MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 501 Xiaobao's power, I want my mother to live

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In the cold room, the clock quietly shook the pendulum.

The sleeping person on the bed slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were all pale, white walls, white curtains, and white bed sheets. The entire room didn't seem to have any color. The white was inexplicable. Some panic.

Xiao Jing felt a sting on the back of her hand. She raised her hand, looked at the needle stuck on the back of her hand, and changed back a bit of reason.

It seems the child was born?

In the coma, she heard the cry of hope echoing in her ears, and she seemed to hear the captain tapping the simple three words I love you in her ears.

team leader!

Xiao Jing sat up subconsciously, but because she was too tired, she just fell back and fell back to bed. This feeling of powerlessness and weightlessness made her all the places that she could see rotate, her head was dizzy and she wanted to vomit .

"Woohoo." There was only her heavy gasp in the room. Any sound seemed to be still. She was unwilling to support the bed again, this time she sat up slowly.

The room was large and a bit empty. She tried to lift the quilt. After the cesarean section, the knife was tingling in pain, but she was completely indifferent and got out of bed.

But he just took a step, and his body suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The wound seemed to burst, she touched her abdomen, and the red blood leaked from her fingers. She gritted her teeth and continued to crawl forward.

"Child?" Qin Min opened the door of the ward and looked at the long bloodstain behind her in disbelief.

Xiao Jing heard her voice, raised her head, her consciousness suddenly moved away, and instinctively grasped her mother's arm, holding it as hard as the last straw.

Qin Min was thinking of helping her up, but when she saw her open wound, she dared not do any more brutal moves. "Don't move first, I will let the doctor come over."

"Mom, what about him? What about Shen Shengfeng? What about my captain?" Xiao Jing's mouth was so dry that every word she said would tear her flesh apart.

Qin Yun did not know how to respond for a while. During the two days she was in a coma, the military sent a whole special team, all of which had no news. The place where the war was about to be calmed down, but he still had no trace. Some even speculated that he was exploding In the absence of bones.

No bones?

No bones!

Qin Yue didn't dare to say this word. She was afraid that if she said it out, all her children's remaining strength would be emptied.

Xiao Jing didn't hear her reply, and was anxious, struggling from the ground and trying to get up, "I'm going to find him, I'm going to find him. He said he came back after two days. It's been two days. He never lied to me, he said he would not lie to me. "

Qin Hui hugged her, resisting her struggle, she calmed, "Do n’t worry about it first, child, there is no news yet, there will be good news. Let's take a good rest and get well, let's go together to find He, go find him. "

Xiao Jing finally let go, and lying in Qin Yun's arms even began to become tight.

Qin Yue stopped delaying and rang the summoning bell.

Xiao Jing was lifted onto the ward. The pain in the wound seemed to be unable to recall her reason. She stared at the ceiling stiffly, as if something in the corner of her eyes had wet her hair ends.

That year, in the scorching sun, he was so impermeable that he entered everyone's sight.

There is a kind of man who is inherently not angry, and if he is a strong man who dominates the world, he will radiate the power of the king with every move.

Before Xiao Jing joined the army, she had a particularly wonderful hero complex. Like a foreign superhero who saved the world, someone could take her to save the world together.

save the world?

But now she regrets it a little bit. The hero is the hero of the country and the hero of the people. Then he is the father, the husband, and the son. However, her current husband, the father of her child, and the son of her in-laws are gone. Disappeared, leaving only one sentence that he was a hero.

Xiao Jing took a deep breath, as if the stranded fish was trying to get a little bit of insignificant oxygen, she felt that there was a knife in her heart and lungs to Ling Chi all her breath, and she seemed to be out of breath.

The consciousness collapsed little by little and finally turned into pale memory.

At the ward outside the door, three pairs of eyes stared at the hospital bed without any movement.

Shen Sanfen seemed to see something, looked at the ceiling, and chased out, "Mom, mom."

Xiao Jing felt that her body was so light and light, so light that she seemed to have lost any weight. She opened her eyes warily, the white sky, the white world.

