MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 8 first failure

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Dong Kejie chased out of the restaurant and came to the hotel lobby, but Qin Miao and Chu Suiyun were nowhere to be seen.

He looked around unwillingly, there were guests checking in, the lobby was bustling, and the elevator opened and closed. He finally confirmed that he had indeed lost the person.

Sighing with some regret, Dong Kejie took out his mobile phone and started contacting He Huan.

Because He Huan is staying with Chu Muyu now to prevent cheating, he chose to send a message.

Dong Kejie: ​​Huanhuan, I lost track, and I didn't get the photo. You take Xiaoyu home, remember to procrastinate a bit, and give Broken Cloud time to go home.

Perhaps because it was inconvenient to reply to the messages by Chu Muyu's side, it was not until about five minutes later that He Huan's reply arrived.

He Huan: OK. I've already taken Xiaoyu out to take a taxi, you should tell Brother Yun to get away.

After receiving He Huan's confirmation message, Dong Kejie didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately called Chu Suiyun.

The hotel room at this time.

Chu Suiyun propped his hands behind his back, his upper body was leaning back, his neck was tense because of Qin Miao's sniffing motion. His patience was gradually exhausted, and he almost couldn't help himself, wanting to punch Qin Miao, an offensive and rascally scumbag.

But he couldn't help thinking, his purpose now is to seduce Qin Miao, even if it's just a fake seduce, then in case the photos he took this time can't be used and he beats him up, next time he wants to seduce Qin Miao again. can't.

Let go of your dignity and endure this moment, or let him be beaten, it is a question that needs to be carefully weighed.

In Chu Suiyun's mind, heaven and man were at war, and for a while reason prevailed. However, in the next second, he felt a warm touch across the side of his neck.

Qin Miao's nose stuck to the skin.

The hand on the quilt suddenly clenched into a fist, Chu Suiyun almost bit off his white teeth.

Damn, rational ass, I can't take it anymore.


Just when he was about to throw his fist out, the message notification sounded, Qin Miao retreated, stood up straight, and took out the mobile phone in his trouser pocket to look at it.

The tense atmosphere immediately dissipated, and Chu Suiyun almost exaggeratedly let out a sigh of relief.

The news was sent by Chu Muyu.

Chu Muyu: Brother Qin, when I came back, I saw that you had already left. I don't know if you are temporarily away or have something to do temporarily. My brother's friend told me that something might have happened to my brother, and I'm going home now to see how he's doing, so I'm leaving first.

Qin Miao quickly scanned the text sent by Chu Muyu, and when he saw the words "something may have happened to my brother", his eyebrows raised slightly, and then his gaze moved to Chu Suiyun body.

Chu Suiyun, who was carefully moving his body to the other side of the bed, noticed Qin Miao's gaze, and immediately stopped.

He cursed in his heart, Alpha is troublesome, his observation skills are so strong that even his small movements are discovered.

Now that he was discovered, Chu Suiyun didn't do anything, and rolled to the other side of the bed, landed on both feet, and stood up.

As soon as he stood up straight, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and he instinctively told him that the call was from Dong Kejie. Meaning leave as soon as possible.

But under Qin Miao's nose, Chu Suiyun didn't dare to answer the phone, he was afraid that the call would be too loud and Qin Miao would hear something.

After all, Alpha is a group of guys with well-developed five senses.

The phone was still ringing, Qin Miao was standing on the other side of the bed, facing Chu Suiyun.

"Aren't you answering the phone?" He asked suddenly.

Chu Suiyun laughed dryly: "It's not an important call, you don't need to answer it."

Then Chu Suiyun looked away, and said nonsense: "Thank you for taking me to the room to rest, now I feel much better, let's go first, and we will meet later."

As he said that, he put oil on his feet and walked out of the bedroom, trying to escape.

When passing Qin Miao inevitably, Chu Suiyun's arm was suddenly grabbed.

