qi Jiangyan stood in front of the tent. He looked around with his left and right eyes. What about people?

Shen Shengfeng turned back again, this time he slowed down, "follow me."

Qi Jiang followed him pantingly, and just two steps later he fell to the ground with instability.

"What's the sound?" A soldier found the clue, and came slowly with a gun.

Shen Shengfeng took Qi Jiang's arm and pulled him to a safe position.

Qi Jiang blamed herself, "I, I'm too nervous."

Shen Shengfeng looked at the soldiers who were getting closer. Their distance was very close to the camp account. As long as the soldiers noticed something strange and looked at the movement of the camp area, they would certainly find several people who had died. In this case, he had to expose himself. Drive his attention.

Qi Jiang lowered his voice. "What to do? He's here, this person's here."

"Mr. Qi Jiang, I now lead everyone away. You leave here in a mess. This is the map. You can leave country **** by following the route I drew. Then you can ask for help from country k."

Qi Jiang held the simple map tightly, "What do you do if I run away?"

"I'm a soldier. I have my own way to get out. You leave carefully." Shen Shengfeng put the pistol in his holster in his hand. "Do not shoot unless you have to."

Qi Jiang nodded solemnly, his eyes blinked, and the man who was still in front of him just left silently.

Shen Shengfeng shot the soldier's head in a single shot, and he did not hesitate to expose himself and shuttled in front of the camp.

"Beep" alarm sounded.

Qi Jiang saw all the figures chasing after him, and the cat left the camp area cautiously following the instructions on the map.

In the tent, Qiao Buye heard the alarms and spit out a ring of smoke. "What's the matter?"

The soldier replied, "Someone broke in."

Job shivered, "How many people?"

"It's not clear, the other party is running fast, we are all rounding up."

"If you can't catch the live one, kill it on the spot and don't leave the future." Qiao Buye extinguished his cigarette butt, put on his military cap, picked up his rifle, and went out of the camp without looking back.

Shen Shengfeng hid behind the tent. He heard the sound of footsteps coming around, knowing that he was completely surrounded. This kind of spacious place is really not suitable for this kind of off-road battle.

"Come out, maybe I can still give you a breath." Qiao Buye stood in front of the soldier, paying attention to the target person who was only about ten meters ahead.

Shen Shengfeng observes the surrounding environment. If the opponent orders a sniper, there are no obstacles on all sides to cover his open space. No matter how strong he is, he may not be able to resist such a powerful fire offensive.

Qiao Bieye did not like this disobedient prey, he raised his hand high, "shot."

As soon as the words fell, the bullets gathered and attacked, one bullet after another pierced the tent, like a beast that opened its mouth and tried to devour this disobedient prey with its most terrible power.

"Hmm." The pursuit gun blasted into the air, and finally smashed into the camp, the gorgeous sparks burned, but for a moment, there was only a puddle of ashes.

After the shelling, a large pit with a diameter of about five meters was left.

"Alas." The shells were once again launched with great vigour, and the hot flames stained the bright sunlight from the sky. The two intersected each other and turned out to have an unspeakable beauty.

A breeze, leaves falling on the green grass.

In the military hall, a figure hurried past, military boots stepped on the old floor, and made a squeak that could not be ignored.

"Hmm." A soft noise came from the office.

"Come in." Xiao Yu was packing up the documents, and planned to go to the hospital after being properly prepared.

Outside, an officer sprinted forward and passed the documents he had just obtained.

Xiao Yu took it aside and said, "What kind of file is this?"

The officer replied, "No reply was given above. It was originally given to Chief Shen Shenghuang, but he has not been in the military department for a while. Let me hand it over to you."

Xiao Yu glanced at the volcanic mud on the file and nodded, "I see."

After saluting the officer, he stepped out of the door.

Xiao Yu was sitting on a chair. He opened the seal and took out the sealed information. His eyebrows frowned in a flash.

"Hmm." The office door rang again.

Xiao Hong took off his military cap and said directly, "No news from the hospital?"

Xiao Yu seemed to be standing still, without reaction.

Xiao Hong noticed that he looked a bit wrong, and put down the glass, "Is something wrong?"

