MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 19 Good or bad, right or wrong!

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Following Xu Tao to the second floor of the cave, and following Xu Tao into a room at the end of the corridor on the second floor, Li Xiu discovered that the second floor of the cave is also unique.

This room is actually a karst cave, but it is much smaller than the karst cave below, about half the size of the karst cave below.

On one side of the cave, there is a stable, feeding dozens of war horses. On the other side, it is obviously a martial arts field, with swords, swords, swords, and halberds. At this moment, there are also many Jinyi guards practicing martial arts here.

At the end of the cave, there is a faint light flickering, and there is a refusal to stop the horse, which seems to be the road to the outside world.

"Can you ride a horse?"

Walking to the stable, Xu Tao caressed a dark and shiny horse, turned to look at Li Xiu and asked.


Li Xiu hurriedly shook his head, he was a refugee, let alone riding a horse, he had never seen him a few times.

"The steps of horse riding and standing are quite similar. You can find any horse to try. With your talent, you should be able to master it soon."

Hearing this, Li Xiu nodded, glanced around the stables, his eyes finally fixed on a jujube red horse, he stepped forward, turned over, and sat on the saddle.

The war horse was obviously tamed a long time ago, and when he sat on it, he didn't have much reaction. Li Xiu moved his body slightly, bent his legs slightly, clamped the horse's belly, and held the reins. The war horse walked out of the stable slowly.

"It's almost like this, as long as you control yourself not to fall off the horse, this is nothing to a martial artist, so don't be ashamed."

After speaking, Xu Tao turned on his horse, and with a slight movement, the horse galloped towards the passage.

Seeing this, Li Xiu took a deep breath and, following Xu Tao's example, the warhorse suddenly accelerated, and the sudden inertia almost threw Li Xiu off the horse.

Fortunately, the foundation of Zhuang Gong, which has been practiced for several months, is solid. At the moment when the inertia came, the legs subconsciously squeezed hard, the waist and abdomen were forced to maintain the balance of the body, and the body was completely fixed.


Accompanied by the sound of hooves, the war horse galloped away, and Li Xiu sat firmly on the horse's back as if he had taken root. Although he was not skilled, he was quite graceful. Soon, he disappeared into the cave. .

The passage is curved and stretched, and the warhorse clearly knows the way and gallops in this passage.

The light in front of him also became more and more intense. Finally, when the war horse neighed, after a few months, the complete blue sky and white clouds came into view again.

What caught my eye was an empty canyon. In the canyon, dozens of knights with round helmets and black armor were gathered in a group, and Xu Tao was obviously among them!


Only a roar was heard, the boulder at the entrance was lowered, and the entrance was completely closed. Li Xiu subconsciously turned his head to look behind him, and a majestic cliff was already in sight.

"What are you still doing, come here."


Li Xiu hurriedly drove his warhorse closer.

"The body is too stiff, I have to learn to adapt to the ups and downs of the horse!"

Xu Tao fixed his eyes and frowned.

"My subordinate understands."

"Let's go, I'll take you to kill!"

Xu Tao waved his hand, rode his horse and whipped his whip.

Seeing this, Li Xiu also hurriedly rode the envoy's warhorse and galloped away with the team.

The horse team quickly passed through the entrance and exit of the valley, and what came into sight was a vast plain.

Horseshoe formations, armour bumped, and galloping over this plain, there is a sense of gold and iron horses.

The war horse was galloping and fluctuating, and Li Xiu was also trying his best to adapt to the ups and downs when the war horse was galloping.

With a deep understanding of stance skills, Li Xiu adapted quite quickly, barely able to keep up with the speed of the horse team.

At this time, on the system panel, the riding skill was displayed, and Li Xiu glanced at the energy value. As expected, he killed four wolves, with a total of two energy points.

What surprised Li Xiu was that although he only had two points of energy, after his riding skills, a plus sign had already emerged.

Li Xiu didn't hesitate. Even if he improved his riding skills, his insights about riding skills were immediately poured into his mind. Li Xiu got used to it a little, and then changed the tension of his body, the undulating rhythm of his body and the war horse. The perfect fit is no less than a cavalry who has been practicing riding for many years.

Of course, Li Xiu didn't dare to fully reveal it in front of the public.

The warhorse Jin Gui, every hour or two galloping, the horse team would stop and rest for a while, and so on several times, until it was getting dark, the horse team stopped in a canyon.

The canyon is steep, and an official road just runs through the entire canyon. At this time, it is in the evening, and the official road is also empty, and there is not a trace of people.

The evening breeze blew, and a refreshing coolness spread throughout his body, and Li Xiu couldn't help but sit on the back of a horse and exercise his muscles and bones throughout the day.

"Just set up camp and rest here. This road is the only way for him. Let's wait here for a while."

Xu Tao stared at the end of the official road, and ordered the knights to disperse. Then he looked at Li Xiu who was looking around.

"Do you know how UU reading is considered a qualified Jinyiwei?"

As he drove the horse closer, Xu Tao said quietly.

Li Xiu's heart froze, and he immediately responded: "Absolutely obey!"

"Yes, as a Jinyiwei, what I want in the end is absolute obedience!"

"There is no distinction between good and evil, right or wrong, what the command refers to is the direction of our blade!"

"Anyone can be a woman, but I can't wait for Jin Yiwei!"

"You must keep this in mind..."

The night sky was bright. Dozens of Jinyi Guards camped in the valley on the side of the canyon, surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one exit. It was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Obviously, this group of Jinyi Guards led by Xu Tao was definitely an elite force.

Although he was in the wild, Li Xiu did not slack off. After practicing the sword-breaking technique, he started to practice pilgrim skills by the bonfire.

The first realm of body refining, tempering flesh and skin, he has started for several months, and he has been practicing diligently every day. So far, he has made good progress.

He could clearly perceive that his current physique and strength had surpassed by a lot. Li Xiu reckoned that if he were to take normal adults as the benchmark, his current physique and strength would have already exceeded this benchmark by a lot.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the body is still in the developmental stage, and this growth, with the increase of age, will also increase at a fairly rapid rate.

In addition, practicing martial arts and strengthening one's body will promote development and growth. Between the two, it is almost a complementary and mutually reinforcing cycle.

From a medical point of view, this period of growth and development can be called a perfect foundation-building period. By manipulating qi and blood, the body can build a perfect foundation for martial arts during this developmental period!