MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 266 Uncle Ji

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After Xiao Ping released the sound transmission, he waited patiently.

It didn't take long for the senior brother Ying Sui to come out.

Xiao Ping quickly greeted him.

But when he gradually walked in, he realized that something was wrong.

Usually, Ying Sui always had a warm expression on his face when he came over to greet him, but why was he so worried this time?

"Elder Brother, could something happen?"

Ying Sui gave him a complicated look, and finally sighed deeply:

"You didn't come at the right time..."

"Then I go?"

Ying Sui shook his head and said:

"Oh, it's too late, your voice transmission has been heard by Master and Uncle Ji!"

Two golden pills? !

Xiao Ping was suddenly shocked.

If you turn around and leave, you won't have to stay at Yufeng Gate in the future, you should run for your life far away...

"It's so serious! What's going on inside?"

"I'm waiting outside, I don't know the specific situation, but when I went in to report, the atmosphere in the cave was quite solemn, the faces of Master and Uncle Ji were not very good, and they were not very harmonious. careful when you go in!"

In this way, Xiao Ping followed Ying Sui into the valley with his stomach full of shock and doubts.

Outside the living room, a handsome white-faced young man was waiting.

"Seventh Junior Brother!"

"Elder brother, go and rest, and leave it to me later."

After the senior brother left, the seventh junior brother's smile was immediately closed, and he gave him a cold look, with a bit of hostility in his expression:

"Is it Junior Brother Wang? I'm Zhuo Yuan, the seventh disciple of Master's family. Master has been waiting for you for a long time. Come with me."

After speaking, he turned around and left, as if looking at him would seem superfluous.

"Although my appearance is not outstanding, it is not difficult to see the effect of my own villain, right?"

Xiao Ping was sulking for no reason, and could not help but guess that what the two Jin Dan were arguing about was mostly related to himself.

After all, the two sides only met for the first time, and he really couldn't think of any direct or indirect grievances.

The only reason was that the unhappiness of Master and that "Uncle Ji" also affected Chi Yu...

There were two people sitting and one person standing in the hall.

Sitting was Ren Zongyu and a strange woman, and standing was an old man who built a foundation.

The woman was in her 40s. She wore no makeup or bead hairpins. She was dressed in white plain clothes. Although she looked beautiful and milf-like, her face was frosty and the evil spirit between her brows destroyed everything. 's flavor.

"Wang Fan, come here to meet your Uncle Ji!"

When Ren Zongyu saw Xiao Ping who came in, his face seemed a little more relaxed, and he greeted with a smile.

Zhuo Yuan, who brought him in, walked to the foundation building male cultivator without saying a word, and stood with his hands tied.

"Ji Shishu is well!"

Although Xiao Ping was confused, he still saluted in a proper manner.

After hearing the greeting, the woman didn't say anything immediately, but just looked up and down.

After a while, he nodded slightly, showing a vague expression:

"Well, with such a background, and with the aptitude of four spiritual roots, it is indeed quite good to be able to get rid of many colleagues and win the foundation building Dan." Although the woman did not say much, but compared to her previous actions Well, I don't know how many times, but Ren Zongyu knew that he couldn't be more satisfied, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and praised Xiao Ping with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that Junior Sister Ji is very satisfied with this child.

My apprentice looks ordinary, is smart, and is a genuine foundation-building cultivation base. I am afraid that there is no more suitable person than him for the matter of junior sister! "

Xiao Ping's heart sank, his head as big as a fight.

Although he didn't know what the specific matter was, it would definitely not be a trivial matter to make the two major golden cores worry and argue about it, and it might even be full of danger!

He really does not want to be this "suitable" candidate!

Xiao Ping looked at everyone calmly.

The hostility in Zhuo Yuan's eyes was a little thicker. Seeing that he looked slightly startled, he quickly looked away with a guilty conscience.

The old man beside him had nothing to do with him, and occasionally looked at him with a bit of sympathy.

As for that Uncle Ji, his eyes were filled with resentment, tenderness and sadness, as if he was missing someone through himself...

Seeing this, Xiao Ping was extremely reluctant in his heart, but because his cultivation base was low, he had no choice but to show no expression at all.

The feeling of being in the hands of others is not very comfortable...

This unintentional appearance of calm and calm made the woman surnamed Ji nod her head in secret.

"It is indeed suitable, then as the senior brother said, this is the son. I will go back first and let the disciple prepare for a good life, and wait for the good news from the senior brother in a month."

"Don't worry, Junior Sister, I will arrange it properly."

Seeing that the woman nodded and agreed, Ren Zongyu was slightly overjoyed, and hurriedly accepted and got up to send him off.

When he came back, his face was obviously full of spring breeze, as if he had received some great benefits.

After Ren Zongyu sat down again, he squinted his eyes again and looked up and down Xiao Ping with a flickering expression.

"This is your second senior brother Zou Yi and seventh senior brother Zhuo Yuan."

Xiao Ping saluted the two brothers according to his words.

After the other party returned the salute, he was sent out by Ren Zongyu, leaving him alone here.

Although Zhuo Yuan showed a bit of unwillingness, UU reading did not dare to speak after all...

"Wang Fan, I have to congratulate you as a teacher, you will encounter a great opportunity!"

Seeing the other party say this, Xiao Ping only felt more ominous and frightened.

"Disciple does not know what is going on, please ask Master to clarify."

"Your Uncle Ji has a secret mission. As long as it is done well, it will not only help the sect a great deal, but also have extremely rich rewards, but also have a chance to win the eyes of your Uncle Ji and marry his apprentice!"

"The tie?"

Xiao Ping was stunned.

Not to mention that he inspires the avenue of longevity and keeps Yuanyang from breaking his body, which is more conducive to cultivation. Even an ordinary mortal cannot casually marry someone he has never seen before and who does not know the beauty and ugliness!

"Master, the younger generation has no intention of marrying a Taoist companion. Is this a bit arbitrary? What's more..."

When Ren Zongyu saw this, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, interrupting his words of shirk:

"Do you know what her apprentice's dowry is?"

Xiao Ping looked at each other suspiciously.

"Have you heard of Mu Linguo?

This is a rare wood-type spiritual fruit. After ordinary people eat it, they can increase their cultivation for one to three years in just one month! If you are cultivating wood attribute exercises, you will be able to gain at least five years!

If I'm not mistaken, you are cultivating wood attribute exercises, and you say it yourself—is this your great creation! "


Eating one will increase your cultivation for five years!

Xiao Ping's heart immediately jumped up!

Is this Ren Zongyu really so kind? To risk offending another Jindan for a disciple who has only been in school for a few days?


It seems that you happened to bump into it today?

Xiao Ping instantly calmed down.

If he remembers correctly, Ren Zongyu has a direct descendant...