MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 729 cost

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The official roads are still unblocked. In the ten years of Zhaowu today, after several years of major construction, the unified specifications of cement official roads are already very common in Shaanxi.

Its prevalence is much stronger even than that of other wealthy provinces in Daheng.

More than ten years of natural disasters stretched like a day. Under the long-term demand of the emperor, what was created was an order in which the disaster situation was like the military situation.

According to the Daheng system, all disasters, like military conditions, must be reported immediately on the day of the incident, no matter when.

Under the current smooth flow of official roads, the time for the communication between localities and the center has long been clarified.

Those who exceed the time limit will be held accountable to the individual!

Disaster relief is the same.

As early as the early years of Zhaowu, the emperor tried to establish Daheng's reserve granary plan.

Ten years after the founding of the country, as the financial constraints gradually eased, at present, every important province in the world has a reserve granary, which is directly under the central jurisdiction.

All the prefectures and counties in the world are also stored by the reserved official grain to meet urgent needs.

Among them, the largest place for grain reserves is naturally the capital city, which is the central place for coordinating the world's grain prices, gathering the world's grain, or dumping the world's grain.

Every year, except for stabilizing the price of grain and keeping the grain stored in the reserve granaries in various places and the county government's official warehouse, the rest are all transported to the capital storage silo for storage.

The reason why it is so cumbersome, the fundamental reason is naturally the current natural disaster, which has caused the emperor, as well as the civil and military officials, to almost have a psychological shadow.

It seems that no matter how much food is stored, it always feels like it is not enough.

The more food you have, the more secure your heart will be.

This unobstructed and almost universal cement official road seems to be the best embodiment of the centralized big government system.

The love of the place, the center should know the first time, and the will of the center should be the first time to the place.

From the top to the bottom, the basic ruling message of the ruling system is transmitted because it is like a lifeline, crisscrossing the official roads of the Daheng world.

However, compared to the hustle and bustle of Daheng that the Son of Heaven had visited, even this official road, entering Shaanxi, seemed to be weakened by a layer.

The neat and straight official roads represent the breath of civilization, but on both sides of the road, it is like a barren, dead and barren!

There is a stark contrast between the two.

If you are not in this era, it is really difficult to appreciate the powerlessness under this natural disaster.

The Son of Heaven remembered clearly that in later generations, when he looked through history and wrote down the disasters and famines of the past dynasties, it was really not worth mentioning.

it's there

And when you come to this world alone, you are in the wilderness, struggling for a bite to eat, struggling for how or.

At that time, it was a personal experience.

After taking power step by step and seeing this era clearly, this experience is undoubtedly more profound.

Natural disasters in this era are not uncommon, such as droughts and floods in a certain county or prefecture.

but universality.

Looking at the world, from the north to the south of the Yangtze River, from the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty to the present Daheng, one capital and seventeen provinces.

It can almost be said that in the past ten years, there is no province that has not been swept by natural disasters.

The only difference is whether the disaster is serious or not.

Just like in today's world table case, the most common one, such as the famine in one county and one government, often involves hundreds of thousands of people.

Such a disaster, if the past dynasties and dynasties are released, it must be a shock to the whole country.

And now, it's almost routine.

When the disaster was reported, the courtiers didn't even need to discuss it. After the emperor reviewed it, the matter was directly transferred to the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, the allocation of money and grain, and the dispatch of officials. A set of procedures is already thoroughly procedural in the current Daheng.

When a country deals with natural disasters, it has already been made into a program, which is not a kind of sadness.

The function of the program lies in the specification and in the effective delivery.

And for disasters...

If it is possible, who does not want the world to be peaceful, even if the officials of the world are at a loss to deal with the disaster, the emperor is also happy.

In this case, at least it proves that this world is stable and healthy!

Looking at the desolate scenery outside the car window, the emperor's expression seemed to be a little dazed.

Daheng has two tax-free provinces, one of which is naturally Liao Province. The reason for its huge tax-free group is because of the resettlement policy for migrants.

The other one is this Shaanxi.

In the past, in the late Ming Dynasty, when the emperor pacified Shaanxi, and now in the ten years of Zhaowu, the people of Shaanxi province were all exempted from agricultural taxes and did not need to pay any grain.

In a province, tax-free for more than ten years, such a policy, looking at the history, is also rare.

It can be expected that the tax exemption policy for Shaanxi will continue.

The reason is naturally because of the horror of natural disasters in Shaanxi.

From the beginning of the new year tomorrow, to the present, in the past twenty years, the natural disaster in Shaanxi, from the original one county and one prefecture, has slowly spread throughout Shaanxi, just like the source of the natural disaster, gradually spreading to most of the world.

If we talk about other provinces, the natural disasters will always be repeated. In some years, it is still normal, and basically there is no continuous disasters year after year.

Only in Shaanxi, for many years, UU reading has hardly stopped.

Drought, locust plague, rat plague, earthquake...

Shaanxi has experienced all these.

Such a place, for Daheng, is like a black hole, swallowing Daheng's flesh and blood all the time.

It is impossible for the emperor to give up Shaanxi, and it is impossible for Daheng to give up Shaanxi, so he can only bite the bullet and let this black hole swallow it, and even send it to the door to let this black hole swallow it.

This seems to be the consequence of the Son of Heaven violating the general trend.

Natural disasters continue, man-made disasters are rampant, and foreign enemies are tyrannical. This is the general trend of the world in the last years of the Ming Dynasty.

This was also supposed to be the skeleton-laden stage in the last years of the dynasty. Historically, this skeleton-laden stage seems to have lasted for decades.

The continuous natural and man-made disasters, I do not know how many lives were killed and injured.

The historical cycle regularly eliminated the population and released survival resources, but it was abruptly suppressed and reversed by the emperor.

Almost completely avoided that stage, from Qianming to Daheng, seamlessly connected.

Even if the confrontation between the north and the south lasted only a few years, it was suppressed by the emperor with thunder.

The world has also changed from great chaos to great governance.

Even the chaotic word "chaos" is not yet certain.

Strictly speaking, from the former Ming Dynasty to Daheng, there has never been such a complete out of control as the collapse of the order in the last years of the dynasty.

Even when Daheng was first established, the world was an enemy.

However, under the "vassal town" system of the guards at the time, most of the places under Daheng's rule still maintained basic order and stability.

The current world's well-being, the price is the heavy burden of hundreds of years ago, Daheng abruptly on his back.

Daheng is also abruptly enduring this natural disaster.

Infinite hidden dangers are also multiplying in the body of Daheng...
