MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 210 succeed

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In less than a few breaths, countless black bugs quickly spread to within ten feet of the blue-grained wood like black water.


Suddenly, a thick branch of Biwen Wood exploded without warning!

Xiao Ping had expected this for a long time, but he was still extremely surprised.

The penetration of divine consciousness is extremely limited, especially when encountering living creatures. This kind of spiritual wood, which nourishes the soul, has one of the best defenses against spiritual consciousness.

This monster actually hides itself in the spirit wood, and it is really cunning!

Xiao Ping immediately shouted at Fanghu:

"Like last time, you cast an illusion to prevent it from moving around!"

Fang Hu heard the words without saying a word, and immediately began to sprinkle a piece of powder and began to cast spells.

The thick branches burst open, revealing a green monster.

This monster's body is like a snake, with two claws under its belly, but its head is like a bird's, and it is extremely large, accounting for one-third of its body size!

I saw that the demon was about to move, and then suddenly stopped.

Xiao Ping is overjoyed, Fang Hu's illusion has worked!

He immediately ordered the cyan high-grade flying sword to slash at it...

Just when the flying sword was about to hit the monster, the magic weapon suddenly trembled and almost fell!

Xiao Ping's face suddenly became extremely pale!

"Not good! That monster will attack with divine consciousness!"

Just now, the monster may not have seen the attack, but he felt the crisis of life and death, and suddenly struggled violently, his mouth was wide open but no sound came out.

While Xiao Ping was in doubt, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his head. Only then did he know that he had been attacked by divine consciousness!

Fortunately, his soul was strong, and this blow did not seriously hurt him.

But Fang Hu was not so lucky.

His spirit and cultivation were not as good as Xiao Ping's. This time, he vomited a mouthful of blood and couldn't cast spells.

Xiao Ping Ninja bit his tongue in pain and forcibly supported it.

Seeing that the monster was about to get out of trouble and fly away, he immediately urged countless worms to rush towards it, simultaneously simulating the roar of the monster.

For a time, the sound of the beast's roar suddenly exploded in this quiet place like thunder on the ground!

Coupled with the Insect Sea Tactics of the Responding Insect, the monster was immediately entangled in place.

Xiao Ping took advantage of this gap and threw a few seeds of the wood thorn vine, and cast a spell to urge it.

As the thorny vines entwined and closed, the strange monster was immediately bound tightly.

Xiao Ping was no longer worried about his escape, and immediately urged the earth to drop the bead and talisman.

This talisman was quietly urged when he was dealing with the disciples of Jianshuang Pavilion, but he had not yet had time to use it.

An extremely dazzling aura flew out of Xiao Ping's hand, and gradually turned into a huge khaki bead, lifelike and terrifyingly powerful!


The earth drop pearl flashed and smashed straight at the monster.


After a loud bang, all the sounds disappeared, and the scene was completely quiet.

Xiao Ping removed the earth drop bead and found that the monster had been smashed into flesh and no longer had any attack power.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

But this is still not the time to relax.

Xiao Ping once again called out a bunch of answering worms, thinking about the blue grain wood rushing in and searching for it inch by inch.

He needs to ensure that there are no other monsters around Biwenmu.

After a while, all the answering insects returned without any damage.

Xiao Ping was finally able to feel at ease.

Xiao Ping frowned and glanced at Fang Hu, who was adjusting his breath, then turned around and pinched the Dao Dao tactic, and used the Dao Dao object control technique on Biwenmu.

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The next moment, I saw the leaves of the blue-grained spirit wood falling off piece by piece and flying towards him in an orderly manner...

After a while, all the leaves were plucked by him, and the green leaves became bare, as if they had withered in late autumn.

"Brother Fang, some leaves under the abdomen may be much better."

"Thank you Brother Xiao!"

Fang Hu's complexion was much better visible to the naked eye after the leaves of the blue-grained wood under his belly.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with it, Xiao Ping nodded secretly, thinking that even if the leaves were dressed in raw clothes, there would be no harm, so he also had a little stomach.

The demonic beast's divine sense attack just now, coupled with the slight injury suffered by the previous divine sense, he also needs to use the leaves of this green wood to heal.

A cool breath melted in the abdomen and quickly reached the head along the meridians.

The tingling pain in Xiao Ping's brain was instantly relieved by most of it!

"This monster has been feeding on the green wood for a long time, and its attack can really be healed by the green wood!"

In just a moment, Fang Hu opened his eyes and stood up staggeringly.

"Brother Fang! You haven't recovered yet, why..."

"My sister is still waiting for these leaves to help!

Brother Xiao! quick……"

Xiao Ping sighed with a complicated expression, and hurried back to Fang Wei with Fang Hu. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!