MTL - Light Spirit Epic-Chapter 3072 The Final Storm (14)

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Normally, Bediville, who launched [Curse-Potential Awakening], has a speed three times faster than ordinary people. His body will emit a conspicuous red light, as if to burn;

Normally, Bedville's body in this state emits huge heat, so [Potential Awakening] can only last for a short time. Over time, he will heat himself to death, and every time he uses this move, Consume your life.

But he is now wearing a costume. The red light on his body will be covered by the fake muscles of Man Wang Gaoli's costume. Even his face will be replaced with a holographic image in a disguise. If you look at him from a distance, he is a strong human man in wolf fur. No one would have thought that the muscular, shirtless man was actually inside. It's a wolf.

Moreover, the fake muscles in his costume are actually a kind of thermally conductive gel, which will continuously absorb the excess heat from Bediwell's body and send it to the temperature regulation system to cool down. So although the current Bediville is moving at an astonishing speed and fighting fiercely with the golems, he doesn't feel hot at all. Dressed in wolf hair and living in the snowy fields of the north, he was originally a very heat-aware existence; now he feels extremely comfortable, and he feels like running wild on the snowy fields of West Siberia.

[Potential Awakening] Less than ten seconds after the activation, the enemies in front of him had already fallen. The remaining Raider Golem wanted to launch an attack on the barbarian King Gao Li, but was swept off his legs and fell under the fire of the rebel forces, and then turned into scrap in a rain of bullets. The barbarian king Gao Li grabbed the scrap iron head of one of the assailant golems, and in a blink of an eye he electromagnetically accelerated it and launched it. The iron head slammed into the last sentry golem in the distance in a string of blue light, The sentry slammed backwards.

Bediville dodged from left to right, avoided the light bullet rain from the sentinel golem with a minimum of walking, and approached his opponent almost without slowing down. The red moon steel double-edged axe in his hand turned into a crescent-like red arc, instantly splitting the golem's chest armor plate, and the blade of the axe was deeply embedded in the core of the golem.

Accompanied by the sound of breaking the core, Bediville let the thruster on the axe jet in the opposite direction, and easily pulled out the axe embedded in the chest armor of the sentry golem.

Watching the army of golems fall, the guards in the distance became scared, and the door of the refuge was slowly closing. They probably intend to seal off the shelter and stay in it. If things turn that way, it will be very troublesome. The barbarian king Gao Li decisively twisted the head of the sentry golem with one hand, held the huge scrap iron in his hand and charged it with energy, and then shot towards the door of the refuge that was gradually closing.

The huge blue beam of light accurately hit the transmission axis of the gate and was embedded in it for an instant. In the impact, the head of the hot, semi-melted golem instantly exploded, and a big gap was blasted in the drive shaft of the gate. As a result, the door cannot be closed normally, and it is stuck in a half-open state. The soldiers guarding the door rushed to the door, leaning on the door to cover and shooting, trying to stop the rebels' offensive!

Because the enemy’s firepower was too intensive and Bedivre’s [Potential Awakening] was approaching the time limit, the werewolf youth jumped behind the fallen sentry golem, leaned on it as a cover, and took a breath.

"Thank you," the secretary Countess (Sherichard) ran to Bediwell's side and said, "Most of the golems have been solved. Then let's attack the door."

"What's a good idea?" Bediwell saw that this place was still about twenty yards away from the door of the refuge. The opposite side leaned on the cover of the door and fired desperately to suppress it. It was not easy to rush from this distance.

"Can you push this big piece of scrap metal forward a little bit?" The Snow Lion girl gently kicked the remains of the sentinel golem: "Just push it to about ten yards from the door."

"I'll give it a try." The werewolf youth replied, spreading his left hand flat, and pressing the [Gauss electromagnetic projector] on the remains of the golem.

That's right, [Gaussian Electromagnetic Projector] normally can only fire the metal block held in his hand like a cannon. The remains of the golem are such a huge object, it is naturally impossible to launch it. But the electromagnetic projector is nothing more than a magnetoelectric propulsion acceleration device. Even if there is no way to launch such a huge metal block and push it forward against the ground, it can still be done.

Boom! A huge impact exploded on the glove-like projector, and the impact hit the golem's remains, pushing it forward two or three yards.

Members of the Resistance Army and the Railway Organization also bypassed the bunkers they had set up and got together. They looked for the remains of the sentinel golem as a shelter, and fired back at the Egyptian army, suppressing firepower with firepower.

"Fast action!" Desmonda ran to the bunker where Bediville was. "The longer the time is, the better the security system of the shelter will be, and the more difficult it will be after we attack!"

"I know, don't rush." ​​The barbarian king Gao Li once again slapped the wreckage of the golem and pushed it forward three yards with an electromagnetic projector. They are 14 yards from the gate! The wreckage of the golem is constantly being destroyed by enemy fire, and the armor plate on the other side is constantly peeling off, and its mass is naturally declining.

"It's almost done, finish it in one breath." The Countess Secret Technique took out a bottle of transparent liquid and drank it instantly. It seems to be some kind of strengthening medicine, the purpose is unknown: "I will take care of the last step."

