MTL - Lie Huo Jiao Chou-Chapter 54

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Xuan Yuan stared fiercely at the people in the short video. The breath of the people was stable and long, and the sound of music was just like the clay of pottery, calm and open. Hearing for a moment, my heart calmed down.

Xuan Yuan looped the short video for a few minutes, but the boiling fire in his heart calmed down somehow.

He felt the cigarette from his coat pocket, and found a place in the 35 stone monuments with little respect, and sat down, meditated for a while, and then turned his head to look at him and cracked. The sewn stone monument: "If he had sealed us into Abyss, and made such a personal and innocent virtue, would you still use his body to save the bones for him?"

The stele was silent.

"In the sixth year of Qizheng, it was you who played hooligans in the Ling Palace secretly? Is there something wrong with your mind?" Xuan Yuan spit on the stone monument. Three hundred pieces of 'scumpy', I have never seen the best Stockholm syndrome like you. "

The nearby knights looked at him curiously and didn't understand what he was talking about.

Xuan Yuan looked back and asked the leader of the knight: "Does our family have a Book of Thousand Monsters?"

The knight stretched out his hand, and the dark mist that formed his arms spread, and after a moment, he rolled back a tattered scroll and spread it in front of him.

"This is the legendary hand drawing of Emperor Dan Li," Xuan Yuan took a closer look. This hand-painted book is too old. After several tinkerings, the original owner's breath is gone. Asking casually, "Have you heard of this person?"

The knights did not answer, but collectively made strange noises.

Xuan Yuan was surprised to find that they were shaking. The ghost knights were wearing helmets, their faces were behind their masks, and they could not see their expressions, but he could feel them clagging their teeth, and their bodies were thick Fear and hatred.

Three thousand years after his death, one will raise waves in the abyss when mentioned.

Xuan Yuan suddenly remembered that in the forest park, Alojin said to him-"You are like him and have a taste of Suzaku."

This "he" should not refer to Sheng Lingyuan, but it is most likely Dan Li.

So in the retrospective, Sheng Lingyuan slammed his head on his head, and A Luojin was so easily fooled.

Xuan swears: "My ancestor won't really associate with this kind of bad guy, right?"

Then this year's Spring Festival, when netizens gathered to talk about the best relative activities, wouldn't he be able to stand out?

There are many official and unofficial interpretations of Dan Li. At present, the most widely accepted statement in the special energy world is that Dan Li first entered the stage of history in a Suzaku temple.

Xuan Ye searched for the keyword "Suzaku" in the material downloaded to the phone, and quickly jumped out of the long story. He finished scanning at a glance, raised his head in confusion, and glared with the ghost knights.

"It's weird," Xuan said. "In the bureau's most authoritative historical records, Akabuchi's real name is Nanminggu, which is the nest of the divine bird Suzaku. Because of the climate change at that time, the human race and the demon race had a territorial conflict. Pulling a rack, lighting Abuchi with Nanming away from the fire ... But that's not what Alozin said. "

Alozin has been emphasizing the "renewal of Abyss", so Xuan Yuan once thought that the "default state" of Abyss was burning. It was the whimsical lunatic of Emperor Wudi that sealed Abyss, so that those with special abilities could The race is gone.

However, from historical sources, it seems that this is not the case. The process is as follows: First, the Suzaku divine bird was forced by the historical environment to ignite Akibu, and then extinct the tribe. The Kyushu melee began, and then Sheng Lingyuan spent a lifetime fighting the fire— -Extinguish the fire of war, and also the fire of Abyss.

"The routine of this story sounds familiar," Xuan murmured, "Why is it like what our aftermath Ke usually does. The predecessors did something wrong, and later generations rub their butts?",

The historical materials also said that the **** bird Suzaku "lit the Abyss" in order to separate the two races of endless monsters and monsters, which literally means that Suzaku constructed a barricade to forcibly separate the two sides.

But is this barricade useful?

It didn't--wasn't the Abyss Fire still extinguished, and did not delay the human race and the demons to fight for decades for life, indicating that the human race and the demons would "jump fire circles".

So Suzaku's so-called "lighting Abyss fire" must have other meanings.

Xuan Yuan suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned forward: "Why do the human race and the monster race conflict ... Yes, it is because of the climate change, the monster race 'lost air flow', they can no longer live in their hometown, go out to work . "

Ancient wars were generally related to scarce resources, and this reason should be reliable.

