MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 451 Wolf King Mountain

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The bottom lane of the two sides is as stable as ever. To be able to reach the finals, there must be a bottom lane that can calm down and output at the critical time. Both woe and Wolves have.

Xiao Xiaozi and Drea's dream combination, Xiao Bai and Xiao Ye's Bai Ye combination, is now the second only combination of Dragan's bottom line.

At 12 and a half minutes, the Wolves decided to speed up the pace. The snake woman suddenly went down and cooperated with the bull's head Qian Qian to grab the dragon. The male gun was found, but the snake girl and Qian Qian hit the dragon really fast. They didn't want to fight one because of one dragon. Grasp the small group, this is to give the Snake Girl a chance.


The male gun gave a big move. Try to grab it. Xiaolong was steadily accepted by tank. The Wolves paid attention to these opportunities. This one is not so easy, so we need to accumulate chips for later.

Thirteen and a half minutes later, the male gun went to the middle again. Ld had his own understanding. The plane on the plane was too comfortable. A snake woman without displacement must be sanctioned. He really did not believe that he could not be killed.

"Fn, prepare, prepare!" Zhuo Yunhai shouted.

Lisang Zhuo is playing in the middle. Snake Girl has always been oppressive. Zhuo Yunhai also pondered Li Mu's routine and habits. Li Sang Zhuo stepped back first. Snake Girl inertia took a step forward. Li Sang Zhuo suddenly gave an e and passed directly. Give the big move, the male gun also appeared for the first time, Li Mu's snake woman flashed cleansed and handed in together, the orders on both sides lit up t.

"This wave is about to pick up a group. The Snake Girl flashed to purify the full sex, which is quite decisive, but isn't the Snake Girl's position too late, so that the dragon and tortoise are also very dangerous to come down," Haha said, "Bobby landed first. , Directly on the wall, but not on the wall, the snake woman and Qianzhao fight back, Bobby gave a big move, Qianzhao and the snake woman avoided, but the distance was pulled away, the male gun was also on the side, this group hit No. "

"I feel woe's initiative and coping in the small group are getting better and better." Han Xing also said.

"This wave is handled well by the Snake Woman. When the t-shirts were just on, the orders on both sides were not in each other's field of vision. Therefore, whoever landed first didn't get any information at all, which is why the flickering Snake Woman pulled back. If he is a little bit ahead, he seems to be able to give the output at the first time, but Bobby, who is landing first, can easily reach the Snake Girl with a male gun injury! "Luo San Pao said, pointing out that the snake had just arrived. Why do women pull back.

The director may have heard it. He really gave a small slow motion in the lower left corner. The transmission was really out of sight. Li Mu did not get information from the elder brother.

Suddenly Bobby came down to push the Snake Girl.

This kind of decision without seeing the smoke is the most terrifying. It has always been felt that the Wolf King is a little bit awesome, and the three major skills are even more "waves". In fact, this judgment is really the Wolf King's real horror.

In such a final, no problem is more important than "grasp the opportunity".

即便 But even so, woe is still very profitable, playing double action of snake women, at least killer should be more honest, otherwise Li Sangzhuo teaches to be a man every minute.

"Get off the road, I have t!" Zhuo Yunhai said, without the flash purification purification snake woman must be stable, this time they must move, can not miss this opportunity!

Ld understood it, and passed by touching the wall in the bottom. After Li Sangzhuo broke t, ez and the bull head retreated.

"Let's go, I'll be off!" Xiao Bai said in a deep voice, the bull's head flashed and lifted the plane, and then Li Sangzhuo, who landed on the ground, performed a set of coherent operations. .

But there is no way, ez still died without the injuries of three people, and finally Li Sangzhuo took the head with a q.

Woe accepted ez, and did not love fighting. The blood of the bull head was still healthy. This wave was to catch ez.

The whole audience was boiling, and the fans of woe started to burn. This is the woe they gave to them. Neptune wants to carry it!