The figure shuttles constantly, she is like a dwarf, looking at all walks of people around her like a dwarf, and the feeling of isolation makes her feel cold and cold.

"Why didn't I see you for a while and a half and you secretly ran out again?" The figure of the man pierced through the crowd, as he always wore a lean uniform, and Qi Yuxuanang occupied it. All her eyes were full of him, and his heart was full of him.

Shen Shengfeng crouched in front of her, and gently poke her forehead with her fingertips. "Why did you cry again?"

Xiao Jingxi looked at the person in front of him without any response.

Shen Shengfeng supported his cheeks with one hand, his tone was lazy. "My family is confused, isn't that just silly?"

Xiao Jing raised her hand and tried to touch his warmth.

Shen Shengfeng was naughty, avoiding her contact, and frowning with a smile, "Why not be obedient?"

"team leader?"

"Um." He answered naturally.

"Where are you?" She asked cautiously, like a homeless child longing for people not to abandon herself.

Shen Shengfeng reached out and shaved her nose. "Aren't I here? Don't you see me?"

Xiao Jing shook her head. "You are not here. When I woke up, you were not here. Where were you? You tell me, I will go to you."

Shen Shengfeng held her in his arms. "Fool, I've been here all the time. I didn't leave. Maybe you just fell asleep and didn't see me. When you wake up, you will be able to see me."

"I just woke up."

"It's possible I went out."

"Then I will wake up now, will you come back?" Xiao Jing raised her head and stared at his eyebrows.

Shen Shengfeng nodded solemnly, "Yeah, I'll be back when you wake up."

"But if you're not there?"

"Then you sleep well again."

Xiao Jing tearful-eyed, "Did you lie to me?"

"Why should I lie to my little Jing?" Shen Shengfeng held her face in both hands, and the indescribable frowns in her eyebrows, "Even if I lose the whole world, I alone will not lose her a penny, she is me The person on the apex hurts her, and my heart will die. "

"But I'm afraid, I don't want to wake up, you will be gone when you wake up." Xiao Jing hugged his waist.

Shen Shengfeng kissed her forehead. "What's foolish? Whether I'm awake or asleep, I'm right at your fingertips and guarding you."

"Did you lie to me?" Xiao Jing felt the coldness of his body, she felt very strange. This was clearly a dream. Why did she think he was cold all over, like a dead body without temperature, she was afraid, she Helpless, she shivered.

"You asked this question."

"Then I ask again, did you lie to me?" Xiao Jing stared at his eyes persistently.

Shen Shengfeng shook his head. "I won't lie to Xiaojing."

Xiao Jing grinned and smiled, but the smile on her face hadn't had time to bloom, and the figure near her seemed more and more transparent. Finally, the sun penetrated his body, and he disappeared without trace.

Xiao Jing fluttered forward reflexively, trying to hug him, but he was gone, right here in front of him, gone.

The footsteps around her were getting denser and denser, she couldn't hear, couldn't see, her body fluttered lightly, as if the smoke would go out at any moment.

"Mom." Shen Sanfen ran to the yard, tripped his right leg over his left leg, and fell directly to the ground. He raised his head high, looked at the empty yard in front of him, and called again, "Mom."

"How did Xiaobao come out?" Yan Yan followed gaspingly, "You alone?"

Shen Sanfen did not respond, still staring at the open space in front of him, "Mom."

Yan Zheng shuddered involuntarily, "What is Xiaobao talking about?"

Shen Sanfen got up from the ground and ran forward, "Mom, Mom."

Yan Yan looked around. The courtyard was empty and there was no one, but the child was screaming and running, as if he really had his mother in front of him.

Xiao Jing heard the sound, and she lowered her head, and the child had run to her eyes.

Shen Sanfen opened his arms and asked for a hug, "Mother hug, mother hug."

Xiao Jing didn't move, his eyes stared at the child with only his thigh height.

"Mother hugs." Shen Sanfen continued to reach out and saw his mother didn't respond. He cried a little. "Mother hugs, mother hugs the baby."

Xiao Jing didn't seem to hear him again, and his body gradually became transparent.

