MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 196 to deter

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Xiao Ping was startled and shouted sharply.

"Since you like it here so much, it's better to sleep here forever!"

At the same time, two filament-like yellow streamers shot out of the spiritual plant strangely, and attacked from behind Xiao Ping without a sound.

Although the yellow streamer's attack was sudden and extremely fast, it was still sneak attack from behind, but Xiao Ping was vigilant and naturally he was not deceived.

Immediately, his face sank, and his body scattered phantoms and moved to the side.

Immediately after the next moment, the two streamers crossed each other and twisted forward, cutting the phantom into pieces and dissipating in the air.

Xiao Ping, who was in a hurry, glanced at it, only to find that it was two strangely shaped blades, the color of the whole body was khaki, and the sharpness was extremely sharp.

Even though Xiao Ping had avoided the opponent's attack, he did not dare to be careless. The three corpses on the wooden door were still very clear in his mind, and he didn't want to end up in the same way.

"Oh? The speed is quite fast. But I only used 30% of the speed just now, but I wonder if you will be able to dodge in the future?

Or obediently let me cut off my head, so I don't have to think about anything, I'm relieved! "

The voice is warm and contains magnetism, but the words are terrible.

Not only did the other party not use all his strength, but Xiao Ping also did the same.

He just used the speed of the belt just now, and did not urge the Yufengshu and the afterimage step to display the limit speed.

This is not because he is too big or has a high self-esteem, but the latter is a bit too big for the body, and can only be used in life-and-death or extremely important fights.

"Humph! You better free yourself!"

The two strange blades flashed again, dragging a string of circles to quickly outflank him.

Xiao Ping was stunned, and immediately took out a spiritual tool to protect himself.

This is a ring-shaped spiritual weapon. After being activated, it will magnify and revolve around people, resisting attacks from all directions.

Perhaps considering that the Qi cultivator is not enough to activate the magic weapon, it is much worse than the Green Scale Sword, but its power is also far beyond the best magic weapon.

Slightly distracted by activating the spirit tool, the speed slowed down a bit, and two strange blades came to the front in an instant.


The strange blade collided with the ring, and a dazzling aura and a sharp sound erupted.

Xiao Ping was greatly relieved.

Although it was a bit weaker than ordinary spiritual tools, it finally blocked the attack.

"Huh? How could it be so powerful?

You can actually activate the spirit tool to such an extent! "

Xiao Ping ignored the surprise of the other party, but pushed the belt again, and the figure disappeared from the place again in a flash.

The voice finally saw Xiao Ping's difficulty, so he stopped pretending, and immediately snorted coldly, urging the strange blade to keep chasing him.

Xiao Ping kept dodging, and at the same time knew that this was not the way to go.

If you want to attack the opponent, you can only find where its body is hidden. But he didn't have a very good search method.

"It seems that the only way to smash these two strange blades is to use the green scale sword!"

Xiao Ping made up his mind secretly, and is constantly looking for opportunities to counterattack unexpectedly when the strange blade advances, and fight for a blow to the construction workers.

Who knew that the two streamers suddenly stagnated and appeared in place, and the voice became suspicious:

"Your belt... Could it be the wind shadow belt!"

"and many more……"

Hmph, if you say attack, then attack, if you say wait, then wait?

It's now!

Xiao Ping instantly seized the opportunity, and quickly maneuvered the green scale sword and the sword light to attack the two strange blades!


The voice suddenly became very angry.

Immediately afterwards, the strange blade quickly retreated.

But where did Xiao Ping allow him to retreat so easily?

Immediately, the spirit sword let out a blue light, its speed suddenly accelerated, and it stabbed a strange blade in an instant.


The violent sound and the extremely dazzling green and yellow auras suddenly exploded in the air!

The next moment, with a series of clicks, the stabbed strange blade shattered and fell to the ground as countless fragments.

At the same time, there was a muffled groan in the grass, and another strange blade quickly rushed into the thickets of grass and trees.

Xiao Ping called Feijian back and nodded happily.

The green scale sword is indeed a spiritual weapon, intact.

When the magic weapon collided with the spiritual weapon, and his divine sense and mana had a high probability of being dominant, it was naturally Fang's magic weapon that was destroyed.

After a while, Huamu made noises, and finally separated to both sides, and walked out of a young man with a distorted and gloomy face.

Looking at his dress, he was from Fengyuelou.

"Didn't I already say it, I have something to tell you!"

Xiao Ping sneered:

"The attack on the hand can't stop for a while!

Besides, when you attacked me, you didn't get my consent either! "


The young man's face turned cold, but then he glanced at Xiao Ping a few times, showing a bit of dread, and finally snorted coldly, the distorted expression gradually disappeared, and it turned into a warm and peaceful one.

"It was Wen Mouduo who was offended..."

"However, I'm also really curious, why is the Fengying Belt of the Beastmen Yanzong in your hands?"

On the face of the warm young man, in addition to fear, there was also a slow staring at his waist in astonishment.

It seems that it is hard to believe that the "Wind Shadow Belt" appeared on Xiao Ping.

"Who is Your Excellency? Why did you sneak up on me for no reason?"

Xiao Ping ignored the other party, but asked rhetorically.

Since Fang Cai's attack made the opponent suffer a dark loss, he couldn't be led by his nose, and he also had to overshadow the opponent in terms of momentum.

"This fellow Daoist, don't think that if you have Yan Zong's support, I won't dare to do anything to you!

I'm really curious, who are you, how could he lend you this kind of treasure? "

Xiao Ping snorted expressionlessly:


"Hmph, where can I borrow it, as long as I kill him, this belt will naturally belong to me!"

"What? You killed him!"

The warm-hearted young man was still aggressive and had strong killing intent, but after hearing this, he immediately froze and his expression became suspicious.

And he kept stepping back a certain distance, looking at him up and down seriously again.

"You really killed him?"

The young man took a deep breath and asked tentatively with a complicated expression, but the coldness and ruthlessness that he had before were no longer there.

" I killed him. Don't you want revenge?"

Xiao Ping nodded indifferently, his hands behind his back.

At the same time, a transparent filament was taken out from the shadows and moved silently.

Yan Zong is a rare expert, and the other party obviously knows Yan Zong.

The reason why Xiao Ping admitted that he killed Yan Zong was that he also meant to raise his own strength, so he intentionally let him retreat.

This has not yet entered the central area, and he does not want to run out of means so quickly and fight the opponent to lose both.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to sneak attack with transparent sharp filaments, he will never miss it.

However, the distance between the two of them is currently too far. If they are forced to attack with filaments, they will definitely alert the other party, and the possibility of one-hit kill is very small.

"Vengeance? Humph!

On the contrary, there have been disputes between us. Fellow Daoist killed Yan Zong, and in a sense avenged me! "

The young man surnamed Wen had indeed had a conflict with Yan Zong. Although he had the upper hand a little, he did not take advantage of it, and he finally left calmly.

"Speaking of which, Yan Zong is not easy to deal with, Xiongtai can kill him, the means must be quite powerful!"

The young man's attitude was suddenly very warm, and they all began to call Xiao Ping brothers.

However, contrary to his warm attitude, his body stepped back a little distance again, and he was farther away from Xiao Ping!

Xiao Ping seemed expressionless, but in fact cursed secretly.

As a result, the success rate of sneak attacking the opponent is even lower!

These top experts are all experienced, and one is more difficult to deal with!

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