MTL - Kanagawa Taoist College Students-Chapter 27 Socialize

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When seeing Li Xuehao and Yamamoto's voices hand in hand into the private room, Nojima Noda's face instantly darkened, and his eyes were murderously murderous.

"Ho, I will introduce you, they are my AUO, Iizuka Haruko and Ogura love." Yamamoto's voice took Li Xuehao to sit down on the couch, next to her two female companions.

Among them, the long hair shawl is the rice cooker, the doll head is Xiaocang love, the two girls are also very cute, I believe that there are many boys in the school.

"The two school sisters are good." Li Xuehao is actually a bit embarrassed, because now, Yamamoto's voice has not released his hand, still clenched, but he can not directly open the hands of others, it is too Give face.

"Hello." Iizuka Haruko and Ogura Ai also looked up at Li Xuehao, and they used a gaze to talk about it. This is what happened to Yamamoto: "Oh, are you two friends?"

cough! Li Xuehao feels even more embarrassed, but the hands of the two are so tightly glued. Under this circumstance, I believe that there is no communication and no one believes.

Although Yamamoto’s voice is also blushing, he said very broadly: “We haven’t officially contacted yet, but we’re going to try it out.” Saying, almost the eyes that drip out of water are placed directly on Li Xuehao’s Face.

"Speaking sister..." Li Xuehao was shocked a bit, but his heart was surprisingly calm. He had been holding his hand from Yamamoto's voice, and he was faintly aware. It’s just that the two talents don’t know each other for two days. Is this going too fast?

"Hoo, don't you like me?" Yamamoto asked a little shyly.

"No." Li Xuehao shook his head and said that he didn't like it. It was impossible. I wouldn't say that Yamamoto's voice is still his sister of AUO Yamamoto, and she can feel it better, plus It was also amazed outside, and for those who had never had such an experience before, there was still some ecstasy in his heart.

"Then you don't want to associate with me?" Yamamoto continued to ask.


"Then I know, from today, we have officially exchanged." With a satisfactory answer, Yamamoto's voice lifted the hands of the two people together and shook them to show that the future relationship is different.

Looking at Yamamoto’s sweet voice with a happy smile, Li Xuehao was also melted at this moment. Suddenly, I felt that there was a girlfriend who was also a good friend. At least I will be accompanied by someone in the future. I don’t have to be in the house like the predecessor. What a place to cultivate, boring, not too fast to enter the country.

This is also the main reason why he deliberately stayed in the school as a student. He didn't want to repeat the life he had before, because he was too eager to practice, and the result was the end of his death.

Thinking about this, Li Xuehao is not an indecisive person. He slightly tightened the small hand of Yamamoto's voice and said with sincerity: "There is a good voice, so I will take care of you in the future."

Li Xuehao personally confirmed that Yamamoto’s voice also completely put aside the worry in her heart. She also clenched her hand a little, and the tone of her voice also brought with her relatives: “Hao Er is really cute, now we have Start to socialize, you can call my name directly."

The two of them are so bright and showable, and the people on the side are full of flavor.

Iizuka Haruko and Ogura love, of course, have a blessing to the AUO to harvest sweet love, but Nojima Nojima is different. For Yamamoto, the original is only when she is a competitor, but one tonight. Under the astounding, my heart also had a different kind of mind, and this was a thick face to follow the karaoke, and even in my heart is also ready to give up the election of the biological leader to complete her.

It was just this scene in front of him that completely shredded the point in his heart, and the blue veins on his forehead fainted, pointing at the two people shaking and saying: "Yuan, you..."

"Please call my full name or surname." Yamamoto's voice did not have a good face for him, said coldly. In front of the boys who interacted, she didn't want to be called intimately by other boys.

Nojima Nojima feels mad and mad, pointing at Yamamoto's voice almost screaming: "As a secretary of the biological society, you are not ashamed of a junior student."

"This is my own business, it doesn't bother you." Yamamoto's voice replied mercilessly.

Nojima Nojima wants to be crazy. Unfortunately, he is not a man of Yamamoto's voice. He has no position to blame the other party. He stares at Li Xuehao with a bad look and then slams the door with two followers.

Just as Yamamoto was too stunned to walk in from the outside, seeing the atmosphere in the private room was a bit secret, plus the three people of Nojima Nojima who met at the door, and some asked in a blank way: "What happened?"

"Hey, Yamamoto, are you back?" Li Xuehao said hello to him lightly, feeling that his identity is different, and he is not too serious about Yamamoto.

"True?" Yamamoto is too confused, because he also feels out, Li Xuehao had never used such a contemptuous tone to talk to him.

