MTL - Later, He Became a Royal Healer-Chapter 46

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Immediately after speaking, kk lacks morality and sees kk's trumpet ambush among teammates. The shocking effect of coincidence felt by base can never be described in words, but the most surprised person is not him. Kang Shengzhe and You Liangxing who were present Both ... Anyone was more surprised than him.

At the first hearing of Xiao Jianxian's voice, Kang Shengzhe felt a little unexplainable in his heart. At the same time, a kind of unclear unpleasant feeling came, and he was surprised that he didn't say a word for a long time.

It's too coincidental.

How could it be so clever that it was so good to match the anchor when playing the trumpet? Fortunately, he was an acquaintance. Kang Shengzhe was stiff for a while, but at the moment of the incident, he didn't know what to do.

He reflexively went to see Liangliang's floor, but the microphone in Youliangxing's head flashed, but there was no sound. The voice channel was quiet, only Xiao Jianxian's surprised voice continued to ring in the game room.

"I rely on it, is it kk, is it right? It should be! I read it right, I rub it really, why are you here! Didn't you just start the broadcast, then hurry to play the results and come to play the trumpet ??? Kk! Hey, I'm your little bitch, don't be shy, talk! "

At the same time as the cheesy voice was raised, the atmosphere of the entire live broadcast was also cheered up. Although Xiao Jianxian claimed to be an over-anchor, in fact, his popularity has been high in the cute cat TV, even if it is not TV's top pillar has at least a place that cannot be ignored.

Hitting the kk trumpet in the entertainment mode, this recognition made all the fans in the live studio excited.

People who often watch game live broadcasts know that cheap and kk are friends in the anchor. The fans of the two also overlap a lot, and some people just reluctantly reluctantly from the live broadcast room of kk. The anchor caught the kk trumpet ... so coincidental, it's not strange to not explode.

Suddenly, there was a crazy comment in the live room.

[Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! That's right, this is kk, that is kk who relentlessly abandoned fans! 】

[My God! !! kk! !! You die! what are you doing! What are you doing here! !! 】

[Let ’s not broadcast you for a minute more, but you still play the trumpet here! Are you the devil! !! 】

[Where are all kk fans! !! Listen to me! !! Gather and prepare for team battle! Let's kill this kk together! !! 】

In these few seconds, the game has begun, Xiao Jianxian chose the hero Gao Jianli, and should reasonably rush to the middle, but his attention was all attracted by kk, instead of going to the middle, he started with Pei Hu and Pei Wherever the tiger went, he went where he did n’t follow, only to find out that Pei Qinhu was also followed by a person, Xiao Jianxian swept away at will, and was suddenly followed by the one who was next to Pei Qinhu Ming Shiyin's game name attracted attention.

Xiao Jianxian said for a moment, "Well—Liangliang, Liangliang little angel? Why is this name so familiar, hey, well-cooked, well-cooked, how is it, how do I feel so familiar? Who is this? "

Netizens' reactions are much faster than Xiao Jianxian. When they have sharp eyes and good memory, they remember the previous kk hitting the bell and watching other people's affairs. There was a sudden frenzy in the live broadcast room.

[Ah, my sun, it's the girl who beat the bell! !! !! 】

[It's a good girl, my drip mom! !! What's the matter! !! 】

[? ? ? Is kk playing a game with Liangmei? ? ? kk What the **** did you carry us! !! 】

[Remembered, it was the soft girl who kk missed and added her friends. (Can't laugh)

With such a reminder, Xiao Jianxian immediately remembered the matter. Unlike the text comments in the live broadcast room, he could make a loud and straightforward voice, and couldn't help smiling, and immediately laughed loudly.

"I ca n’t think of it kk! Are you so secretive? I said that you have been so beautiful lately. It turned out that you took your sister secretly. Wow! What's your speed? Did you start so fast? I took my sister for a few days and started playing games together secretly, unscrupulously! You bullied me that I couldn't get a knife, right? "

There was also a frantic endorsement between the live broadcasts. 【scold him! Hit him! kill him! It's a heartbreaker! !! 】

[Secretly leading her to death! !! !! 】

[No no no, ask what's going on before you die, when did you start doing this, kk what did you do behind us! !! 】

[I just want to ask, why do n’t you play live with a good girl! Why not live stream! 】

[Hey puffer fish! 】

Kang Shengzhe knew nothing of these comments, but when he heard Xiao Jianxian's ridicule, his whole heart sank suddenly.

These jokes others do not matter, but for Liang Liang, it is by no means a simple matter.

Kang Shengzhe didn't know how much Liangliang knew about him. They had a special situation in the first game, and they never discussed the matter in the future. It doesn't matter. What's important is ...