"It is also said here that the Nanming Valley, the predecessor of Abyss, has also cooled due to this natural disaster. This statement is subtle."

Alozin believes that the "anomalous energy" is sealed in Abuchi, and only when the Abuchi fire is reignited will Dongchuan breed a new Witch tribe.

The ancient demon clan's "spiritual loss", when the people are not talking about life, the **** bird Suzaku also chooses to light the Abyss fire ...

"Did you say there is such a possibility," Xuan Yuan, regardless of whether the ghost knights can understand or not, regarded them as a row of tree holes, and said to himself, "The **** bird Suzaku family inhabits Nanming Valley, not because The feng shui is good here, but to guard the Abyss. Abyss is like a…… unenvironmentally friendly engine. Although it is useful, it is more destructive. It has the same reason as nuclear / martial arts equipment and cannot be used easily. But the demon When the tribe was struck by nature, Suzaku was soft-hearted for a moment, and opened this Pandora's ashes. "

"Yes," Xuan Yuan jumped up, "So this can also explain why the demon king would 'slay the gods'. At that time, the human race and the demon clan worshipped the Suzaku and regarded them as **** birds. Just because Suzaku blocked the way, they Abandoning the previous belief in slaughtering God, even if the demon king is an 'atheism', this matter is too psychologically unhindered. "

Unless he is driven by an irresistible temptation!

The historical materials also revealed a very important point-the two races of the monsters initially started a small-scale conflict and did not start a full war. At this stage, the strength of the two sides should be similar.

Because if one side is overwhelmingly stronger than the other, then it will not be "conflict" but unilateral "aggression". Even if the Emperor was a brain-disabled--though historically he was indeed a brain-disabled--but he went all the way to challenge an opponent who couldn't be beaten, and the cerebral palsy player couldn't do such a thing. Besides, even in the old society of all evils, will the emperor impose such a great deal on himself, will he let him die? None of the ministers around him advised?

Prior to the start of the melee, the mainstream opinion of the Terrans was an active main battle. It can be seen that at that time, they evaluated the strength of both sides and thought that they had a great chance of winning.

However, strange things happened after the demon king slaughtered the Suzaku clan. At the beginning of the melee, the demon clan suddenly started to hang up. People had no room to fight back, and they were wiped out by the wind and clouds.

Until ... Emperor Wu Xiaosheng was born.

In Wannianyi, when Sheng Xiao cut the demon king, he admitted that he was not human. This reminded Xuan Yuan that when he first met Wu Emperor, who claimed to be Sheng Lingyuan, in Abuchi, he had asked the other party what his origin was.

His Majesty once said a word, "God is a man's sustenance, and I am a man's delusion."

Human ... delusion, what does that mean?

Xuan Yuan's gaze fell on the mobile phone-from Dongchuan to Yuyang, across almost half a country, Sheng Lingyuan was unfamiliar with his life in modern society. What did he go so far?

The group was brushing "Gou Fugui, don't look mad" (Note), Xuan Yuan issued a red envelope of 50 cents, asked them to shut up, and asked, "Is there a reliable eyeliner in Yuyang?"

Obviously it was the first shot. As a result, the Kings team was very tired. They didn't want to worry about it. They said, "Why, your sword won't run away from home? I said, Director Xuan, you ca n’t do it all the time. You ca n’t do anything. You have to fight with your sword every day. If it ’s an iron sword, you can just beat it, but you ’re a golden sword. ! "

His two team members will be especially welcome, and then start to follow the "long snack".

Xuan Yuan: "..."

Aquarium, very auspicious and descent, sometimes it is a bit too fancy.

"No need to use his eyeliner, brushing a short video is all over the world, it's an antique, and he has no concept of the Internet-but he won't run that far for no reason, there may be something found. I think Let me help you notice if there are any other suspicious characters in Yuyang in the past two days. Those who have been on the wanted list or who are missing for unknown reasons ... "Xuan Yuan paused," The night before, Zhichun was stolen, you know ?"

Xuan Yuan and Xiao Zheng rushed back to the General Administration in advance. Fengshenyi and the rest of the aftermath stayed in Dongchuan for a while to deal with the follow-up matters, and they did not reconcile to the earthquake of the Exotic Administration.

After Xuan Yuan's voice was finished, the Fengshens who were in the group who loved to swipe the screen were collectively silent.

Xuan Yuan also added a clear sentence: "It doesn't have to be related. It may be two things, and the theft of Zhichun is still under investigation. Don't tell others that I told you."

