MTL - Limitless Sword God-Chapter 1543 Coercion

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"You are too confident!"

Suddenly, when I was cold, I had to take a shot and fight with Su Yun.

But in the next second, Su Yun grabbed the cold heart over there, and the full ancestral breath wrapped her in an instant, and the darkness saw it, and the figure immediately stopped.

"How? You and my ancestors are fighting, are you still going to use the hostage?"

"Since you have investigated me, you should know that I am not the so-called righteous person. What do you think of using the hostages in the district?" Su Yun shook his head. "Not to mention, this is not an ordinary hostage. This person Should it be important to you?"

"She is my disciple, naturally it is very important."

"I'm afraid it's not just that the apprentice is so simple. I learned from her memory that your gift to her has surpassed everyone in the ancient gods, even the four kings are quite different. You seem to be interested. Train her into your successor! And teach her at all costs! You, she is so heavy, her identity, really only your apprentice? I don't believe it!"

Su Yun said.

In the dark, staring at Su Yun, I saw a half-sound, knowing that this person is still awkward than the fox. The city is extremely deep. I am afraid it is not so easy to marry him.

"Can be mixed to this point, it is not a general generation, I admit, the heart is like her is not only my apprentice is so simple, she is my only child." The dark sky looks cold, the eyes are covered with silk Silk and self-blame.

As cold as one listens, people like petrification: "What is your teacher, what are you talking about?"

"My heart, my child, I am sorry for you." Shaking his head in the dark.

"You, you are me?" Chilling is extremely difficult to accept the news. She has been talking for a long time. It is not until she recalls the care and preferential treatment of her for so many years. She only noticed that something was wrong. She used to think that she was herself. The talent is extraordinary, the dark genius cares for her, until Su Yun appears, let her have doubts about her talent.

In fact, the talent of chilling is not high. Otherwise, there is a ancestor of the dark day. Her cultivation is not limited to this, but it is also because the darkness is too fond of cold heart, so that it is cold-hearted. Most of the combat power relies on the magic weapon given to her by the darkness, and ignores her own strength. Therefore, as coldhearts always fight with Su Yun, Su Yun only needs to break her magic weapon, she is in a hurry, I do not know how to confront the enemy, and the state of mind Very poor, because of the defeat to Su Yun, and even the shadows in my heart. Have to say that the dark sky is a failed master.

Looking at the surprise and mistakes of his daughter's face, he shook his head in the dark and said: "I lived with your mother for the rest of the year. I fled from the fairy world. The people who fled with us died. Your mother is pregnant with you. But in order to be able to save you, she chose to sacrifice herself, leaving a placenta to self-pregnancy. When you were born, I was already the first ancestor. In order to seek a way to resurrect your mother, I am going to the north to fight and go around. Fang, I even intend to find the way through the method of unifying the world, but it seems that it is very difficult to achieve. I have a lot of enemies. If the enemy knows that I have a daughter, I will definitely be derailed. Therefore, I have not dared for years. I agree with you! The heart is like, you have to understand the difficulties."

"I don't understand! Don't understand! Don't understand!!" The cold-hearted emotion seemed to be out of control. She yelled at the darkness: "You lied to me!! You actually lied to me!! You are actually me!" !!!"

"Heart is like" The dark eyes are full of helplessness.

But the cold heart is like a child.

It’s just that, in the eyes of Su Yun, it looks extremely dull.

"Have you been a man of the sinister period? When you fled, was it to shun the evils of the sword?" Su Yun said quietly.

"With the resources of the ancient epoch, if you want a fairy to enter the ancestral ancestry, only the stone tablet recorded in the hands of the strong people in the wilderness can be done. The person who carved the stone tablet is a master of the ruins. He is the ancestor of the ancestor, the most likely to enter a new realm. Only when the fierce sword is extinct, he can’t escape the sword and die, but in order to keep the stone, he sealed the stone into the fairyland. In the middle, when the fierce sword smashed the boundary of the fairyland and entered the next interface, the fairyland was affected, and there was a spatial disorder inside. The stone monument inadvertently entered the ancient ruins, and the supreme power in the stone itself formed a seal, forever Enclosed, many people thought that this was a stone monument built by the ancients. In fact, otherwise, people in ancient times were not so powerful."

Dark sky whispered.

"According to what you said, are you the people who carry wooden boxes to seal the fierce sword?" Su Yun asked again.

"Yes, it's just that we have been unable to seal the fierce sword. The situation was too dangerous. We are not close to the fierce sword. We are about to destroy the team. Can we spare no effort to seal the fierce sword? So we are convenient to use the Devil's River. I have escaped into the fairyland, the heart of the mother, in order to protect the heart, if not eroded by the fierce sword and sacrificed himself."