Thoughts have not yet penetrated, and a soft and delicate sound line suddenly came to my ears. The sound of Kang Shengzhe once heard it. Although it was a little strange at first, it was no doubt good. .

You Liangxing: "Bring a girl?"

There are only two words, and the tone is cold as if it is sandwiching ice slag, and the words pass by, biting ice.

Kang Shengzhe froze suddenly.

This sentence of You Liangxing opened up a team voice. Only Kang Shengzhe could hear it, and only Kang Shengzhe felt the change in You Liangxing's mood at this moment.

It seemed to be completely indifferent, without even the anger of anger.

Kang Shengzhe's throat was dry and he couldn't help but panic.

From the moment he opened his voice to the present, You Liangxing only said these two words, but the weight of these two words was surprisingly heavy, and Kang Shengzhe instantly realized what the other party had misunderstood and why he was angry.

The relationship between him and Liangliang started in the game, gradually became familiar, and became closer. The reason was because he played the game tacitly and felt very fate. At first, You Liangxing's voice did give him the illusion of the girl, but later he found that the other party was a boy. It is exactly the same relationship between the two boys.

However, if you put on a hat with a girl at the beginning of this relationship, everything will change, no wonder You Liangxing will be so indifferent for a short quarter of an hour.

From a friendship to a sister's intention, anyone will be chilled, not to mention Liangliang is a boy, for fear of not only feeling the atmosphere, but also insult.

In the past, Kang Shengzhe, who was facing nothing at all, was suddenly at a loss, and spoke several times without knowing what to say. The more anxious, the faster the time passed, and he did not say until after a long dozen seconds: "Good Good, listen to me. "

However, You Liangxing was quiet and silent.

Only the uninformed humorous grinned and said, "kk, why don't you talk, you fight well, see what you fight, hurry up, you do n’t perform well in front of the good girl? I think the good girl is better than you It ’s a lot better, hey! Where did you go just now! The dish is dead! "

No wonder Xiao Jianxian kept shouting, Kang Shengzhe's thoughts were chaotic, and he played very poorly. Not only did he not fight, he even hit the wall several times.

"I still take my sister at your level, I really disagree. Liangmei, do you see him and dislike him? Would you like to take me without thinking? Liangmei?"

Liangmei Liangmei ... Kang Shengzhe suddenly opened the team's voice and said, "What a good girl, don't talk nonsense."

Don't say three words, although it has been as plain as possible, there is still a lot of irritability and indifference hidden in order, Xiao Jianxian meal, immediately smiled and changed the topic before noticing kk's mood changes during the live broadcast.

"The kk is really bad. It seems that I still need to be cayyy. Come and watch me. I want to get a brilliant five kills against kk. Hahaha."

Xiao Jianxian's level is very high, and the rhythm of the big brawl is fast. After the announcement of the five kills, the game was ended with victory in less than three minutes. The enemy's crystal exploded, and Xiao Jianxian's voice disappeared. The entire game room There was silence, Kang Shengzhe's performance was the bottom, You Liangxing's performance was moderate, and obviously he did not perform normally.

Kang Shengzhe tuned his voice back to the team. The team was full of silence. He paused for a few seconds and summoned his courage to say: "Liangliang ..."

You Liangxing's head went gray.

He withdrew from the game, Kang Shengzhe followed him out, clicked into the friends list, and found that in a short moment, You Liangxing even withdrew the glory of the king.

... is really angry.

Kang Shengzhe's heart fell deeply, he clicked into WeChat, but pressed his finger on the keyboard, only feeling that the language was very scarce.

Hesitantly, on WeChat, [Basic] spread the news, worrying.

[Cheesy]:-K, am I doing something wrong?

Kang Shengzhe calmed down, scratched his two hairs, and replied:-I don't blame you.

This is indeed an accident, Xiao Jianxian regretted for a while, not knowing that he had made a mistake, can only say:-sorry.

Kang Shengzhe naturally wouldn't blame him, nor was he blameless. He blame him for being too coincidental in timing, as if it was God playing with him on purpose.

After hurriedly ending the lowly conversation, Kang Shengzhe opened a WeChat chat with You Liangxing, he hesitated for a long time, and finally sent the text to the past.

After doing this, he returned to the glory of the king, exited the trumpet, logged in to his large victor kk, searched for Youliangxing's account in the search bar, and then issued a friend invitation.

After playing this game, use the plus size plus Liangliang.

This is what they said.

The author has something to say: He is not playing with you, it is me, thank you.


Don't worry, there can be no abuse, just a few days of fuss, how can online dating be a bit of a twist.

... Don't scold me anyway.

The love process is gradual. 2k novel reading network