MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 218 give a favor

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A day later, Jade Gourd Space.

Xiao Ping held three fragrant medicinal pills, and a tired smile appeared on his face.

This is Zhuji Dan!

Due to the rarity of the main drug, after countless generations of research, the utilization rate is extremely high.

In addition, the other elixir had already been ripened by him, so the raw materials in his hands were enough to meet the needs of practice.

As for the required spirit fire, just burn the red leaves.

Of course, the reason why he was able to refine it smoothly is also due to the alchemy skills accumulated over the years, especially the experience in refining the formula Yan Dan not long ago.

After a long period of repeated failures, I finally succeeded in refining three at the last minute!

However, the three main medicines that can be used as medicine have all been used up, leaving only some roots and seedlings.

"After I leave the secret realm, I can continue to ripen and refine the foundation pills in large quantities.

These three Foundation Establishment Pills should be left to her first! "

Xiao Ping immediately returned to his body and put away all the spirit worms.

Out of the cave, played a sound transmission.

After a while, Zhao Tong rushed over and looked at him suspiciously.

Before she could speak, Xiao Ping immediately took out a jade bottle and handed it over.

"This is the Foundation Establishment Pill. If you can't establish the foundation with three of them, then you don't need to see me again."

Zhao Tong's eyes suddenly widened, shocked.

"What? This is the Foundation Establishment Dan!"

Immediately after opening it to check.

"Sure enough, it's the Foundation Establishment Dan!"

Zhao Tong was extremely pleasantly surprised, his face flushed with excitement, and his eyes looking at Xiao Ping were full of tears and disbelief.

This little uncle is not only meticulous, he is also so powerful in alchemy, he can train a foundation pill in just one day!

What moved her most was that the other party gave him three coins!

Not to mention their Zhao family, even in the five major sects, if they can win one, they are the lucky ones!

Combined with Uncle's previous experience, if you follow each other, it might be a huge immortal fate!

But in any case, at least it is far more promising than doing things for the Zhao family!

"Thank you uncle!

The niece will definitely do things for you wholeheartedly in the future and will not let you down! "

Xiao Ping was stunned for a moment, then nodded in relief.

This is an unexpected gain.

"What is the attribute of your cultivation technique?"

"Like most of the Zhao family, it is of the wood attribute."

Zhao Tong replied obediently.

Xiao Ping lowered his head and thought.

Naturally, you cannot be stingy with your own people.

Zhuanmucao can purify mana, which is suitable for wood attribute exercises. But this means that the people he has contacted with the Zhao family cannot disclose it at will.

At the level of cultivation techniques, apart from the "Tai Xuan Jing", he may not know as well as the Zhao family.

As for elixir, because most of them are too rare, in order to avoid attracting coveted ones, they must not be taken out.

Xiao Ping thought about it, and finally took out two items:

The leaves of Yiqi Dan and Biwenmu.

"Qi Yi Dan can improve mana cultivation, and these leaves can be mixed into spiritual tea, which can strengthen the soul.

Both of these items increase the success rate of foundation building, do not reveal to any heat. "

The former is a common medicinal pill, the latter is from a secret realm, and Zhao Tong knows that it will not be a problem to give it to the other party.

"My niece understands!"

"Uncle, great kindness, niece is unforgettable!"

Xiao Ping nodded slightly:

"Come on, it's time for you to meet."

Zhao Tong "dong dong dong" knocked his head three times on the ground, and after giving a big salute, he turned and left.

"There is still half a day to close the secret realm, everything has been completed... No!

Almost forgot about this! "

Xiao Ping took out the map to check for a moment, and then flew towards Qingping Valley where the elixir was marked.


"What do you want to do?"

A Qingming Valley disciple was bound all over, looking at the old man in fear and doubt.

This old man was transformed by Xiao Ping with the top-quality Yirong magic tool.

Xiao Ping came to him in a flash and took out a heart-piercing Gu...

"This kind of spiritual insect is related to the soul. Any disturbance can make it frightened, and then lead to the loss of the soul. It must be killed with specific elixir."

"But don't worry, I won't let you betray the sect, but find a few fellow sects like you..."

The people of the Hundred Beast Sect, because of Meng Chunrong's help, must not only be intimidated by individual Qingming Valley disciples.

Xiao Ping must find and use these people, and at a critical moment, it may have unexpected effects.

"This medicine pill can only suppress Gu worms for two years. You have to pay attention to the person who goes out this time."

"As ordered!"

Xiao Ping nodded, turning into a blue light and disappearing in an instant. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!