MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 465 Eye-catching

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In the lounge of sk, the vice president of sk club came. This vice president is very young. He himself was once a well-known Xinghai professional player, the pope look.

He came today because he learned that his opponent was his "old opponent"!

The unexpected defeat of an international match that year really did sink him for a while, and that was probably the only Waterloo invincible career.

I did not expect that he retired so long, that man even appeared in the professional arena, and the opponent is still his own club.

Look did not hide it, but also told the members of sk with a missed tone, "This is a very interesting opponent, full of toughness, and never give up, I hope everyone will help me revenge, haha."

Only and others are listening to the story, which is also amazing. Of course, this is the past. Now sk is not afraid of any opponents.

Zhu Zhenzhong, who had witnessed the battle in China, clapped his hands helplessly, "Okay, what should be prepared, what should be said, said a lot before, don't despise your opponents, only humble people can raise the championship trophy, Everyone heard clearly, this is the semi-final, no matter who the opponent is, even the wild card team, he can come to the semi-final is your opponent, a terrible team player, so do n’t think about show technology, tactical first One, make the most of our operations. Opponents have no chance! "

"Sk will win!"

Sk ~~~~~

In another lounge, the players of the Wolves team have already been ready. In this final, the final selection is 008.

In fact, everyone in the Wolves has a lot of hearts. This battle is very important. It must be sent to the brother. For the brother, Zhang Duanshui is convinced. He has a long way to go.

Today belongs to Fa Ge.

008 is very ritual from the morning, looks calm, and feels like a normal day, but rarely talks, and always has a smile on his face.

"Brothers, I wo n’t say much more. At this step, we have no burdens, no burdens, and barefoot ones are not afraid to wear shoes. You are opposite sk, kill them. Their honor is yours, 008, Fat brother, old hair, I think they will definitely target you first. From now on, you will have to be mentally prepared! "Zhang Qiu said.

The ordering position has always been painful, and Zhang is not worried about other positions. Even the wild position is okay. The mature person belongs to someone who is crazy. The more people look down on him, the more fierce he is. The biggest problem is ordering. sk, if the singles explode, there is really no chance at all. If you want to win this time, you must look at the singles, even if you have a tie, you have a chance.

No one is afraid of the Wolves!

Ye Xuan Xuan was excited all night without falling asleep yesterday, thinking about to hit sk, Ye Xuan Xuan felt like dreaming, sk, what kind of existence? !! !!

现在 Now the Wolves are their opponents in the World Series, the opponents in the semifinals.

They may eliminate sk! The thought, like a fire, was burning, leaving her mind cold.

Hey, I have been collecting videos and routines for ordering every day and night, and I ’m trying to organize. The player is resting. He is staying up all night because the player needs more rest. He has to do logistics. Fortunately, the partners in the wolf's den are obliged to provoke the most complicated and trivial tasks.

This Wolves team may not have any fame or wealth, but everyone is a family member. These five players not only represent themselves, but also represent the staff of each Wolves team, as well as the wolf dens behind them. , And Taosu, these really **** fans.

At this moment, they represent ll.

It's time for the debut, the staff came in, Zhang Qiu stood up, "Go!"

The wolves attacked.

The host began to introduce the players one by one. The first to appear was the Wolves. Every player's appearance will be cheered by the fans.

Yes, many Chinese students came to the scene.

Off the stage, the team members of EVG are also on the scene. These days they should be on holiday. They have also been training with the Wolves all day and night, which also helped provide a lot of ideas.

Zhou Xuyang was sitting on the stage, watching this dazzling stage, and longing for his heart, one day he would stand there as the winner.

> "Wolves' order 008!"

008 looked calm, waved his hand gently, and looked at the familiar stage. He once again stood in this position, facing the same opponent, it should be said, a stronger opponent.

的 At this time last year, he was calm on the surface, but his hands were shaking, his muscles were all tense, and his head was blank and thoughtless.

今天 But today, he calmly looked at all of this, abandoning honor and disgrace, and no victory or defeat. What he wants is to take out all the accumulation of his career and tell everyone that lol, once there was 008.

"Fa, fa ..."

有人 Some people shouted 008 at the scene. After all, they were veterans. There were even a few foreign audiences holding their mobile phones with the words of 008 support.

弹 The barrage in the live broadcast room has completely exploded. "Fa brother, come on, it was my fault before. Win sk, you are my father!"

"Fa brother, hold on, fa brother, dear brother, look at you!"

"Fa, fa ...

At this moment, the hearts of all fans are standing together.

"The next thing is, the Wolves mid-single player, the single killer of this competition, the king of kda-killer!"

Li Mu appeared on the scene. The cheers and boos were mixed, a bit confusing. The cheers were definitely ll's supporters, and the boo ... probably Li Mu's nonsense before the game.

同学 Li Mu did not care, but he waved his hands very hard. This is a fine tradition of the old Li's family. Actually, he doesn't need to care where, as long as he imagines that the food market in front of his house is the same.

Li Jiebai's ward, lying on the bed, with a computer in front of her, saw Li Mu waving his hand, could not help but smile, the master is a master, so skinny everywhere.

The parents who stood by Yoyo fortunately endured sadness. Today Yoyo is going to undergo surgery, which is very dangerous. In fact, it can be treated conservatively, but Yoyo doesn't want to sit in a wheelchair. She hopes that she is worthy of Li Mu.

As far away as Shanghai at this time, Zhang Chun's dumpling shop is full of people, neighbors, and even brought children!

... Older than Aunt Zhang Luo, now it ’s terrible. Since winning the championship in the spring, Old Aunt Yu has become the first in the community. Everyone said that the old Li family ancestor's grave had smoked, and a good person, big Star.

