MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 225 Profitable

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"Being able to worship under the sect of the master is really a blessing for the juniors, and the juniors are naturally happy!

Just because I am too happy, I don't know what to do for a while, I also ask the ancestors to forgive me! "

Xiao Ping said, his face turned red, pretending to be embarrassed, excited and impatient.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ping wisely greeted the Patriarch Ren and gave a great salute.

A smile appeared on Ren Zushi's face again, he reached out his hand to pick him up, and handed over a white flying boat with a flash of light on it, and at a glance, it was a high-quality spiritual weapon!

"Very good! From now on, you are my disciple of Ren Zongyu.

This smoke jade boat is a spiritual weapon used by the teacher at the time, and the speed is acceptable. It is a gift for you. I hope you will practice diligently and build your foundation as soon as possible! "

Xiao Ping solemnly took the flying boat, bowed again to show his respect, and stood up overjoyed.

The other disciples watched the whole process. Not only did they apprentice, but they also got a good spiritual tool. They were so jealous that they were very angry. The look in Xiao Ping's eyes changed. The extremely ordinary Xiao Ping!

Even Uncle Foundation Establishment, when he saw Yanyu Feizhou, was greatly surprised, he breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and looked at Xiao Ping's eyes gradually becoming more complicated...

Although Xiao Ping didn't look back, the fiery gazes that fell on him almost turned him into a hedgehog, making him smile bitterly.

The so-called "big tree attracts the wind" and "the wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind", if possible, he would rather be an ordinary, ordinary and low-key transparent person.

However, he also knew that if his thoughts were known to others, he would be scolded at him immediately...

"When your foundation is successfully established, I will take you to my cave and accept you as an official disciple. It doesn't matter if the foundation is not established, I will also give you some pointers on your cultivation."

"Yes, Master."

The point of this remark, obviously in the latter sentence, is to let him fend for himself most of the time.

But no matter what, Xiao Ping naturally did not dare to have any opinion, and nodded obediently.

The strange bird was so fast that it flew back to Yufeng Sect for a few days.

As soon as he entered the sect, Ren Zongyu, the patriarch Ren Zongyu, walked to the main hall with two foundation-building stewards. The others dispersed, returned to their residences, and waited for the reward in a few days.


In the thatched hut in Zhenyao Valley, Uncle Qu's eyes widened, and he stared straight at Xiao Ping in disbelief, with a ghostly appearance:

"That's impossible! You are at the bottom of the tenth level of Qi training, and you are at the bottom of the people who have entered the past dynasties. As a result, not only did you not die, but you found leaks everywhere, and you got nineteen spirit medicines all at once, and you were even appointed by Jindan period. Uncle Shi is accepted as a disciple!"

Xiao Ping sat opposite the old man, with a smile that was not a smile, as if very proud:

"Yes, Uncle Qu, it seems that I am also the chosen person with amazing luck and profound good fortune!"

Unexpectedly, the other party looked at him strangely, but the next sentence made him slightly stunned:

"But do you know the real reason why Uncle Ren accepted you as a named disciple?"

Seeing Uncle Qu say this, Xiao Ping was naturally overjoyed, pretending not to know:

"Uncle Qu, Master Jin Dan accepted his apprentice, is there any other reason?"

"Uncle Master? Hehe, since Junior Brother Wang has become a disciple of Jindan, he will naturally only need to call me Senior Brother Qu in the future. I can't bear the title of 'Uncle Master'!"

The old man sighed slightly and said in a self-deprecating manner.

"Uncle Qu, don't make fun of your nephew, who doesn't know that the world of cultivating immortals respects strength and usually ranks seniors based on their realm!

Stop practicing Qi the next day, and Uncle Shi is still the elder! "

Xiao Ping got up, poured a cup of spiritual tea for the old man respectfully and sincerely, and handed it to the other person with both hands.

"That's right, Ruzi can be taught, this kind of xinxing is rarely seen in ordinary people!

In fact, even if I don't say it, you will know it soon..."

As he expected, the reason why Ren Zongyu accepted him as a disciple was simply because he saw that he had picked a lot of elixir and wanted to share a piece of the pie.

You must know that the elixir in the secret realm of Ascension to Immortals is far more precious than the outside world!

It turns out that there is an unwritten rule in the sect. As long as there is a clear master-disciple relationship in the spiritual things that the disciples hand over to the sect, the master can take half of it to offset the gift of gratitude.

"Of course, this kind of thing can only happen once. Uncle Ren has never seen any of his disciples. Naturally, it is impossible for him to fall in love with you, a person who has met for the first time for no reason, and he is not outstanding in every aspect.

The reason why you are so enthusiastic is that you have taken a fancy to your ten When the reward will be issued, you will naturally only have one Foundation Establishment Pill left. "

The old man patiently explained to Xiao Ping.

Xiao Ping frowned and bowed his head silently.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still a little unhappy.

Naturally, he wanted to be accepted as an apprentice by the other party, but the reality was that he couldn't afford to be unprofitable...

But then again, the elixir that was paid was only a drop in the bucket, but the reward was the hard-to-find Jindan master, which was a huge profit.

The old man surnamed Qu didn't know Xiao Ping's state of mind. Seeing that he had been silent, he couldn't help but think of it a little more.

In this way, they can hold back the slightest attack, or even show any obvious expressions, but not everyone can do it.

As for sulking - it is inevitable to face this situation, and if you don't move at all, then there is a problem.

"After all, you won't suffer in the slightest. With your four spiritual roots, there is really no difference between one pill and two pills, and the possibility of successfully advancing is very small.

On the contrary, it is better to change to a big backer of Jindan level. No one dares to trouble you in this sect. As far as I know, Uncle Ren is still very protective of his shortcomings..."

Listening to the comforting words, Xiao Ping was a little moved.

He has long known that the other party is cold-hearted, very good, and worthy of deep friendship.

Although Xiao Ping had many plans in his heart, he still pretended to be wronged on the surface, and finally recovered after being comforted by the old man, and finally returned to normal with a few bitter smiles.

Seeing that the persuasion worked and Xiao Ping came out of his depression, the uncle Qu was naturally very pleased, and soon left, and handed over the precious medicine valley to him again.

Obviously, Uncle Qu didn't think he could build a foundation successfully. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!