At that moment, Chu Suiyun was like a cat whose hair was blown, and his whole body suddenly became alert. Then he tried his best not to show his nervousness, turned his head slowly, and looked directly at Qin Miao.

"Is there anything else?" Chu Suiyun asked confidently, if Qin Miao dared to say anything too much, he would punch him!

Qin Miao took Chu Suiyun's arm and pulled him into his arms. He did not know where to take out a business card and stuffed it into Chu Suiyun's trouser pocket.

"keep in touch."

Qin Miao's deep voice sounded.

Chu Suiyun's face immediately changed.

This guy with a baggy waistband, is that all he sees when he meets a good-looking partner?

Chu Suiyun looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

Qin Miao still had that cold poker face, he grabbed Chu Suiyun's wrist, and suddenly felt funny when he saw that this person was staring at him with a vigilant face, yet he was trying to pretend to be calm.

But Qin Miao didn't really laugh, he quickly let go of Chu Suiyun's hand, and only said lightly: "Your perfume smells too strong."

Chu Suiyun's eyes widened immediately, and then left the suite in a panic.

Taking the elevator down to the first floor of the hotel, and walking outside, Chu Suiyun immediately called Dong Kejie.

Unexpectedly, the phone was not connected, Dong Kejie himself came out of the hotel instead, and patted Chu Suiyun's shoulder from behind.

Chu Suiyun was frightened for a moment. Seeing that it was Dong Kejie, he slowed down and walked forward with his arms around his friend's shoulders.

"How are you, didn't you get beaten?" Dong Kejie asked, obviously he didn't think Qin Miao, as an Alpha, would have any other thoughts about Chu Suiyun, who was also an Alpha, other than wanting to beat him up.

"It's okay." Chu Suiyun replied casually, he was more concerned about the plan, so he asked, "How is it? Did you take pictures?"

When it came to the photos, Dong Kejie shook his head regretfully: "No, all the photos I took have your face in them, so they can't be used."

After hearing this, Chu Suiyun's expression didn't fluctuate much, but he stroked his hair and adjusted it back to its usual look.

"Let's think of a way next time. Where's Xiaoyu?"

"Huanhuan took Xiaoyu back. I asked him to help you delay for a while. You came out in time. Now you should be able to go home before Xiaoyu." Dong Kejie said.

"Thank you." Chu Suiyun said, "I can't send you off, you and Huanhuan have helped me a lot this time, next time I will treat you to dinner."

Dong Kejie smiled: "It's a small matter, I'm mainly here to collect your wedding materials. And we didn't help much, the photos can't be used."

Chu Suiyun rolled his eyes at him and patted him on the shoulder: "I'm leaving."

After bidding farewell to Dong Kejie, Chu Suiyun quickly ran to the parking space, started the car, and raced back.

On the street next to the hotel, Chu Muyu was standing beside He Huan, and the two of them were waiting for the bus under the sun.

Clearly watching several taxis driving away in front of him, Chu Muyu couldn't wave, because He Huan said that he ordered a taxi on his mobile phone, and he would lose money if he canceled it.

After waiting so long, Chu Muyu wanted to say that we should leave separately, but when he turned around and saw He Huan's apologetic smile, Chu Muyu couldn't say anything.

After about ten minutes, He Huan finally happily said to Chu Muyu, "Here we are, the car is here."

Then the two got into a taxi.

Chu Muyu did not expect to meet He Huan in the restaurant of the hotel. He Huan is brother's friend, because both of them are Omega, and He Huan has a cheerful personality, so the two became familiar after meeting a few times.

Chu Muyu was guilty, afraid that his brother would know through He Huan that he was going out to see Qin Miao, so when He Huan asked him if he came here for dinner, he lied and said that he came with his classmates, they had already finished eating, and the classmates all left , he came back to get something.

Later, He Huan said that he was leaving too, and proposed to go back by car together. Chu Muyu was not used to rejecting others, so he agreed.