"Haha!" Barbarian King Gao Li used all his strength to give a high-five. Not only did he use the electromagnetic projector to advance the wreckage of the golem, Bradyville's attack also used his own power. Because of the tremendous strength, Bediwell's shoulders bear a considerable burden. He felt a soreness at the joint between his shoulder and the prosthetic limb, which may be caused by bleeding. But at the same time the remains of the sentinel golem also slid forward for a long distance, visually advancing at least five yards.

"Very good." The Countess Secret Skill chased after her and activated some ability. Her body became translucent, and she ignored the collision volume of the golem wreckage, and even the light bullets from the ignoring enemies, and rushed directly to the door of the refuge.

"Blur...?" Bediwell asked in surprise, but she didn't expect that Sherylchard could also use blur! But the next second he found that it seemed nothing to be surprised, since Leo Potter could use [Blur], and at the same time, Shirechard of the lion clan could use the same ability, what was strange. The Lion’s [Blending] is equivalent to the weakened version of the Leopard’s Quigg’s [Blending], and it can only stay in place for more than ten seconds. If you move quickly, the duration of [Blur] will be further reduced. Judging from the sprinting speed of Sherchard, it is estimated that she will maintain the blur for no more than five seconds.

But this mere five seconds was enough for her to sprint to the gate and put down all the soldiers guarding the gate.

The fact is exactly the same, the occult lady rushing out also threw something as she approached the gate. It should be a frozen hand mine. ** First remove the blur, land at the feet of the guards at the gate and then explode quickly, and the rising deep sea freezes the soldiers.

Sheryl Chad sprinted to the gate at this time, and the blur on her body had not been completely removed. She took out two pure white long swords and swung them at the enemies who had not fallen.

At this time, Sheryl Chad was naturally still in a state of [virtualization], which meant that her body had moved into the subspace, and had almost no intersection with reality. She will not be attacked from the real world, but at the same time she cannot attack people in the real world.

But why is she in the state of [Blurred] in a hurry to slash the group of soldiers with a sword? Bediwell did not understand for a while. But as the imaginary state on the secretary queen's body was lifted, Man Wang Gao Li also understood everything.

The weapon in Sherchard's hand can draw a trail of frost. With a snow-white sword enchanted with deep cold, just a stroke through the air can freeze the surrounding air. She just drew many swords beside the group of soldiers like a phantom, the frozen track was left behind. When [Vision] was released, the deep cold trajectory reappeared in the air, freezing the soldiers one by one!

The costume she was wearing seemed to be some kind of air-conditioning suit. She moved in the icy mist raised by the freezing thunder and was not affected. At best, a little frost had formed on the surface of the clothes. The guards in front of the gate had all been frozen, and they couldn't move one by one.

"Digen!" Desemona shouted while jumping over the bunker.

"Go right away." Railway detective Di Gen released a small unmanned reconnaissance plane from behind his backpack, and the small machine flew quickly into the other side of the refuge gate under his control. At the end of the door, there was a sound of explosions and explosions of multiple turrets. The drone should have removed the turrets arranged in the inner hall of the refuge.

"Advance!" Preston and others rushed into the shelter. Bediwell followed closely, aiming to rendezvous with Sherylchard.

"Is it okay, Xue...The Secret Art Queen?" He ran to the Snow Lion Girl and asked.

"I didn't get hurt at all, so don't worry." The secretary replied, "By the way, it's... quiet here?"

The hall at the entrance of the refuge was quiet, without a half-person figure.

Of course, after the fierce battle just now, most of the troops that this refuge can use have been consumed. That group of military battle golems could have killed several groups of soldiers, but Bediville was almost completely wiped out by himself. In an underground shelter of this size, it is hard to imagine that there will be another wave of defenders guarding it.

There are many defense turrets on the ceiling of the hall. In this terrain, the turret is a big threat. However, the drone that Di Gen had just sent in had destroyed the turrets one by one, and now the remains of the smoking turret were left. There are three passages in this hall connecting deeper in the refuge, and there seems to be traps everywhere along the way.

"Digeng, invade the system here." While holding up the nail gun, Desmonda ordered: "This time the defense system of this refuge will be completely paralyzed."

"This time?" Bediwell asked curiously.

"We tried to invade this place from an external network before, but failed." Desemona replied: "Part of the security system in the shelter is completely isolated from the outside world and independent. It must be accessed from its internal control panel. To complete the invasion."

"And, if possible, I hope I can find its security control room." Di Geng vomited, and once again released three fist-sized drones, letting them go deep into the various passages inside the shelter to conduct reconnaissance.

"Take it," Preston gave Di a drawing. "It's the structure diagram here. Use it to find the security control room right away."

"...You can get the drawings here?"

"I used a little connection." The rebel leader said: "The Delta team is responsible for protecting Mr. Digen and suppressing the security control room. The others are coming with me. It's time to meet with your Excellency the President of Egypt."

Although Bradyville still had doubts, but now he could only follow the brigade to take advantage of the situation and capture the refuge in front of him.

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts