MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1112 fall

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"Uchiha Madara, stop struggling."

Feng Huo looked at Uchiha Madara with an ugly face, and then glanced at his stomach. Under the influence of Naruto's Six Paths of Senjutsu, the tail beast in Uchiha Madara's body had rebelled, and the violent chakra surged crazily, making Uchiha Poppa's belly is getting bigger and bigger.

"If you're pregnant, you should stay at home." Feng Huo sighed.

"To shut up!"

Uchiha Madara had never been so insulted before. At that time, Samsara's right eye burst out with violent pupil power, covering Fenghuo.

The power of Fenghuo pupil circulated, and instantly shifted in the five-pointed world, from Uchiha Madara's body to a corner behind him, avoiding the pupil power of the reincarnation eye, and at the same time he quickly formed a seal, and sprayed a hot fireball.

The fireball exploded as soon as it flew out, and the huge sound spread to the ground in an instant.

Uchiha Madara's face changed, but before he could take any action, Naruto's voice came through the air.

"Uchiha Madara!"

Behind Naruto are floating jades, wearing a golden chakra coat, with double cross eyes without shadows, exuding a powerful aura!


Uchiha Madara's face became increasingly ugly.

At this time, he lacked one eye of reincarnation, and the ten tails lacked the yang attribute nine tails, the yang attribute three tails, and almost a whole eight tails. In addition, he repaired the body that was kicked by Kai before, and his strength was completely incomparable with Naruto and Fenghuo. contend.

Even escaping now failed because of the Wumang Realm that sealed the fire. Could it be that he was really going to die here today?

Uchiha Madara is not reconciled, after planning for so many years and putting in so much painstaking effort, it ended in such an ending?

Uchiha Madara didn't believe it. Somehow he always felt that he could go further, but in reality there seemed to be something wrong, which made him helpless.

"Immortal Method - Super Tailed Beast Spiral Shuriken!"

Naruto soaring into the sky separated eight shadow clones again, and then performed the six-way sage art that fuses the nine tailed beast chakra.

Nine huge spiral shurikens of different colors spun rapidly in mid-air, terrifying air waves rippling chaotically, blowing the messy robe on Uchiha Madara's body.

Uchiha Madara immediately took out the seeking jade and turned it into a barrier in front of him.

But at this moment, an invisible ripple suddenly appeared on the Dao-seeking jade barrier.


At some point, Kakashi drove a snow eagle soaring into the sky from the dusty sky below.

Feng Huo took a look and found that the snow eagle under Kakashi's seat was Erzhuzi's psychic snow eagle.

"Naruto, this is the time!"

Kakashi yelled at Naruto.

At this time, under Shenwei's time-space ninjutsu, a huge hole suddenly appeared in the center of the pure black jade barrier!

The Chakra of all attributes are contained in the Daoist Jade, so the chakra contained in any kind of ninjutsu can be offset by using the same attribute to cancel each other out, so that the ninjutsu is invalid!

But unfortunately, the Taoist jade does not contain the attributes of time and space ninjutsu, physical skills, and fairy arts. Therefore, whether it is Kai's physical attack before or Kakashi's divine power at the moment, the Taoist jade can only resist, not way to disable them!

At the moment when a huge hole appeared in the seeking jade barrier, Naruto smashed nine huge spiral shurikens over without saying a word!

A terrifying explosion instantly swept through the air, completely submerging Uchiha Madara!

Feng Huo was worried that Uchiha Madara would sneak away again, so the Wumang Realm locked him firmly, planning to share the joys and sorrows with Uchiha Madara and meet Naruto's nine spiral shurikens together, but when the nine spiral shurikens broke out At that time, the terrifying ripples seemed to distort the air, and Feng Huo threw Uchiha Madara without saying anything, directly activated the lightning protection body, and turned into a beam of thunder and fled away.


Uchiha Madara's suppressed howling to the extreme was heard from the center of the explosion from time to time, and then powerful chakras burst out from the explosion. It was the Nine Tailed Beasts who finally broke through Uchiha with the help of Naruto's Six Paths of Senjutsu. Wave Ban's shackles break out!

"Uchiha Madara!"

"You bastard, go to hell!"

One tail guarding the crane, the yin attribute nine-tailed nine lama yelled loudly. As soon as he came out of Uchiha Madara's belly, he swung his huge tail and drew it towards the embarrassed Uchiha Madara.

The rest of the tailed beasts were not to be outdone, they swung their tails, scratched with their claws, bit with their teeth, and bumped with their bodies. They did everything to Uchiha Madara.

"You bastards!"

Losing the chakra of the Nine Tailed Beasts, Uchiha Madara's aura rapidly declined, but the lean camel was also bigger than a horse. Uchiha Madara frantically activated the reincarnation eyes, and the violent pupil power directly lifted the Nine Tailed Beasts. turn.

But at this moment, Feng Huo's figure appeared beside Uchiha Madara again.

Uchiha Madara's face turned black: I'm already like this, and you still use the Wumangjie to target me? !

"It's over, Uchiha Madara."

Naruto flew to the front at this time, and several Taoist jades turned into black light in the air, piercing Uchiha Madara's body in an instant!

The hideous blood hole kept gushing out blood, and Uchiha Madara was drenched into a blood man in an instant.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Uchiha Madara urged the reincarnation eye and pupil power again, and saw the blue Susano slowly appear, covering Uchiha Madara.

But in the next moment, Naruto's Qiudaoyu came savagely.


Amidst the terrifying roar, Qiudama directly smashed Uchiha Madara's Susano to pieces, and the surging air wave violently swept over Uchiha Madara's body!


Uchiha Madara vomited two mouthfuls of old blood, and once again urged the power of Samsara's eyes and pupils, but at this time, a thread of spider web-like cracks suddenly diffused from the few blood holes on his body, gradually tearing Uchiha Madara's body completely. cover.

"what happened?"

Uchiha Madara showed a look of shock and anger, and immediately remembered something, and finally showed a trace of desperation on his face, "Damn, no, no!"

After the Chakra of the Nine Tailed Beasts left the body, Uchiha Madara was no longer Ten Tails Jinchuriki, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com naturally loses the power of the Six Paths, and without the power of the Six Paths, the end of being touched by Qiu Daoyu is... turning into ashes!

Even with the pupil power of the samsara eye to maintain the balance of the body, Uchiha Madara's body is still shattering bit by bit.

Naruto and Feng Huo stood in the air, quietly watching Uchiha Madara's body slowly turn into dust.


Most of Uchiha Madara's hands and feet have turned into dust and dissipated in the wind, and even his head was filled with cracks, spilling out traces of dust, "You guys!"

Uchiha Madara opened his mouth, but his lips, tongue, and even his throat began to dissipate. At this time, he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

"It's better not to open your mouth. As the former pinnacle of ninja world, please maintain your demeanor before you die." Feng Huo said softly, everything is finally over.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara's shattered face suddenly revealed an angry look, and Samsara's left eye stared fiercely at the **** Fenghuo. If it wasn't for his Wumangjie before, Uchiha Madara would have run away long ago!


However, no matter how hated Uchiha Madara is, no matter how unwilling he is, he cannot change the final result.

As the high-altitude wind blew, Uchiha Madara's body finally turned into a pile of dust and completely dissipated in the air!

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