MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 150 Brother Yang Mo is back

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  Chapter 150 Brother Yang Mo is back

"Senior Brother Wu was injured by the power of evil, and he needed Luofengcao and Huoyanhua as medicine to prepare a special liquid medicine to heal. The Phoenix is ​​a legendary beast that can be reborn from the ashes. The Luofengcao carries the phoenix. The power of landing naturally possesses extremely strong power of fire, coupled with flame flowers, superimposed in twos, the effect is great, in order to prevent being burned to death, it is necessary to prepare three yin storage pills in advance, just in case..."

  In the residence of the dean of Hongwu College, Xu Hongduan sat on a stone bench in the middle of the courtyard, looked at an old man in front of him, and explained everything in detail.

"Of course, both medicinal materials and elixir have a great load on the body. With your current vitality, I'm afraid it will be difficult to bear. In order to prevent accidents, you need to soak in the pool in advance. Once successful, there will be no accidents. Add 14 years to your life..."


   "Senior Brother Sun, you must strictly follow the requirements of what I said, and don't take it lightly. If you succeed, extending your life for 22 years is not a big problem..."

   After diagnosing the last one, Xu Hong was relieved.

  With the help of the Longevity Chart, it is not difficult to see their internal injuries, but how to use the knowledge learned, describe the crux of the problem, and give appropriate treatment methods, without making the other party suspect, is the most difficult thing to do.

  Fortunately, I read the book for seven days and seven nights some time ago, and gained a lot of knowledge. Otherwise, it would be difficult to convince these old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years.

   Sending everyone away, looking at the row of jade bottles in front of him, Xu Hong's eyes lit up.

  Each person has 20 qi invigorating pills, and after treating six people, the total is 120... a full 1800 years of lifespan!

  It seems that in a short time, there is no need to worry about this anymore.

   "I wonder if Dean Xia's deal has been completed?"

Putting away the pills, Xu Honggang was considering whether to go to Tianyi Auction House to have a look, when he heard the cry of a monster in the air, and then Dean Xia landed not far away, and handed over a storage ring .

   He took it with a little doubt, only glanced at the number on the jade crystal card, and the medicinal materials piled up together, and immediately froze in place, "Why are there so many?"

  The same batch of medicinal materials, he only sold 15 million taels and 300 copies of medicinal materials, but the other party sold 20 million taels and 500 copies... The price directly increased by one-third, should the gap be so big?

   "Yes, you don't know how to bargain! The price needs to be negotiated, and you don't just accept it directly."

  With his hands behind his back, Xia Yuan stroked his beard and smiled.


  Xu Hong looked puzzled, "It's just a simple talk, no need to do it?"

   It's not that I don't know the price of these longevity lines. It must be a loss to buy so much money!


A flash of embarrassment flashed in Xia Yuan's eyes, and Xia Yuan immediately looked serious, and said: "I am the dean of the college. I teach and educate people, and I am a teacher. How could I do something that insults the gentleman? It was the other party who offered to sell it to me. unwilling."

  Just pinched Cheng Yu's neck, isn't it considered coercion? The other party has buried so many knives and axes, and he has no good intentions. Doing that is just self-defense!

  Seeing that he spoke with certainty and did not want to lie, Xu Hong was filled with anger.

  Prince Cheng Yu, you are really shameless!

  He went to sell it, 15 million taels, reluctantly, and even sent someone to assassinate... Dean Xia used to be 20 million taels...

   Bully the weak and fear the strong!


  It seems that in the future, if you trade with the other party, you must quote a higher price, otherwise, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

  Muttering to himself, he bowed and clasped his fists in action, "Thank you Dean Xia for your trouble, I won't bother you too much, I'll go back and rest first!"


  Xia Yuan nodded.

  Going back to the residence, he found his cousin. Xu Hong gave him three perfect qi pills and ten ordinary qi pills, and told him to practice as soon as possible, while he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

  Continuous alchemy, plus treating everyone, is too tiring.

   When I woke up, it was already noon the next day.

   After inquiring about Wei Ziyang, nothing happened, so he was too lazy to continue going out, so Xu Hong began to practice in seclusion.

  The elixir is enough, just to try to see if it can hit the life-enhancing realm, and we will talk after breaking through first.


  Sun Shicheng was the first to return to his residence.