The role of teleporting Lisangzhuo will start to play!

"It feels like this sea king is more like a wolf king."

"Neptune is the kind of increasingly frustrated and brave, after all, young, you can continue to learn and improve!"

"If Neptune can turn over the mountain of Wolf King, it will be unstoppable!"

"This 18-year-old player will win the first professional championship of his own, unimaginable!"

At the auditorium, Zhang Chun and Lao Li were also a little nervous. It felt like the wind was not going right.

But although the bottom road is lost, but the top road

The tortoise on the road took the opportunity to push off the upper tower and returned to the city

"Fa brother is very old-fashioned and went home, but woe took the opportunity to win the canyon pioneer, woe started to master the rhythm, do we want to see let 2 chase 3!" Han Xing said loudly.

This is the aspiration of woe fans. If you really let 2 chase 3, then the king of sea will be defeated in one battle. In the past, the defeat against the wolf king will be all back.

Obviously, with good teammates, Snake Girl can't do whatever she wants, even ... there is nothing to do.

Zhou Zhouyang's eyes were bright and he was eager to win Zhuo Yunhai. From the age and strength, Zhuo Yunhai is the key to sanctioning Li Mu in the future.

He saw the terrible learning ability in Zhuo Yunhai, and he can grow every time he fails!

In 19 minutes, the Wolves wanted to take the dragon, but the male gun appeared, and the surrounding vision was lacking. The Wolves did not dare to fight. Since the snake woman was caught for a double stroke, the rhythm of woe has improved.

Li Sangzhuo, who took the head, can now advance and retreat, and clear the soldiers fast, t is still a deterrent to the side, and Li Sangzhuo fully reminded the Wolves through a wave of capture.

After 20 minutes, ld stole Xiaolong alone, so cool!

The wailing of Xiaolong clearly reminded the Wolves that they were playing too dull and were completely taken away by their opponents. Li Sangzhuo's t makes the Wolves play less and play more deadly.

"Fa brother, mature, come, steal a wave of dragons, and fight back at any time!" Li Mu suddenly said, can't be dragged on like this, you must change the rhythm, the dragon and turtle can resist, and Qianyu and the snake girl fight the dragon fast.

The Viper Woman suddenly disappeared ~ ~ Zhuo Yunhai immediately reacted. If it is another hero, this time point is not dare, but in the style of the Wolves, and the Snake Woman Chihyun, ... steal again!

"They are stealing dragons, come!" Zhuo Yunhai shouted immediately, and then walked to Longkeng, but there was no vision. Li Mu's wave of hitting the dragon was to tease Zhuo Yunhai's sensitivity. He knew that Zhuo Yunhai would realize.

After all, Zhuo Yunhai.

When the line disappeared, the Snake Girl broke away from the Dragon Sky. When Li Sangzhuo appeared, she immediately turned into a petrified move, and the dragon tortoise and Chisun also rushed out. Li Sangzhuo only had one-fifth of the blood left. With a big move of his own, Bobby gave teleportation support, and the trolls came over.

Xi Zhuo Yunhai desperately flashed, and at the end of the big move, she ate a taunt of the dragon and turtle, but did not flash out, the snake girl accepted the head.

Woe's support came over, the troll gave the pillar, but it was too late, when the troll wanted to leave, a cow came up behind him, and the little white bull came back to the troll, cooperated with the snake woman to accept the troll, and the other side, Bobby killed Qian Qian, a niches Qian Qian's big move did not come out, but Bobby was also chased to death by the dragon turtle.

The plane was long overdue, it was useless at this time, and ez closed the line.

牧 Li Mu didn't let him come over, ez just had to make a big move to support it. It must be too late in time. Before the plane arrived, the battle must be over and the Wolves would not be in love. This is a good opportunity for ez to gradually lead the plane.

This is the gradual accumulation of advantages.

This wave of snake woman takes off, both heads are accounted for!