Xiao Yu put down the documents in his hand and looked dignified, "Shen Shengfeng is missing."

Xiao Hong carefully considered the implied meaning of the sentence he said. Is the definition of disappearance inaccessible to this person or has this person been killed?

Xiao Yu couldn't hide his concerns. "At this critical juncture, he disappeared."

"Brother, although we don't see this guy very much, but after all, he and our junior have been married for so many years. Let's not make such jokes at such a tense moment."

Xiao Yu shook his head. "I was also very surprised. At that time, it was Marshal Feng Cheng's personal order. In order to better rescue our big leader, I had to assign Shen Shengfeng to accept this task. I initially refused him to accept this task. After all, Xiaosi can't leave him now, but under the premise of the overall situation, I have to let him accept this task, but now this situation, what should we do? "

Xiao Hong stepped forward, "What are you talking about?"

"Mr. Chen Xumao and Mr. Qi Jiang returned to the country together. According to Mr. Qijiang's description, the last place they separated was the camp area of ​​the XX National Unrest Army. At that time, there were fewer than a thousand people in the camp. In that case, less than ten minutes after his departure, there was a large-scale explosion in the camp. He thought that Shen Shengfeng would get out, but he waited for two hours, and the **** army was withdrawn. He still had no trace. "

Xiao Hong was sitting on a chair with some uneasiness. "Then? No news till now?"

"No news." Xiao Yu stood up. "Do you say he will--"

Xiao Hong busily said, "Big brother is not even funny."

Xiao Yu swallowed the second half of his sentence, which was really not funny, but also a bit scary.

"Then we still go to the hospital?" Xiao Hong asked again.

Xiao Yu hesitated a bit. If they passed at this time, they might say that they missed the word, but if they didn't go, wouldn't it be more suspect?

"Will we wait again?" Xiao Hong suggested.

Xiao Yu sat back in his chair, "I will send someone to check and check in country **** as long as he is alive-"

"Brother, you still don't want to say this suggestion, I'm afraid it's a word."

Xiao Yu nodded, "Wait a second, just like you said, wait a second."

In the hospital, it was already a mess.

The doctors and nurses ran for seven or eight laps in a row, and looked at each other in a panic and said that they would give birth immediately, and then said that they would not give birth to a mother. This is the leader. As ordinary workers, no one dares to disobey orders.

Qin Yue looked at her daughter who was already pale, and wiped her sweat with regret.

Xiao Jing grabbed her hand, her eyes were like a torch, "I want to give birth, give me a delivery right away, and give birth soon."

Qin Yue cried and laughed, "Child, this baby is not what we want him to come out, he will come out."

"I figured it out myself." Xiao Jing said with certainty.

Seeing that her lips were cracking, Qin Min used a cotton swab to moisturize her mouth. "Let's take a good rest and save a little energy. We will give birth when the doctor has given you a good fetal position." Xiao Jing shook her head at this time. She clutched Qin Yue ’s arm tightly, with a more unquestionable serious tone. She said, “I ’m not born, I ca n’t It ’s only seven months since the child was born. Such a young child ca n’t have a child, and I can persist for a few more days. ”

Qin Yue calmed, "We listen to the doctor, and the doctor tells us to do what we do."

Xiao Jing bit her lower lip. "Mom, no matter how I insist on having a baby, you have to refuse, and let the doctor send me to the ward. I have to insist on not giving birth, not giving birth."

Qin Yue was fainted by the child. Whether she wanted to give birth or not.

Xiao Jing lay back on the bed, her head was a little dizzy, and her stomach was not as painful as before, probably the child was a bit tired.

Qin Hui wiped the sweat from her forehead and whispered, "Would you like to eat something?"

Xiao Jing was probably tired and closed her eyes without saying a word.

The clock on the wall rotates the pendulum in an orderly manner. In a quiet space, any sound is particularly abrupt.

Xiao Jing slowly woke up in a drowsiness. She stroked the calmed belly and looked at the empty room next to her, as if no one was there.

Outside the ward, there were a few messy footsteps, as if many people had come.

Xiao Jing didn't have much energy to ask someone outside the door, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm Chen Xumao. I heard that Major General Xiao Jing is in the hospital, and rushed over to see her situation." The voice of a strange man came from the door.