Suddenly, the eyes stared at the hands of AUO and my sister who were tightly held together. They looked dull and asked: "You two..."

"Liangtai, today, I officially exchanged with Hao Er." Faced with his younger brother, Yamamoto's voice is not unnatural, but he is still very serious.

"You...communicate?" Yamamoto's mouth is so open that he can put down a few eggs. After returning to God, he is angry and angry. "How come, why don't you tell me? It's awful!"

Looking at the excitement of Yamamoto's good performance, Li Xuehao secretly suspected that this guy would not have any love sister complex? Sister control?

"Why, do you have any dissatisfaction?" Even if it is a younger brother, if you dare to oppose it, Yamamoto's voice will not be easily let go, and the "killing" of the whole body will break out again.

Yamamoto's momentary momentum has shrunk back. Under the deterrent of his sister, how dare he has any rebellious mentality, just because he heard the shocking news and was a bit wrong.

"Sister, how can I be dissatisfied as a younger brother, but in my heart, it is my AUO. In this case, the snacks that I have eaten will not have to be spent on pocket money and returned to you?" Yamamoto is too pleased.

"If there is no opinion in Hao Er, I will not pursue it." Yamamoto voiced a sweet look at Li Xuehao.

Yamamoto was too nervous to look at him with a pitiful look: "True..."

Li Xuehao licked his nose, but did not expect Yamamoto voice to give his decision to himself. Half jokingly said: "No, the snacks you have eaten are counted, but if you haven't eaten, you have to divide me half."

"Yeah, really, I want to kill!" Yamamoto was rushing to the front, but before he rushed to the front, he slammed his head heavily, and screamed, looking at Yamamoto’s voice with a look of resentment. Sister, you hit me."

"This is a lesson to understand how to respect the elders." Yamamoto's voice snorted.

"But really and I am a peer." Yamamoto is too arguing.

"Is it?" Yamamoto's voice narrowed his eyes.

"It’s a brother-in-law, it’s an elder." Yamamoto was too acquainted.

Looking at the way Yamamoto is too trained, Li Xuehao’s heart is dark and refreshing. Do you have the potential of black belly? However, Yamamoto was too plunged before himself. This is his retribution, haha.


After singing the song from the karaoke, the time is already more than 10 o'clock.

Iizuka Haruko and Ogura love have left the taxi because they are far away from home.

Li Xuehao and the three brothers of Yamamoto are walking. Although the time is not early, the whole city is still like the daylight in the light of the colorful lights.

The three people walked on the sidewalk along the road, and occasionally there were passers-by, but not many.

"Yue Yin Xuejie..." Shan Benliang, who was walking in front of him, was already far away, and Li Xuehao whispered a word.

"It's a voice!" Yamamoto's voice immediately corrected.

"Yes, voice, can I ask you a question?" Changed the name Li Xuehao did not feel discomfort, the predecessor said how to live is nearly 30 years old, this is still very advantageous in psychological age.

"You ask." Yamamoto's voice rests on Li Xuehao's shoulder. Because of the help of high-heeled sandals, this position is not difficult to maintain.

Li Xuehao asked the question in his heart: "When did you start to want to associate with me?"

When asked about this, Yamamoto's voice lifted his head and then continued on his shoulder: "Hao still remembers the bottle of lipstick printed?"

"Yeah." This point Li Xuehao certainly remembers very clearly.

"I was prepared to give the person I liked, but I was not expected to be drunk by Koji, so I think that Koji is the one who is destined to be intertwined with me."

“Is it just because of this?” Li Xuehao’s glimpse, isn’t this too sloppy?

"Of course not, Hao Er still has many advantages." Yamamoto's voice stood straight, grabbed one of Li Xuehao's arms and took it in his arms. "Speak up, Hao Er, you drank that bottle of drink, we counted indirectly kiss Now."

Li Xuehao feels a little hot, and if he really wants to say it, it really counts. When I thought about it, my heart suddenly moved, looking at the delicate and lovely face of Yamamoto's voice, the red lips of the micro-slip, and the breath of the room.

It seems that Li Xuehao’s eyes were staring at him. Yamamoto’s voice extended his slender index finger and gently pressed it on his lips. He said in a seductive tone: “Hao, do you want to really kiss?”

Li Xuehao's heart immediately jumped up in disappointment, and Yamamoto's voice had closed his eyes, padded his feet, and slowly approached him.

"Hey, what are you doing, how to go so slowly!"

Yamamoto's quite dissatisfied voice came from afar, and both of them were shocked and separated instantly.