There are so many people in China, old aunt Yu is already surprised. When I heard that Li Mu went to the United States to play a game, it was even more terrible. I strongly urge everyone to watch the live broadcast together.

I watched so many foreigners cheering (booing) for Li Mu in the audience, and they were also surging older than the aunt.

Aunts don't understand e-sports, but their life philosophies are also very concise. What can prove that Xiao Li can be booed by so many foreign devils when he hasn't done anything angry? Xiao Li is a genius, Xiao Li Qiang, they are jealous!

To some extent, the aunts are very reasonable.

Uh ...

Song Huzheng is the same. As the Wolves reached the semi-finals of the World Series, the school's e-sports club is also in full swing. Of course, it also has the support of the Wolves. Facing sk, this is definitely a game that everyone must not miss.

Can I win?

I tell the truth, anyone who has a bit of common sense knows that this is just a hope, there is such a little chance of winning, but no one knows, I really don't know.

Senior Minister Li Mu's remarks also frightened everyone. He really dared to say anything. Although it was the same in ll, it was a world game and faced the world.

At the scene, the host began to introduce sk. Compared to the Wolves, the reputation of each sk team member is too much, because the lck game has live broadcast with local commentary in each major area, and fans have countless fans. Everyone's cry is several levels higher than the Wolves, and when it is only the turn, it goes straight to the sky, and the cheering lasts for more than a minute.

This is the glory and respect only earned, regardless of nationality.

Countless opponents who want to challenge sk have fallen. What will happen to the Wolves?

The live commentary is in English, but each live broadcast room has its own commentary on the theater.

"Dear viewers, it's time for stage b. Coach Zhang Qiu's reelection has always been a must. Look at what he has prepared this time!" Haha shouted.

Blue square sk, red square

方 ng

The shot was given to both coaches, and Zhu Zhenzhong's expression was calm. For sk, it was commonplace.

The old ball is also unchanged. No matter when he is a player or a coach, he has experienced great scenes.

The blue ban gave Ritz the first ban.

"It can be seen from this hand that sk is prepared and aimed at Ritz of killer." Haha said with a frown.

Wu Hanxing nodded: "Coach Zhu Zhenzhong never underestimates the enemy. The Wolves must not care."

In fact, there have been many talented players in the League of Legends professional game, and they have adapted to teams with good versions. underestimate the enemy.

The first-hand ban of the Wolves gave "Leopard Girl" wild hunter Nidalee, as the world's No. 1 wild clib leopard girl is really strong and terrible. For a long time, the Hanbok ranks first. Fearing it, clib is now the tactical core of this sk.

The second ban of sk gave the explorer ez. This is the hero that Xiaoye won v many times in the summer season. To be honest, in the Wolves, the value of v is higher than the old wolf. This is really very much for this hero. Have experience.

The second red wolves team moved to the Star Wars Dragon King. This is a must. The new hero Star Wars Dragon King shined in the World Championship, and the only Dragon King also killed the Quartet in this World Championship.

The shot was given to sk, Zhu Zhenzhong was communicating with the players, and the third ban was still the middle single, and it was given to the Dark Head Sindra.

"Killer's Xindella's performance experience in the group stage directly defeated kon and also attracted sk's attention. The two relocations really gave enough face." Haha said.

"Sk so many hands, it can be seen that they are blocking the Wolves' early rhythm point. The Dark Heads and Iserere are both heroes that the Wolves can play very effectively in the early and middle periods."

"I'm so nervous, I don't know what they're doing. Now the spider is out, to whom is the last ban?" Han Xing said.

In fact, there are a lot of things to be disabled, it is best to have ten eight bans.

The Jackal's last ban gave Jess. Suer's Jess can change his life against the sky. He used it in the group stage and was so desperate that his opponent was desperate. In the early stage, it was easy to play an advantage and then he wore it.

Do not let sk's order go crazy, it is the first place in the tactics of the Wolves, otherwise the chance of playing a team is gone.

Both sides entered the hero selection stage, "What will sk grab?"

On the big screen, I was given a shot of sk in the war room. The team members were very calm, and they did not know who told a joke. The five players laughed. There was no such thing as Wolves ’s feeling of being an enemy. This scene is the first time for the Wolves, but they have experienced it, and the lck area has this heritage.

I chose a policewoman ~ ~ without hesitation, quickly locked down.

The Jackal team backhandedly won "Zela" and "Olav", and the ball was also directly locked without delay.

"Jela is the hottest auxiliary hero in the World Series, with a very high win rate. Olaf is also a good choice. The favorite jungle hero in this version of tank, but the spider is placed outside." Haha said a little worried, I'm really scared. Clib is a famous spider king, but the ban position is not enough, either the east wall or the west wall.

Sk followed up with "Spider Queen" and "Sacred Hammer".

The Jackal team won the "Troll King" and the "Ice Shooter".

Sk's last two selections, Victor and Apocalypse, the first lineup is very stable, sk choose a regular lineup to test the Wolves' quality.

At this time, the international commentary was very high. "The last unter position of ng was given to the middle single killer. The speech before the singles was very wild. In my opinion, it is arrogant. Let us look at his choice. What is it, Malzaha? "

Except for ll, the explanations in other divisions have similar meanings. Anyway, Li Mu was successfully caught fire.

Nether Prophet Marzaha has been a very o hero since the revision. The a bonus is very high, there is control and damage, and finally the ability to rely on the line is a good choice. The old ball thinks this is good.

Li Mu shook his head, "Clock me."