MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 76 Memory · Crazy Chase

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Qin Miao's throat tightened, and her thoughts almost drifted away. He quickly regained his senses, walked over in two steps, and grabbed Chu Suiyun's wrist: "Let's go."

The two walked towards the road. In the morning, the temporary living area was busy and noisy. The sidewalk, which was only two meters wide, could not even accommodate three people walking side by side, forcing them to occasionally pass by passers-by.

Qin Miao walked while holding Chu Suiyun's hand, and suddenly saw the backs of two men a few meters away.

The two men were of similar stature and walking posture. They were obviously well-trained bodyguards. They were wearing ordinary clothes, carrying breakfast in their hands, and one of them had eye-catching light blond hair, which is a characteristic of some Federation people.

Qin Miao had already noticed these uninvited guests last night. They suddenly appeared yesterday and wandered around, looking for traces of himself and Chu Suiyun. However, thanks to the complexity and chaos of the temporary living area, they have not been discovered for the time being.

But now the situation has changed. Yu Chang has made Chu Suiyun's true gender known to everyone. This area has been full of discussions about alien Alphas since the morning, and it is impossible not to arouse the suspicion of this group of pursuers.

Qin Miao grabbed Chu Suiyun's hand, changed direction, and turned into a small shop by the side of the road.

Before Chu Suiyun could react, he was dragged into a bakery by Qin Miao. The owner of the bakery smiled and said to them, "Welcome."

"Have you not had breakfast yet?" Chu Suiyun asked Qin Miao.

Qin Miao was taken aback. He took Chu Suiyun into this store only to temporarily distance himself from the two federal pursuers, and he didn't pay attention to what was sold here.

After reacting, he asked indifferently, "Do you want bread?"

Chu Suiyun had eaten breakfast, he shook his head: "I'm not hungry. But if you haven't eaten, you can buy some."

Qin Miao actually ate it too. He pondered for a moment and said to the owner of the bakery shop, "Get him a cup of hot milk."

The owner of the bakery started to heat the milk, Qin Miao walked up to Chu Suiyun, and whispered, "There are a few people from the Federation wandering around."

Chu Suiyun was startled, and raised his head slightly: "Rich's man? Are you here to look for us?"

Qin Miao didn't answer directly, but said: "I noticed them last night. They didn't know our exact location, and they weren't even sure if we were really here. But Yu Chang put the matter of your real gender It got out and caused some discussion, and they must have noticed the anomaly."

"So we have to leave as soon as possible. I went out in the morning to prepare the car." Qin Miao said, at this moment, the owner of the bakery just heated up the milk and handed it to Qin Miao, who put it in Chu Suiyun's hand, "Take it, let's go."

The two paid their money and walked out of the bakery to the side of the road, where a brand new city SUV was parked.

Qin Miao opened the door of the passenger seat first, then walked around to the driver's seat on the other side, opened the door and got in the car. Chu Suiyun got on the co-pilot and closed the door.

The two moved quickly, and a few seconds later, the car started and drove on the road.

Shi Hao is 24 years old this year, a beta, and received a difficult task shortly after joining the company. The boss wants them to catch a man. They only knew that the other party had come to Hua Snake Island, but they didn't know the rest. The omnipotent leader speculated that most of the people who came to Huashe Island would stay in the temporary residential area, so they managed to find a clue.

In the past few days, they have searched almost all the temporary living areas on Huashe Island. They came to this residential area to look for it yesterday, but they still found nothing so far. If they haven't found it by the afternoon, they will have to go to other residential areas to check.

But this morning, they learned from the gossip of the residents here that an Alpha pretending to be an Omega has recently come here, which is very suspicious. Shi Hao intuitively felt that there was definitely something wrong with that person.

Shi Hao really didn't want to continue running around, and prayed in his heart to find that person quickly.

