MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 219 planning elixir

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At the last moment of the opening of the secret realm, most of them have completed the picking of the elixir.

But this does not mean that the killings have stopped, but ushered in the bloodiest moment in the five days!

For the masters, in order to avoid losing both sides and letting the elixir fall into the hands of others, they were all pointed to each other.

But at this time, there is no time to manage the elixir, or to capture treasure, or to revenge, or to weaken the opponent's power, and there will be no more consideration and wanton killing.

For those who are not high in strength, but can survive, it is the result of self-knowledge and avoiding disputes. Because it has been cultivated for many days before, and it is at its peak at this moment, there are many people who choose to attack.

After all, most of the people who can live to the present are full of rewards. Once the sneak attack is successful, the windfall is likely to be unearned for several lifetimes!

And most importantly, everyone's adventure in the secret realm of Ascension to Immortals was originally for the purpose of building a foundation and immortal fate. At the last moment, there were countless people who chose to attack others and **** the elixir for their lives.

Therefore, the entire Rift is undergoing its final and bloodiest madness!

Xiao Ping was using his body technique and Yufengshu to fly in the secret realm, jumping from one tree to another in the blink of an eye, as light as an ape.

Because of his powerful mana, which is far superior to his peers, even if he only uses twelve layers of mana to activate a small wind-fighting technique, his speed is no less than that of an imperial weapon!

Suddenly Xiao Ping's face sank, he poured mana into his belt with a cold snort, and his whole body turned into a blue light and disappeared in place.

Just a moment later, he appeared on the next tree, holding a storage bag firmly in his hand.

And in a nearby tree with luxuriant branches, there was a sudden sound of the branches breaking, and a headless corpse in Qingming Valley was planted immediately.

Xiao Ping glanced at the items in the storage bag and sighed lightly.

It is quite good for ordinary disciples, but for him it is not worth mentioning, there are only a few kinds that he does not have.

"Talking is better than nothing..."

Xiao Ping leaped away again, while thinking about how many elixir to hand in.

Although the founder of Dan Dan has a monster smelling storage bag.

But he has the fairy gourd in hand, even if he doesn't hand in a single grass, absolutely no one will find it.

However, Xiao Ping needed to cover up his true source of Foundation Establishment Dan with the help of the elixir he turned in.

After all, in the current world of immortality, almost everyone can't build a foundation without building a foundation.

He only has four spiritual roots. If he succeeds without the Foundation Establishment Pill, he will definitely attract investigations and even endless stalking.

"How many Foundation Establishment Pills are exchanged?"

Tianling root may be able to break through on its own, but both alien and true spiritual roots need a foundation pill.

He is only a pseudo-spiritual root with four attributes. Compared with the alien spiritual root, he is separated by two spiritual roots and three spiritual roots. At least two are needed to start, and two foundations have already hit the big luck.

As for more...

"The elixir you hand in only needs to meet the exchange conditions for two Foundation Establishment Pills!"

Master Jin Danqi, the huge backer, was very tempting, and Xiao Ping was extremely tempted.

As long as there are enough foundation building pills, promotion to foundation building will only happen sooner or later. As long as the foundation is established, he is the official apprentice of Jindan Patriarch.

If the Primordial Infant of Chiliang Kingdom is gone, Jindan is already the highest combat power, and the benefits of Jindan disciples are self-evident.

But this trip to the secret realm made him discover that the Chiliang Kingdom had already been undercurrent; coupled with the tragic casualties of the five factions, there was no shortage of hearts and souls of each faction—and several of the core elites were killed by himself.

If Xiao Ping is too high-profile, he is afraid that he will use the elixir far more than others on his front foot, and his back foot will be targeted by various factions.

Being targeted by so many Jindan Patriarchs, even if he has the heaven-defying gourd in his hand, there is only one way to die.

Only by being unknown and living out of the sight of all high-level leaders can we live in peace and stability!

"Still keep a low profile!"

Xiao Ping immediately chose to give up the "Golden Elixir Disciple" that was at his fingertips with tears in his eyes.

Came to a no-man's land and began to plan the elixir that needs to be handed in according to the elixir list.

Not only must the quantity be sufficient, the preciousness must be neither high nor low, and the difficulty of collection must be exactly in line with one's existing strength.

I even have to make up the details of the herb collection, in case the ancestors ask... Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!