Shen Sanfen chased a step, and fell to the ground again. He looked at the woman who was not in front of his eyes, and his little feet stared, and climbed forward.

"Booming." It was a sunny day, and suddenly there were dark clouds, and thunder and lightning flashed in the dark clouds, as if a storm would come at any time.

Yan Zheng looked back from the shock and hurried over, "What happened to Xiaobao?"

"Dangdang." The thunderbolt that pierced the sky penetrated the clouds, and in the middle split into a large tree about twenty meters away from them.

The tree was split by lightning and split in an instant, and the branches and leaves were burning with raging fire, scaring the surrounding citizens in a panic.

Afraid that the child would be injured, Yan Ao hurriedly picked him up. "What's wrong with Xiaobao telling grandma?"

Shen Sanfen's little hand was holding his little face, crying and grieving and making people laugh.

Yan Zheng wiped his face, "Don't cry, don't cry, shall we go first?"

"Mom, mom." Shen Sanfen held Yan Yan's arm. "Mom flew away, and mom flew away."

With a little in his heart, Yan Yan ran into the hospital with his child.

In the ward, doctors and nurses gathered around the bed, one by one stiff and helpless.

Qin Yue looked at them, his legs were soft, and he fell straight to the ground.

Xiao Yi could not enter the ward, but suddenly saw that everyone was motionless. What does the long horizontal line on the ECG monitor mean?

His daughter is gone?

Qin Yue pounced in despair, "Do n’t stop, do n’t stop, what are you stopping to do? My daughter was just fine, she was still talking to me, why did n’t you save her, you save it quickly She. "

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, we have tried our best." The chief doctor took off his mask and lowered his head in apologetic apology.

"I don't want to listen to these words, what do you want? I have all my heart, spleen, lung, kidney, and kidney. What do you want, I will give, save my daughter, save her." Qin Yan grabbed the doctor's shoulder and growled, " She was just fine, just a few minutes ago, she was fine. "

Yan Yan ran into the ward with her child in her ward. Seeing this scene, her heart seemed to have been dug a hole in an instant, so painful that she almost didn't mention it and fell down.

Shen Sanfen ran to the bed, with big eyes Mu Ne stared at the woman who had no blood on the bed. There was blood on her mouth. He stretched out his own small hand and wiped it gently for her. "Mom . "

The woman did not respond, was she asleep?

Shen Sanfen climbed into the bed, curled up in her mother's arms as usual, clinging to her warmth.

"Little Treasure--" Yan Yan covered his mouth, his tears screamed and quieted.

Shen Sanfen desperately leaned into Xiao Jing's arms, her little hand stuck to her calm heart, "Mom doesn't want Xiaobao anymore, mother cries and doesn't need Xiaobao anymore."

"What's going on?" Mrs. Shen stumbled into the ward. "Who can tell me what's going on?"

"Mother." Yan Yan bowed his head, unable to speak for a long time.

Mrs. Shen looked at the medical staff who were motionless in front of her, "Save, what are you standing for? Why don't you save her?"

"Old lady, Major General Xiao Jing complicated with postpartum amniotic fluid embolism, we have done our best, but unfortunately still unable to return to heaven."

"Don't tell me these words, I don't want to listen to them, all I need is my granddaughter, she is alive and well, she wants to be alive." Mrs. Shen raised her hand to stop the doctor's explanation, and she said forcefully "Save her, save her now, save her!"

"Yes." The doctors stepped forward again.

"Will Xiaobao go out with grandma?" Yan Yan tried to pick up the child, but was bounced two steps when he touched him, and bounced two steps by him.

Shen Sanfen closed his eyes, and the faint light condensed under his palm. If he did not look closely, he would not be able to see what he was doing.

"Fast apart." Yan Yan saw the child's movements and shouted subconsciously.

The surrounding medical staff had not recovered, and a dazzling light enveloped everyone.

"Alas." Almost everyone was toppled to the ground uncontrollably.

Lampshades on the ceiling, table lamps on small tables, TVs on the walls, kettles on cabinets, wind chimes hanging on windows.

Everything in the room was shattered as if it had gone through a catastrophe, and it was all messy.