   It was the old man who Xu Hong seriously confessed that if he healed his internal injuries, he could prolong his life by 22 years.

  His cultivation is not too high, he is only in the mid-stage of the triple condensed pill realm of increasing life, but his lifespan is already 118 years old, which is about to reach the limit.

  The lifespan limit of the Condensed Core Realm is 140 years old. If there is no hidden injury, he can live another 22 years, but he can clearly feel that in recent years, his health has been deteriorating. Without accidents, two or three years is the limit.

   Rubbing between his brows, Sun Shicheng looked melancholy.

   Extending life is very attractive, but... the method given by the other party is really unimaginable. It is fine to prolong life. If it is not successful, once someone finds out, where will the old face be put?

   "To try or not to try?"

   "Being able to correctly guess the time of Hong Zimao's death and easily cure He Xianyu, although this treatment method is weird, it should not be just talking nonsense... Fight it!"

   After struggling for a while, Sun Shicheng still could not escape the temptation of prolonging his life. He changed into clothes he had never worn before, put on a hat and scarf, and made sure that even his closest relatives would not recognize him. Then he strode out of the mansion.

   Speeding all the way, soon, a bustling building appeared in front of my eyes. At the railing on the second floor, more than a dozen women were all wearing very cool clothes, Yingyingyanyan, so lively.


   It is the largest and most lively place from Yuanwang City. It is also a place where you can see many girls singing and dancing... Brothel.

   "Guest officer, sit down..."

  A tortoise hurried up to meet him.

   Covered his face again with a scarf, to make sure that nothing was exposed, Sun Shicheng heaved a sigh of relief and followed closely.

  Xu Hong and others can easily use the camouflage, but he is not good at it, so he can only rely on this simple method...

  He is upright and old-fashioned. He has never been to such a place, but when he thinks of the confession given by the young man secretly, he can only bite the bullet and endure it.

  I only hope that the treatment method the other party said is true...

   Otherwise, the honor of a lifetime will be ruined!

  Following Mr. Gui, he came to a luxurious private room on the second floor, resisted embarrassment, and waved his hand, "Call ten of the most beautiful girls here!"

   "Ten? Do you want to choose one, sir, or both?" Mr. Gui was taken aback.

  Although the cover is very tight, through the exposed skin, it can still be seen that the other party is not young... so old, ten at a time, very energetic, and the sword is not old!

   "Everything! Why, why don't you do business?" Seeing the other party's strange eyes, Sun Shicheng was so embarrassed that he wanted to die, he still gritted his teeth and groaned.

   "Of course, sir, wait a moment, I'll go call!"

  Grand Turtle nodded, and walked out excitedly.

   Seeing him leave, Sun Shicheng turned his wrist, took out a pill, and swallowed it.

  Come here, of course, is not simply to walk in the pond, trample on the mud, but to use the environment to heal hidden wounds.

   The pill I just took was taken by Hong Zimao before, and I also confirmed it to Xu Hong...Zaoqi Pill!

  A special drug that can speed up blood circulation and increase the speed of true energy.

  The elixir melted in the mouth, and Sun Shicheng immediately felt a lot younger and more energetic. At this time, ten girls were also called over, and they stood timidly in front of them, revealing patches of white flowers.

  Holding back the shame in his heart, he drove away Guigong and the old bustard, and then Sun Shicheng looked at the crowd, "Take off your clothes!"

   "We all take off?"

   "The guest officer is sure, can you bear it?"

   All the girls were stunned, and looked over with smiles.

  In the skin business, I have seen all kinds of guest officials. It is not uncommon to find two or three at a time, but it is the first time to call so many at one time...

  Ignoring their nonsense, with a flick of his wrist, Sun Shicheng placed two large pieces of gold ingots on the table, "Whoever of you can seduce her, I will do it to her...these two pieces of gold are theirs!"

   "A deal?"

   "Good brother, here I come..."

   Hearing his confirmation, many women couldn't bear it anymore, they all rushed over in a hurry, and before they came to the front, all the clothes on their bodies were falling off, and the ground was in a mess...

   "Sins, sins..."

  Looking at the spring scenery that filled the room, Sun Shicheng's palms were sweating, a scorching flame emerged from his lower abdomen, and in the blink of an eye, it fused with the medicinal power of Zaoqi Pill and quickly wandered in his body.

