MTL - Little Cardamom-Chapter 15

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The peaceful days passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Ming Tan had already stayed in Lingmiao Temple for seventy-seven forty-nine days, and he could return home after the blessing period expired.

Although praying for blessings is just a pretext, during these days in the temple, Ming Tan also sincerely copied a lot of scriptures, and often introspected and prayed in front of the Buddha.

Buddhism pays attention to fate, and Ming Tan also believes in this principle, so every time she prays, she will deliberately go around the treasure hall she entered by mistake on the first day.

"Buddha, the believer A-Tan is going home today. There have been a lot of disturbances in recent days. Please don't blame the Buddha. Believers also know that there are a lot of prayers, but everything is very important, the most important thing right now. , just to talk about a good relationship..."

Going home?

The little novice recited "Amitabha Buddha" silently, feeling a sense of relief in his heart.

After all, no one would have imagined that the request for a son-in-law that lasted for a stick of incense that day was just the beginning. The female benefactor stayed in the temple for a short time, and would come to make up for it every now and then.

In fact, she will also pray for other things, such as: wishing her parents and friends good health, wishing the prosperity and peace of the world to be free from disasters and disasters...

However, the various appeals of this female benefactor in the matter of discussing marriage really left a deep impression on him, so that he was occasionally a little fortunate that he was a monk and did not need a secular marriage.

After a while, Ming Tan finished his vow and bowed three times.

When I left the treasure hall, the spring sun was scorching, and the branches and branches of ancient trees leaked mottled spring light.

Ming Tan was going out, but he didn't want to happen to meet Master Hui Yuan who suddenly returned to the temple after Yue Yu disappeared.

She didn't know Huiyuan, but when she met a monk in the temple, she would put her hands together and greet him politely: "Amitabha, Hello, Master."

"Amitabha." Huiyuan occasionally heard his voice, and remembered something, with a slight smile on his face, "The almsgiver is sincere, and his wish will be fulfilled."


Is this polite, or serious?

Ming Tan paused for a moment, this master looked benevolent and kind, and also somewhat unpredictable, he didn't seem to be casually polite... When she came back to her senses and wanted to ask, Hui Yuan had already wandered into the hall. She chased back, but there was no one there.

In the Sutra Pavilion, the little novice who was about to go out to see him off just now also heard what Huiyuan said, and he couldn't help asking: "Master, can that female benefactor really get what she wants?" But rare.

Huiyuan searched for scriptures slowly, but he didn't know what scripture he found, so he handed it to the little novice, with a smile in his eyes, and said something meaningful: "Monks don't tell lies."

Outside the Sutra Pavilion, Ming Tan, who hadn't seen anyone, quickly left the treasure hall. She didn't take this episode to heart, after all, she didn't know that it was Master Huiyuan, an eminent monk who had been wandering around all the year round and was erratic.

When he came to the temple to pray, there were five carriages in a mighty force. When he returned, Ming Tan sent the servants who transported the clothes back to the mansion.

After staying in the temple for a month and a half, going to Beijing was full of traffic, bustling and bustling, just like in the past. However, the scenery is green in the depth of spring, and the ancient trees of weeping willows beside the river are green and green. Men, women and children have changed their old coats into new ones, which brings a new look to the eyes.

Hearing that the apricot list of this subject's general examination has been released, Shu Jingran's name is at the top of the list. Bai Minmin had the foresight to reserve a place in Huichun Building early on. When the test results were announced, all the window-facing seats in the restaurants along the street were fully booked, and the prices had increased several times.

Ming Tan returned home to rest for two days, and soon it was the day of the Golden Palace's countermeasures.

The Golden Temple's countermeasure is only a question, and Emperor Chengkang asked the soldiers.

The students are familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, but they know very little about both the army and the soldiers, and most of their thoughts are superficial words on paper, and those who can talk deeply are rare.

Shu Jingran is also the son of Zaifu, and he has a close relationship with Jiang Xu Luting, so he naturally knows a lot, but Emperor Chengkang has higher demands on him than other candidates because of this.

