MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 77 memory · end

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Shi Hao quickly pushed the door and got out of the car. Within a few seconds, all the eight people in the two cars gathered on the side of the road, passed through the guardrail that had been knocked out of a huge gap, looked down, and saw the city off-road car crashing straight into the car. It landed on a big tree and knocked the tree crooked.

"Damn it..." Shi Hao couldn't help but marvel, he didn't expect those two people to be so crazy, surrounded by front and back, the first reaction was not to stop, but to speed up and change lanes, and the speed was too fast and out of control, rushing down the cliff.

"Boss! It seems to be on fire!" A person noticed the black smoke rising from the front of the car and reported.

Hu Ren's face was so dark that water dripped out, he raised his hand, and ordered sharply: "Go down and save people!"

After speaking, he took the lead and slid down from the gap in the guardrail. The rest quickly followed.

Hu Ren arrived first and found that the windows and doors were locked tightly. He tried to open the door, but to no avail. I took half a step back and searched for something that could break the window, but found that there was not even a stone here.

"Fuck!" He yelled, and ordered to his subordinates, "Go find something to smash the window!"

Several people turned around and went up. The rest came to him.

"Boss!" Suddenly the person who noticed the black smoke said again, "It's not the car that's burning, it's the grass. It seems that someone threw a lighter in the grass."

"What?" Hu Renyi was surprised, and the next second he felt rejoicing. Just then, his subordinates found a tool hammer. Hu Ren grabbed the hammer and slammed it on the car window.

The glass shattered at the sound, and Hu Ren knocked off the broken glass with all his might, finally revealing a hole through which he could see the inside of the car.

— There is no one in the car.

"They ran away." Hu Ren's tone was surprisingly calm.

After a second of delay, he let out a breath and ordered: "Search! They shouldn't be far away, just search around here!"

A few hundred meters away, Qin Miao was in front, and Chu Suiyun was half a step behind him, and the two of them were moving forward in silence.

On the road just now, I was stopped by two cars in front and behind. Qin Miao wanted to stop the car, but was stopped by Chu Suiyun.

Then Qin Miao saw a scene that he would never forget in his life. Chu Suiyun firmly and loudly said to himself: "Speed ​​up, turn around, let's rush out of the road, pretend to be a car accident, throw the car and run away."

Obviously the expression was extremely calm, but the words he said were as bold as crazy.

Qin Miao was shocked for a moment. Chu Suiyun always behaved too frivolously in times of crisis. When he was kidnapped, his reaction was to find a way to escape, and he would never be caught without a fight.

There is no time to hesitate now, Qin Miao decided to listen to Chu Suiyun's words once, he gripped the steering wheel tightly, and said to Chu Suiyun in a deep voice, "Sit still."

The off-road is like a howling beast, ignoring the flanking enemies, roaring and breaking through the cage, almost self-destructing and crashing down the steep slope.

Different from the car that really accelerated out of control, Qin Miao controlled the car to slow down the speed before it was about to rush into the sea, and then he quickly unbuttoned the seat belt without even realizing it, and leaned over to protect Chu Suiyun.

The vehicle eventually hit a large tree and stopped successfully.

The speed of the car was already very low when it hit the big tree, and neither of them was injured, so they got out of the car and left immediately after reacting. Before Chu Suiyun left, he lit the lighter that Qin Miao carried with him and threw it under the car.

This deliberate "accident" bought them several minutes to escape.

They walked through the woods at full speed for five minutes, Qin Miao walked ahead to clear the way, and Chu Suiyun followed closely behind.


Suddenly there was a strange sound behind him, Qin Miao looked back and found Chu Suiyun fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Qin Miao quickly walked up to him, wrapped his arms around him and helped him up.

"Qin Miao..." Chu Suiyun lowered his head, his voice was low, mixed with panting, then he slowly raised his head and looked at Qin Miao.

"I seem to have a passive fever." He said.

Qin Miao was surprised: "How could it be? More than an hour has passed... Could it be that you have been enduring it?"

Chu Suiyun hadn't shown symptoms of passive fever before, and Qin Miao thought he wouldn't react.

"I felt it half an hour ago." Chu Suiyun explained, "I may be a little dull."

Qin Miao gritted her teeth, straightened up and observed the surrounding environment, and saw a small dirt bag tightly covered by vegetation.

He lifted Chu Suiyun up and walked towards the little earth bag: "There is no way to hide here, let's find a place to hide first."

"Sorry." Chu Suiyun was depressed and felt that he had caused trouble.

"It's not your fault." Qin Miao replied.

After the two came to the small soil bag, there were overgrown vegetation, which could vaguely cover most of their figures. Qin Miao supported Chu Suiyun and sat down behind the small soil bag, and then sat on the side by himself.

