MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-Chapter 15 Every brother has his brother!

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On the stand of Jedi Survival, two women Coser wore the clothes in the Jedi Survival.

One is a small skirt suit of the white campus style series; the other is a hat, orange short sleeves and camouflage shorts.

The two female Cos are beautiful and look youthful in this outfit.

此时 However, at this moment, there are not many people in the audience paying attention to these two female Coser.

Since the man in the middle came on stage, countless people from all directions have received news, and they have steadily rushed towards the Jedi survival booth.

All of a sudden, crowds stood in front of the booth.

From time to time, a girl screamed and even confessed.

Uh ...

On the ring, the man standing between the two women Coser was seen wearing sunglasses, with fluffy shreds and looking young.

His face was slightly thin, and the corners of his mouth seemed to have a slight smile at all times. He was wearing a Se7en uniform, without a chain, and the flower bottom shirt was exposed. A very casual feeling.

I have to say that this appearance alone is indeed not lost to the little flesh that is popular now.

Off the stage, Chen Duxiu watched for a while, and couldn't help but sigh and admire, "That's Li Muqiu. I've seen a real person for the first time. It really is the most handsome one in the Se7en team!"

Seeing Chen Duxiu's appearance, Liu Zilang calmly moved two steps and opened the distance between the two.

It wouldn't matter if it was a little girl.

But you have a man who is in the early nineteen-thousand-meters who says these things with a "face obsession", it really makes people wary!

I ca n’t wait!

"The most handsome of Se7en?"

子 Liu Zilang turned his head and said a little uncomfortably, "Who said this?"

"Hey, this is not what I said, but it is generally accepted!" Chen Duxiu shrugged with a smile, and his eyes motioned to the girls who were already crazy around.

I glanced at the situation around, Liu Zilang couldn't help but talk.

But he quickly sneered again, "I don't think so, isn't it that Se7en still had a" black captain "who never showed up?"

"Uh ... seems like it." Chen Duxiu froze, then suddenly guessed, "But is it too ugly ..."


子 Liu Zilang interrupted indignantly, pointing to the stage, "If he shows his face, what's the kid on the stage!"

Looking at Liu Zilang with an angry look, Chen Duxiu couldn't help but ask, wondering, "Are you a fan of 'Captain Black Mask'?"

"I'm a fan of him ..."

子 Liu Zi came to his mouth and hurriedly made a bend, so he didn't say vultures.

嗨 "Hi, then we have nothing to argue with, lover's eyes are good."

Chen Duxiu waved his hand and quickly unveiled the topic. He continued, "But Li Muqiu's powerful skills and the highest killing in Asia! Isn't it hacky?"

子 Liu Zilang froze, and it seemed that Chen Duxiu's previous words didn't seem to be right ... But when he heard the second half of his sentence, he grinned and looked very disdainful.

独 Chen Duxiu saw Liu Zilang's reaction strangely, and suddenly thought of something like, "Oh, did you watch the 35 kill video on the Internet today?"

I heard Chen Duxiu's words, and Liu Zilang froze.


视频 What video?

独 Chen Duxiu thought he understood, and continued with a grin, "That's nothing, don't say that person is only 35 kills, even if 36 kills 37 kills, it will not shake the record of Li Muqiu."

I have to say that although Liu Zilang himself did not take the 35 kills as anything.

But Chen Duxiu heard this for the first time.

Seeing Liu Zilang's doubts, Chen Duxiu smiled and explained, "The nature is different!"

"The 36 kills of the great **** Li Muqiu is a single row. The man in the online video continued to play after his teammate died. To put it plainly, it is a single row of four.

"These two modes have different head-to-head killings. To say that there are four rows in a single player, the current highest record is 40 kills."

After listening to Chen Duxiu's words, Liu Zilang took a look, his face showing a thoughtful expression.

He was trying to ask who the 40 kill record was, and who had thought that Yu Guang could accidentally glance at the corner of his eye, and suddenly saw a familiar figure on the periphery of the crowd!

Zhang Xiaotong!

Squinting to look at that girl's gaze ...

In anxiety, Liu Zilang saw the huge block in front of him, but suddenly flew into his arms.

Uh ...

After a short while.

Liu Zilang glanced secretly over Chen Duxiu's shoulder and found that Zhang Xiaotong was holding a mobile phone while taking a picture, and excitedly said something to the glasses beside her, and did not find himself. Tone.

If this is found, the girl must feel that she is following her.

Alas ... Although this seems to be the case, Liu Zilang couldn't let her discover it.

"Brother, thank you."

Quickly pulled away, Liu Zilang patted Chen Duxiu's shoulder and said.

独 Chen Duxiu froze for a while, then said silently, "Sorry buddy, I ... don't like men."


子 Liu Zilang looked up at him, but said more sincerely, "Actually ... I don't like it either."

"What a coincidence!"



Uh ...

Xun smiled awkwardly with "Du Xiu Xiong", while Liu Zilang continued to watch the movement of Zhang Xiaotong secretly.

只有 She only has the “glassy loli” beside her, but she doesn't see anyone else.

I saw here, Liu Zilang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, this breath was not finished, and suddenly came across an obliquely skateboard, wearing a headscarf, and a hip-hop dress, but it looked like a thirteen-year-old little fart, looking excitedly at Zhang Xiaotong It's over ~ ~

What's the situation?

子 Liu Zilang stunned, then quietly moved slowly towards the other side in the crowd, trying to listen to some information.

Uh ...

I'm close ...

Come closer ...

I finally heard the conversation between the two.

But it sounds as if basically the guy is talking alone.

"Xiaotong, you are here too!"

"I thought you wouldn't come today."

"Last night, that message was a bit abrupt."

"Oh right, it looks like you are also a fan of Great God Li Muqiu?"

"Hey, tell you a secret ... Actually Li Muqiu is my brother!"

"Haha, how about it! Scared!"

"诶 诶! Don't go, I didn't lie to you!"

"Look! Li Mufan, Li Muqiu, our names are alike."

"Do you want my brother's signature? I promise I can get it for you."


Liu Zilang, who was hiding in the last row of the crowd, initially heard that only the boy among the three people outside the crowd was "Barbara" constantly, Zhang Xiaotong ignored him, and couldn't help but scorn.

But the more he listened, the bigger Liu Zilang's mouth opened.

Hearing the last sentence, he could not help bursting out the phrase "lie"!

Li Muqiu?

Li Mufan?


I said why this boy looks so familiar, it turns out that if there is a brother, there must be a brother!

In the crowd, Liu Zilang gritted his teeth for a while, and found out his cell phone to start rummaging through the address book.

Uh ...