MTL - Legend of the Great Saint-v11 Chapter 57 Get the book

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Li Qingshan suddenly understood, with a meaningful "um", put away his talented supernatural powers, and overlooked the burning Vientiane City with the most ordinary vision.

With a "bang", the air exploded and the fireworks opened. Li Qingshan's figure disappeared. He had soared into the sky and turned into a black spot in the boundless blue sky.

The terrifying coercion that enveloped Vientiane City suddenly disappeared, leaving only a faint lingering prestige, echoing in every piece of debris.

But for some reason, Vientiane City "trembles".

Rumble, the ruins collapsed, and the sea boiled!

Vientiane City is moving. It seems to have become a big ship, set sail again after being stranded for thousands of years.

Before I could ride the wind and waves, I saw that the black spot in the sky gradually became larger. At first, it looked like a stone. In a blink of an eye, it became a meteor, wrapped in a terrible whistling and terrifying pressure-falling from the sky!


In an instant, Li Qingshan hit the Vientiane City with a punch. The heavy earth and rocks that stood in front of his fist were lined up like a stream of air and water, and the rising earth and air waves easily broke off the burning but unstoppable Tianshu Tower. .

However, the power of this punch barely leaked even a single hard "crust."

Li Qingshan's eyes condensed, the bull demon power in his fist surged out!

In an instant, Vientiane City flew up, every stone, every building, all rose into the sky, and the mountain island that carried it all was suppressed by Li Qingshan several feet down, as if it was about to sink into the sea.

boom! The seas are tumbling, stirring up huge waves.

There was a stern and long howl that seemed like a dragon's chant but was much dull. From the deep sea, a huge dragon head broke through the sea, looking back and glaring at Li Qingshan.

It turned out that this island, which has hosted the Vientiane City for thousands of years, was transformed by Hai Lingzun. What Li Qingshan hit was not the crust, but the tortoise shell.

"It's been a long time since I used this trick! Happy!"

This trick that fell from the sky is his unique skill at the bottom of the box. It is easy to use, and it is necessary to use it!

Even Guihai Lingzun’s ten thousand years of cold and mysterious tortoise shells were cracked criss-crossed by him and spread to invisible depths. This is the last support of the spirit turtle family, just like ordinary turtles. same.

Li Qingshan smiled and looked at Guihai Lingzun: "Hand over the "Vanxiang Book", or fall."

Guihai Lingzun Gujing’s unwavering mind couldn’t help but tremble. He didn’t see any smile in Li Qingshan’s dark eyes, only boundless pain, despair, anger, resentment...that was no longer Li Qingshan. , But the Lord of Demon Realm!

The Lord of the Demon Territory has exhausted his patience, and his killing intent is boiling to the extreme. If Guihai Lingzun dares to resist the slightest bit, he will disregard the heavenly book, disregard his gratitude, and only kill!

Guihai Lingzun succumbed, lowered his huge head, avoiding the dark sight.

Even though he knew that this was the demon of the heart and was intimidated and coerced, how could he fight against the incarnation of a **** after losing the "Vientiane All-Inclusive Array"!

Rumble! The Vientiane City fell back on the back of Guihai Lingzun again, completely shattered, and soot skyrocketed, but neither Guihai Lingzun nor Li Qingshan paid any attention to these small movements.

Guihai Lingzun was discouraged and sank his head into the sea and retracted the tortoise shell. At the same time, he made up his mind that as soon as Li Qingshan left, he immediately sneaked into Guixu to avoid this catastrophe.

Compared with Li Qingshan's fist, Vientiane City is lightly like floating dust, while Li Qingshan is completely immersed in "The Vientiane Book of Heaven".

The "Vanxiang Book" is naturally not a book, nor can it be contained by ordinary jade slips. It is almost the sum of all the spiritual roads in the world. The information contained in it is more than the total book of the Tianshulou. It can only be passed through Spiritual transmission.

