MTL - Late Night Tales Of The Capital-Chapter 35 There is a knife in the night.

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The money book is on the side of the road, vomiting and bending, and looking up is the star of Venus, the head is full of alcohol.

She loved the dance guns from a young age, not to have seen a fight, but at best it was a dispute between children, the real bloody, she is not seen by this money lady.

So, when I heard the phrase of the leaf missing, when you saw killing, she blinked hard.

There were a lot of shaking figures in the air, and the leaves were missing in the middle.

The crowd of felt hats for revenge, with the voice of the leader, lifted the waist geese knife and rushed down from all sides of the roof.

"Knife, not so useful."

The lack of leaves looked at the crowd who rushed up and said such a sentence, then empty-handed to explore the front, in the blink of an eye won the leader's knife, the right hand holding the handle, the left foot slowly step forward.

This geese knife is a knife produced by the Sword Mountain Villa. The blade is straight, the blade is slightly curved, and there is a reverse edge. The reverse edge is engraved with two fine lines of blood trough. The style should be changed from the former knives.

At the moment, the money painting was already awake, and she really looked forward to it.

What is the scene of killing?

The eyes of the money paintings were so large that they stared at the knives in the hands of the leaves, and then watched the blade slide straight into the chest of the person.

However, the scene of blood rushing has never appeared.

The leaf is missing at the end, changing the position of the blade and the back of the knife.

A dull, heavy blow sounded.

During the period, there is a crisp bone fracture.

Every time the leaves are missing, the back of the knife will hit the chest of the person accurately, and there is no use of Tianyuan at all. Just changing a few real yuan is enough to make these people's chest collapse.

In the center of the street, so many people fight, but there is no sorrow and sorrow. Only the heavy blows are broken, and the fallen ground must be coma.

In the forefront, the big man who roared to revenge for the 14th knife, even the lack of leaf corners of the clothes, did not touch, directly hit the fly, like a broken kite, extremely miserable fell to more than a dozen meters Coincidentally, I stumbled over the frying pan of the frying pan, and the roar stopped.


Those who jumped off the roof, all fell to the ground and stunned, and those who had to jump in the future, the eyes subconsciously with the blade of the lack of leaves, and the leader who flew out, drawn a very long The arc.

Fear followed the eyes and spread quickly throughout the body.

People can be fearless without fear.

Now, a puzzle is in front of these people, do you still jump or not? Jumping, courage is commendable, worthy of the heart, worthy of the sky, righteous uprising, but it is likely to suffer from the handle of a knife like a sledgehammer. Do not jump, since then, the Sword Mountain Villa in this Luoyang City, even if the face is lost, they are also self-confident.


Finally, there was another one who did not want to die, shouting and jumping.

Then a figure flew up and slammed, and the slammed fell ten meters away, hitting the corner of the wall, the chest collapsed, and the head broke blood!

No one dared to jump.

The leaf lack suddenly looked up at the roof.

The people on the roof, the subconscious brush, took a step back.

The leaves lacked a blink of an eye, and the group went back one step further.

The mocking smile, the leaf suddenly raised the wild knives in his hand and made a pre-cut.

A burst of hula's tiles flew, the blink of an eye, the crowd on the roof disappeared.

On the stone bridge in the distance, Chen Qing’s brow has been wrinkled together. He thought that this leaf deficiency would be very strong. After all, by virtue of the innate circumstances, it would be able to seal the Seven Miles of the Tongshan disciple’s disciples. The skill is definitely not too bad. of.

But never imagined that the leaf is so strong!

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

A person is not strong, and cultivation is only one aspect. The use of power is another aspect. If you do not know how to use it, it is equal to zero. However, it is terrible to cultivate a team that is not high, but can exert its strength beyond being overhauled.

What's more, from the innate world to the acquired world, to the psychic world, watching is a two-step, in fact, there is a subtle rule in the realm of comprehension.

Xingyao is getting started before.

This means that before the second-order stellar glory is reached, all the practitioners are in control, and the glory is a threshold.

This also means that the previous three realms, in fact, the improvement of strength is not as big as imagined, at best, the number of real elements in the body, the quality of the soul, the strength of the body, there is a gap.

In history, it is not uncommon for people to cross the border to kill the spirit.

When you are fighting for life and death, who will fight with you all the time, the outcome is often in a flash.

"The lack of this leaf, the use of power has reached the point where the weightlifting is light, every component is used just right. I thought this garbage would cost some of this person's real yuan. Now it seems that it is a joke." Chen Qing looks still The messy crowd rushing on the roof, angered and screamed.

The extraordinary person beside him did not look at those who fled. From the beginning of the battle, his eyes did not leave the body of the leaf, especially the knife in his hand. When he was on the dragon boat, he always thought that he was a big deal.

Now, Zhuo extraordinary puts himself in the situation just now, imagines that he is a person standing on the roof, jumps down and confronts the leaves on the ground. In the face of the knife in the face of the leaf, he found that he could not escape. As long as he entered the body of the leaf, no matter how he did it, he would be hit by the knife.

Very unexpected, very surprised.

The extraordinary hand has begun to sweat, the sword in the hand is more and more tight, the brain is running fast, the soul is simulating the situation.

Finally, Zhuo extraordinary took a long breath, he has come to the conclusion, "family confrontation, he is not the opponent of the lack of leaves, in order to overcome the lack of leaves, must open the distance, must take advantage of the speed advantage of the sword."

