MTL - Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again-Chapter 251 graduate

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Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again Chapter 251 Graduation

Zuosuke's obsession with Uchiha Itachi is the same as the original work, even stronger than the original work.

Such a strong obsession is the driving force for him to keep moving forward. He doesn't understand what Uchiha Itachi thinks, but he doesn't need to understand at all.

He only knew that this guy wanted to destroy the entire family, was a hateful existence that betrayed the family, and this was enough!

"So graduating is also a good thing, so that I can be more free and learn more about Uchiha Itachi."

Zuo Zhu thought silently in his heart, but he just turned his head and glanced at Naruto, and he put his hand on his forehead involuntarily.

Because he knew that if there were no accidents, his teammate should be him.

"Zuo Zhu-kun, everyone has graduated, and we have all become Konoha's official ninjas. According to the usual ninja squad, we are divided into groups. I don't know..."

Just when Zuo Zhu was depressed, suddenly a figure in red clothes appeared beside him and said to him with a smile on his face.

"I don't know if I can share with Zuo Zhu-kun!"

"It doesn't matter to anyone, but we all have to obey the assignment."

After Zuo Zhu glanced at the visitor, he spoke calmly, then withdrew his eyes and continued to pretend to be a statue.

This girl is called Sakura, and he is in the same class as him, and he knows that this girl seems to like him very much.

But Zuo Zhu didn't care much about this girl, and he didn't say much about the team.

Anyway, he knew that his teammate would definitely not be her, and it was absolutely impossible to be her.

Some things have already been decided long ago, and many people know this very well, because they are all in the same circle.

Of course, this is not their arrogance. In fact, it is impossible for the entire Konoha family ninja circle to show a superior attitude towards civilian ninjas.

Even for a family as proud as Uchiha, earth-shaking changes have already taken place in the five or six years since Habara took power.

Zuo Zhu naturally wouldn't have such a mentality, especially since he, as Habara's disciple, tried his best to move closer to Habara in every word and deed.

You must know that Habara is very kind to other ninjas. Naturally, even if Zuosuke looks cold, he will never refuse when others approach him.

But the problem is that this time the situation is too special.

Seven of them appeared at once, and they were all the children of the most powerful person in Konoha.

Moreover, they have honed together for so many years, performed many tasks, and have a good tacit understanding with each other.

Under such circumstances, I am afraid that no one will take them apart easily.

After all, no matter in terms of cultivating their relationship, their respective strength combinations have been perfected, and anyone who wants to take them apart will really have a brain problem.

Zuo Zhu knew very well that he must have formed a team with Naruto. Although he was a little upset, he had to admit that Naruto was really good, and their relationship was really good.

As for the other team member, it is definitely Xianglin, who they have cooperated with for a long time, has super perception and has been living in their own family.

The three of them have experienced a lot of tasks together, and they have a tacit cooperation with each other. It is impossible for this matter to be changed without accidents.

"Is that so?" Xiao Sakura couldn't help but nodded when she heard what Zuo Zhu said: "I really hope that Zuo Zhu can be in the same team."

"Actually, it doesn't matter who you're with, after all, we're all ninjas, aren't we?"

Zuo Zhu felt that his head was a little big, but he still spoke patiently.

"This kind of thing can't be forced, and it's not a good thing to form a team with me. I have high demands on my teammates."

"I understand, Zuo Zhu-kun!" Seeing Zuo Zhu like this, Xiao Sakura could only nod and said.

But just after she turned around, she immediately encouraged herself secretly in her heart.

"Come on, Sakura, even though Zuo Zhu said so, he didn't say he doesn't like you, as long as we can get together in groups!"

"Finally gone..."

Seeing Sakura who turned and left, Zuosuke breathed a sigh of relief.

His popularity in the class is still very high, even if he himself does not want it to be so, but the genes of the Uchiha clan are indeed too good.

He was already a little used to it, usually surrounded by a bunch of little girls.

But this kind of habit is because they are used to being noisy, and now he can ignore these voices and think about his own affairs quietly.

I'm afraid this is a good progress, right?

But when he turned his head and saw Naruto who was still arguing with Shikamaru and Choji, he immediately clenched his fists.

This bastard, didn't he realize the embarrassment he had just now? Why didn't he come over to help him out? Fortunately, I helped him a lot during the mission.

In fact, strictly speaking, the current Naruto is quite popular in school.

After all, his identity has been announced, and everyone knows that he is the son of the Fourth Hokage.

At the same time, he also knew that the cover-up of his identity was done by the Three Hokages, which made everyone Naruto feel more sympathy.

After Naruto was adopted by the Fifth Hokage and knew his identity, he also changed a lot.

Although sometimes it is still unreliable, Naruto has been well trained in tutoring, self-cultivation, etc. with Zirai also taking care of him.

At least he won't do some pranks to attract everyone's attention as before, and he won't do some stupid things that people can't understand.

According to him, everything he does will affect Jiraiya, and even his father, so naturally he can't do these embarrassing things.

So now in the class, Naruto has been competing with him for the first place in various grades. It can be said that Naruto has really changed a lot.

Zuo Zhu actually thinks that this guy's change is good, after all, he will be his teammate in the future, but this guy is really unkind sometimes.

Just like just now, this guy didn't know to come to make a rescue, just like now, sitting here alone is boring, doesn't he know to ask himself to chat?

"What an idiot. Although I have a good relationship with Shikamaru and Choji, I can't do something like you just run to them and squat next to them."