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and the killing intent disappeared. As long as you get this, the path of cultivation of all beings in the demon realm can be restarted, and there is no need to practice magic and sink the evil ways.

The joy of this moment has even overshadowed the sufferings of sentient beings in the Demon Realm for hundreds of millions of years, like a beam of sunlight shining into the abyss, so bright and intoxicating.

Far away in another world, above the highest peak of the boundless demon realm, Li Qingshan's deity stopped his work, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It was a real smile, not from the memory of the past, but from the future. Hope.

At the same time, in the majestic temples, hundreds of millions of believers are carrying out pilgrimage activities, to the high black idol, the man who brought the golden sun, to offer the most fanatical and sincere faith, the magnificent temple There are no more blood sacrifices and wailing, only boundless silence and deep sadness.

Suddenly, as if a warm current poured into the hall, every believer felt a strange joy.

Demon Realm does not lack cruel pleasures and indulgent revelry, but it has never had such a wonderful feeling, so warm, calm, and full of hope.

That is the joy of God!

Many believers had tears in their eyes and even cried bitterly, bowing down in front of the statue of God.

God and man, man and God, connect with each other and influence each other.

Li Qingshan experienced these feelings while continuing his work. Legend has it that the great free demon, the demon among the demons, performs asceticism on the Daxue Mountain all year round.

The highest peak of the Demon Realm at the foot of Li Qingshan has become a large volcano, constantly erupting lava flames and billowing smoke, and constantly sparking blazing lightning.

All beings in the Demon Territory have seen the golden sun, but he is the base camp of the Lord of the Demon Territory.

Li Qingshan couldn't help sighing that he became more and more like the villain in various stories, but it was not without reason that he turned this place into a volcano.

From the depths of the volcano, the earth’s evil primordial magnets were constantly pouring out. He collected all of them, then led the sky thunder, lowered the ground fire, and injected the power of faith to forge, and gradually took a prototype, like a spear or spear. .

Li Qingshan is good at using swords, and his swordsmanship is also good. Only when he first made his debut, he used a big spear, and now it seems that he wants to regain his old craftsmanship.

At the same time, a silver light flashed over the Vientiane City, Chao Tianjiao drove the Tianma to come, and looked at the unrecognizable Vientiane City in disbelief. The iconic building, the Tianshu Tower, was broken in two, still burning.

"what happened!?"

Chao Tianjiao couldn't understand for a while, but saw that there was a huge sinkhole in Vientiane City, which was hundreds of meters deep, and a familiar but unfamiliar figure stood at the bottom of the hole.


Li Qingshan was concentrating on receiving "The Vientiane Book of Heaven", splitting a trace of thought, and smiling slightly at Chao Tianjiao in the sky.

"Tianjiao, long time no see!"

"Qingshan, what happened here?"

Perhaps Li Qingshan's expression was too peaceful. Although Chao Tianjiao was full of doubts, he was not sure that he was the culprit of all this.

"Master sister, can't you see it? He has become a demon! All this is his handwriting!"

A blazing and cold and arrogant voice sounded, a red light flew from the south, paused in the air, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com turned into Li Liehuo, looking at the ruins of Vientiane City and Li Qingshan in the tiankeng, his face was also full of shock and fear.

"What are you talking about? Just rely on him! Big brother, when you crossed the catastrophe, your brain was broken by lightning!"

Chao Tianjiao pointed at Li Qingshan with an unbelievable look on his face, and of course he did not forget to respond to Li Liehuo's "big sister".

Even if Li Qingshan really degenerates into an evil god-she has been a little worried about this-it is impossible to break the Vientiane City suppressed by Guihai Lingzun!

By the way, where did Return Hai Lingzun go? Don't be the old man who was unwilling to be a mount, simply ruining Vientiane City and ran to Monster Beast Road. This most unlikely possibility seems to be the only possibility.

Li Qingshan still smiled, not defending or admitting.

Li Lie said fiercely: "Hmph, it's really stunned, don't you understand? He is the demon star!"

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