MTL - Later, He Became a Royal Healer-Chapter 47

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Ten o'clock in the morning, the Royal Capital International Airport.

The flight information at the airport was refreshed again, and the long-awaited flight number appeared, and Wang Lu's eyes suddenly flashed. At the same time, the whole heart followed.

Coming ... finally coming!

After a few minutes, kk will get off the plane and meet him. Today is July 1st, which is the day when kk and the company have agreed to come to Beijing.

Wang Lu stood up on the seat at the airport, picked up the pick-up card prepared in advance, squeezed into the crowd, and erected the prominent two lines in his hand in the front row.

——Kkkk You come over, don't ignore me.

Although this sentence seemed very shameful among the crowd, as long as it could achieve the pick-up effect, Wang Lu could not take care of so much for a while. Compared to these superficial things, he was filled with heart by the crowd who came from the exit. occupy.

One of these people who is about to come is kk, which one is it? Could it be this?

Wang Lu's heart seemed to be together. Whenever a traveler approached the exit, he felt a knife hanging in his heart.

As the agent who brought kk up, Wang Lu had a lot of sadness in his heart that was not outsider. The most important one was that until now, he didn't know what kk looked like.

Starting from knowing kk, all communication between Wang Lu and kk is on the Internet. Even if it is about work, it is only through text communication. He has proposed several times to video with kk, but he was rejected by kk.

Fortunately once, Wang Lu was rejected many times. How could he still not know the meaning of kk, fearing that he didn't want to show his face? In addition, kk didn't turn on the camera during the live broadcast, and Wang Lu had long guessed in his heart.

It is very likely that kk's appearance is not satisfactory.

You can't blame Wang Lu for thinking this way. Under the circumstances of the anchor nowadays, a little bit of talent will be used as a bonus point. Among them, the value of the face is the most lethal, and any face in the game anchor can score more than six points. , I had long waited to drive the camera to the fans every day.

In contrast, kk, no matter how many times the company mentions, there is no plan to show up. If there are no appearances that will attract dog blood eggs after the killing, there is only a 99% chance that the face value is not enough.

Thinking of this, Wang Lu sighed suddenly.

Because kk has not been very enthusiastic about the live broadcast with the big star Bai Yao. When contacting kk last night, kk was even weaker. Wang Lu did not mention with kk a major event that has recently worried him:

Things have gone wrong with the live broadcast with Bai Yao.

The entire anchor of the cute cat tv knows that live broadcast with Bai Yao is equivalent to stepping on the Hengtong road. Such a big cake is placed in front of everyone, everyone wants to taste it, kk had already won it with the popularity of the explosion The ownership of the cake can be bad or bad. There has been no official announcement of the live broadcast. The last stamp has not been covered, and things may change.

Sure enough, just this morning, Wang Lu received a temporary notice from the company that it was meeting with Bai Yao today. The company decided to let the company's best game anchors meet together. The final result was selected by Bai Yao. Showing respect for Bai Yao, also convinced the platform's game anchor.

In this way, it is tantamount to tell kk to spit out the food you eat, and then listen to the fate of the sky, how could Wang Lu be convinced, but the most dissatisfied thing is still behind, Wang Lu received the call and hurriedly inquired, and found that the company said It sounds good that everyone is equal. In fact, there are only two anchors who really call to attend the meeting and meet with Bai Yao.

In addition to kk, there is also Piao Luo who is also the anchor of the cute cat game area.

The matter was so obvious that Wang Lu, a blind man, also saw it. It was obvious that the company was slack and intentionally transferred this opportunity to Piaoluo. It was only because it was decided to directly overthrow it. One out.

Speaking of Piaoluo, Wang Lu is even more uncomfortable. Although Piaoluo has long been aware of this opportunity, he even gave gifts to high-level activities. However, after the candidate was selected as kk, there was no action on the other side. Wang Lu once thought that He gave up, and secretly rejoiced that a pass of beauty was needed, but he did not expect that a sudden surprise attack on the last day came directly to the bottom.

Now think about it, Piaoluo is not active, but has been secretly active! Just wait for the enemy to win the live broadcast today!

There was sweat on Wang Lu's head, and the airport was not hot, which was pure cold sweat.

He should have dealt with these things, but he was careless, and he was taken care of by Piao Luo, and said that it was all his fault, but to this day, it ’s the most important thing to deal with these things. .

Thinking of this, Wang Lu was stiff and even more worried than before.

Yes, the company did not directly give the opportunity to Piaoluo, but let Piaoluo and kk go to meet Bai Yao together, which has largely explained the relationship.

A stranger who has never met each other, the key to getting Bai Yao's favor is to make a good impression of Bai Yao during a short meeting, and the origin of a good impression is two things: easy conversation Skills, and a personable appearance.

And it happens to be both ...

As the anchor of the game area, it is necessary to have an active atmosphere and excellent eloquence. There is nothing to be concerned about, but the appearance is different. Looking at the famous game anchor of Meng Mao TV, Piao Luo has the oldest qualification and the most howling wolf fans. Among them, the howling wolf has the highest fans because his face is very high, but unfortunately it is slightly worse than other anchors and is a flaw.

In the same way, the king ’s glory has been burning for so many years, and the anchor has changed from one crop to another, and Piao Luo can stand up. In addition to technical skills, it is the light that eats the face, although it is not as good as the howling wolf But Piaoluo's face value can be around eight.

Not to mention, it's more than enough to give girls a handsome appearance.

By this comparison, Wang Lu's chest was hurting.

To be straightforward, he doesn't have hope for the appearance of kk. Now all he asks is to hope that kk will not look too ugly. Considering the age of kk, even if it is not ugly or insignificant, maybe there is a possibility of acne on the face ...

Between Wang Lu's heart ache, the flow of people coming from the exit was getting closer and closer, and the crowd was crowded, and Wang Lu was dizzying for a moment.

Damn ... this is ugly, but don't be this!

Wang Lu desperately shook the pick-up card and stared at the crowd. Fortunately, the man walked straight in front of him. Wang Lu was relieved. His breath was not finished. His eyes fluttered and he noticed that the crowd was a little prominent. The presence.

Among the crowd, one person was very tall, swinging his chest on the horizontal line of other people's head, and glanced at it, thinking of a word called ‘heli chicken group’ in his head.

... is anyone really tall in real life?

From a distance, it still looks like long hair ... woman? No, it's impossible, that posture is definitely a dignified male.

Thoughts scattered, Wang Lumeng's recollection, when is it, how could he still be free to be attracted by irrelevant people, Wang Lu swallowed saliva, glanced sharply, and continued to search for kk in the crowd.

But with a stunned effort, just now the very tall man had gone straight to his eyes, and in a daze, he easily snatched the pick-up card that he raised up with both hands.

The distance is too close, the man must look down to look at him, carrying the light, Wang Lu saw the man open his mouth, a very familiar voice slowly sounded, polite and lazy: "Hello, brother Wang." 2k novel Reading Network