Xiao Jing sat up from bed as soon as he heard the name. Wasn't this person the leader of the team responsible for the rescue?

Chen Xumao returned, did the captain also return?

Xiao Jing was a little excited. She opened the quilt to get out of bed, but had not had time to get out of bed and heard the man outside the door continue to talk.

Chen Xumao's voice with a little regret and unwillingness, he said, "We did not expect such an accident to happen. I have called the highest leader of country k and will find General Shen Shengfeng anyway."

Xiao Jing's action stopped suddenly and she found General Shen Shengfeng? What does he mean?

Xiao Huan lowered his voice. "I just got news about this incident--"

There was a loud noise, and a crisp sound came from the ward.

Qin Yue pushed the ward door reflexively.

Xiao Jing fell to the ground, as if still a little bit embarrassed.

Xiao Yan hurriedly withdrew his extra words. He looked at the motionless daughter on the ground. When did she wake up?

Chen Xumao asked with a caring tone, "Is this Major General Xiao Jing? I'm Chen Xumao, and I came here intentionally—"

"What about my captain? You tell me, what about my captain?" Xiao Jing couldn't hide his excitement and grabbed each other's hands.

Chen Xumao was dragged by her and said busyly, "Don't be excited, let's talk about it."

Xiao Jing couldn't speak clearly. She looked at her father next to her, "Where is my captain?"

Xiao Yan said nothing, what should he say about it?

Chen Xumao took the initiative and said, "General Shen Shengfeng is alone in danger in order to rescue us. He is a hero. Please rest assured that we will not give up our hero."

Xiao Jing shook his head, "Did you lie to me? The captain of my family is obviously such a powerful person. It is impossible and impossible for him to have such an accident. No, it must not be, no."

"You can rest assured that General Shen Shengfeng is only missing now, and there is no exact evidence that he has been killed. You can rest assured that even if there is only a first-line vitality, we will do our best to rescue him."

Qin Yue was afraid she was too excited to hurt herself, so he calmed down, "Children, let's calm down first, you can't be so anxious now, calm down, calm down first."

Xiao Jing looked intently at everyone in front of her, as if looking at things in a vain way. In the end, she seemed to be unable to hear any sound around her, and seemed to be very noisy and noisy. .

When Qin Yue saw her face as dead as a ghost, she pinched her tiger's mouth position, "Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing, don't scare your mother."

Xiao Jing's eyes went dark and fell into Qin Yue's arms.

"What's going on? What happened to Major General Xiao Jing?" Chen Xumao asked nervously.

Xiao Yong could not bear to invite him out, "Please leave here first."

Chen Xumao was rejected and he frowned. "Did I come at the wrong time?"

Qi Jiang nodded. "It's really not suitable for us to come here."

Doctors and nurses poured into the ward endlessly.

Qin Hui stood aside, biting his finger, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

The doctor checked his heart rate and wondered, "What's going on?"

"Cardiopulmonary resuscitation cpr, aed defibrillation a hundred joules, hurry up." The director shouted.

"One hundred joules are ready."

The director took the defibrillator and "stay away."

"Alas." Xiao Jing's body was lifted high and fell down again.

The soul seemed to be out of the body. She stood blankly in the open space, and there were stars flickering around her. She looked at the surrounding scenes and shuttled past her, and a car entered her eyes. Seeing Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, and seeing a lot of familiar people, she wanted to catch up with them, but they ran fast and fast, and she couldn't catch up.

"Mom." The tender child's voice rang from a car.

Xiao Jing looked back subconsciously.

Shen Sanfen's eyes fell on her transparent body without blinking, his mouth closed, "Mom."

Xiao Jing walked over, she tried to touch the child.

"Mom." Shen Sanfen looked at her for a while, and finally Yan Yan got out of the car.

"Mom." He struggled violently. "Mom."

Yan Yan hugged him, "Don't cry, don't cry, I'll see my mother right away."

Shen Sanfen stretched her arm, trying to catch the person in front of her, but penetrated her body again and again.

Xiao Jing couldn't run, and the child just disappeared from her eyes.

