MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 41 Tao Qian subdues the dragon, 9 true spiritual sounds

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Outside Xunxian County, a dark cloud wrapped in some thunder sounds and fell into a deep valley.

Not long after, Tao Qian, who was a little embarrassed, walked out of the valley.

Although he escaped from the "corpse slave" this time, he even only wasted a ray of Nascent Soul Origin Qi, and the price was smaller than Tao Qian expected.

However, this did not prevent Tao Qian from feeling aggrieved. I believe that the rest of the young monks who escaped felt the same way.

"Bright Corpse Bodhisattva!"

Tao Qian muttered those four words and silently wrote down the hatred.


In a short time, not possible.

But it is still necessary to keep a small notebook. If there is an opportunity in the future, Tao Qian will not let it go.

As for now, he only identified the direction, and without hesitation, he went to the direction deviating from Xunxian County.

His original plan was to return to his bookstore after visiting Tengshefang City.

But now, he has changed his mind.

"The world of practice is too dangerous. You can encounter unpredictable disasters just by shopping, but you can imagine how many troubles you will encounter in the future for no reason."

"As long as you can improve your strength, you can't delay. The fundamental method has been started, and it's time to practice for the first time."

Not long after these thoughts fell, Tao Qian's figure had already appeared in a wild mountain stream.

If it is to practice some uncomplicated supernatural powers and secrets, Tao Qian will solve it in his own bookstore.

But the fundamental law is different.

What's more, this is his first practice, and there is an extremely strong Henglong Origin Qi in his body.

Tao Qian stood at a high place and looked at the mountain stream in front of him. It was very deep and steep, but not very wide. Through the gap of about several meters, the sound of the water below could be faintly heard. Among the white mist rising, some dwarfs could be faintly seen. Green trees and clumps of aquatic plants.

The place is called Tiger Jiaojian, because some mountain people or hunters who chop wood can occasionally hear a sound similar to the roar of Jiaojia from the bottom of the creek, so it was named this place.

When Wu Ming, a monk in search of immortality, heard about it, he came from a distance.

I didn't see any flooded beasts, only a small cave was found in the middle of the cliff, the inside was empty, and there was no sign of life. Wu Ming unraveled the mystery after sitting in the cave for several days. The so-called "dragon roar" was actually the combined effect of the stream, the air and the mountain stream.

Disappointed, never found a fairy, and left in distress - Wu Ming.

A very sympathetic encounter with Xianxian, but it has some effect on Tao Qian.

He found a boulder from nowhere, and then moved directly into the bottom of the stream.

Half a second later, Tao Qian's figure appeared in a cave.

The hole is quite deep, and the outer layer is relatively humid. There is a pool of puddles, as if the ground is covered with a mirror, and there are many aquatic plants and algae around.

But in the deepest part, there is a dry high platform, which is just enough for one person to sit cross-legged.

"Good place!"

I don't know if it was because of the Henglong bloodline in his body, but Tao Qian actually felt that this wilderness cave looked very comfortable.

After checking back and forth and observing for a while, Tao Qian felt relieved.

Blocking the entrance of the cave with boulders directly, although there is no light at all, it has little effect on Tao Qian, who is half weird and half dragon, and even helps him enter meditation.

The conditions are simple, but it is the first time to practice.

As a newcomer in the cultivation world, Tao Qian is still well prepared.

First, the water vapor is called to cleanse the body, and then new clothes are changed, and the incense bought from Huanxibao Pavilion is lit. The effect is "concentration and meditation".

Then Tao Qian faced east, knocked his teeth nine times, and slowly took out the "Illustration of the Nine Truths of Lingbao".

Smash all the distracting thoughts, open the first page of the secret book, and read it attentively.

After an unknown amount of time, Tao Qian slowly broke free from the book.

In his eyes, there was a flash of clarity and relief.

Some doubts that have arisen since entering the world of practice are suddenly clear at this moment.

Although he has not yet started formal cultivation, Tao Qianxin has no scruples and doubts.

"According to the secret book, if I were a mortal human with an empty body, to cultivate one of the fundamental methods of this spiritual treasure, I just need to follow the steps, study day and night, recite the treasure chapter, and if I have the natural resources, the source energy of the spiritual treasure will be born in my body at one time. , Ten times can pull the source qi to train the body, a hundred times can make the source qi melt blood, and a thousand times can not only determine the fate of the fetus, but also have a chance to give birth to natural miracles and jump into the [Qi Refining Realm]."

