MTL - Knight’s Love Letter-Chapter 2

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Meeting with Zheng Qiuyang and changing back to the car, Fang Shiqing expressed his gratitude, and the host treated the guests to a meal together. After a few days, Zheng Qiuyang invited him to drink again.

After going back and forth, the two became so familiar. Fang Shiqing is a fashion design returnee, and Zheng Qiuyang studied jewelry design abroad for two years. to go together.

Both of them are Liverpool fans. In terms of hobbies, the biggest difference between the two is that Fang Shiqing likes to wear a handle, while Zheng Qiuyang likes the one with big breasts.

But after playing well, they are not familiar enough with Fang Shiqing and need to come out to Zheng Qiuyang.

A few days later, Zheng Qiuyang made a new girlfriend with big breasts, happily held a pool barbecue party, and called a group of friends over to play.

It was said that it started at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and people came one after another before 5:30. Zheng Qiuyang greeted people while calling to remind those who didn't come.

This day happened to be the first day of the publication of "JOY Impression" magazine. Fang Shiqing was very tired after a busy day. He and Zheng Qiuyang's friends never met. In the past, Zheng Qiuyang urged him to make several calls to ask him where he was and what time he could be there, which made him feel embarrassed. When I got home, I got a bottle of red wine before heading over there.

Zheng Qiuyang's new target is an art school student. Yan Zhengtiaoshun can speak well, which is very good. At this time, the female student and the other girls were baking together by the pool outside, while the men were sitting and chatting.

A young man with a cap and eyeliner on his back shook his legs and laughed: "Okay, this girl with big breasts, is she an adult? Where did Lao Zhengzhuan come back? "

"Be quieter, don't scare us Youyou away." Zheng Qiuyang deliberately imitated his accent and scolded him, "Wang Chao, look at your old altar sauerkraut-flavored Northeast. If you know, you are the captain of the popular idol group, but if you don't know, you are the pillar of Liu Laogen's big stage."

Everyone laughed, the eyeliner man Wang Chao was as soft as a boneless spread on the back of the sofa, and he also laughed: "Laughing, you guys, I didn't even make up after running. Gu Shangxie came here to fool around with you guys, isn’t it me who moved China? Go back and buy 100 copies of our group’s new album, and whoever doesn’t buy it will chop it up and wrap it into sauerkraut dumplings!”

The garden of Zheng Qiuyang's villa is connected to the back door. Fang Shiqing has never been here. A couple of young girls were barbecuing by the pool and knew they were in the right place.

He doesn't particularly like crowded and lively occasions, and he wouldn't want to come if he wasn't afraid of Zheng Qiuyang's hospitality. When he came, he didn't plan to stay here for a long time, so he planned to show his face. When the party got lively and everyone had a good time, he would find a chance to get out. This time, I just parked the car and planned to enter through the back door, which is also convenient for walking after a while.

One of the girls who was roasting meat came to open the door for him, glanced at the car he parked outside and the watch on the cuff of his shirt, and said with a smile: "Come in, man It's almost there... Are you a friend of Brother Qiuyang? I'm Xiaosi, what's my name?"

Fang Shiqing said casually: "My surname is Fang."

He walked inside, and this little silk followed behind him, still talking perseveringly: "Why did you come here alone? They all brought companions."

Fang Shiqing frowned, he didn't like to join in the fun of the party, and he was even more troubled by this kind of partying with a partner. This group of women, including this Xiaosi, looked like a wild model. , think about it and know what these companions are doing in a while.

Here, Zheng Qiuyang and his friends are still chatting.

Someone asked: "Hey Wang Chao, I heard from them a few days ago that your eldest brother has been promoted again?"

Wang Chao didn't care very much: "Sheng, anyway, every year, I just haven't seen him give birth to a child with my sister-in-law. My parents are going crazy thinking about a grandson, my second brother is unmarried Don't talk about children in this life, I don't think my wife will marry, but my eldest brother is better, I have been married for several years and don't want children."

"Isn't there something wrong? To tell the truth, my mother knows a doctor who is very good at rejuvenation, who specializes in this."