Maybe it was usually too unlucky, and the accumulated bad luck turned into good luck when it reached an extreme. As soon as Shi Hao finished making a wish in his heart, he saw two people walking quickly by the side of the road through the car window, and all the characteristics were just in line with what they were looking for.

Shi Hao was shocked, and patted the boss of the co-pilot: "Boss! Look, is that him!"

When Hu Ren heard the words, he took a closer look, his complexion suddenly calmed down, his eyes were sharp, and he ordered: "Call Kyle and the others back, we will chase first!"

The next second, the car started booming and turned a corner, just in time to see Chu Suiyun and Qin Miao get on the car. Hu Renchong urged Shi Hao, who was driving: "Catch up quickly, if you lose track, you'll be fine!"

Shi Hao was under a lot of pressure and stepped on the accelerator even more vigorously.

Flower Snake Island, more precisely the Flower Snake Islands, is made up of a string of islands. There are three main islands, and islets dotted around it. Qinghe is one of many small islands, the area is not big, Qin Miao drove at high speed for half an hour, had already left the island, and drove onto the cross-sea bridge.

Qin Miao glanced at the rearview mirror and found that the car was still chasing after him, so she let out a "tsk" impatiently.

Seeing his reaction, Chu Suiyun naturally knew that the car behind was still biting. The bridge was straight, and they didn't have any chance of losing the car, at least for the next few kilometers.

But they couldn't get rid of the car, and likewise, the car couldn't do anything to them. With no parking on the bridge at all, they still had time to figure out what to do.

"I haven't asked these few days, but I think I have the right to know what you are planning." Chu Suiyun suddenly asked Qin Miao, "We have been on the island for so many days, and there are obviously many opportunities to leave, but you hold back .What are you waiting for? Is the person who is chasing us now Rich’s person? Did you fail to negotiate with him?”

Qin Miao was silent.

He didn't know how to explain it to Chu Suiyun.

This matter has nothing to do with Chu Suiyun from the beginning to the end, he is completely innocent. On the way Dong and the others kidnapped from Yunguo to the Federation, Qin Miao forced Chu Suiyun to stay. On the one hand, he was afraid that Chu Suiyun's rash actions would cause trouble, but on the other hand, it was more out of his own selfishness.

Because Chu Suiyun is an excellent Alpha, with him, I have an extra help. So he kept Chu Suiyun by his side. He didn't think there was any problem with such an approach before, but now, Qin Miao regretted it a little.

If he hadn't insisted on fighting Rich to the end, Chu Suiyun should have gone home long ago.

How would he answer Chu Suiyun? Because I wanted Rich to learn a lesson, that's why I didn't return home for a long time, and at the same time, I kept you by my side? Let you be insulted by the people of Huashe Island for nothing, and make your brother worry about you for nothing?

Chu Suiyun might give himself a punch.

"I'm sorry." Qin Miao could only say, "I...was waiting for an opportunity. The Maxson family has huge debts outside, and urgently needs the funds of a company that I actually control secretly to maintain turnover. I am waiting for their most urgent one. It's time to negotiate with them. I need Rich to learn a lesson, and I need leverage to let them release Song Zheng. But the situation has exceeded my expectations."

Chu Suiyun digested it for a while, and then got straight to the point: "So your negotiation failed, and they came to arrest people?"

Qin Miao shook her head: "No, the negotiation hasn't started yet, but there is an unplanned variable."

"What is it?"

Qin Miao turned her head to look over, and replied word by word: "Your father."

Chu Suiyun was at a loss, not understanding what Qin Miao meant.

"Is your father Chutian from Tingyu Technology?" Qin Miao asked.

Chu Suiyun couldn't understand Qin Miao's words. His father's name was indeed Chutian, but what did it have to do with that technology company? Then he recalled that his father was indeed doing research. He had his own R&D room and often stayed away all night. When he was a child, he even met the uncles and aunts of his father's team.

But he had never heard that his father had any relationship with any company. His father's income mainly came from giving lectures at the university. The research they did had no results, and it was impossible for any company to look at them.

