MTL - King’s Landing: The Proud Empress-Chapter 16 Mexican Beauty under the Pear Blossom Tree

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  Chapter 16 The Ink Beauty under the Pear Blossom Tree

  Sitting in the imperial study room, after correcting the last memorial in his hand, Jun Li stretched himself, picked up the tea at the table and drank it.

Ever since she came out of anger in the bedroom, Jun Li has been staying in the imperial study room to correct the memorials. After going to court today, a steady stream of memorials were sent to the imperial study room, which really made her very tired. Although Prime Minister Meng also helped to deal with the memorials, but the memorials that are really confidential, don't you still need her, the empress, to correct them!

  Looking at the memorials piled up like a hill, Jun Li rubbed his head and called out softly, "Come here!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open, revealing the old smiling face of Eunuch Duan.

  The corner of Junli's mouth twitched, so fast? I'm afraid he has been standing outside the door!

Taking small steps, Eunuch Duan stepped forward with a flattering face, stretched out his hand to rub Junli's shoulders, and when his eyes turned to those memorials, he frowned, "Your Majesty, those ministers are too ignorant to Sending these memorials to you for approval, what should I do if you are tired, and I don’t know what the purpose of these ministers is! I don’t know how to help your majesty, but make you tired, **** it! "

Junli was sweating a little. Correcting memorials seems to be the job of an emperor. How come Eunuch Duan has become a job for ministers, and it must be tiring to review memorials. How come it is the job of ministers again? wrong?

  Looking at Eunuch Duan's distressed face, Jun Li's original words were stuck in his throat, unable to spit them out.

Seeing that Junli didn't speak, Eunuch Duan thought she was really tired, so he stopped kneading his hands, and gently picked up Junli's hand that was just holding the pen in distress. When he saw a few circles of red marks on his index finger, At that time, Eunuch Duan exclaimed, "Hey, my lord, this hand, how did this hand get into this way, but I feel sorry for this old slave. Your Majesty is not in pain. This old slave will go get some medicine for you!" Your Majesty, wipe it off."

  The corners of Junli's mouth twitched slightly. How dare Eunuch Duan coax her like a child. Isn't it hurting, Your Majesty? He can say this, she is so old, how could she still cry out for such a small injury, besides, looking at the red mark on her index finger, Jun Li frowned, it didn't seem to be an injury at all Bar!

   But when he saw Eunuch Duan looking for medicine in a hurry, these words were swallowed into his mouth and he couldn't say them out.

"Your Majesty, hurry up, quickly stretch out your hand, this old slave will rub the medicine for you." Eunuch Duan brought a lot of bottles and jars and put them on the table beside him, gently took Junli's hand, and placed it carefully on his on his lap, then picked up one of the blue bottles and wiped it for Junli.

  Watching Eunuch Duan changing one bottle after another, and looking at the thick layer of white substance on his finger, Jun Li twitched the corner of his eyes a few times, but didn't speak.

  Seeing that Eunuch Duan still wanted to continue rubbing the medicine on himself, Junli sighed lightly, stretched out his hand and gently pushed Eunuch Duan's outstretched hand away, and said softly, "You don't need to rub it, it's enough."

  Eunuch Duan looked at Junli's fingers, and seemed to feel that his behavior was a bit too much, so he smiled mischievously, put away those bottles, stood aside and stopped talking.

  Jun Li got up, looked at the sky outside, it was already past noon, looked at Eunuch Duan behind him, and ordered, "Pass the meal."

  Eunuch Duan said happily, "Yes, Your Majesty." Your Majesty didn't eat anything this morning, and it was all because of that Su Yunqing, hum! Let's see how our family takes care of you when we are free these days!

Noticing the cruelty in Eunuch Duan's eyes, Junli was surprised, who made Eunuch Duan angry, but Eunuch Duan did his best to take care of her, and he was good to her, so if someone really made him unhappy, It's okay for him to teach him a lesson.

   After finishing the meal, Junli touched his stomach indecently. The meal in the palace is really not covered. The taste is so good that there is nothing to say.

  When Eunuch Duan saw Junli's actions, his old face burst into a smile, and he leaned forward and said softly, "Your Majesty, how do you like this meal? Does it suit your taste?"

  Junli raised his eyebrows, and Eunuch Duan asked what he was doing? He didn't seem to ask anything during the last meal, could it be... the meal is different this time?

