MTL - Later, He Became a Royal Healer-Chapter 18

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He couldn't hear his voice, and the live broadcast was lively for a while.

【Do not! !! You have nothing missing! 】

[What are you missing? Disadvantages! 】

[Stupid kk wake up quickly, at most you lack a mind! 】

Kang Shengzhe pursed his lips in a high profile, and smiled during the live broadcast.

"Forget it, I don't care about you, we will continue to pay attention to this game, huh-you can see that the situation of the Red and Blue is now similar, and the heroes of both sides are still alive and are circling each other, see It looks like it ca n’t be played for the time being. In fact, the economic usefulness of the game at this time is not so great. The advantage of Lan Fang no longer exists. Now it really plays. Whoever survives is basically a wave of pushes. Where is the line now? Oh ~ the soldier line is in the middle. "

Quick response in the live room.

【what did you just say? ? Do you mean to pay attention to your self! 】

[Come shameless! 】

[Everyone is watching the game, but you are watching the girl! Excessive. 】

Kang Shengzhe smiled and continued to explain: "The red side has gathered, squatting in the middle of the grass, and the blue side has come over. Both sides tried to rub their shoulders without passing, what are you waiting for? Oh! The blue teammates are also gathering, waiting Teammate! Is this a group! Is it a group! Ok, group! "

In the later stages of the game, the team battle is a decisive battle. Once dead, the resurrection time is more than forty seconds. It can be said that when this wave is over, there is still someone alive, which is victory.

Suddenly excited by kk during the live broadcast.

[A fight! 】

[Fuck's finally here, can we come back? 】

Kang Shengzhe explained throughout: "The red side's white rushed in! Yes! The blue side's position was not right, the formation was scattered, the blue side was a little panicked, the red side's heir took the opportunity to output crazy, and the blue side's Lanling King Cut people around Houyi, Houyi had no way to retreat, turned his head to fight quickly, the Lanling King and Houyi blood strip fell at the same time! Who can hold it! Is Houyi or Lanling King! Oh-changed! "

The single-player duel that had been intervened by the self before finally came to an end at this moment, and the Red Fang Houyi and the Blue Fang Lanling King all came to an end.

But after Hou Fang fell to the ground for a few seconds, he suddenly reappeared in place, turned around, and plunged into the river grass to enter the battle.

——Houyi's Houyi came up with resurrection armor!

"Good! The battle is still going on! The red side's Bai Qi can't carry it anymore. Before he died, he dragged the other two heroes. The enemy was half-blood. The red side's sister-in-law and Wang Zhaojun output in both directions. Wang Zhaojun group The lethality of the war is very strong. Has she caught each other this time? Caught! Double kill! "

Wang Zhaojun won the second company and was defeated, but turned around and was killed by Lan Fang Houyi and Zhen Ji. He took away a set of skills to take Zhen Ji. In this fierce team battle, only the Red Fang Jihou and Hou Yi were left. Lan Fang has three people.

Familiar characters and familiar pictures have a strong sense of vision.

However, in similar scenes, the sense of tension multiplied.

Kang Shengzhe said: "Now every minute counts, there is no time to pause! Both sides' blood is very fragile. Who wins who!"

Everyone was staring closely at the screen between the words. In the game, the arrows of the two heirs flowed, and their love attacks continued. The moment was extremely short. Kang Shengzhe raised the volume and said, "Two to one has advantages. , Win, win, win! "

The words fell, and the Red Houyi and the Blue Houyi went to the ground at the same time. The confrontation between the two shooters, the flashlight and the flintstone, ended with the fierce jade, and the Red side had half of their blood left, becoming the only surviving person on the field.

[My day! !! Won! !! !! 】

[Damn's really coming up! !! !! 】

[Ah ah ah ah ah excitement! !! 】

The excitement between the live broadcast lasted only one second, but in the next moment, the blue side Houyi suddenly steadily fell to the place where he just died with the sound of the landing.

He is resurrected! !!

Hou Ji of Lan Fang, also came out of the resurrection armor! !!

One second exploded between live broadcasts. [I rub! !! !! 】

[Victory on hand ...]

[Life tm looks like a **** bowl. . . 】

[... Find the area of ​​the red square's psychological shadow. 】

The resurrection of the Houyi of the Blue Party seems to be the end of the Red Party. Everyone can see it. Under the same blood volume, the ego is far from being the opponent of the heir of the other party. The output between them is too great. Who loses? Win at a glance.

Kang Shengzhe suddenly burst into a loud voice, and said loudly, "It's too late! Get out of here!"

The uncle in the screen seems to have the same mind as him. Houyi quickly responded to receding as soon as he landed. The range of Houyi's range was wide. He would still be hit by Houyi even if he receded to the side. His goal was very clear. She supported A drop of blood hid in the grass.

When the vision disappeared, Lan Fang hesitated beside the grass.

At this moment, I have seized the opportunity to accurately throw out a set of skills! !!