"Hey," the Kings of a nonsense train said in a nutshell, "kill him."

"I'll go out." Xuan Yuan rolled the "Qian Yao Tu Jian" into his arms, and said to the ghost knights, "Maybe I'll be back in the near future, you take care of the house."

As he said, he shoved his cellphone and walked out—behind him, a thin filament of white smoke was emanating from a stone tablet he had cracked, and he followed him silently, and the river flowed into the sea. , Fell into the back of Xuan Yuan.

There were originally two dates of "birth and death" on the stone tablet. Under the nervous attention of the ghost knights, the death period carved on the stone suddenly faded until it completely disappeared.

Then it was contagious. The second stone beside it shook slightly, and when no one touched it, it also cracked from the same place.

When Yan Qiushan woke up in a hotel in Yuyang, the first reaction was to reach out and touch the metal fragments on his chest. The fragments were still there, contaminating his body temperature, warm and dry.

Then he relaxed his neck, leaned on the pillow, and exhaled a spit.

It was four o'clock in the morning, and it was not dawn.

The night before, after sending those people away, Yan Qiushan always felt the smell of blood in the room, so he opened the window to ventilate. It may be that the floor is relatively low and there is noise on the street. He feels that the whole night is as if someone is blowing in his ears, blowing him into a mess.

Yan Qiushan turned over and simply washed. He glanced into the mirror, didn't sleep well, his eyes were blue, bloodshot was hanging in his white eyes, and his beard hadn't been shaved for a long time.

Yan Qiushan inspected his own image, and felt that the wanted man in the mirror was like a desperate man. He pulled out a multifunctional knife from his pocket and scratched it against his face.

At this moment, someone knocked at his door and heard the blind man's voice: "Yan team, it's ready, there is breakfast downstairs."

Yan Qiushan didn't know what kind of **** he was walking. He clenched his hands and left a small mouth without paying attention, exuding blood.

He subconsciously said, "It's okay."

After speaking, Yan Qiushan was stunned, and the skin was scratched by himself. Who did he tell him was all right?

The scene flashed in the dream at night suddenly became clear--

The Yan team is a person with no regular life. Previously, he took Fengshenyi and was always awakened by emergency tasks. He poured cold water on his face and poured water on his face, and ran away with his clothes. Like being run over by a dog, pour cold water and run over your clothes.

For so many years, it has been Zhichun's care to keep a human-like image outside. Zhichun will fold his clothes upside down every day and put him on the bedside, so that even if he closes his eyes, he will not wear them, and he will shave his beard. At the beginning, Zhichun was clumsy. At that time, it was not popular to use an electric shaver. Yan Qiushan was not sleeping honestly. When the two were together, sometimes Zhichun sometimes stared at his face, and would accidentally scratch him. Chin, and then I couldn't get along with myself all day. Yan Qiushan was used to it, and his jaw hurt when he was half asleep and awake, and he would just say "all right".

The blind man at the door asked puzzled, "What?"

"It's nothing." Yan Qiushan's eyes cooled down, he poured some water and wiped away the blood. "Come on."

Twenty minutes later, the off-road vehicle quietly drove out of the backyard of the hotel, and the whole lazy Yuyang City was sleeping.

In the shadow of the small building, Sheng Lingyuan stepped out slowly, raised his hand and placed Tao Yan on a tree branch. The figure flickered, and he drew up not far or near.

"When the Tomb of the Prince of Takayama is found, the Yan team must first copy the ritual, pay attention to the last one, and the gloomy ritual must finish the last one at the turn of the night," the blind man said to Yan Qiushan on the car. It's enough, as long as the snakeskin doesn't lead the wrong way. "


"Because the sacrifice of Bi Chun's life sacrifice was completed at the turn of the night," said the blind man. "The sacrifice has been offered, and what we have asked for has never been completed. This transaction has not ended. We have to press her for the first time. The time for the sacrifice is coming. "

Yan Qiushan pushed a pair of sunglasses and asked, intentionally or inadvertently, "Are you sure I can do it? In case it doesn't, the human blood is so precious, who is it?"

"The people who wrote the sacrifices are carefully chosen," said the blind man, Wensheng. "Since the host has ordered you, it means that he trusts you. If you don't, you won't be able to do the others ... I heard the sound of the waves."

The author has something to say: Note: Not a typo.

I made the original sentence, "Don't forget each other," here is the custom of the red envelope group. 2k novel reading network