MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 207 Daoist? younger sister?

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Xiao Ping's heart suddenly sank.

Of course he knew what the other party meant.

The purple-clothed girl is not high-level, but there are so many powerful treasures, and she is naturally one of the best.

If people knew that this piece of blue silk was in his hands, the consequences would be unimaginable!

That's why he doesn't want to use this treasure unless he has to!

"I didn't kill that woman!

It was Yan Zong who attacked him from behind and Chen Qi was unprepared to kill him. I just picked up some treasures! "

"Humph! You should say these words like Elder Jin Dan of Fengyuelou!

Do you think people will believe your nonsense? "

The dark man sneered a few times, as if he had grabbed the handle, and stared at him playfully.

Xiao Ping's mood sank to the bottom, and the killing intent soared rapidly and became extremely intense in an instant.

Naturally, he had already experienced the face of those high-level cultivators.

Whether it's the secret realm or other rules, it's only valid for low-level cultivators like them. Who can take the Golden Core cultivator?

If the news of the Jasper Ribbon leaked out, the Jindan cultivator would definitely not let him go.

At that time, Yufengmen will not only not offend a Jindan for mere qi training, but may even take the initiative to arrest him and send him a favor.

If the other party wants him to die, it will be effortless!

How Xiao Ping's killing intent was surging in his heart, but his appearance never revealed the slightest.

"What do you want?"

Xiao Ping did not react as expected, but put his hands behind his back and walked slowly seemingly leisurely.

Although the dark man did not see the expected reaction and was surprised, he soon became very excited again:

"Haha! Only dead people keep secrets, you don't want me to live to take the secret out, right?

In this way, you can do everything you can to me. As long as I kill you, the most formidable opponent in my life, my kendo cultivation will be improved to a higher level!

We all have reasons to kill each other. Wouldn't this kind of battle be fun? ! "

"I only have one request, don't use blue silk and fight me with dignity!

You and I will fight to the death, only one person can leave here alive today! "

Xiao Ping listened to the other party's words and gradually laughed out loud.

Seeing him smiling so strangely, the dark swordsman felt a little uneasy in his heart while he was puzzled.

He is indeed eager to fight against the strong, but he is not a brainless person who will die in vain.

It is true that Jianxiu cannot retreat easily, but the premise is that he can save his life.

To fight Xiao Ping to the death, it is precisely because he is sure to kill the opponent that he proposes it!

The dark man had a big warning in his heart, but before he could act, Xiao Ping sneered:

"I'm not a sword idiot, who will fight with you?

You are the only one to die! "

The dark man was furious:

"Fuck! Delusional to beat me by trapping only one of my swords? I still..."

"Haven't you noticed that I've come within ten feet of you?"

With a flash of blue light on Xiao Ping's body, he suddenly disappeared on the spot, and only after the words fell.

The man's face changed dramatically in an instant, he was about to turn around, but he only had time to turn his head, but stopped abruptly!

Another flash of blue light, Xiao Ping appeared behind the dark man, looked up at the sky with a sigh, and said slowly:

"As long as the enemy is close enough to me and at the same time has no defense, his life and death are basically in my mind."

The dark-skinned man's face was full of panic, his eyes were full of horror and remorse, and he even widened his eyes, unbelievable!

Suddenly, a circle of red round silk appeared on its neck, and then a large amount of blood flowed out very quickly.


A fountain of blood spurted out of his neck, his head was instantly flushed away, and fell to the ground like a parabola. The fall was heavily scarred, and the blood rolled for a distance. His eyes widened and he stopped reluctantly.

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"Now, you are dead."

Xiao Ping looked at the headless corpse and sighed slightly, a little helplessness and pity flashed by.

The opponent's strength is strong, and it can be said that he is among the strongest qi training monks he has ever encountered in his life, so he did not intend to kill at first.

If he hadn't built the plank road darkly and quietly approached, he would have a high probability of dying in the end.

The headless corpse gushing from the blood spring fell to the ground with a bang, and the blood flowing out gradually merged into a small river...

"Brother Xiao, are you going to kill me too?"

Fang Hu's voice was full of complex emotions such as helplessness, fear, and hopelessness.

Xiao Ping smiled bitterly to himself.

He shot just to save the two, but unexpectedly...

Although the strong enemy of Jianshuang Pavilion has been solved, there is still a big trouble!

Xiao Ping glanced at Fang Hu, who was holding the woman, but did not answer immediately, but lowered his head and took out the dark man's storage bag.

After checking the treasures that were not leaked, a fireball talisman popped out and burned the corpse, and then collected everything.

After everything was sorted out, he turned to look at Fang Hu and the others.

Fang Hu subconsciously hugged the woman in his arms tightly, his face slightly pale.

After a while, he gave a wry smile, and pleaded with a trembling voice:

"Our lives were saved by Brother Xiao, and we left Fangshi earlier because of Brother Xiao's reminder that we can leave alive. If Brother Xiao wants to take our lives, it's just as it should be, and Fang Hu has nothing to say!

But there is only one thing to ask for! Brother Xiao, please spare my sister's life!

The sister-in-law was in a coma and was in danger throughout the whole process, and she didn't know Brother Xiao's secret at all! I beg Brother Xiao to let her go..."

Xiao Ping looked at Fang Hu with mixed feelings.

He didn't actually intend to kill these two, but how to deal with it is also a hassle...

and many more!

younger sister?

When Xiao Ping was thinking about countermeasures, he heard the word "sister" by chance, and was immediately puzzled.

He looked around several times, not to mention Fang Hu's sister, not even a figure.

In front of the living people, in addition to himself, only Fang Hu and the woman in his arms.

Looking closely at this woman, she was not a stranger, but the one who repeatedly reacted strangely to him.

In the gathering place, the other party saw Xiao Ping by chance, and his eyes were stunned for a moment.

After entering the secret This woman was originally half-clothed and soaked in the water pool. With the secret technique of Fengyuelou, she provoked the two male cultivators in Qingming Valley and Jianshuang Pavilion to kill each other... But from a distance When he arrives, he is like a sparrow stunned by bullets, and immediately fled away;

Later, when picking the net spirit fruit, the woman also avoided him the whole time.

Not to mention the attitude of these two people towards Xiao Ping, even the relationship between the Taoist companions themselves is very strange...

Xiao Ping couldn't help but be puzzled.

There are only Fang Hu and his Taoist companions in front of him. Where is Fang Hu's younger sister?

He still vaguely remembered that Fang Hu's sister was named Fang Wei.

Although there is no spiritual root, there is no servility. Among the mortals in this world, it is extremely rare.

The first time they met in the attic, the behavior of this mortal woman caught his eye, so he could remember it.

Could it be that Fang Hu's sister also came in?

After all, according to Fang Hu, Fang Wei was also nearby, but she was in a coma and was seriously injured and did not see the fight!

But this is not right!

Is there anyone else around? !

Xiao Ping couldn't figure out how to think, and his brows suddenly became a lump.

"Apart from Fang Hu, only the Taoist companion in his arms was seriously injured, and there was no other..."

Suddenly, like a flash of lightning in the dark night, the aura flashed between the rumblings!

Xiao Ping's eyes lit up instantly!

But he seemed to have thought of something, and all of a sudden his body froze again, and his eyes slowly opened up in disbelief, as if he had thought of something extremely incredible!

With difficulty, Xiao Ping shifted his gaze to the woman in Fang Hu's arms, with a very complicated expression on his face!

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