At this time, Qin Miao was very thankful that he had prevented Chu Suiyun from tearing off the barrier stickers before setting off, otherwise the group of people would be able to find them by following the smell.

"Can you still hold on?" Qin Miao asked.

"Yes, but it's not very comfortable." Chu Suiyun replied, and then he hesitated for a moment, still hesitating to ask, "You, can you hug me a little?"

Qin Miao knelt down on one knee in front of him and took him into her arms. Chu Suiyun put his head on Qin Miao's shoulder, and unconsciously rubbed his cheek against his clothes.

"Just now in the car, I have already contacted my elder brother, he will come to pick us up. We just need to hide well during this time, so as not to be discovered by those people." Qin Miao said in Chu Suiyun's ear, "You Hold on for a while."

"Hmm..." Chu Suiyun replied in a muffled voice.

Seeing that he even closed his eyes, Qin Miao deeply suspected that this person hadn't listened to his own words at all.

Qin Miao sighed helplessly, and forcefully broke Chu Suiyun's chin, forcing him to look directly at him, and asked again: "Did you hear that?"

At this time, Chu Suiyun's face was dyed red, and he replied obediently: "I heard it."

The noses of the two faced each other, and each other's breath was hot on each other's faces. Qin Miao moved closer, tilted her head slightly, and kissed Chu Suiyun's lips that were extraordinarily rosy due to the heat.

Chu Suiyun, who fell into the heat, instinctively chased Qin Miao, brushing his teeth with the tip of his tongue, looking forward to a deeper contact. But Qin Miao still maintained his rationality, and didn't let him in, but tasted it, and immediately pinched Chu Suiyun's chin and pulled him away.

"I'll take you home."

Qin Miao promised again that he always repeated this sentence, because he was uneasy in his heart, so he could only strengthen himself through this repetition: "Then we..."

Halfway through his words, he was stopped by Chu Suiyun's superficial kiss. Qin Miao raised her eyes and saw Chu Suiyun's eyes, which were not clear or chaotic, suddenly this person might not know what he was talking about at this moment.

So Qin Miao swallowed the second half of the sentence back into her stomach, and raised her hand to smooth the hair on the back of Chu Suiyun's head.

"Let's go, let's find out if there is anyone nearby, maybe we can find an inhibitor."

Twenty minutes later.

With Chu Suiyun on her back, Qin Miao walked slowly among the woods. A few hundred meters before their eyes, they could already see a lonely residential house.

Chu Suiyun's arms wrapped around Qin Miao's shoulders and neck, hanging on his chest, and his lips just touched the glands on the side of his neck.

Qin Miao felt the soft touch on the back of her neck, and warned, "You are not allowed to bite."

Chu Suiyun quickly straightened his neck: "No."

Seeing his reaction, Qin Miao almost laughed heartlessly in this situation.

The two walked for a few more minutes and successfully arrived at the residence. A little girl was feeding chickens in the yard, and she was really shocked when she saw them. Then the little girl yelled, "Daddy! We have two strange big brothers at our house."

The people in the house heard the movement and came out. When Qin Miao saw the man, he let out a sigh of relief, lamenting that there is no unparalleled road.

That person is an Alpha.

Qin Miao put Chu Suiyun down, explained the situation with the owner of the house, and asked if they had inhibitors, and he was willing to buy one.

Alpha and Omega usually have inhibitors in their homes, the black and thin Alpha of the master's house immediately said yes, and then went back to the room to fetch the inhibitors.

The type of inhibitor used in Huashe Island is very old, and it is the kind that Yunguo has discontinued many years ago, because of the possibility of side effects. But in the current situation, Chu Suiyun and Qin Miao couldn't be picky either.

Qin Miao took the inhibitor and wanted to buy it with money, but the owner directly said that it should be used in an emergency, and they didn't ask for money.

Qin Miao turned on the inhibitor, walked to Chu Suiyun, and asked, "Are you allergic to inhibitors?"

Chu Suiyun thought for a moment, then replied: "Probably not, I'm not allergic."

Hearing this, Qin Miao raised Chu Suiyun's sleeve and gave him the injection with a slightly unfamiliar movement.

After Hu Ren and the others discovered that Chu Suiyun and Qin Miao had escaped, they immediately launched a search.

They searched in the nearby woods for five minutes but found nothing, but Hu Ren received a phone call first. After hanging up the phone, he immediately closed the team and organized everyone to return to the main road to wait.

Two minutes later, a convoy of five cars appeared in unison, and stopped in front of Hu Ren's car in an orderly manner. A person got off the driver's seat of the leading car, and trotted to open the rear door.