Xiao Yuan was the furthest away. He stood up slowly against the wall. He didn't know what had been cut off by his clothes. He was a little stunned and looked at the bed in stun. The whole room seemed to have the same ECG. The monitor is still intact.

"Hey, ye, ye, ye." A strong heartbeat pulsed on the screen, and the rise in the oxygen cylinder began to supply quietly. The pale, paper-like daughter on the bed seemed to have recovered a little. .

Shen Sanfen fell asleep and smelled a familiar taste. He bent his mouth and said, "Mom, mom."

The sudden scene scared everyone to dare not even move, one by one lying on the ground nervously, pretending to be dead.

Qin Yue ran away, and she said, "My family, Jingjing, is here, and is here."

"Take care of the wound." The director got up from the ground, ignored the wolverines on his body, and hurriedly called someone to push the wheel bed.

Yan Zheng recovered from shock and took the child off the bed. He seemed very tired and exhausted, and fell asleep completely.

Time flicks away every minute and second, and it gets dark during the day and bright at night.

Shen sat on the sofa all day, looking dignified.

Yan Yan also made countless laps around the house and couldn't stop for a moment. "It's been two days. Why hasn't Xiaobao woke up yet?"

Shen Tian leaned forward one day, staring like a torch on the small three-pointer sleeping heavily on the bed, his brows locked, "Should the doctor check it?"

"The old lady hasn't rested for a few days now. If you let her know that the child is having problems again, I'm afraid it will be more difficult, or wait, maybe the child will wake up later." Body temperature, everything is normal.

Shen pinched the bridge of his nose one day, "Now there is no news from the third child, and Xiao Jing is in trouble again, and now the child is in trouble again."

"The third child will definitely come back, he will come back." Yan Yan said to himself, "How could he be willing to leave like this, how could he leave so silently? He would never do this . "

The wind was quiet, blowing across the grass, and a pair of feet hurried over.

The dilapidated small residential building was blown off by a wall, and the whole house was crumbling, as if it would collapse at any time.

A small child hurriedly ran into the yard. After observing around, she closed the gate cautiously.

"Did you find anything to eat?" A middle-aged woman came out of the room.

The little girl took out her pockets and finally took out a little bit of bread. "It's all fried, and the convenience store has already been emptied."

The middle-aged woman looked at the only bag of bread, then looked back at the few children behind, and several injured men and women, and shook their heads. "What can I do?"

"Give me something." A man in his thirties or so robbed it at an unexpected rate, and ate a bag of bread in one bite.

The next three or four children looked at him helplessly, and finally curled up in the corner.

The man's right leg was injured. After eating the only food left, he dragged his leg and sat back on the ground, totally unconscious of the vicious eyes around him.

A woman stood up, "You have been out for so long and you only found a little food? I don't believe it. Search me."

The little girl took off her coat. "I didn't find anything. This bag of bread is still mom—"

The middle-aged woman shook her head. "There is nothing left to eat, so I can no longer live here."

"You are still hiding food?" The man struggled to get up. "Give the food out, hand it over quickly."

Middle-aged women are surrounded by several men and women, pointing fiercely at them.

The little girl hid in her mother's arms and shouted in despair, "Mom."

"We have no food. You have been here for the past few days and you have seen that everything you can eat at home is for you." The middle-aged woman explained, "This bag of bread was given to my child a few days ago. She Save it. "

"I don't listen to those reasons. I want food. I want food." The woman grabbed the girl's arm frantically. "Go out and look for it."

In the corner, the stunned man moved his hands.

"Uncle, are you awake?" The little boy squatted on the ground, watching helplessly and rescued him for four days. Finally, there was a man who was a little quiet.

Shen Shengfeng opened his eyes slightly, and his body was severely burned up and down. In this case, if ordinary people are afraid that they can't stand it any longer.

He took a breath and wanted to sit up, but he couldn't move and he couldn't move. The dim vision gradually became clear. He looked at the child who was only about seven or eight years old, and listened to the constant quarrels around him, cough , Coughing up a thick mouthful of blood.

