MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 18 Get out of the hole!

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Copper head and iron bone tofu waist!

As long as there are wild beasts in the mountains, there are not many kinds of waists that are not critical.

Li Xiu, who had fought against the beasts in the mountains several times, was naturally very clear about this.

But even though he knew the key points and had several experiences of fighting beasts, Li Xiu didn't dare to relax.

Beasts are different from human beings, and they blindly slash with one knife. With their current strength, it is definitely difficult to cut them with one knife. The biggest possibility is that the blade will only get stuck in the bones of the animal, and instantly fall into crisis.

To deal with beasts, than to deal with people, it is also a test of swordsmanship!

Moreover, beasts are different from people. People are very easy to fear, and it is easy to lose their minds because of panic and fear.

It is also difficult for beasts to do this. The brutal instinct of beasts is far more powerful than that of ordinary people.

Especially in this kind of battle of beasts that have no way back, and this group of wolves was obviously starved by Jin Yiwei for a long time, the ferocity of the hungry wolves in the battle of beasts can be imagined.


The sound of the wolf howling, the hungry wolves rushing towards him, was clearly reflected in Li Xiu's eyes, and he could even smell the strong stench in the wolf's mouth.

Holding the handle of the knife tightly, Li Xiu's heart was empty. When the hungry wolf flew in front of him, he suddenly dodged, and the blade slashed down sharply.

The blade cut diagonally down the fur of the hungry wolf's neck, and he could clearly perceive the sense of blockage coming from the blade, and could clearly hear the sound of the blade and bones breaking.

With a click, the hungry wolf that flew over had its head drooping and fell to the ground, spilling wolf blood on the ground!


Li Xiu didn't stop at all, stepped over the wolf corpse in one step, took the knife and drenched in blood, and cut down again mercilessly.

There are quite a lot of wolves, and even if they are trapped in the battle of beasts, they can't help this long-honed Sen Leng blade. After all, these young people are, to some extent, a group of beasts that have been tormented and tempered.

The teenagers have no way out, they can only fight!

But for a moment, the stench of blood filled the entire cave again, and under the stimulation of the blood, the wolves with no way out became more and more crazy.


The roar of wolves, the bloodthirsty hungry wolves, under the command of the wolf king, are like an army with clear rules!

Even in the face of one blade after another, there was no fear at all.

In the cave at this moment, it is like a confrontation between two armies. People and wolves are fighting madly!

Li Xiu didn't dare to show his power in such a brutal fight. The boy who led the team with a knife, resisted on the front line, and the blade was circulating, and it also brought a touch of blood from time to time.

It's just a pity that wolves are different from people. Unless it is a fatal blow, it is difficult to disintegrate the wolf's combat power, and it will only arouse the ferocity of the wolf even more!

As the **** spread, casualties naturally began to appear, not only the casualties of the wolves, but also the bodies of the people who were bitten.

Even Li Xiu was bitten by the hungry wolf several times at this moment. Fortunately, he responded very quickly every time, avoiding the key points and only suffered some skin injuries.

Li Xiu was like this, not to mention the other teenagers. If it weren't for the fact that this place was already a Jedi, if it weren't for the strict discipline instillation and cruel training of Jinyiwei for several months, facing such a fierce hungry wolf, these half-eldest boys, I am afraid it has already collapsed.

The slaughter lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour before it calmed down. When the last hungry wolf died under the blade, in the cave, there was no other sound except for the sound of violent gasps and the sound of mourning.

Many teenagers, even more exhausted, collapsed in a pool of blood, not wanting to move at all.

Soon, the wolf corpse was dragged away by Jin Yiwei. If nothing else, the fishy wolf meat would become an indispensable meat for every meal in the past few days.

And those unfortunate teenagers were also thrown into the bullock cart by Jin Yiwei, ready to be thrown to the mass graves outside, the fate is self-evident.

The wounded wounded and other teenagers also felt that they were standing in place at the moment, waiting for Jin Yiwei's order.

Fortunately, this time, Jin Yiwei didn't bother anymore. After ordering to rest, he arranged for the wounded to go to the pharmacy for treatment.

Strict discipline coupled with brutal training, the exercise is the prohibition.

The last second was still fighting, and the next second, the order in the field reappeared. Based on the team, the shouting and shouting continued, and it has returned to normal.

If it weren't for the scarlet on the ground, it was extremely dazzling, and some people believed that the fight was an illusion.

Li Xiu was sitting on the side, covered in blood. After bandaging the scars on his body that were bitten by the hungry wolf, he took a rag and carefully wiped the blood stains on the long knife.

Erwazi and a few teenagers from the team were sitting in front of Li Xiu, wiping the blade of the blade with a cloth.

This kind of standard weapon is naturally not a magical weapon. It has been issued for several months, and the fighting and learning have been incessant. Now, the long swords issued are almost all scarred, and there are even many people holding them, which are already broken. knife.

The long knife in Li Xiu's hand was not much better.

In the battle with the wolves, Li Xiu was not too sure about the casualties of other teams, but the team he was in, UU Kanshu lost another person, and two other teenagers were seriously injured and have been sent to the to the pharmacy for treatment.

Today, the team that used to be more than a dozen people, and now Li Xiu himself, is still sitting on the martial arts field, there are only seven people left, and even with the two seriously injured people, there are only nine people...

"Brother Xiu, I feel something is wrong with my shoulders, can you help me see?"

At this time, a burly young man sitting at the end of the line twisted his shoulders and suddenly said,

Li Xiu glanced up, nodded, disappeared, stood up and approached, raised his hand and squeezed on his shoulder, and he knew it in his heart.

"It's alright, it's been strained from too much force, and it will be fine in two days."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiu suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Xu Tao, who had disappeared for dozens of days, striding forward.

"grown ups!"

The boys immediately stood up and bowed their hands in salute.

"It's okay."

Xu Tao waved his hand and glanced around at the crowd. His clothes were stained with blood, his face was resolute, and his eyes were bright. He nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Li Xiu and waved.

As soon as Li Xiu approached, he only felt a strong wind blowing. He subconsciously dodged and avoided the attacking fist wind. Just as he stood firm, Xu Tao's voice sounded in his ears.

"Not bad, in this way, I will take someone out later, you will come with me!"

Hearing this, Li Xiu was slightly startled. Life in this cave was too fulfilling. He never thought that he would have the opportunity to go out so soon.

Thoughts were fleeting, Li Xiu cupped his fists and complied.

"Okay, you come with me."

Xu Tao nodded, then turned and walked towards the second floor of the cave.

Seeing this, Li Xiu quickly followed.