The cold wind blew her cold and cold, and she squatted helplessly on the ground with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" A familiar man's voice rang from above her head.

Xiao Jing heard her voice lifted her head, the man was carrying light, and her features were hidden in the dark, but she could still see clearly, it was him, it was him.

Shen Shengfeng took off his coat and laid it on her, holding her hand and sighing, "Why not be obedient?"

Xiao Jing red-eyed, "Where are you?"

Shen Shengfeng gently rubbed her face, "Aren't I here?"

Xiao Jing shook her head. "I can't find you, I can't find you."

"Stupid girl, what nonsense?" Shen Shengfeng held her little face. "Our baby is coming out. Why are you crying when you are so happy?"

"They said you were gone and they couldn't find you." Xiao Jing grasped his hand tightly, for fear that he suddenly disappeared in front of himself.

Shen Shengfeng held her hand backhand and tangled her fingers, "I've been here all the time, I've been with you all the time, why is it gone?"

Xiao Jing looked at his face close by, wondering if it was too cold at night, she could not feel his warmth at all, cold and cold, like a soul.

Shen Shengfeng hugged her thin body and smiled softly, "Sleep well, and when you open your eyes, a little life will lie beside you with hope."

"How about you?"

"Me?" Shen Shengfeng held her face. "I've been by your side."

Xiao Jing blinked, and there seemed to be something rushing out of her eyes, which tasted bitter when she ran into her mouth.

Shen Shengfeng wiped her tears for her, "Why not cry?"

"Don't leave me, OK?"

Shen Shengfeng grinned, "Isn't I here?"

"Why can't I feel your warmth?"

Shen Shengfeng rubbed her eyebrows, "This is a dream, I am in your dream."


"Xiao Jing try to touch your heartbeat, don't you have a heartbeat?"

Xiao Jing raised her hand and placed it on her heart. "It doesn't jump, but it hurts. I feel the pain of heartbreaking."

"Fool, how can it hurt?" Shen Shengfeng hugged her, "I won't hurt any more."

Xiao Jing tried to grab his hand again, his figure seemed to penetrate the light, and finally became transparent.

"Get a good night's sleep and wake up and everything is still so good."

Xiao Jing was sitting on the ground, the scene in front of her looked like a mirage, and the color of the world became dim black and white.

"Hey, ye, ye, ye." The heartbeat echoed violently in the ward.

Shen Sanfen stood in front of the incubator, and stared at the pink and tender little guy momentarily.

Comrade Shen Sifen is not the same as the child who was just born. He keeps his big eyes completely open, and stares at his own brother without hesitation.

The adults around were discussing what was going on, and no one noticed the two brothers in the corner who were looking at each other.

Shen Qufen murmured with a small mouth, innocent and innocent.

Shen Sanfen silently put his hand into the incubator. The last slap hit the little guy's face, and a crackling sound caught the attention of adults.

Shen Sifen was slapped a little.

Shen Sanfen raised his hand again, and took another slap without pity, slap again. In just a few seconds, he was afraid that he slapped five slaps.

Shen Sifen's innocent face became flushed, and there were several finger prints crisscrossing his face. At a glance, Shen Sanfen had a hard hand and used it hard.

"I can't hit my brother like this." Yan Yan hurriedly gave Shen Sanfen a little hold.

"Wowa" Shen Qufen opened his throat and cried.

Qin Yue reached into the incubator and gently wiped his tears. "Good, don't cry, don't cry, my brother won't hit my brother."

Shen Sanfen ran down from Yan Yan, and before everyone responded, he saw him slap again.

Shen Sifen couldn't even cry at this moment, and stared aggressively at his brother, who crawled over and beat himself.

Qin Hui hugged him with pity, "It's all right, my brother can't beat, my brother can't beat."

Shen Qufen pouted, staring at the talking woman intently.

Qin Yue shook her head, her head was a little dizzy, and when she opened her eyes again, her hands and feet no longer wanted to catch Shen Sanfen.

Shen Sanfen seemed to know the grandmother being controlled, crawled past her, and slapped Shen Sifen's face again with a speed that could not cover her ears.

