MTL - LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!-Chapter 17 Entertainment Circle Peach Goddess 17

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Chang Hao was called away by Guo after eating dinner.

At this time, everyone has not started to rest, seeing this scene, there has been a chat without a ride.

"I want to say that this regular 铮 was a substitute. Can he really play the role of a male lord?"

"Who knows, it may be that the short one is high, and we can't help Guo."

"But to say that, the kid is so lucky..."

I slowly drank the soup in the bowl and listened to these words without speaking.

It’s just that she doesn’t even talk, it’s always the focus of everyone’s attention.

Seeing that she seemed to have the meaning of stepping away, someone immediately got together.

"Miao Tao sister, what do you think of the male lead of this Guo guide?"

Others have quieted down and want to see the attitude of Taoyuan.

What if she is not satisfied with her play with a substitute?

In addition to the love of the entire crew, there are no other big coffee. It can be said that most of the time, they follow the love.

An actor who is red and purple in the circle, they simply can't afford to offend, and they don't dare to offend.

If Tao Tao does not like this man...

Then at least half of the people present at the scene have to pay a discount on their attitude towards Chang Hao.

This is the reality of this circle.

Although she didn't mix this circle before, she was thoughtful and thoughtful. Occasionally, because of the lack of knowledge, there will be a system to raise points. It can be said that progress in interpersonal communication is rapid.

When she heard such a question, she smiled.

"I believe that Guo Dao's vision, since he is the hero of his choice, Chang Hao must have something extraordinary. I am looking forward to playing against him."

When Chang Hao came out, I heard this sentence.

He originally wanted to go out of the footsteps of Guo’s room and took it back. He stood in the shadow and quietly watched the woman surrounded by the crowd.

Even wearing inconspicuous clothing, surrounded by people, she also has the charm that people can see and remember at a glance.

This is the second time she helped herself today.

She just took the lead to ease the atmosphere when everyone was silent. Chang Hao did not think it was a coincidence.

Now, when she is questioning herself, she stands up and speaks for herself without hesitation.

Chang Hao is not a narcissistic person. He even thinks about how he can be, how can he let the goddess of this film and television circle make up for himself again and again?

He looked at the other side's delicate side face with some ecstasy. After a long time, he lowered his eyes and sighed in his heart.

Just Guo is looking for him to discuss the past pay and there are some things in the crew.

Since there are no brokers, these things can only be handled by oneself.

Fortunately, Guo Dao’s nature is straightforward, and he does not cut his pay because of Chang’s birth.

He paid dividends to Chang’s box office, exactly the same as the original man’s claim.

After dinner every day, it was the most casual time for the crew.

Of course, there is no leisure and entertainment project in this desert. Most of them are also playing mobile phones in their rooms.

I loved that a person walked outside, but it was still the place where I saw the last time I saw the script.

"The light here is not good, you should be careful."

Chang Hao turned around and showed a smile: "I am used to it, I can't sleep without watching the script every night."