However, it has been many years since my father went to the Federation, so it is not surprising that his career has changed.

Seeing Chu Suiyun's expression, Qin Miao understood that Chu Tian didn't let his son know what he was doing at all. He could only briefly explain to Chu Suiyun what Ting Yu did, and what kind of position Chu Tian was in.

"All in all, in order to save you, your father reached a cooperation with the McKesson family. Now that the McKesson family's plight has disappeared, my pressure is no longer useful. I don't know which side the people who are chasing now belong to."

Qin Miao looked at Chu Suiyun seriously: "If I hadn't been too conceited and felt that everything was under my control, you would have already returned home. Sorry, but give me a little more time, and I will take you back home. To Yun Country."

Qin Miao talked a lot. Chu Suiyun was surprised by his father's real identity at first, and finally heard Qin Miao's self-blame and promise, and he felt a complicated feeling in his heart.

"You don't need to apologize." Chu Suiyun said angrily, "That guy Rich, I've seen him upset for a long time. If it were me, I would also want to punish him and make him completely honest."

Qin Miao was surprised, the force on the accelerator became lighter, and the speed of the car began to slow down.

"Speed ​​up, don't get caught up." Chu Suiyun reminded him, and Qin Miao quickly stepped on the accelerator again.

The urban cross-country got rid of several cars beside him, and the passage under the bridge appeared in the distance. Chu Suiyun looked ahead and said, "As long as I can go home in the end, it's fine for these few days, it's just a trip."

Ten minutes later, the two drove off the bridge and came to another small island opposite Qinghe Island. This is a place smaller than Qinghe Island. There is no city and sparsely populated, just like a paradise.

Qin Miao looked in the rearview mirror, because the car turned a corner, and now she couldn't see if the car was still following behind her.

"Take your phone and help me look at the map, and pay attention to whether there is a path that can get rid of them." Qin Miao said.

Chu Suiyun immediately took out the phone and began to check it carefully. At the same time, the black car that had been clinging to him reappeared in the rearview mirror.

"Yes." Chu Suiyun held up his mobile phone, "There are two entrances here, and there is a **** ahead. There is a blind spot for a period of time, and they can't see us. We can change lanes later and mislead them to guess wrong."

Qin Miao understood, and stepped on the accelerator heavily.

At this moment, a ramp exit appeared ahead, and a black car of the same model as the car behind it suddenly drove out, cut into the main road, and appeared in front of Qin Miao and Chu Suiyun.

Neither Chu Suiyun nor Qin Miao expected that the other party had a car. Qin Miao only saw one of their cars last night, and was chasing only one car today. At this time, a blocker appeared on the way, which caught them by surprise.

There were no other vehicles on this road, so the black car ahead unscrupulously parked across Qin Miao's lane, trying to stop them.

The opponent was very courageous, the distance between the two cars was extremely close, and the high-speed vehicle had no time to stop the car.

Qin Miao gritted her teeth, clenched the steering wheel, and said to Chu Suiyun in a deep voice, "Sit still."

The vehicles in front waited for Qin Miao and the others to slow down and stop, while the vehicles behind continued to chase closely, forming a double-team situation.

Shi Hao felt his adrenaline rushing upwards, and his face was flushed red. He had only seen this kind of life-and-death car chase scene in movies, but today he became a driver in person, it was too exciting up.

After the companions in front stopped horizontally, Shi Hao blew his whistle triumphantly, now they can't escape, the mission is successful!

But in the next second, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and put one foot on the brake reflexively, and suddenly lost his footing.

"Boss!" Shi Hao yelled, "The **** are they crazy, they didn't slow down—!"


Along with Shi Hao's shout, a loud noise resounded over the tranquil island.

The urban off-roader turned the steering wheel at the last moment when he was about to hit the vehicle in front, broke through the roadside railing, and crashed into the dense forest on the hillside.