MTL - LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!-Chapter 16 Entertainment Circle Peach Goddess 16

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In the meantime, a few gaze went toward the regular squad.

Among them, there is envy, inquiry, and doubt.

The props teacher Xiao Li looked stunned at the man standing in front of Guo.

This afternoon, he still laughed at the Wudi, who was dreaming of acting and becoming popular. As a result, only a few hours later, the other party became the leading actor.

He seriously doubted whether he was still asleep after a nap, and everything is now in a dream!

He even stunned himself.


Not dreaming?

After being surprised, Xiao Li’s heart rose into a deep fear.

The other party is now the actor, will you hate yourself?

In his mind, he quickly recalled what he and I have done since the beginning of the encounter, and finally the discovery of despair -

No solution!

Think about it, Xiao Li asked himself, if you change yourself, you will not let go of each other.

He looked up a little embarrassed, just right on the usual look.

Chang Hao smiled at Xiao Li and was very friendly.

Xiao Li’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley. When it’s over, the other party will definitely hate it.

You know, he and Chang Hao lived in the same room for so long, and they didn't see each other laughing.

He is still thinking about his troubles, and Chang Hao has already recovered his gaze.

He is deliberate.

Seeing Xiao Li’s chaotic and shocked look, I often knew what was in my heart, and suddenly I had a mischievous mind.

There is no hatred between the two people. In the future, it is too low-level to retaliate against him. But a little scared him, he is still happy.

I have lived together for a while, and I often know about Xiao Li’s roommate.

What the other party is best at is suspicious and brain-filled.

He didn't have to do anything, just the smile that was enough for him to worry about for a long time.

Chang Hao put this matter behind his head and looked at the peach aunt inadvertently.

Will she be happy for herself?

What he is up to is a big smile.

Seeing the man and seeing it, the smile on the face is even brighter.

It’s a man, it’s a good one! Get the actor qualification so quickly.

In this way, the distance to complete the task has taken a big step.

Seeing Chang Hao's gaze still stayed on himself, and he extended his thumb and rushed him to a victory gesture.

I often groaned and then revealed a smile.

This smile is completely different from the previous deliberately scaring Xiao Li.

Since the accident at home, he has never had such a happy time.

After seeing Guo Dao’s speech, the scene was silent for a while, and I thought about it, and stepped forward and stepped out of the crowd.

"Welcome to our new man, everyone will cooperate in the future." She smiled and spoke.

Love this sentence, it is like opening a special valve, and then the atmosphere of stagnation is instantly brisk.

A few supporting roles of the crew also expressed their welcome to Chang Hao after the love, and the faint rejection and ambiguity just existed.

Chang Hao knew in his heart that most of these people looked down on themselves. He dropped his throat and said hello to them.

When there is no strength, it is looked down, questioned, and rejected. This does not matter. He will prove himself by action.

He couldn't help but look at the crowd - she helped herself once again.


In the new week, is the recommendation ticket for everyone hungry?

Our peach aunt goblin is hungry, so hurry up and come over (╯3╰)╮