MTL - Kanagawa Taoist College Students-Chapter 26 Yamamoto sister

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"Hao Er!" Yamamoto's voice also saw Li Xuehao, disregarding the two pretty looks of the girl who was quite cute, and looked at him with a horrified look.

"Yue Yin Xuejie." Li Xuehao was discovered because of Yamamoto's voice, so no one went in, stepped forward and joined several people.

"Why are you here alone, good?" I didn't find the figure of my brother, Yamamoto asked.

"He is inside." Li Xuehao licked his nose and his eyes turned unnaturally.

It’s really amazing to dress up Yamamoto’s voice, because it’s outside the school, not wearing school uniforms, just a simple dress, but still has amazing charm.

The white one-neck t-shirt, slantingly revealing the shoulders on the left side, can see the round and **** clavicle. Compared with the uniform of the school, there is more mature and charming than the college girls.

Especially on the chest, although the t-shirt is slightly loose, even if it is a part that adult women can't match, the curve of pride is still revealed.

The lower body is a mid-length dress with a variety of small flower patterns. It just reveals a smooth and delicate calf. The beige high-heeled sandals are worn on the feet, which makes her whole person suddenly taller and more perfect.

The short hair on the head has also been carefully treated. In the position of the right ear, it is fixed with a delicate little ornament. The unique atmosphere of the young girl is also facing the face of this small jewelry.

There are pure girls and **** women. These two different temperament are perfectly combined with one person, even if it is a long-haired boy named Nojima who did not deal with Yamamoto’s voice. Not so sullen, with a little bit ugly but really a smile on my face.

"Then let's go in, Hao Er." Yamamoto sighed and said with a smile, greeting the two female companions around, and went in first.

As for the three long-haired boys, it is estimated that they are not very popular objects, so they did not say hello.

Li Xuehao just had to follow him, but his gaze was a slight meal, because he suddenly felt the sharp eyes of the long-haired boy next to him, the kind of hostile sight.

"Hey, are you called Hao Er? Is it a freshman in the first grade?" The long-haired boy suddenly stopped calling him.

"Is there something?" Li Xuehao turned and looked at each other with a flat face. I haven't seen it in a day, and the evil spirits on the other side are more intense. I want to come to the evil spirits to invade him more deeply.

"I am the second grader Nojima Nojima, the vice president of the student association." The long-haired boys are introducing themselves, and the tone is also the kind of high above.

Li Xuehao’s heart is slightly moved, Nojima Nojima? The name he heard, from the moonlight knot, seems to be the opponent who wants to compete with the Yamamoto voice to the president of the student association. I can’t think of the wild island as the wild island.

"Hey, see the predecessors, do you really know how to salute?" Perhaps it was Li Xuehao who did not respond. One of the two followers of Nojima Nojima stood up and pointed to his arrogant statement.

"This is outside the school." Li Xuehao looked calm and returned, for what kind of person, he used what attitude. He is still a little scrupulous in school, after all, the entire Japanese system is like this. But outside the school, he doesn't have to be so serious.

The two followers heard this sentence, and they were mad at the time. Regardless of their height and disadvantage, they had to learn to teach a new life without politeness, but they were dragged by Noda Yoshio, who was also a gloomy color.

"You better stay away from the voice, don't blame me for not warning you."

Throwing this sentence, Nojima Noda took a step into the karaoke, and the two followers glared at Li Xuehao and followed them with arrogance.

Li Xuehao shook his head slightly. The threat of this level was not even as good as the middle-aged man before he left. He didn't have to worry about it. Moreover, the trouble that the other party can find him again is a problem. The evil spirit is not a vegetarian. From the point of view of its violation of Nojima Nojima, it is estimated that it can't wait.

Before entering the karaoke, Li Xuehao sent an email to Mr. Yamamoto to tell him that his sister had arrived. As for whether he could receive it in time and rushed to the private room, it would be his good fortune.


"Hoo, you are here, good too. You are not saying that he is here?" Li Xuehao just entered the private room, and Yamamoto's voice eagerly asked.

Actually haven't returned yet?

Li Xuehao’s heart is also a sigh, so it’s only unfortunate that Yamamoto is too bad. It is estimated that the dance performance was too much investment, so I did not notice that I sent an email to him.

"Maybe I went out? Is it going to the toilet?" Li Xuehao asked himself and asked himself, and he thought that he would be benevolent to Yamamoto.

However, sitting on the side of Nojima Noda, seeing Li Xuehao and Yamamoto’s voice are obviously very dissatisfied. He said with a gloomy face: "Good is probably in the hall. After all, this place... I heard that there is a hall, which is very It’s lively, but it doesn’t seem to be suitable for us to go in.”

This knife is really awkward, and even faintly has the meaning of pulling Li Xuehao into the water.

"This bastard!" Yamamoto's voice bite his teeth, probably with her understanding of her brother, it is estimated that it is also guessed.