  Looking at the food in front of him, Jun Li said with a smile, "Barely, it's quite appetizing."

  Eunuch Duan's old face collapsed, and he asked unwillingly, "Is it just reluctance?"

  Jun Li's eyes flashed, "It's okay."

   "Is it just okay?" Eunuch Duan asked eagerly.

A smile flashed across Junli's eyes. Now she finally knows what happened to Eunuch Duan today. I dare say that he cooked the food himself. No wonder he came in as soon as she called for someone. It turned out that he had finished cooking. The meal has been waiting outside the door waiting for her to deliver it!

  He was slightly moved, and smiled, "Of course..." Seeing the disappointment flashing in Duan Gonggong's eyes, he said slowly again, "It's delicious, otherwise how could this emperor eat so much."

  Eunuch Duan smiled happily, "Since His Majesty likes to eat, then this old slave will ask the Imperial Dining Room to cook more dishes."

  Ask Eunuch Duan to cook more dishes? Looking at his wrinkled face, how could Junli have the heart to let him work hard for her meals at such an old age, and smiled immediately, "It's true that the food is delicious, but if you eat too much, you won't be able to eat it." It's delicious, so, it's better to eat such a delicious meal when you have nothing to do, and you don't need to eat it often."

  Eunuch Duan pondered for a while, and seemed to think that what Junli said was right, and he was not attached to it at the moment, so he nodded with a smile.

   "Let's go, let's go for a walk." Junli stood up and said calmly.

  Eunuch Duan nodded, "Yes."

   Walking out of the imperial study, Junli didn't know the way, so he had no choice but to walk wherever he could. Looking at a quiet path in front of him, he smiled slightly and walked up.

  Eunuch Duan followed behind and frowned. He knew this path, and it was specially leading to the Leng Palace, which is the place where those unfavored servants lived in the harem. What is His Majesty doing there now? Is there any little vixen who doesn't have long eyes and seduced His Majesty, so he let His Majesty go to that unknown place with a body of ten thousand gold?

  Thinking of this possibility, Eunuch Duan frowned even deeper. Don't be caught by some little vixen seducing His Majesty, otherwise... Humph! One Su Yunqing is not enough, now there is another one, it seems that he hasn't loosened the bones of those people in the harem for a long time, they don't know who he is anymore! Some cheap bones who want to be favored by His Majesty! It is also worthy of His Majesty, hum, a group of unsightly things are only worthy of warming His Majesty's bed.

There was a glint of viciousness in his eyes, Eunuch Duan carefully followed Junli, his eyes looked around from time to time, trying to find out which vixen seduced His Majesty, but after walking for a long time, he found that Junli was just walking aimlessly Now, Eunuch Duan is depressed, isn't there some little vixen seducing His Majesty?

   Shaking his head, Eunuch Duan vetoed his own idea. It must be His Majesty who was seduced by a little vixen. It must be, hmph, his Eunuch Duan's judgments have always been very accurate, so how could he guess wrong!

Junli didn't care what Eunuch Duan was thinking, but just walked forward quickly, because she smelled a faint scent of flowers, if she smelled it right, it should be the smell of pear blossoms, and the smell was getting stronger and stronger. The thicker it is, there must be a large pear blossom forest in front of it. Thinking of this, Junli speeds up. A large pear blossom forest is full of pear blossoms. It should be beautiful, right?

  Eunuch Duan followed behind, the 'tiger body' shook slightly, His Majesty walked so fast, is there really a little vixen? Thinking of this, Eunuch Duan couldn't help quickening his pace.

  Seeing a large pear blossom forest in the distance, Jun Li smiled slightly, and was about to go forward, but his eyes suddenly caught sight of the two men on the other side of the pear blossom forest, and he was slightly taken aback.

  Although they were far away, Junli could still see the two people clearly, a man dressed as a servant and a man who was not gorgeously dressed but exuded a sense of master.

  Jun Li doesn't care much, after all, the scenery here is beautiful, she must not be the only person who comes here, and she has no reason not to let others come here, so she doesn't care about the two people who appear here.

   But when his eyes were fixed on the man who looked like a master, Jun Li's eyes flashed, why is it him?

  【Those who have tickets, hurry up and smash all the tickets in your hands, I don’t think too much~(≧▽≦)/~】



  (end of this chapter)