An expensive leather shoe stepped on the ground, and then a tall and straight man got out of the car.

"Boss." Hu Ren walked over.

The man was about forty years old, and there were signs of age in the corners of his eyes. When he saw Hu Ren, he asked lightly: "What's going on? So many people have been searching for so many days, but there is no result?"

Hu Ren was ashamed: "When we stopped, the young master's car broke through the guardrail. Now the car is still underneath, but the person is nowhere to be seen."

The man frowned, walked quickly to the side of the road, and looked down at the bottom of the hillside. An urban off-road vehicle hit its head on a tree trunk.

"Look for it." The man's voice was cold and harsh, "There are more than twenty of you, even if you have searched every inch of this island, you must find him for me."

"Yes!" All the subordinates took orders.

There are many people, so you can find everything quickly. Soon Shi Hao found a residential house, which was very conspicuous on this sparsely populated island.

Shi Hao had an intuition that their target might be hiding in this residential building.

There was a little girl in the yard who was teasing the dog and feeding the chickens. Shi Hao walked over with a smile and asked, "Little girl, can I ask you a question? Have you seen any strangers come to your house today?"

The little girl looked at Shi Hao for a while, then suddenly ran into the house, shouting as she ran, "Father! Another strange big brother has come to our house!"

When Shi Hao heard this, he knew he had found the right place, and immediately contacted the boss. A few minutes later, more than 20 people surrounded this small residential area.

In the woods behind the house, Qin Miao hid behind a big tree with Chu Suiyun on his back. He had already heard the movement from the yard.

At this moment, Chu Suiyun frowned in discomfort, and lay prone on Qin Miao's body, his consciousness lost.

Qin Miao never thought that Chu Suiyun would be one of the few people who responded to the inhibitor, and Chu Suiyun had never used inhibitors before, and he knew nothing about it. Within minutes of the injection, he experienced severe side effects.

Qin Miao put Chu Suiyun down against the tree, knelt down in front of him, and wiped the sweat off his face.

The eldest brother sent a message a minute ago, saying that the helicopter was ready, and asked Qin Miao to find an open place to wait. But now they are halfway up the mountain, and Chu Suiyun has lost the ability to move, so he has no way to find an open area.

The sound of shoes crushing fallen leaves came from behind, Qin Miao didn't turn around, and knew that the pursuers had arrived, and they were completely defeated in this chase.

Chu Tian came out more and more, looked at Qin Miao's back with cold eyes, and ordered in Yunguo dialect: "Stay away from him."

Qin Miao shuddered, turned to look, and unexpectedly saw Chu Tian's frosty face.

When Zhao Kai found Qin Miao, he was alone.

The airflow brought by the helicopter rolled up the soft grass stalks, Zhao Kai got down from the cabin, and almost crawled to Qin Miao's side, so anxious that the young man was about to cry.

"elder brother!"

Qin Miao put one hand in his pocket, looked at Zhao Kai and smiled faintly: "What are you doing, crying?"

"Damn!" Zhao Kai said angrily, "Do you know how anxious the family has become after you messed around? You still have the time to talk to me, look at you, what a mess!"

Summer clothes are thin, Qin Miao walked through the woods for almost an hour, some corners were hooked off by branches, and there was still dirt on his body, he was really in a mess.

"Damn it, did you have a fight with the person chasing you?" Zhao Kai shouted, "Rich is too crazy, **** it."

What Zhao Kai was talking about was the red and swollen corner of Qin Miao's mouth, which was already torn, obviously from being punched.

"No." Qin Miao denied, "It's not Rich's people who chased me."

"Who is that?"

Qin Miao shook her head, walked towards the helicopter, and urged: "Let's go, do you really care about me? I'm exhausted, go back quickly."

As soon as he was reminded, Zhao Kai reacted and immediately followed: "Yes, yes, go home first. I think my aunt will beat you to death this time."

The two boarded the helicopter, and the plane took off with a roar, and the scene on the ground gradually became smaller. Qin Miao turned her head and looked out through the glass. Gradually, the entire island shrank into a small dot, embellished in the vast sea.

The wound at the corner of his mouth was painful, it was from Chu Tian's beating.

Qin Miao didn't fight back, and silently received the punch, and he also felt that he should hit it.

Because he broke his promise after all, he failed to bring Chu Suiyun home in person. If the person chasing after today is not Chu Tian, ​​but Rich, he and Chu Suiyun will face more dangers.

Mingming once swore so strongly that he would definitely take him home.

Qin Miao's conceit finally taught him a ruthless lesson at his most vigorous age

The entire Flower Snake Islands dwindled, receded, and finally disappeared under the clouds.

it's all over.