"How was the fierce sword sealed?"

"I am afraid, it is the fierce sword to choose the seal!"

Everything has come to the fore. In fact, Su Yun has long suspected that the dark sky is a man of the flood season, and it is very likely that he is the same group of people as Xian Chang. Otherwise, he is very hard to explain, but it is difficult to explain. After all, Before he did not touch the stone monument, and those who came from that period, as long as they were still alive, the worst is also the realm of the pseudo-ancestor.

"Su Yun, I have said so much, it has already indicated what I mean. You put the cold heart as if, put the stone tablet out, you and I will draw a line from this, the well water does not make the river, how?" The cloud, under the hands, is secretly accumulating.

"I am looking for you, but it is not to send you people to follow things, but to let you do things for me. If you can't do it, if you are afraid, you will have to stay in Nine Heavens for a while, but you can rest assured that I don't. Will hurt her, at least her life and death, it doesn't matter to me." Su Yun refused to give in.

But at this moment, the dark sky suddenly shook his head: "Su Yun, it can not be you, some things, not as beautiful as you think, you have the quality in your hands, is there no hostage in my hands?"

Su Yun listened, his face changed: "What do you mean?"

But watching the dark sky raise his hand, a volley wave, the sky is shaking, the sparkling, followed by a mirror-like image appears in the sight of Su Yun, in the image, the two figures are fiercely fighting in the nine heavens. The horrible destruction of the atmosphere has completely destroyed the entire Nine Heavens, and the immortals fled, and the scene was a mess.

Su Yun set eyes on the two figures, the face is very chilly, one of them is Su Lier, and the other one is actually awkward! !

"昊天??" He groaned and shouted, as if he turned his heart and turned to the nine heavens.

The dark sky immediately followed the past, and there was a cold heart. He still didn't dare to start with Su Yun, but when it came to Jiuzhongtian, the passive dark sky and Su Yun, I am afraid to exchange the position.

Now that Haotian suddenly rebelled, Su’s child was restrained. From the scene that appeared in the dark sky, Haotian did not seem to have devastatedly attacked Jiuzhongtian. Otherwise, with the strength of Haotian, Su’s children would never stop. Living in him, the entire Nine Heavens can easily be wiped out in his hands, and Su Shiluo, Hu Shijue, Long Xianli and others can not escape.

Su Yun now even if he rushes back to join hands with Su Pei, it will not help, but will lead to the dark sky. If Hao Tian and the dark day join hands, the situation can be even more out of control.

Su Yunfei stunned for a while and stopped.

"How? Give up the rescue?"

Su Yun turned his head and stared at him coldly: "I have always had a collusion with Haotian??!"

"Su Yun, you should know, I am also proficient in the technique of fate, although I can't peep at those big numbers, but I peeped from the number of lives, you, Su Yun, will become the enemy of my life! For the enemy, I Naturally, we must strictly guard against it. Do you really think that I will deal with it so well? Do you really think that I will be so careable to you? No, I am deliberately placed next to you, in order to let him Get your trust, I also made this scene with him! But some things are true, there is indeed a grudge between him and Yong Ye, and he wants to kill the night, I don't object!"

"Then why should he join hands with you to deal with me? The content on the stone tablet, he should have been almost enlightened!!" Su Yun Shen Sheng.

"The content on the stone tablet is indeed almost enlightened. This stone tablet is actually not very useful for me, because he has already quietly passed the contents he saw from the stone tablet. Now I, I already have the peak strength of the ancestral dynasty, the common ancestor, not my opponent!!"

"Why should he help you?" Su Yun said.

"There are two simple words! Benefits!"

"Right? Can you say that" Su Yun’s eyes trembled and thought of a terrible thing, looking away from his own eyes.

"Yes! It's the sword! His ultimate goal is not a stone tablet, but a sword, the sword in the sword, not only him, but my purpose is also, if I and him can control this sword. Then we can truly dominate the world, and we can pursue a higher and stronger road through the fierce sword. This will be a new beginning for us, and the door to the new world will be opened by us! It’s just that I know with him that you have not only swords in your hands, but also Su Li and countless masters. You have to take a fierce sword from your hands. It’s not enough for an ancestor. So, we started to join forces to win the sword. !"

When I talked about it here, I paused and said: "Now, Su Yun, if you give me the sword, I can immediately order the day to stop. He should not have hurt you. You don't have to worry, but if You are still obsessed with it, I am afraid that the people in the nine heavens will be wiped out."

Although Su Yun has a cold heart like this hostage, it can be invisible, and the dark sky has mastered the life of all the people in Su Yun.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and Su Yun was completely passive.

He glanced at the darkness, snorted, and suddenly set off again, with a cold heart as if flying toward the Nine Heavens.