"Uncle, do you hurt?" The little boy reached out and wiped the blood off his mouth.

Shen Shengfeng seemed to be stuck in his heart. He wanted to cough, but when he coughed, the wounds all burst open. He had to open his mouth, panting hard, trying to make himself more comfortable.

"Uncle, are you uncomfortable?" The little boy took a little bowl next to him and poured a little water to prepare for him to drink, but after taking two steps, he was snatched by one hand.

The man who grabbed things was still the man, and the man shouted in dismay, "What kind of water does a half-dead wasteman drink? We don't have food now, and the water is almost gone. We are not allowed to give him anything to drink, any water to drink."

The little boy watched innocently as the man drank a bowl of water, and finally sat back on the ground contentedly.

"Uncle, I can't **** it back." The little boy squatted on the ground and had to pout to look at the uncle who was trying hard to survive.

Shen Shengfeng closed her eyes, her mouth was indeed dry, and the blood coagulated in her mouth, with a strong smell of rust.

"Uncle, I have water for you." The other child passed his own kettle, "You drink a little."

"Maca, feed slowly, my uncle will catch it." The little boy took it and fed it himself.

"Brother, will your uncle die?" The eyes of the little girl called Maca turned red. "Their grown-ups are good or bad, I'm so scared."

"Brother is here. Don't be afraid. Brother will protect Maca."

"But I'm hungry." Maca touched her belly. "Maca is really hungry."

The little boy put the kettle in her hand. "Brother went to find Maca for food. You stay here to take good care of your uncle."

The middle-aged woman saw the child who ran out, and wanted to stop him, but before she could say anything, she was glared by a pair of vicious eyes.

The little girl Meifeng ran to Maca, secretly stuffed the cookies she hid into her palms, and whispered, "Hurry up."

A delight in Maca's heart, instead of putting it in her mouth, she handed it to Shen Shengfeng, and she lowered her voice, "Uncle eat quickly."

Shen Shengfeng looked at the two children and the little food left in their hands and shook his head.

Maca worried that he couldn't swallow, and opened his mouth little by little. "Eat, uncle."

Shen Shengfeng closed his eyes, and finally opened his mouth. The food seemed to have a special magic power, which made him swallow uncontrollably. "Thank you."

Mei Feng grieved and said, "I'm gone, they've been taken away."

Maca held Mei Feng's arm. "Sister, why did you save them, and they still want to grab your stuff?"

Mei Feng looked at a group of people around, she didn't know. During this kind of war, the family was ruined. Why did they bully their orphans and widows?

The little boy ran out for about half an hour and ran back again. He panted and handed the two apples he picked up from the fruit shop to his sister.

A big palm was stretched out without a trace and forcibly snatched an apple. The man smiled and said, "Yes, yes, but also found fruit."

"This is for my sister." The little boy anxiously wanted to grab it back.

The man pushed him away with a slap, and said with high airs, "Go on one side, or I'll **** the other together."

The little boy hurried to hide the apple.

Seeing this scene, several other adults struggled to get up one by one, seeing that the situation was also ready to run to grab.

The middle-aged woman stood in front of them, "This is the child who picked it up at risk. How can you say that you should grab it? You won't feel guilty, don't you feel shame?"

The woman said, "Don't tell me these kindness and morals at this time. I only need food and I want to live."

Middle-aged women were forcibly pushed away by several people.

The little boy stepped back, "Don't you come over, what do you want to do?"

Maca hid behind her brother in fear, "Brother I don't want to, brother I won't eat anymore."

Several hands reached at the same time.

"Well." A shell landed in the yard, and a deep pit was instantly hit.

The power of the explosion overturned everyone on the spot, and they fell to the ground one by one, looking at the bomb that fell suddenly in panic.

"Meifeng, come here, come here." The middle-aged woman hid at the corner, calling for her daughter.

Meifeng hugged Maca, the whole house was teetering.

"I just saw someone coming in, there must be someone inside, attacking." There were sounds of car motors from far and near the yard.

The man listened to the voice outside the door and lifted the little boy up. "It's you who are exposed, that is, you brought the enemy.

