MTL - Later, He Became a Royal Healer-Chapter 17

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The King ’s Glory Watching Channel ca n’t hear the player ’s voice or the text between the players. From the perspective of the live broadcast room, there is only one side-by-side match.

The results of the game are clear at a glance.

The head gap between You Liangxing's camp and the opposite side has reached 12-25. Except for the fact that the shooter's Houyi economy in this camp is barely equal, the others are economically backward and the output disadvantage is very obvious.

Kang Shengzhe then clicked into the perspective of the "Liangliang Little Angel" who was playing and followed her perspective. Her score was 0-6-3. The game has progressed to the middle of the game, and she has not got a single head.

The live broadcast bluntly said: [Tragic ...]

[This result is too unreasonable. 】

The previous game process can increase the speed of fast watching. Kang Shengzhe chose the speed of four times, and reached the same level with the game process in a few minutes, and watched the live broadcast with everyone.

Kang Shengzhe didn't speak during the process, but fan comments increased

[Ah, what the **** are you doing? Everyone comes and hits the wall. 】

[This highland tower must not be able to hold it back. Hurry back! 】

[I go, the dishes explode. 】

[It's almost like a complete novice. 】

[Is this still my good girl ... cover your heart. 】

The performance of Xunji was too sharp compared to the clock-like Zhongyan that was as accurate as a robot last night. Many fans were a little disappointed. This is natural. I was used to seeing the show. The level of Xunji couldn't be seen directly.

[I thought of a poem, if life was just like first sight ...]

[Exhaustive. 】

[It seems like I heard the voice of kk boy's heart breaking. 】

The fans' patience gradually dissipated, and soon called kk to go back to the live broadcast, Kang Shengzhe then said, "Wait a while, after watching this game, I don't think this is her level."

Fans shouted: [咦 ...]

[Kk is still reluctant to leave. 】

[Kk: I don't believe it! She's just amazing, she's my sister! 】

[Good, good, you're happy. 】

Between the screens of the barrage, the uncle in the game died again. Rao was waiting for the end of the live broadcast room to burst into another response.

[Ah ... dead again. 】

[IMHO, it's almost gone at this time. 】

[In fact, they have surrendered to six. 】

[What else is the economic difference? Lost. 】

The insights from the live broadcast were one-sided, but Kang Shengzhe didn't answer, watching the dead body that had fallen to the ground disappeared and the resurrected figure fell to the spring. He suddenly said, "What are you doing idle? It ’s better to take kk for everyone. Come to a live live event in the Silver District. For the first time, the commentator kk, please accept it ~ "

[Oh oh commentary? ? 】

[What commentary! Isn't the point the first time? ? 】

【Pooh! You just don't want to leave! I, I, I, okay, I want to listen! 】

In a nutshell, the atmosphere of the live broadcast room was mobilized again, and the atmosphere was relaxed and harmonious. The feeling of disappointment dissipated when I saw my death, but although it dissipated, few people held hope for his next performance. Competitive ** What is needed is real technology, and this kind of thing is there, there is no, there is no, not so lucky to come again and again.

Kang Shengzhe cleared his throat, and his voice was thrown away from the usual jokes and fun. For a while, he was serious and followed the game. He said, "Okay, the game has progressed to the present. I believe everyone has seen it. The current situation is very good. Obviously, the Red Square Middle Road Highland Tower was pushed, and the upper and lower roads have also retreated to the Highland Tower. The three Blues are hovering in the middle to wait for the line of soldiers. The other two are sweeping the Red Square wild area. Let's see what Red is going to do. "

Although Kang Shengzhe's way of telling the audience can arouse the emotions of the audience, in fact everyone knows that the Red side camp where You Liangxing is currently has no other way than to defend.

Want to win, only drag.

"The line came, the Red side responded quickly and cleared the troops, Wang Zhaojun zoomed in front of the crystal, okay, although no people were caught, but they were forced back, the blue side's heir did not leave, he wanted to win this Wang Zhaojun, the output is fast. Wang Zhaojun is retreating into the crystal, but it may be too late ... "

As soon as the words fell, Wang Zhaojun's exhausted blood bar suddenly rose for a while, and someone gave her treatment. With this increased blood volume, Wang Zhaojun successfully retreated into the crystal and saved his life.

"Oh ~ it was Jiji who was given treatment." When speaking of Jiji, Kang Shengzhe's voice always had a different flavor. He wasn't called Liangliang, but he had an inexplicable feeling of being called Liangliang.

"Yiji went up, Red's Houyi followed closely, and two people output together. Blue's Houyi receded, no! It looks like he intends to push now, two to one. Blue's Houyi output is very high. Gao, but Jiji and Houyi are faster, okay! Hold on! "

Along with kk's commentary, Lan Fang's Hou Yi suddenly fell to the ground, You Liang Xing's uncle and the red side shooter named [I just love running] Hou Yi supported the silk blood back to the spring, and came out after being full of blood.