Chen Qing actually did it again, although he was the leader of the younger generation of Lushan, the ninth genius. However, I have to admit that he is close to playing, and Chen Qing is not sure to overcome the leaf shortage.

This has nothing to do with cultivation, depending on the combat experience, as well as the grasp of the battle, and more importantly, the talent.

Chen Qing’s self-examination of experience should be more than the lack of leaves. “Is this leaf deficiency really a gift?”

The three people on the stone bridge did not move, and did not speak. Zhuo and Chen Qing were still pushing forward. The other younger one was completely watching the crowds. He even had the opposite leaf. do not know.

In the center of the night's square, the crowds who cut off the leaves were stunned, and they fell into a coma and stunned. In fact, the whole process took place very quickly, and it was a slap in the face of tea. The reaction of some small vendors near the road did not react. The battle was over.

Money book paintings stunned and looked at the lack of leaves, just like watching strangers.

Just about to open, but see the leaves lacking the knife's hand did not put down.

The leaves turned and turned, and they no longer looked at the roof around them. The expression on their faces did not change at all. They just frowned slightly, and they looked like a disappointment. They opened their mouths and said, "This child of the mountain is a fly. Anyway, why do you have any of you? Don't bother?"

After finishing the conversation, I saw that the leaf was missing and the knife was inserted in front of me, and I gently rubbed my foot.

There was no movement of the mountain, and the roar of the roar.

Just a gas pot that fell to the ground not far away, a drop of oil was shocked and flew into the air.

The leaves were missing and they didn't look at them. They stretched out **** in the sky and Xuanzhi was a mysterious stroke. The drops of oil drifted to the front of the leaves. Then the leaf condensed **** looked at the drop of oil, as if it received the order, the drop of oil immediately came alive.

Awkwardly, it began to vibrate in the air at a horrible speed.

Perhaps the speed is too fast, and it seems that sparks can be seen.

It will take a few seconds.

The leaf lacks a grin toward the distant stone bridge, the index finger and the middle finger, and a bullet.

The drop of oil hanging in the air disappeared when it was awkward.

From the stone bridge that Chen Qingzhuo stood uncommon, to the night market where Ye is missing, a spark passed by, as if it was tearing the air, and it seemed to pierce all the dust in the middle, and came straight.

Chen Qing saw the lack of a leaf and smiled, and saw the lack of a leaf in the air, and he also saw the whole process of the lack of battle, so he did not exist.

In the first time, Chen Qing’s whole body was mobilized, and his mind was put a hundred meters away. In the blink of an eye, five barriers were laid in front of him.

Chen Qing believes that no matter which sword of the sect, whether it is the curse of the sect, and no matter which sect of the sect, so far away, in the case of their own preparation, do not want to account for It’s a bit cheap.

However, one second passed, ten seconds passed, and twenty seconds passed.

Nothing happened.

Chen Qing’s five-layered ecstasy did not sway, and the real element of his body did not move.

After a half-sound, Chen Qing suddenly turned around and said nothing, and the five-layered mindset that was painstakingly arranged was broken instantly. The real elements that condensed around the whole body also quickly contracted back into the body.

Zhuo extraordinary and the young people next to him are dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"The battle is over?"

"What happened just now?"

Under the night.

The breeze blew.

The hair of Chen Qing’s horns fluttered in the wind. His hair was originally one straight hair, without any slight bending, and the hair that floated into the air turned out to be completely curled. Look carefully. The color is also yellow, and if you get close, you can smell a faint burnt smell.

That drop of oil burned Chen Qing's horns hair!

"The close-knit can not stop the blade of the lack of leaves, there is no leaf shortage in the distance, what face to wait for, continue to take their insults?" Zhuo extraordinary may not have figured out, but Chen Qing already knows.

However, he certainly can't guess the truth. The oil drops, it looks like oil. In fact, the internal operation is Tianyuan. Chen Qing relies on the barrier of the real yuan laying, how can he perceive Tianyuan!


The hawker who was closest to the leaf was finally recovered. The tub in his hand fell directly on the ground, his mouth was wide, his fingers pointed out, and he pointed to a group of people on the ground. What seems to be that it can’t be said.

"Miss, are you okay?"

After the event, the merchants at the roadside money house finally recognized the money and paintings, and quickly went forward to ask if there was any injury.

Tired of swinging hands, driving these people away like a fly, the money book draws on the leaves and leaves the mouth, opened his mouth, thought about it and closed it, then opened his mouth and reached out and pointed out the leaf. "You! ”

After a pause, it seems that I have changed my words.

"Don't you say that you want to kill? How can you just stun people?"

At this time, the leaf deficiency has returned to its original appearance, and the look is light and the hand is on the line.

I sweared at the sullen look of the money, and said casually, "You also believe in the words of men."

After two steps, I saw a comatose person at the foot and kicked it off. "Stunned people, don't touch the law, kill people, do you come to bear it?"

"These are masters?" Qian Shu painting followed the leaf lack of footsteps.


"Compared with Lin Meier?"

The leaves lacked contempt and licked their mouths.

"Then let me teach me this."

Qian Shu painting learned how the leaves were missing, and the hands of the air waved a few times, almost slamming his feet.



I saw that the lack of leaves and frowns, a pair of hard thinking, difficult and heavy appearance, seems to have met something more difficult than going to heaven.