Shu Jingran's actions in this palace test were excellent, but not as novel as another student from a poor family. In the end, Emperor Chengkang appointed him as Tanhualang.

Of course, Emperor Chengkang also considered the unwritten rule that "Tanhualang must stand out in appearance and demeanor".

The news that Shu Jingran was spotted by Hwarang got out, and the women in Beijing cheered.

Emperor Chengkang bestowed rituals on the streets as usual, and walked out from the Zhengde Gate. The No. 2 winners all wore red flowers and rode tall horses.

When the parade started, the crowds on the street were crowded and noisy. As Bai Minmin expected before, she couldn't walk at all.

The most dignified and self-sufficient women in Shangjing, who are usually the most dignified and self-sustaining, shouted "Tanhualang" and "Second Master Shu", throwing melons, fruits, and sachets.

Ming Tan, Bai Minmin and Zhou Jingwan both arrived at the restaurant early and waited. The three of them stood by the window, seeing the top three of the first class and the Jinshi behind them being surrounded and guarded by the imperial army, they couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Especially Bai Minmin, pointing at Shu Jingran, said excitedly: "Look! Second Young Master Shu, that is Second Young Master Shu! Take a look at this appearance, this demeanor, what is it called..."

Zhou Jingwan: "People on Moshang are like jade, and your son is unparalleled in the world?"

"Yes, yes! Moshang is like a jade, and your son is unparalleled in the world!"

Zhou Jingwan nodded with a smile: "Mr. Shu's talent and appearance are both top-grade, and he can indeed afford this poem."

Ming Tan seldom praised men, but he had to admit that the second son Shu, who was famous in Beijing, was indeed pleasing to the eye. In fact, Zhou Zheng was also born in the second place of the No. 1 Scholar, but these two are standing close to each other, with pearls and jade in front, and the others, together with their appearance, seem to have become a foil.

Ming Tan rested his chin and watched, his thoughts drifted away.

Her father and uncle were both military generals, so they probably didn't know Prime Minister Right very well.

His wife doesn't seem to like to be sociable, and when Mrs. Pei takes her out on weekdays, she doesn't seem to have met Mrs. Right.

Sisters and sisters who have not left the court... There should be no one. Shangjing is so big. If there is, she should know even if she is not familiar with it.

It's really strange.

So unfamiliar, how to create a chance encounter?


"Have you already thought of creating a chance encounter?"

"If you say you don't know shame, you really don't know shame!"

Bai Minmin's eyes widened when he heard Ming Tan talking about his little Jiujiu.

"What's there to make a fuss about? It's not that he's just been selected as a Tanhua. These days, those who come to discuss relatives have to step on the threshold. I just want to find an upright occasion for him to feel from a distance. This lady is full of talent and good looks. Marry a wife and win the election, so there will be no overstepping the rules!"

"A Tan is the most polite." Zhou Jingwan agreed.

"You just love and get used to her!"

Zhou Jingwan argued softly: "This is not habitual, A Tan is very aware of propriety."


What a talented girl, she was harmed by the Ming family's A-Tan so much that she could only praise her!

Zhou Jingwan said again: "If Ah Tan wants to meet Second Young Master Shu, I know of a fair and honest opportunity, and Minmin can also go together."

Bai Minmin kept her mouth tightly shut, but she paused, and her ears moved over honestly.

Zhou Jingwan: " the second wife and third lady of the Duke of Pingguo. She used to study in my private school, and I have some friendship with her. She is a child at heart, and knows many ladies in Beijing who have long admired the second son of Shu. I want to take this opportunity to do it." The last late spring poetry meeting. Cousin Hanmiao has already promised that he will invite Second Young Master Shu over to drink tea at the poetry meeting that day, and then you can take a look at the young lady who is curious about the presence of Second Young Master Shu."

Zhang Hanmiao, the second bedroom and third lady of Pingguo Duke's Mansion.

When Zhou Jingwan said this, Ming Tan and Bai Minmin understood.

If it was someone else's cousin, it would be very difficult to invite Shu Er to drink tea at the designated time, and it would be difficult to guarantee that Shu Er would not be angry and never interact with him after knowing about it.