Besides, the two of them are probably also having trouble raising their children, and it is estimated that they want to delay it for two years."


My eldest sister-in-law is a true love. She treats her younger brother almost as much as her own son. It’s really not my fault. My eldest brother doesn’t even kiss his brother-in-law for me. It’s also because God doesn’t have long eyes. They have raised so much. Years, I just made that kid a second chair... ouch!" (Note: Second chair is a slang term in northern dialect, referring to someone who is neither male nor female, derogatory term)

Wang Chao bounced off the sofa with a ghostly cry, and said in horror at the person at the door: "Do you have a good ear? No, or do you have Scud?"

Everyone inexplicably turned their heads in unison. A tall and strange man stood at the door. with a gemstone earring.

The host of the party, Zheng Qiuyang, got up and introduced: "This is Fang Shiqing, my new friend, who runs fashion magazines."

He also enthusiastically introduced a few people around him to Fang Shiqing. When he introduced Wang Chao, Fang Shiqing said: "No need to introduce, we know each other."

Wang Chao smirked oddly: "It's more than acquaintance, it's relative."

Zheng Qiuyang looked at Wang Chao and Fang Shiqing, but didn't understand.

Fang Shiqing gave the bottle of red wine he brought to Zheng Qiuyang, and then said, "He calls my sister sister-in-law."

Zheng Qiuyang and everyone on the background board: "…"

The alchemist Wang Chao of the Qing Dynasty approached two steps, the distance between them was half an arm, Wang Chao pretended to be calm.

Fang Shiqing was taller than him, looked at him with drooping eyelids, and said slowly: "The eyeliner is more like a Korean boy group."

Wang Chao's idol group imitates the Korean wave from their debut promotion to the music style. Many black fans on the Internet like to call them "Er Bang Zi Group".

Wang Chao was a little angry, but he was just caught talking ill of people behind his back.

When Fang Shiqing was taken over by his sister Fang Mingyu to study in junior high school, Wang Chao was still in elementary school, and they were able to get together at the beginning. After a long time, it completely became two camps.

There are three brothers in the Wang family, the eldest brother Wang Qi, the second brother Wang Jin, and the youngest Wang Chao.

Wang Qi is nearly ten years older than Wang Chao, and the generation gap between the two is like the depth of the peach blossom pool. The parents of the Wang family were a little older, and they felt that the air in the imperial capital was not good, so they returned to their hometown in the northeast to retire, leaving their youngest son to the two older brothers for discipline. Wang Jin is not bad. Wang Qi is especially cruel to his younger brother. Whenever he is a little disobedient, he will close the door and beat him to death. Wang Chaoqiu should not be called to the ground every day.

There was no comparison before, and his misfortune can only be called misfortune. After Fang Shiqing came, misfortune became very misfortune.

The peach blossom pool between Fang Shiqing and Wang Qi, who is only three years older than Wang Chao, is as shallow as a puddle. Wang Qi showed spring-like warmth to this brother-in-law, all kinds of love and pampering, never giving the moon to the stars, never giving clothes to the apron.

In fact, when Wang Chao grew up, he also understood that this 80% is also the love house and Wu of Wang Qi's wife, Fang Mingyu. But at that time he didn't understand, seeing that one of him and Fang Shiqing lived in heaven and the other lived in the eighteenth hell, he had no complaints against Wang Qi, but he regarded Fang Shiqing as a thorn in the flesh, and from time to time deliberately provoked others to make fun of others, When Wang Qi found out, it was another beating. The more he beat him, the more he hated Fang Shiqing, and the more he hated Fang Shiqing, the more he was beaten. The vicious circle could not be solved at all.

This time, not only Wang Qi turned to Fang Shiqing, but even his parents who were far away in the northeast made a phone call to open their mouths and shut their mouths. You see how sensible, capable, diligent, studious, obedient, and well-behaved brother of your sister-in-law is... Let's see you again.

See you again!

Wang Chao's anger was even worse. Fang Shiqing's hair that was too long for a man, his too-pretty face, and those delicate and fashionable clothes all became his attack points.

Just like that, his eldest brother's brother-in-law became the "second chair" in his mouth.