Li Xuehao also has nothing to say, Yamamoto is too destined to be unlucky. However, out of loyalty to AUO, he believes that he can remedy it again: "My sister, I will go find it."

"I am going with you." Yamamoto nodded and nodded.

"Good." Li Xuehao smiled in his heart. In this way, the original Yamamoto may be just a half-dead state, and now it is really dead.

Yamamoto’s voice greeted the two girls, then called Li Xuehao out of the private room, along the dark corridor to the hall.

Apparently she had been to this place before, so it is also very clear where the hall is.

Followed by Yamamoto's voice, he returned to the hall, Li Xuehao's eyes, and soon found the Yamamoto Ryota in the crowd.

This kid has been stunned by the girl who only wears a piece of pipa on the stage, and squeezed to the edge of the stage, and climbed up.

Perhaps because I know my brother's disposition very well, Yamamoto's voice is also in the same direction as Li Xuehao, and then I found the position of Yamamoto.

"Stupid!" Yamamoto's mouth whispered in a low voice, and he would go over there.

Li Xuehao grabbed her in anxious situation: "Sister of the voice, I still go there, there are too many people there." Mainly Li Xuehao thinks that Yamamoto’s voice is so crowded into the crowd, and will definitely touch other people’s bodies. Together, her body is particularly full, and it feels a pity to touch other men.

"Then you are careful, Koji." Yamamoto's voice is a little red, and the hand that is being pulled is not in a hurry to pull back, so it is so pulling.

Li Xuehao also realized that his movements were a little big, he let go of his hands and then squeezed into the crowd. Soon after squeezing to Yamamoto, he patted his shoulder: "Yamamoto."

Unexpectedly, there was no reaction at all, and Yamamoto was still staring at the stage, his eyes motionless.

Li Xuehao was speechless and took pictures with gravity.

This time Yamamoto was too responsive, but still did not look back, but impatiently reached out and moved Li Xuehao's hand away.

Li Xuehao really has nothing to say. The sounds of the Yamamoto that he is doing now are on the sidelines. The more the Yamamoto Ryo is acting on the stage, the worse the consequences may be.

"Yamamoto!" Li Xuehao bundled his voice into the ear of Shan Benliang, and finally woke him up.

"... Really, are you here?" Turning around and seeing Li Xuehao, Yamamoto is too excited to realize that he has been here for a long time.

"Yamamoto, your sister is also here." Li Xuehao pointed to the position of Yamamoto's voice.

When I followed the direction of Li Xuehao's fingers and saw a sneer-sistered sister, Yamamoto's face immediately became pale. The original excitement disappeared long ago, and the whole body shook slightly. It was obviously scared. Arrived.

"True, this time you must save me, please be sure to save me again, just say that you pulled me here, please!" Yamamoto is too grasping the only Li Xuehao who may help him, and started his pit again. Teammate plan.


Li Xuehao almost screamed, and this pit teammate's Yamamoto, at this time, actually wants to continue to hang him, but fortunately he had met Yamamoto's voice outside, or it is really possible to carry this black pot.

"Yamamoto, I came with your sister. I just met her at the door."

"Ah!" Yamamoto was too dumbfounded, even though he still couldn't understand why AUO, who came in with him and said that he came with his sister, still felt that life was dark.

In the middle of the battle, with the help of Li Xuehao, Yamamoto was too out of the crowd to come to his sister.

"Good ~ too ~" Yamamoto's voice squinted, it seems that the whole person exudes an invisible murderous, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

Li Xuehao is consciously too far away from Yamamoto. At this time, it is not the time to talk about loyalty.

"Sister..." Yamamoto said too lowly, "I am just, just..."

"What is it?" Yamamoto's voice gnawed his teeth.

"...I am just looking for water to drink..."

"噗~~" Li Xuehao didn't hold back, almost laughed out loud, but still let Yamamoto's sister heard the movement he had.

Yamamoto’s voice saw Li Xuehao’s eyes, then stared at his younger brother, and the forehead’s muscles jumped.

Yamamoto Ryota looked at Li Xuehao very resentfully, and seemed to say that even if you don't help, there is no need to fall into the rocks.

"Good, are you really just looking for water to drink?" Yamamoto's voice is already on the verge of a volcanic eruption, and his "killing" is getting stronger and stronger. "You want to tell me, is water in that woman?" ?"


"Go back and give me all the snacks!" If it wasn't for the wrong environment, Yamamoto's voice was estimated to have already taught the younger brother who hated the iron.

"I have already eaten a bit." Yamamoto said too quietly.

"Give me the food that I didn't eat, and buy it with your pocket money and return it to me." Yamamoto's voice is not merciless.

Yamamoto is too mournful: "Sister..."

"Shut up! Then go to the side and rot quietly." Yamamoto's voice interrupted him coldly, "Ho, let's go." Pulling Li Xuehao's hand turned and left, completely ignoring his brother's life and death.

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