At this time, the enemy was not pressing hard. It seemed that because the winning ticket was in the hands, he was in a hurry, after finishing the wild area on the side of Youliangxing, Lan went back to his home area to sweep away.

"Taking advantage of this effort to lead the line, it is safer for five people to walk in a group. Once killed alone, this game will be cold."

Kang Shengzhe's spectator's observations could not be incorrect, but just after he finished speaking, You Liangxing's concubine and Houyi quickly ran out of the lower tower.

Kang Shengzhe voiced a meal. "It seems to be ready to take the line. In fact, Houyi can go and take the line by himself, and I have to go out ..."

Although he didn't say it directly, it was actually the case. He had been killed so many times before, but now it is very easy to die.

Jiji and Houyi went straight to the bottom, and the two quickly moved the line of thought. Kang Shengzhe stared at Lan Fang's hero and said quickly: "No problem, no one on the opposite side is here now. It's completely time to go back."

It's too late to go back, but the problem is to kill her ... not to go back.

After clearing the troop line, Houyi drilled into the grass on the lower road and returned to the city, but the uncle did not respond. A person wandered on the lower road and the perspective moved to the side. Lan Fang Zhen Ji and Lan Ling Wang found the self and paused for a second. The king went a long way, and Zhen Ji came straight.

"The King of Lanling didn't come. It seems that he is very easy to be killed alone. Zhen Ji has come to challenge her. She has a very high economic injury. She will be half-blooded immediately after being bombarded. Can our uncle be?-"

In this second, the entire first half of the game had a slow response, and the uncle who had hit the wall quickly turned away from Zhen Ji's water waves. Before Zhen Ji's big move was released, he quickly threw out a set of skills!

The second skill is fixed, the third skill is foxfire, the first skill is shock wave, and in just one second, Zhen Ji's blood bar quickly bottoms out.

Kang Shengzhe laughed: "It seems pretty good."

From the beginning of the game to the present, the operation of Jiji has never been so smooth. Not only was she suddenly surprised during the live broadcast, but Zhen Ji on the opposite side was also obviously shocked. Fortunately, Jiji ’s development was not in place, otherwise she would be directly dumped. dead.

Zhen Ji stepped back immediately, but she walked away from her uncle, but ran into the Hou Fang Hou Ji head-on. It turned out that Hou Ji just pretended to return to the city. After Zhen Ji came over, he interrupted his skills and squatted secretly in the grass.

In this way, the heir-in-law not only plays with Jiji, but also believes in Jiji's strength.

Houyi hit Ping a twice, Zhen Ji fell to the ground and the sound of the killing effect just appeared. Lanling King, who was found to be in the wrong situation, had already rushed to support.

The king of Lanling was very close to his self, and he retreated sharply, but at the moment of entanglement, there was only blood left, and Houyi hurriedly rushed to output the line while blocking his own injury. Lanling king could not reach his self. , Can only support half blood on top of the back of the chin.

"The output of this jockey who loves to run is actually okay, but the Lanling King cuts the shooter very quickly. I am afraid that it will be changed. The two will die together, and so on ..."

Seeing that Houyi was going to be cold, a red heart suddenly flung out from behind, steadily and steadily on the King of Lanling, and the Lanling King suddenly stopped, and in this short moment, the situation of the same end turned into the double kill of Houyi.

——Two consecutive breaks!

It turned out that the **** uncle had turned around and gave a blow, and the assistance and life-saving could hardly be more timely.

Without Kang Shengzhe, the live broadcast room has exploded.

[Well? ? ? What's wrong? ? ? 】

[Nice girl suddenly handsome? ? ? 】

【what is this? ? ? Speaking of blood, why dare to go back and hit King Lanling. 】

[I'm really in danger ... cow. 】

[Lanling King: m. 】

[If I ran early, really. 】

Killing the place Zhen Ji and King Lanling on the bottom road, Jiji and Houyi no longer hesitated. The two quickly returned to the city, blood went into the spring, and blood came out. The two remained inseparable and continued to cooperate with each other.

One is responsible for determining and the other is responsible for killing. After the line was launched, they even easily broke the opponent's rhythm that lasted for the first half of a game.

Not to mention the tacit understanding of the action, both of them show a very high standard.

"As you can see, I haven't got a head yet, but the assists have increased linearly. At present, the number of players on the field has changed to 25:30. The next dozen or so assists are all my own."

Kang Shengzhe's voice was with a strong smile, and it felt like this situation should be taken for granted. His poor performance before was so bad that he never thought that this was normal, so everything is not surprising. .

[Well, you are so proud of what you are doing, huh! 】

[That's it! Not your uncle! 】

[Houyi: Who are you? Good girl is mine! 】

When Kang Shengzhe Quan didn't see it, he continued to chuckled: "Liang Liang's assistance is really good. Although the hero is simple, but not everyone can have her consciousness. You see her appointment, the timing is very good, Jamming the opponent will not let the other side put skills at all. "

Suddenly, he paused and asked, "I suddenly realized one thing. Seriously, do you guys think what's wrong with me?" 2k novel reading network