The little boy was suspended, and he struggled hard, "Let me go, let me go."

The man glared, "You die for me."

Then he planned to throw the child out.

The little boy kicked the injured arm of the man. Due to the pain, the man naturally released the restraint on him.

"You bastard." The man thought about going to catch him again.

The little boy ran fast, grabbed his sister's hand and ran to the backyard.

Marka pointed at Shen Shengfeng, who couldn't move on the ground, and shouted, "What about my uncle?"

The middle-aged woman embraced her child and planned to leave the backyard without looking back.

"Mom, uncle." Meifeng could not bear to look at Shen Shengfeng.

"No matter, no more." The middle-aged woman refused.

The little boy ran back, and he tried to drag Shen Shengfeng, but his weak strength couldn't even pull him.

Shen Shengfeng shook his head, "Hurry up."

The explosion continued, and the car was getting closer.

Marka held his other arm. "Uncle, get up, uncle, get up."

Shen Shengfeng didn't know where he was coming from, and staggered to his feet, stepping towards the backyard step by step.

"Well." The house collapsed behind them, blocking the enemy's path by the way.

The small basement was strewn with stench everywhere.

Shen Shengfeng leaned against the wall, his eyes glanced at the two siblings hugging him.

"Grumbling." Almost everyone's stomachs resonated with hunger.

"Brother, are we dying?" Maca leaned on the little boy's shoulder, his consciousness flickering.

Her eyes are very beautiful. They are blue like the clear lake water, which is especially clean.

Mas held his sister and her mouth was dry and cracked. "No, there is an elder brother. The elder brother will find food for the sister."

"Brother, do you say Mom and Dad will look at us in heaven?"

"Yes." Mas held his sister tightly. "Is it cold?"

"Maca is not cold, Maca is hungry."

Shen Sheng stared at the two siblings hugging each other, his fingers moved, he tried to stand up against the wall.

"What do you say you are carrying this half-dead man?" The man gave Shen Shengfeng a disapproval glance.

Shen Shengfeng looked back unwillingly.

The man's anger was just too late to be ignited again, and he yelled, "What do you think? Lao Tzu is very uncomfortable now. You better not mess with me, or I will kill you first."

Shen Shengfeng narrowed his eyes and seemed to provoke him.

The man threw down the stone in his hand and rushed over.

The middle-aged woman tried to stop him, and he was overturned to the ground as soon as she said a word.

The man snorted, "If it wasn't for you to help me for two days, I would kill you together."

Shen Shengfeng's tone was tepid. "In the face of life and death, human nature is really worthless."

"Tell me less about those principles, I only know the truth under my fist." The man rolled up his sleeves and prepared to kill the waste first.

"Kill him, kill him." Someone coaxed.

The man raised his fist and smashed it hard.

Shen Shengfeng raised his hand one block. Although there was not much energy after a serious injury, it was more than enough to deal with this kind of jumping beam clown.

The man did not expect to be blocked by him, and intended to raise his foot and attack from below.

Shen Shengfeng preemptively lifted his legs and hit the kneecap of the other side.

The man's body fell down reflexively.

Shen Shengfeng twisted his wrist with one hand, and a slight click was amplified in the basement.

"Ah, ah." The man screamed out in pain because of the severe pain in the broken bone.

Shen Shengfeng did not show any sympathy to his subordinates. He broke his hand, and by the way scrapped his arm. His fingertips exerted a force from his shoulder.

"Ah." The man jerked up and down.

Shen Shengfeng took off his arm and slapped him on the face again. He leaned against the wall and panted, "I won't kill you, your blood is not worthy of being stained on my hand."

The man fell to the ground and shivered violently.

The people around the show were afraid to hide their bodies one by one.

Shen Shengfeng sat on the ground in a relaxed state.

In the closed basement, the raven was silent when he walked.

"Brother, uncle is great." Maka whispered.

Shen Shengfeng beckoned towards the little girl.

Maca trot over without any thought, and smiled sweetly, "Uncle."

Shen Shengfeng rubbed her little head. "Uncle tests you a question."

Maca nodded. "Maca is smart."

