MTL - Kendo True Explanation-Chapter 8

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   "Where did you go?" Lin Fei looked around suspiciously. I only saw Xie Shishi's black schoolbag stuffed into a roadside trash can.

   Walked to the dumpster just in time to see the short guy dodging into another alley to the left. Lin Fei quickly followed. No matter in his past or present life, he has never done this kind of stalking before, and the mood of this matter still feels a little exciting and interesting.

  Following the short, middle-aged man around for a few more laps, he finally came to a row of shabby-decorated small streets. Two gray dogs were chasing and fighting on the street. The passers-by were all young and strong men. A strong smell of perfume filled the air.

   "This is? The red light district?" Lin Fei was a little speechless. Calculating the time in my heart, I have been following this person for more than ten minutes. Seeing the short man sneak into a store with red lights on in broad daylight, Lin Fei glanced at the store sign above: Biyun Fayi.

   "Biyun Biyun, contraception..." Lin Fei was completely speechless, and carefully retreated into the alley. "Now, should we call the door directly? Or should we call the police first? It should be a wise choice to call the police, but it may be too late now."

  Lin Fei slightly jumped to the left.

   "Chick!" A sharp fruit knife pierced right behind him, piercing the air.

  The sneak attacker fell short, and immediately withdrew his hand holding the fruit knife. At the same time, a sturdy bearded man came out from the corner behind Lin Fei. There was still a cigarette in his mouth.

  Lin Fei finally saw the appearance of the sneak attacker.

  A young man with a pale face and blue eye circles, wearing a yellow short-sleeved T-shirt, with a silver skull necklace hanging around his neck, dyed yellow hair. Holding a fruit knife in his hand, he sneered at Lin Fei.

   "Follow us obediently! After following Lao Tzu for so long, do you think I'm an idiot?" The short man just now burst out from the other side. With a sneer all over his face.

  Lin Fei was surrounded by people from the other side, and two of them were holding fruit knives.

   "Shut up! Or you will die!"

   Lin Fei's thoughts changed sharply: "It's just a matter of time to follow them to the old den." There were three people surrounding him, two of whom were armed with knives, but based on his fighting experience, as long as he was a little careful, he could finish them off without injury. But it's rare to encounter such an exciting event, and I don't know Xie Shishi's whereabouts yet.

   "Ah!" Suddenly a clear and pleasant exclamation came from around the corner.

   "Who!" The bearded man shouted in a low voice, but there was no movement. The same goes for the other two.

  I saw another young man with red hair come out from the corner, with a fruit knife pressed against a girl's neck, and his arms tightly clamped the girl's body to prevent her from moving.

  Lin Fei's headache was even worse.

   This girl is none other than Li Xu.

   "It seems that I have to collect reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance techniques." Lin Fei also felt that things were difficult. There is no doubt that the background of the license is strong. But if these people find out at this time, the consequences...

   These people are all standard desperadoes.

  Xu Xu was pressed against by the fruit knife, his small face was pale, and he completely lost the charming appearance just now. Trembling all over, he didn't dare to move. Obviously frightened.

   "Boss, this woman followed behind and looked this way. I caught her when I saw her." Hong Mao laughed.

   "Please! Don't...don't kill me..." Xu Xu's voice was trembling, with a clear cry. Tears rolled uncontrollably in his eyes.

   Seeing that she was about to reveal her true nature, Lin Fei had no choice but to interrupt. He smiled calmly at the bearded beard.

   "You're the boss!" A trace of energy in his body slowly surged into his eyes, and Lin Fei began to secretly use the Mujian that he had practiced for many days. A trace of icy chill shot directly from his eyes into the bearded eyes in an instant.

   "Boom!" The bearded man suddenly snorted, was knocked down instantly, rolled his eyes and fell unconscious on the ground.


  A strong, flat-headed man suddenly jumped out from behind the bearded man, with a snort, a silver knife shook his hand, and ruthlessly plunged into the red-haired young man who was threatening Xu Xu. The red hair immediately let go of the license with a scream, and the fruit knife fell to the ground with a clang, and the palm of his hand was bleeding profusely, and was directly pierced. The big man rolled over and rushed in front of the short man, taking advantage of the momentum, he elbowed and hit the short man **** the lower abdomen. The latter immediately rolled his eyes, screamed, and fell back.

  Lin Fei watched in amazement as the big man subdued the three gangsters within a few rounds. It was also completely unexpected. Originally, he was going to do it himself. Now it seems that this is not necessary. .

  The last yellow hair held a fruit knife, watching the big man with cold sweat instantly finish off the boss, red hair and others. It took only a few seconds for everything to happen, and the situation suddenly reversed.

   "Ah!" He yelled, pointed the tip of the knife at the big man and rushed up to stab him. The big man turned around and kicked straight. After the dull impact sound, Huang Mao was kicked hard against the wall of the alley, his eyes were turned white, blood was faintly bleeding from his mouth and nose, it seemed that his internal organs were seriously injured.