But isn't Pingguo's mansion the queen's mother's house?

Isn't Zhang Hanmiao's cousin the same as Zhang Huaiyu, the younger brother of the queen who had a good relationship with the second son of Shu, and the son of Duke Pingguo?

That naturally means that if you can invite, you will definitely be able to invite.

"Second Master Shu was not in high school before, so the post for the poem meeting has not been sent out to avoid accidents and embarrassment." Zhou Jingwan said, "Now that he is in high school, even if I don't say it, she will definitely send you a post of."

That's true.

Zhang Hanmiao was two years younger than them. It was the first time that the little girl's family invited people to hold a poetry meeting, so she naturally wanted to make it lively and decent.

If you want to be lively and dignified, Mingtan Bai Minmin, who is one of the most noble girls in Beijing, will definitely invite you as long as there is no festival.

The two readily agreed.

But it shows that Tan and Bai Zhou went out of the house to watch the horse racing parade together, they clearly disdain it, and they don't have the ability to set up a private room near the street to join in the fun.

Early in the morning, she whipped her soft whip in the garden of the mansion. The flowers blooming on the branches were smashed by her, and many delicate branches were also broken.

Shen Yu was sent on a errand during this period of time, and when she heard that Ming Tan had returned home, she hurried back after finishing her work, but she didn't even see anyone. He also had to go to the Gyeonggi camp to train soldiers, and when he went out, he was a little downcast.

"Cousin?" Seeing Shen Yu, Ming Chu suddenly recalled something, and suddenly restrained himself, and called him.

Shen Yu raised her head and saw that it was another cousin from the Ming family, who bowed her hands in a faraway salute: "Cousin."

Ming Chu moved forward with his hands behind his back, but Shen Yu took a step back, remembering what Ming Tan said about keeping the etiquette.

Mingchu chuckled lightly, "I'm not a ghost, what are you hiding, cousin?" She tilted her head and looked, "Cousin a bad mood."

Shen Yu didn't know her very well, so she didn't want to say much, and cupped her hands again, wanting to leave first.

"Cousin!" Mingchu hurriedly called to him, "Do you like my fourth sister?"

Shen Yu froze, and said after a while: "Cousin speak carefully."

"It's just a pleasure, and it's not a shameful thing." Mingchu didn't take it seriously, "My cousin has made military achievements many times at a young age, and was appreciated by His Royal Highness Dingbei King. Oh, I heard that my cousin also made great contributions in the first battle of Dongzhou ...Thinking of such achievements, if you are happy with Fourth Sister, tell His Highness, His Highness will definitely ask for a marriage order for you."

Shen Yu's hand holding the hilt of the sword tightened unconsciously.

If he asks for the honor of bestowing a marriage, perhaps there will be one. But the Jing'an Hou Mansion is not an ordinary family, and Cousin Tan is the only prostitute in the Hou Mansion. More importantly, Cousin Tan bluntly said that she did not want to marry him.

Mingchu seemed to see what he was thinking: "Emotions need to be cultivated slowly, there is no one who will be happy with each other once they come up, and when a woman says she doesn't like it or not, it's usually not because she really doesn't like it or not, it's mostly because of shyness." I said this to my cousin because I saw that my cousin's future is boundless, if the fourth sister can be with you, it can be regarded as finding a good home."

"Cousin, think about it carefully. Don't wait until Mingzhu falls by the wayside to come back and regret it. I'll go first."

The sun is approaching, and the slanting light of Dingbei Palace is half scattered. Shen Yu came to report the errand.

He knew that the prince usually would not speak out when there was no doubt. He remained silent until the report was over, he paused, and suddenly asked: "My lord, if one day, my subordinate has someone he likes, can my lord ask for a marriage order for my subordinate?"

Jiang Xu raised his eyes and hummed nonchalantly.

Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, this dignity is still there.

He has already started to plan, when he goes back to explain to Cousin Tan the unintentional abruptness last time, and then asks Cousin Tan to nod in agreement, he will come to ask the prince for help again.

Unexpectedly, the person at the top said again: "As long as it is not the fourth lady of the Ming family, or other women, this king can try my best for you."