MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 256 soul box

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"I'll go get it, you wait here."

After just a moment, the sword rainbow transformed by Guo Zheng fell to the peak again.

When he walked to Xiao Ping, he handed over a jade box and a jade slip, which were tightly sealed by the spell, without any breath.

"Spiritual plants at the level of Jin Mao Bamboo can be said to be extremely delicate and need to be carefully preserved.

This spiritual raising box is an imitation magic weapon that I specially asked the master to refine in order to preserve the roots. It has the effect of warming and nourishing spiritual things and maintaining spirituality.

As long as there is enough spirit stone to keep it alive for a hundred years, I will give it to you for free. There is a control method on the jade slip. "

Xiao Ping took it, his heart trembled slightly.

A century of vitality! Especially the top spiritual plants like Jin Mao Bamboo!

It is enough to prove that this jade box is also a rare treasure!

"Master, this... this is a magic weapon! It's too precious!"

Guo Zheng shook his head indifferently:

"It's just an auxiliary imitation magic weapon. Although it has an extraordinary effect, it is only used by the top spirits.

If I want, I will ask the master to refine another one, but you are just a foundation-building cultivator, and you will never get such a treasure. But without it, the roots of this golden thatched bamboo will wither in a day or an hour. "

"Thank you, Master, for your suggestion!"

"By the way, nephew, don't try to plant it.

Because even if I planted it in the place where the spiritual energy of the sect was most concentrated, it could only delay the death and barely maintain its vitality.

Even if there is no problem with this, its longevity is extremely long, not to mention you and me, even the lifespan of Nascent Soul Transformation God is far from being able to wait! "

Xiao Ping took out the thousand-year-old Huang Jingzhi and handed it to the other party.

Guo Zheng opened the jade box, his eyes lit up instantly, and he was so excited that he completely ignored his image.

"This Huang Jingzhi has a medicinal age of more than a thousand years, it is an extremely rare treasure!

The root of Jinmao Bamboo, if you see it, if there is no problem, let's make a deal. "

Guo Zheng anxiously wished he could send him away immediately, and then immediately retreated, refining it into a medicinal pill to increase his cultivation!

After checking that there was no problem with the roots of the golden grass bamboo, Xiao Ping was happily sent away.


After returning to the cave, Xiao Ping immediately took out the jade slip, the soul raising box, a silver leaf, and a stone carving of a gray inferior leaf, and entered the gourd space with a thought.

"First put the root of the golden grass bamboo on the green liquid!"

Xiao Ping performed a series of techniques based on the jade slip... After more than half an hour, all the seals were opened.

It is also strange to say that the box for raising spirits is not gold, not wood, nor spiritual jade stones. I don’t know what material it is.

"Wonderful objects still need to be preserved with strange objects!"

Xiao Ping was a little excited when he saw this treasure, and then followed a few more magic tricks.


After a slight sound, the spiritual raising box was opened.

It looked like the root of a dead bamboo, without even an inch of the bamboo body.

If it hadn't been for him to look up the information many times, and this thing was given by Master Guo himself, he really couldn't tell that it was the famous Jin Mao Bamboo in the world of cultivating immortals, and it was an ordinary rhizome the size of a thumb!

Xiao Ping took out a sharp dagger, and the moment he stabbed the roots, the stabbed part emitted a shallow white light, as if stabbed in some kind of metal.

The next moment, the sturdy and sharp dagger broke into a pile of fragments, as if it was chopped by some kind of magic weapon.

Xiao Ping's eyes were full of surprise:

"Yes, this is exactly the same as what is said in the classics, it is indeed the rhizome of Jin Mao bamboo!"

Although it is only several thousand years of Imperatae bamboo.

Compared with other spiritual plants, Jin Mao Bamboo is of the top rank, but there are naturally three, six, nine, and so on among the same species.

However, these divisions are based only on the year of growth.

Jinmao bamboos less than three thousand years old are still before adulthood and are blue in color, which is easy to be confused with other spirit bamboos.

More than three years ago, it will gradually turn white; after six thousand years, it will climb to a trace of silver.

Only when the golden grass bamboo is more than ten thousand years old, will it turn into a pale gold color, which is the real "Golden Mao bamboo" in rumors.

At this time, even the golden light emanating has great lethality!

At that time, its bamboo leaves, branches, rhizomes... everything on its body will be top treasures!

As for going up, no one knows, this is the highest year in the Xiuxian world.

According to rumors, this kind of golden grass bamboo appeared once in the world of immortal cultivation very far away.

But even so, it has attracted blood and rain in the local cultivator world for decades. During this period, it has changed hands, and countless large and small forces have been tragically wiped out... Later, I don't know who fell into the hands of many forces. .

It can be seen that the value of Jinmao bamboo is by no means ordinary.

Of course, this is "Golden Mao Bamboo".

What Guo Zheng obtained was the Bamboo Prunus, which had just passed three thousand years. Although it was equally precious, it was far from being comparable to that of the Golden Bamboo Bamboo.

Coupled with the fact that there is a Nascent Soul-level sect as a backer, this has avoided many disasters.

But even so, at the beginning, it attracted batch after batch of open and secret fights, was besieged many times, and was forced to divide Baozhu into the ancestor He Tongmen... Until the bamboo was used up for more than 20 years~www.novelbuddy. com~ The wind gradually subsided.

Thinking of these rumors, Xiao Ping couldn't help but stir in his heart.

Then he grabbed the few remaining drops of green liquid and bounced them all into the rhizome.

The roots, which had been extremely withered, actually regained a bit of vitality in an instant, and they began to come alive!

After a while, the changes in the bamboo roots stopped completely.

Xiao Ping sighed slightly.

A few drops of green liquid is equivalent to decades at most.

It takes at least 10,000 years to make it grow into "Golden Mao Bamboo", that is, more than 1,000 drops of green liquid.

This is not a small amount and needs to be accumulated over a long period of time.

But fortunately, although there is no green liquid, it cannot continue to ripen, but the gourd space is an excellent place for preservation, and it will never let it lose its vitality!

Xiao Ping placed it not far from the empty tung tree.

Then he recruited a leaf stone carving, and according to the red jade slip, he moved the magic formula...

After a while, the gray-white quality seal retreated to the edge of the leaf, revealing the silver leaf in the center.

Xiao Ping holds a leaf in one hand and compares it with each other.

Except for the lines on the left and the right, everything else is exactly the same!

"The two must be closely related, and the lines complement each other - maybe even together!"

Xiao Ping tried to stack the two together.

No response.

Xiao Ping was a little depressed, and looked at the thin layer of gray stone at the edge of one of them:

"Could it be that it was obstructed by the seal of the Library Hall?"

It is not difficult to completely remove it, just put it in the environment of green liquid and grind it off for a long time.

But in this case, how should it be returned to the sect?

However, if the seal is really worn away and the leaves run away, they are bound to be hunted down by the entire sect.

As for how to choose, Xiao Ping was in a dilemma for a while.