"Master, send me to Shanlan University first, and then send this brother home." He Huan took the lead in deciding the itinerary.

Chu Muyu opened his mouth in the back row, wanting to propose to take him home first, but He Huan paid for the ride, and it would be easier to go to Landa first, so he had no choice but to keep silent.

On the other side, Chu Suiyun drove and returned home in only fifteen minutes.

He still remembered the scene that Dong Kejie added to him without authorization, and after changing his shoes and clothes, he quickly took a shower to wash off the smell of perfume on his body.

Then he quickly got into bed, pretending that he really slept at home all day and didn't wake up.

Lying on the bed, doing nothing, time passes extremely slowly, as an Alpha, Chu Suiyun is often so energetic that he can't run out of energy, and after sleeping in for a while in the morning, he can't sleep at all now.

This is also the reason why Chu Muyu was a little anxious when Dong Kejie said that Chu Suiyun was going to sleep at home all day and couldn't be woken up even by calling.

Alpha is full of energy, if one day he is languid, it is likely to be sick.

Chu Suiyun, who was not sick, couldn't sleep, so he could only take out his mobile phone to play games to relieve boredom.

Lying on the bed, after calming down, Chu Suiyun remembered the last words Qin Miao said to him before leaving.

"Your perfume smells too strong."

This sentence inevitably made Chu Suiyun wonder, could it be that Qin Miao's dog nose smelled that he was not an Omega?

To prove it, he sent a message to He Huan: Huanhuan, can the Omega perfume 100% make Qin Miao think I am an Omega?

He Huan should be in the car at this time, and the news came back quickly: Yes, the effect of Omega perfume is to soften the pheromone. The pheromone difference between Alpha and Omega is actually in aggressiveness. Don't worry, you won't be recognized.

Chu Suiyun: But Qin Miao seemed to smell that I used Omega perfume.

He Huan: It's normal to smell perfume, but he won't suspect that you are Alpha. Your Alpha pheromone is well covered by perfume. Didn't Ke Jie verify it? Just don't worry about it.

Hearing what he said, Chu Suiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than forty minutes had passed since Chu Muyu returned home, Chu Suiyun in the bedroom heard the sound of the key opening the door, quickly threw away the lock screen of the phone, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Chu Muyu first knocked on the door of her brother's room, but expected no response. So he turned the doorknob and opened the door.

The curtains in the room were closed, and it was dark even in daylight. Chu Suiyun was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

Chu Muyu walked over, but didn't see that her brother was pretending to be asleep.

He slowly squatted down beside the bed, put his arms on the side of the bed, and put his head on his arms.

Chu Muyu seldom had the opportunity to see her brother being so quiet. Alpha was in good health and seldom fell ill. After growing up, the two of them no longer slept together. Every day when they saw Chu Suiyun, they were noisy.

It can make the noisy brother sleep peacefully for a day, and even the phone can't wake him up. It seems that the internship in a big company is really tiring.

Chu Muyu sat down cross-legged beside the bed.

"Sleeping for a whole day and still sleeping." Chu Muyu whispered.

Chu Suiyun, who was pretending to sleep, thought that his younger brother had figured him out when he heard this, and was about to turn around and smile to ease the embarrassment, but he heard Chu Muyu continue talking on his own.

"You are always so busy. When you are in school, you are busy studying, taking exams, and being with your classmates. After going to work, you are even busier. You are so busy that you only pay attention to me when you find out that I am in a relationship."

The younger brother's voice is soft and waxy, with a nasal sound, it seems to be talking to himself, and it seems to be acting like a baby.

Listening to his younger brother's words, Chu Suiyun felt as if his heart had been thrown into a scalding hot spring, it was warm, but a little swollen and uncomfortable.

He forgot to move for a moment, and still kept pretending to be asleep.

Chu Muyu sat quietly in the room for a while, without intending to wake up Chu Suiyun, but quietly got up and left.

A few minutes later, Chu Suiyun heard the sound of banging pots and spoons in the kitchen.