Qin Yue paused, she looked at the floor in a daze, what happened to her just now?

"If you don't hit your brother, you can't hit your brother." Yan Yan hugged Shen Sanfen.

He was struggling to slide down again.

Yan Yan hugged him except the small room.

Shen Sanfen lay on the glass window, staring sharply at the little guy inside.

Yan Yan squatted beside him, "Would you like to play with your brothers and sisters?"

Shen Sanfen slid on the glass window, and Yan Yan next to it opened the door and entered the room again.

The hallway was very quiet. Shen Muxiao and Shen Xiaoxiao were sitting in a chair in a regular manner. They were naughty and seemed to see the anxiety of adults, and they were no longer mischievous.

Shen Sanfen twisted his small body and ran to the ward. He tried hard to open the door, but he couldn't pull it several times.

"Brother obedient, the doctor aunt said that her mother was very tired, she needed plenty of rest, we can't go in to disturb her." Shen Muxiao took Shen Sanfen back to her chair.

Shen Sanfen stared at the door in front of him. He was unhappy, but he had to control his power.

Shen Xiaoxiao touched her pocket and passed her lollipop. "Brother eats."

Shen Sanfen lowered his head and muttered to himself, "Mom, mom."

"Brother will you tear up the lollipop, will you?" Shen Muxiao opened the bag and handed it to his mouth.

Shen Sanfen didn't eat.

Shen Muxiao felt that her hands were a little bit numb, as if she was bitten slightly by something, and the lollipop fell from his hand to the ground, splitting into pieces.

Shen Sanfen ran to the small room next to him, lying on the glass window and staring at the sleeping little guy in the eyes.

Shen Shengyi was standing next to him, as if he felt the same. He said, "I thought that I was a sweetheart in my family, but suddenly one day, my mother gave me another brother, and then they also As now, everyone is turning around this younger brother, and I seem to fall out of favor overnight. "

Shen Sanfen glanced at the second elder brother next to him, looking at him indifferently.

Shen Sheng sighed, "I also thought about going to slap this brother like you, but he didn't want to bully the little at that time, I just wanted to wait for him to be bigger, and then I gave him three years to make him longer Older, three years later, I finally had a chance to hit him, but he was chased after by him. "

Shen Sanfen still seriously looked at the second uncle.

Shen Shengyi continued, "After being beaten by him, he will be mixed by his parents. They will chase me one by one. I thought I would report a shame when I grew up, but the reality is The old hatred has not yet been renewed, and you have a new hate. Do you understand the anger in my heart now? "

Shen Sanfen retracted his gaze and stared at the little guy who slept in the glass window.

Shen Shengyi squatted down and patted his shoulder. "While this guy has no backhand and can't speak, don't be soft-hearted if you can fight a few more times."

"When did you come?" Yan Yan stared at the two men squatting on the ground whispering.

Shen Shengyi hurriedly stood upright and said solemnly, "I'll come and see the child."

"There are enough people here, you take all the children back."

Shen Sanfen hugged Yan's thigh and pouted. "Mom, mom."

Yan Yan gently touched his little head. "Mom is okay. She just sleeps and will wake up soon. Let ’s go home and sleep, okay?"

"Mom hurts, mom hurts." Shen Sanfen broke free from Yan Yan's arms.

Before Yan Ling had recovered, she saw that the little three-pointer in her arms had disappeared. She hadn't found where the little fellow had gone, and heard the child's tender cry coming from the room.

Shen Sanfen ran to the incubator, stepped into the incubator on the small stool next to him, and slapped Shen Qufen's tender face again.


"Xiao Bao can't hit his brother like this." Qin Yun thought about carrying the child over, and before touching the child's body, he was kicked by something rudely and brutally.

Shen Sheng was stunned. He was convinced that the child was wearing his elaborate clothes. According to the clothes that he succeeded after repeated experiments, there was no possibility of any leakage. But what did he see?

Shen Sanfen's clothes cracked a gap, and a dazzling light burst out in the gap. Then, his clothes were completely burned. He stood so smooth in front of the incubator and slapped another On the face of Shen Qufen.

Shen Sifen covered his little face, and was so aggrieved that he dared not cry.