Shen Shengfeng said, "In our country of flowering, there are many ways to die. The emperor is dead and killed, the monk is dead and death, the hero is dead and sacrificed, and the good dead are called heaven. Do you know what the bad people die ? "

Maca shook her head unknown, "What's your name?"

Shen Shengfeng looked at the man lying on the ground, with a three-point smile on his corner of his mouth.

The man knew that he was scolding himself, but he was too angry to speak, pretending not to hear.

The moonlight softly fell on the ground, and a sound of footsteps rang loudly around.

A soldier replied, "The search is complete and no suspicious people have been seen."

A soldier on the other side also ran back, "The search is complete, and no suspicious people have been seen."

Qiao Buye sat on the stone and cut a piece of lamb with a saber. The flesh was overflowing, and he said, "It runs really fast."

The soldiers around did not speak.

Qiao Buye tore off a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. "Go and slaughter the two sheep and grill them on fire."

The soldiers did not dare to delay and hurried to kill two sheep on the spot.

The whole sheep in the barbecue exudes an inconceivable fragrance. As the night breeze rises, the fragrance spreads, causing all soldiers to swallow involuntarily.

In the basement, someone smelled the meat and stood up one by one with excitement.

"What is the taste?"

"The taste of roasted whole lamb."

"Meat is the taste of meat."

Everyone could not help but want to run out of the basement.

The middle-aged woman stopped, "Can't go out."

The woman pushed her away. "I can't stand it. I want to eat. I want to eat."

More than half of the people couldn't stand the temptation and ran out one after another.

Maca also wanted to run out, but was pulled tightly by her brother.

"Brother, I'm so hungry."

Human nature is so weird, you can pretend not to be hungry the moment before, but once you see the food and smell the food, the secret that you want to cover up will be exaggerated by infinite enlargement, even crazy possession With reason.

"Can't go out, it's dangerous outside," Mas comforted. "Soon will be fine."

"Maca is so hungry, so hungry." Maca held her knees.

"Brother goes out to see, Maca is obedient, you know?"

Maca nodded. "Oh, obediently."

Shen Shengfeng reached out to stop the child. "This is the enemy's strategy to seduce the enemy, and he will only die if he goes out."

"My sister is hungry, I am also hungry, and my uncle is hungry." Mas ran out persistently.

Shen Shengfeng was so weak that he couldn't stop the child from leaving, so he had to watch him leave.

The middle-aged woman sat on the ground and sighed, "They are leaving quickly, as long as they are gone, we can go out."

Everyone ran out of the basement madly, climbed to the ruins, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, almost everyone was crazy.

"Meat, all meat, very fragrant and fragrant meat."

It was just that they had not found the so-called flesh, and the bullets were overwhelming.

Mas rolled down from the rubble, and red blood splattered on his face, his little hand moved, and he stretched forward for a long, long time.

"My sister is hungry. My sister is really hungry and hungry." He crawled forward, his blood stained a whole stone.

Qiao Buye went to the child and turned him over with military boots. "Tell uncle, where did you come from?"

"Mom said, take care of her sister, take care of her sister."

Qiao Buye crouched down, accentuated, "Who else is hiding inside?"

"My younger sister is my brother."

Job lost his patience, and the muzzle rested on his forehead. "I asked you who was hiding inside?"

The little boy grabbed his hand. "Don't kill my sister, she's only five years old, she's only five years old."

"Hmm." The bullet penetrated the child's eyebrow, and he fell to the ground with the most ignorant memory of the world.

A tear dripped from the corner of the eye, the stars in the sky seemed to flash, the smiling face of the little girl, the tenderness of the mother, and the care of the father all became blood-red memories in the flames of war.

Qiao Buye stood up, gritted his teeth, and pointed at the ruins in front. "Digging three feet will kill all the people, leaving no one, killing all."

"Yes, general."

There was a rumbling sound on the ground. Armed tanks rolled over the debris of the ruins. A cannonball ignited the darkness of the night sky and exploded on the ground.

The basement shook and the entire wall of lime began to fall off.

Middle-aged women hugged their children, "Can't escape, collapsed, collapsed."