   Right at this moment, a pure force quietly decomposed from the Dryness Pill, and rushed towards the hidden wound in the body.

  His dark wounds were left by fighting with people 50 years ago. Pure power poured into it, and with a slight turn, the remaining power in the acupuncture points was wiped out, and the places where cracks appeared were completely repaired.

  Shui Lingzhen Qi!

This Sun Shicheng's hidden injury was easy to solve for Xu Hong, but... once the true energy enters the body, he will definitely be noticed, so he quietly integrated a piece of true energy into the Dryness Pill, and formulated a treatment plan... Take it when facing the temptation of many girls in the brothel!

Zaoqi Dan is already hot and unbearable, and with so many beauties in front of him, his mental power is immediately dispersed, so he can't care about observing his body. Therefore, even if Shui Lingzhen Qi healed the dark wound, he didn't notice anything wrong , I just feel that my whole body is swollen and about to explode...

  The hidden wounds are repaired, the power in the body is immediately integrated, and the cultivation base has reached the late stage from the middle stage of the condensed core state in the blink of an eye!

  This kind of breakthrough at the same level did not increase his lifespan, but the lifespan he lost before was successfully replenished, causing his aura to soar rapidly.

   "Can it really be done?"

  Sun Shicheng's eyes were round.

   I have tried countless treatments, all of which are minimal. I never dreamed that the effect of coming here is so good...

  The most important thing is, how did that kid see it?

  Know at a glance that he is short of prostitutes and hit a short kiln?

  My heart was full of weirdness, just as I was about to consolidate the cultivation I had just broken through, I felt more than a dozen small hands, sticking to the clothes up, down, left, and right...

   "What are you guys doing? Touching like this, is it dirty?"

  Sun Shicheng scolded angrily, "Don't take a bath yet!"

   After an hour, walk out of the room.

  Although it was only the first time I tried it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the feeling of breaking through is really good, it is white and round, and the aftertaste is endless...

  The same scene also happened to several other old people.

  There are those who are naked and sit on the roof of a downtown building to practice, and some who take medicine and get into a river with a lot of people to take a bath...

  Anyway, the environment Xu Hong explained was enough to distract them, so that they couldn't concentrate on their bodies.

  In this case, even if the injury is cured, it is hard to imagine that it can be easily done with a burst of true energy...

  Of course, the most important thing is that even if he is cured, such a shy method is too embarrassing to say it... It reduces unnecessary troubles.

   He also inadvertently enhanced his relationship with everyone, and if he wants to help him in the future, he will not refuse.

  The best way to get closer is not to drink or brag, but to be like-minded and be like-minded...

  After some "treatment" that went beyond common sense, all the hidden injuries of Yu Yuan and others recovered, and their cultivation bases also had breakthroughs.

  It was only then that I realized that the young man's medical skills could no longer be described as powerful, turning decay into magic, visiting a brothel to cure's amazing!

   "No matter what means this person uses, he must make friends..."

   At the same time, such an idea popped up in my mind.

   It's no wonder that Xia Yuan treats him as a treasure. It's probably the same for any force.


  After practicing, there was no concept of time, and seven or eight days passed quickly. During this period, Yu Yuan and others came to thank him several times, but they didn't see each other.

  During this period of time, Li Yuan Wangcheng was not as peaceful as before, and undercurrents were surging.

   Rumors spread everywhere.

   Among them, the most widely circulated one is...someone found the real dragon ruins, and for this reason, they even attacked and stabbed His Highness the Crown Prince!

  Until then, no one knew why the Liyuan Dynasty established the capital here, and the quarrel for a long time was related to Longxitan.

  At first, everyone thought it was nonsense, but when many people went to this small pool to investigate, they found that it was heavily guarded, and they immediately understood that the rumors might not be groundless...

  Unaware of these things, Xu Hong, who had enough pills and time, finally accumulated to the limit. There was a roar in his body, and he reached the peak of the tenth level of warriors. It is not far from the real life-enhancing state!

  Knowing that a breakthrough would require a certain chance, Xu Hong had no choice but to walk out of the room.

  When I came to the yard, I saw an old man and a middle-aged man sitting in a gazebo not far away, facing each other, drinking tea quietly.