   "Ke Ke!" After finishing off these people, the big man hurried to Xu Xu, who was already limp and weak. Seeing the big man approaching, he couldn't help it, threw himself into his arms and started crying.

   "Uncle Wei! Woo...."

   "Hey, don't cry, I'll come over as soon as I get your call. Fortunately, I caught up."

  Lin Fei stood on the side and looked at the big man.

  Army green camouflage pants, black tight-fitting vest, full of muscles, a standard bronze color, and a slender scar on the left side of the neck, which looks extremely hideous. This person should be a licensed acquaintance. Uncle Wei? Surname Wei?

  Lin Fei made a comprehensive evaluation of the opponent's movement quality just now. Guo Dan's shot was fierce and extremely precise. This Uncle Wei was obviously very sure of his skills. Xu Xu was threatened by Hongmao with a knife just now, and he dared to pierce Hongmao's palm holding the knife with a flying knife. There is absolute certainty that he will not accidentally injure the license under the knife. This level of level is completely a fighting skill trained in the army. Compared with the self in the previous life, it is considered to be slightly stronger. But as far as I am now, I should be able to win against this person, but I have to pay a heavy price. The army's fighting skills have always been either dead or maimed, and the shots are extremely fierce. Even if they are better than them, they must pay a certain price to win. This is caused by a fundamental difference in style.

"Uncle, these people should have arrested a girl, can you please help me out and save her?" Lin Fei looked at Xu Ke, crying and buried his head in the arms of a big man named Wei, and worried about Xie Shishi's side for a long time. After procrastinating for a long time, something happened, so he simply stated the purpose of his trip.

   "Caught another one?" The big man's face darkened, and a wave of strength naturally exuded due to his size suddenly permeated. "Do you know where?"

  Lin Fei shook his head, "That's why I came here." However, he pointed to the two wounded who were still howling on the ground. "They sure know."

  In the arms of a big man surnamed Wei, Xu Xu raised his pale face and looked at Lin Fei, his eyes shining slightly.


  Xie Shishi was indeed kidnapped, and when the three found her in Biyun Fayi, the girl had been **** in the secret room for a while. Biyun Fayi also had an accomplice who was also instantly knocked down by the big man. This incident can be regarded as a successful conclusion. Xie Shishi kept bowing to the three of them with tears in her eyes. Seeing the girl's terrified expression, Lin Fei also knew that the subsequent school transfer incident would definitely not change. However, there should be no more news about the **** of a female student that was published in the newspaper.

On the way back, that Uncle Wei scolded Lin Fei very much. In his opinion, he had no power to protect himself, and he took the initiative to get involved in such a dangerous incident. He was either courting death or a youthful impulse. .

   It can be seen that this Uncle Wei is still very good-hearted. Lin Fei also learned the reason for his coming, and allowed the little girl to follow Lin Fei secretly. After seeing him secretly following the short man, she thought of the warning from the class teacher in advance. I knew in my heart that something must have happened. Immediately, he called Uncle Wei, who lives nearby.

  The four kidnapping gangs were escorted into the police car by the roaring police, and the seriously injured were also put into the emergency ambulance.

  It was almost seven o'clock when I got home after everything was dealt with. The sky was also a little dark.

   "Crack." Lin Fei gently opened the anti-theft door at home. The light was on in the living room. A burst of classic news broadcast music was played in half. just started.

  Walking into the living room, Lin Fei changed his shoes, and put the schoolbag on the small flat table by the door.

Younger sister Lin You is sitting on the sofa and arranging her freshly washed wet hair. A pair of snow-white thighs are exposed under the denim shorts. Her body is leaning obliquely on the sofa, and her sizable chest is squeezed into a seductive arc. type. Seeing Lin Fei coming back, Lin You glanced this way, then turned his body indifferently, showing no sign of greeting.

After being reborn for a while, Lin Fei felt more and more that her former self was like a tragic supporting role in a girls' fantasy novel with her younger sister Lin You as the main character. Or take a shot, run around or something, and do something as a foil.

  Think about it, an ordinary girl in a certain high school suddenly awakens a supernatural power one day, and then intervenes in that mysterious world after a series of events, and starts a new big adventure...

   Isn’t this exactly the routine of standard girls’ fantasy novels?

  As an older brother, he is far less dazzling than his younger sister Lin You in every aspect. Almost non-existent.

   "Mom and Dad are having dinner in the store, and they asked us to solve it ourselves." Lin You said calmly. "I've eaten."

  Lin Fei nodded. After closing the door and walking to the kitchen, there was still some cold rice in the rice cooker, and a quick fried rice with eggs solved the food problem directly.

   Then immediately go back to the bedroom and start the routine visualization practice. He doesn't know how strong the supernatural being is, but it's definitely not wrong to try to improve himself quickly.

  Just quietly accumulate strength before my sister gets involved in the supernatural world. It is possible not to repeat the mistakes of the previous life.