Take the enemy Houyi away in an instant! !!

Kang Shengzhe's voice was excited, and said, "Okay!"

Xie Ji counterattacked the blood, and there was a cheer in the live broadcast room, but the cheer had not yet finished, and the enemy ’s delayed Ping a attack before he died fell on Xie Ji.

Just a moment.

Although there is only one click, this one is enough to kill the **** uncle.

I fell to the ground in vain, and the victory in front of me was missing.

There was silence between the live broadcasts, and after that silence, a fierce chest-busting foot.

【This! t! m! Imitation! Buddha! in! Fuck! laugh! 】

[Ah, ah, ah, ah, I feel bad for my uncle! !! Distress my good girl! !! 】

[No TV shows have you reversed so much! !! 】

[This live broadcast sees my angina piercing! !! !! 】

Kang Shengzhe also lost his voice for a while, and there was an uproar immediately following the live broadcast. Everyone stared at the self-confidence in the screen. The slender fox-eared girl fell to the ground motionless, extremely pathetic.

But all of a sudden, Jiji disappeared in place.

After a second, the immaculate hero suddenly fell to the ground.

The air was quiet, fans opened their eyes wide and eyes narrowed, and Kang Shengzhe cried out with a surprise cry. Kang Shengzhe said sincerely: "Handsome! This wave is so handsome!"

Yes, no one expected that in the case that both the red and blue heirs produced a resurrection armor, their own self also produced a resurrection armor! !!

The third resurrection armor! !! The resurrection armor that determines the outcome of the game! !!

The audience died, leaving only his uncle with the mid lane soldiers. This game has been won! !! !!

The live broadcast room was constantly refreshing and experiencing excitement. [Ah ah ah ah ah who can believe that I would be so excited to see a silver bureau! !! 】

[Damn's really excited to shake hands! !! !! 】

[God tm resurrection armor! This wave burst! !! 】

[This is probably the most informative reversal I watched this year. 】

[Best Actress to Liang Mei's Sister-in-law, thank you! !! 】

On the screen, Bian Ji bounced and led the soldiers to the next two towers. He broke the opponent ’s crystal without anyone blocking him. At the moment when the enemy ’s crystal exploded, his figure looked extraordinarily petite and handsome.

Kang Shengzhe quickly quit watching the game and returned to the list of friends. Liangliang Little Angel went online from the game.

[Kkkkkk invite her! !! 】

[Don't hold back! !! Hurry up! !! 】

[Want to kick kk, hands and feet are sharp! Invite her to invite her! !! 】

Before laughing at Kang Shengzhe, remembering Liangliang, but now he ca n’t wait to start for kk. The fans in the live broadcast are changing so fast that it makes people laugh and cry.

"What are you anxious about? I really have no conscience. I do n’t want to see someone handsome? Well, even though I am anxious."

Kang Shengzhe ordered the invitation with a smile. The whole live room was waiting for You Liangxing to agree. However, just after Kang Shengzhe pressed the invitation, the system prompts: The other party does not meet your ranking requirements.

Kang Shengzhe: "..."

Kang Shengzhe looked at his grade. It was Bronze II. [Liangliang Little Angel] was still silver, but just after the game was over, it turned into gold.

Kang Shengzhe never expected that he would have a day of distress for being too low.

"I'm serious, this game of King Glory is really unfriendly to the bronze players ... I'm so angry."

Live broadcast laughed alive. 【Pooh! Why didn't you say that when you used to abuse vegetables? !! 】

[Kk you have to point your face! 】

[You're angry! !! In the anchor, you laughed at the bronze player most often! 】

Kang Shengzhe said: "Nonsense, who dares to laugh at bronze, do you know how bitter the bronze players are! Do you know how bitter I am?" Kang Shengzhe said in a single row. "Four stars are silver, I have to hurry up to rank, or just a moment ..."

He didn't finish talking, he finished speaking for him. [A few moments, the good girl runs away. 】

[Hahahahaha, don't hurry up, wait for someone to go offline. 】

Kang Shengzhe chuckled, "It's okay, I'm fast. Isn't it easy to play bronze, it will be a game in a few minutes."

Swipe the screen between live broadcasts to burst. [Hey, hey, as soon as you finish talking about the bitterness of the bronze player, you will laugh at them again, don't come so fast! !! 】

[Kk really beats his face into a fat man. 】

[Face k Fenghua Peerless. 】

Kang Shengzhe thought about it, entered the game, selected the heroes in seconds, and immediately opened the game and wrote all the words:-Quickly surrender, otherwise I spoil the reunion 3.

The live room twitched. [Ah ah ah ah ah this silly kkkkkk! !! 】

[Do not be so poisonous! !! !! 】

[Better to blow them up! !! 】

Kang Shengzhe played four games in a row and easily won four consecutive games. When the fourth star was reached, his rank rose from bronze to silver. Kang Shengzhe blew a whistle and sent an invitation to the online [liangliang little angel]. . 2k novel reading network