Zuo Zhu was thinking about it, but soon he became quiet, not only him, but the whole class became quiet at this moment.

Because the door of the class was opened at this moment, Yin Luka finally walked into the classroom belatedly...



"Class Seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Karin Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha."

"Class Eight, Inuzuka Kiba, Yume Shino, and Hinata Hinata."


"Class Ten, Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, and Shikamaru Nara."


On the podium, Yin Luka took the information that the Hokage Office directly conveyed to the Ministry of Education, and carefully read the classification of this year's graduates.

He knew very well that this information would determine the future fate of these children, so he read it very carefully.

And he knew even more that this was the last time he spent with these children, and after he finished reading, there would be corresponding junin or zhongnin to take them away soon.

From today, they will be the new ninja squad.

I have to say that this division is actually very strange, because according to his understanding, this allocation is actually really problematic.

After all, many of them are strong combinations, and many are relatively weak combinations, but he also knows that there is no way to do it.

Although he is only a Chunin, he belongs to the Ministry of Education, so he knows that many groups among his students have already been determined.

After all, these students had already participated in the mission when they were still studying. Although he didn't know why they did it, he couldn't stop it.

After all, each of these students has a strong family background, and their increased strength is also a good thing for Konoha.

Although this seems a little unfair to ordinary students, the treatment of ordinary students has been greatly improved now.

Even for a Chunin like him, the things he can get are much more powerful than before. He is really grateful to Konoha in his heart.

What's more, he also knows a lot of secrets about Konoha. For example, if ordinary students really have potential, the major families will help them so that they can grow better.

Of course, Yin Luka also knew the possible reasons why these families did this, but he had to admit that after the past three years, he did see that the former students were getting better and better.

And these big families didn't let these students do any bad things. Although they don't know what will happen in the future, everything looks good so far.

"I don't know how many of this group of students will be favored by those big families."

Yin Luka murmured silently in his heart, and soon he finished reading the list.

When his voice stopped, the students in the class immediately exploded. They all looked for their teammates and started a heated discussion.

In fact, what they discussed the most was nothing more than two topics, one was who is the 'Whirlpool Fragrant Phosphorus'?

Xiang Rin doesn't seem to be like them, and there doesn't seem to be such a person in the next class, so who is this person who is teaming up with Naruto and the others?

In fact, what they don't know may be very strange to Xianglin and the others, but it is not unfamiliar to children from other families.

They have performed a lot of tasks together, but Xiang Rin has been studying at Uchiha's house, and did not choose to come to school.

And Habara didn't object to his idea, so it's not unusual for these students to be unfamiliar.

But Zuo Zhu and Naruto were calm after hearing the news, after all, they already knew it would be such a result.

Apart from the matter of Uzumaki Kaphos, the most unbelievable thing for the students is naturally the current class division.

What are these spots for?

Not to mention the eighth and tenth classes, although these two groups seem enough to make people's scalp tingle, and the seventh class is even more dumbfounding.

Zuosuke and Naruto, the recognized first and second students in Ninja School, are two geniuses assigned to the same class?

Although they paired up with a Uzumaki Xianglin who didn't know who it was, the combination of these two people alone was already very unconventional!

"Why is Zuo Assistant and Naruto in the same class, teacher?"

At this moment, Sakura seemed to stand up strangely and asked: "As far as I know, shouldn't the strength of the graduates be considered in class division, and should it be balanced?

Is it really reasonable to divide the top two graduates into one class? "

"That's right."

The other girls also stood up at this moment, obviously they were not satisfied.

"Both of them are so powerful, isn't it too unfair to still share them together like this?"

"That's right, why don't we just switch in!"

"Yeah, at least we should balance the team, right?"


Facing such chattering noises, Zuo Zhu watched indifferently, but he could see that the corners of his eyes were constantly beating.

And Naruto looked indifferent, although he was also a little jealous of Zuo Zhu's popularity in the class, especially among the girls.

But this kind of thing can't be jealous, not to mention that now his mind is not on it at all.

Now that he knows what his identity is, he just wants to constantly improve himself, and then be recognized by the whole village just like his father and the lecherous fairy!

He has always had a Hokage dream in his heart. His father is Hokage. Although he sacrificed himself to protect the village, he is willing to inherit it all!

Although he has suffered a lot of grievances, he knows that the reason for his grievances is the three generations of Hokage.

And those villagers were just because they didn't know, and they were deceived by the third Hokage and others, which caused him to suffer so much in his childhood. UU Reading

He didn't think about taking revenge on them, because there was no point in doing so, not to mention they have changed now, haven't they?

Improve yourself, this time is the most important thing, nothing can compare with this!

However, Naruto and the others were very calm, but Yin Luka's complexion began to turn black.

"Give me peace!"

Yin Luka patted the table fiercely, and the whole class immediately fell silent following his movements.

After all, Yin Luka still has a lot of prestige. With so many second generations in this class, he dares to punish whoever makes a mistake. He really can't find a second one.

However, although he has a lot of prestige, he is still very reasonable. At least he made up a relatively reasonable reason to convince everyone.

It's just that he himself is in a bit of trouble now, what reason does he have to make up to convince these little guys in front of him?

Naruto's personality did have a big problem before, but now this guy has undergone a huge change, which makes it difficult for Yin Luka to find a reason.

Naruto's change was something he was very, very happy about, but he never thought that such a change would actually bring him a little trouble...


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