  Seeing the appearance of the middle-aged man, Xu Hong couldn't help being stunned, with excitement in his eyes, "Senior Brother Yang Mo, you're back!"

   Appearing in front of his eyes, it was Senior Brother Yang Mo who had been separated from him for more than two months, and he finally came back safe and sound!

  Although I heard from Dean Xia that the face of the other party became much younger after healed the hidden wound and made a breakthrough in cultivation, I never expected that he would be so much younger!

   Compared with before, it seems to be a whole generation behind.

   "Xu Hong, how is life at Hongwu Academy? Xia Yuan, this old fellow, has he never bullied you?"

  Yang Mo looked over with a smile, his eyes were full of doting and gratitude.

   Not this one, he must have died in the hands of the black-tailed cold anaconda, let alone break through!

   "Dean Xia treats me very well..."

  Xu Hong laughed.

   "This old fellow has a conscience!"

  Yang Mo nodded in satisfaction, "Come and sit down!"


  Xu Hong came to the two and sat down.

  He spent less time with Yang Mo, although he didn't spend as much time with Dean Xia, but after all, he was the first master he met. He was kind to him and felt closer.

   "Senior Brother Yang already killed the Cold Water Python?"

  Xu Hong looked over curiously.

   It's not that the lifespan is greatly increased, and it is impossible to have such a change in appearance. In order to achieve this, in addition to repairing the hidden wounds, it is more likely to kill the cold anaconda, obtain and refine the longevity pattern.

   "This guy is strong, and it took me a lot of effort to succeed!"

   With a sigh, Yang Mo thought of something and asked: "By the way, did you take the snake slough of the cold water python?"

  The cold anaconda transforms from the longevity-enhancing sixth level to the seventh level, and it will inevitably shed its skin, but neither in the cave nor on it, it can be guessed without thinking, and in all likelihood, it was taken away by this young man.

   "Yes!" Xu Hong did not deny it.

   "The skin of the ancient beast at the peak of the sixth level of longevity, combined with the upper dragon tendon, is still good in defense. How about it, I will find someone to forge it for you to see if I can make a set of defensive inner armor!"

  Yang Mo said.

   "Dragon tendons?" Xu Hong was puzzled.


Yang Mo nodded, and said: "The cold water python has reached the seventh level of longevity. Although it is still some distance away from transforming into a dragon, it is still somewhat similar. The biggest change is... the spine has transformed into a dragon tendon, which is not only extremely hard, It can be cut continuously with a knife, but it is also very soft and full of toughness! If the inner armor is refined with the snake slough, it will be difficult for the seventh-level life-enhancing powerhouse to break through it!"

  Xu Hong's eyes lit up, and he clasped his fists hastily, "Thank you, brother..."

  After getting the snake slough, it has been kept in the ring, which is useless. It can be used to refine the inner armor, which is even better!

  For him, the more life-saving means, the better...

"You are welcome!"

  Yang Mo took out a ring from his pocket again and handed it over, "There are a lot of snake meat here, don't you like to eat meat? I'll give it to you..."


  Seeing that he was still thinking that he likes to eat meat, Xu Hong felt warm and grateful.

  Took the ring and looked inside. Pieces of sliced ​​python meat were piled up together.

  Before in Jiyuan City, animal meat was used to restore life. As the cultivation base increased, the effect gradually disappeared, but now, the ancient animal meat that increases lifespan by seven times is definitely more effective!

   Go back and find a way to cook it well, in case of a rainy day.

  In addition to the python meat, there were also three small jade bottles. With a flip of the wrist, they fell into the palm of the hand, and when they were pulled out gently, a strong **** smell rushed up immediately.

   It is filled with light golden liquid droplets, each drop is as heavy as steel and contains strong power.

   "This is the blood essence of the black-tailed cold anaconda. A total of sixty drops have been collected. I kept thirty drops and gave you thirty drops!"

  Yang Mo explained.

   "The blood essence of the longevity-enhancing seventh-layer ancient beast?" Xia Yuan was stunned, his eyes full of envy.

  The blood essence of a powerhouse of this level will have a great effect on his current cultivation.

   "This is so precious..."

  Xu Hong finally understood. Just as he was about to resign, he felt the eel whose waist became a belt. He couldn't help shaking, and a thought came over.

   "Master, keep this thing, I want to eat it..."

  (end of this chapter)