"Of course, every word of this Lingbao Jiuzhen Diagram is special. It is not a simple matter to recite it completely and without error."

"It can even be said to be extremely difficult. It should be noted that if you miss a word, you will fall short."

"Of course, this is the cultivation method for mortal rookies, but it is different for cultivators like me who have obtained some kind of Origin Qi training."

"If you want to practice this method, the first step is to visualize the [Nine True Picture of Spirit Treasures], and use the magic of this picture to purify your body, drain away all the dust, and refine the source energy of the different species in your body into pure ones. Lingbao Origin Qi."

"In the purification process, depending on whether the Origin Qi is pure or not, there will be losses or gains."

"The 'supernatural powers' that are born from the source qi of different species will also undergo corresponding transformations, or they will disappear directly..."

The last thought made Tao Qian hesitate.

Cultivating "Lingbao Jiuzhentu" and refining Henglong's Origin Qi, the good results are excellent, but at the same time the bad result is that he will lose his affinity for the wind, rain and thunder, and even lose the magical power of "Henglongyin".

This is naturally a blow to Tao Qian, who has no combat power today.

But think again:

What if there is Heng Longyin, this bloodline supernatural power all comes from the Heng Dragon Ball fragment, it is still powerful at present, but after all, it is rootless water, and there is no way forward.

Just to say one, without the fundamental method of cultivation, he doesn't even want to step into the "Qi Refining Realm".

But repairing the "Diagram of the Nine Truths of Lingbao" is different.

This is the first-class fundamental method in the world. Although it has a price and a high risk, it seems to others that it has no future, but Tao Qian knows that this method is basically a path for [Lingbao Sect] to choose new disciples.

Besides, after possessing the Lingbao Genesis Qi, the power of casting such methods as the Little Innate Nascent Soul Escape Technique and the Secret Demon Sword Art of Giving Oneself is far better than that of the Henglong Genesis Qi.

What's more, the result of purification is not necessarily bad.


Tao Qian's eyes flashed with brilliance, and his mind was settled.

Instead of contemplating immediately, he focused and meditated again.

After confirming that there were no distracting thoughts, Tao Qian opened the "Illustration of the Nine Truths of Lingbao" and turned to the center page.

However, there was an impressive depiction of this unimaginable congenital deity, inside the Yellow Room of the Cloud Palace and the Seven Treasures, as if looking at any living being in front of the book.

In a trance, Tao Qian's mind suddenly resounded with a grand Taoist voice: "The Yuanshi Cave is empty, and the three spirits come to the door. Zirong looks at the space, and the four Mings plant spiritual roots..."

Before Tao Qian could listen to the sound carefully, a foreign object would rebel in his body.


The familiar Henglong sounded violently.

But this time not externally, but internally.

The Henglong Origin Qi in his body seemed to feel the "destroying catastrophe", and suddenly poured out from the limbs, flesh and blood, and gathered into a Henglong figure between the virtual and the real.

In this dark lacquered stone cave, the light suddenly brightened, and I saw the figure of the Henglong roaring angrily, wanting to jump up from the bottom to the top, directly from the skull gate Baihui, completely separated from Tao Qian's body.

But at this moment, Tao Qian's cold voice, which seemed to be Taoist, came:

"You are the bait, you can get in my mouth, how can you escape?"

In this state, Tao Qian chanted along with the sound, and actually gave birth to something special.

A mighty force followed Tao Qian's will, from top to bottom, to suppress him.

Its potential is like the backflow of the Tianhe River, and its meaning is to purify the dust.


The next second, the Henglong figure was washed away.

The strong and pure Henglong Origin Qi, which returned to its original source in an instant, turned into another mighty, pure and natural, perfect and clear special Origin Qi, like raindrops falling from the sky, from the Skull Gate Baihui They fell one after another, completely merging into Tao Qian's limbs, flesh and blood.

The moment the training was completed, the Daoyin stopped abruptly, and Tao Qian's visualization stopped with it.

Deep in my mind, information about my own changes naturally arises.

Tao Qian felt a sense of movement, and immediately a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"It's done!"

"The whole body of Henglong Origin Qi has been refined into Lingbao Origin Qi. Although there is some loss, it is not much, only 12 out of 12."

"The cultivation base is still the [Qi-entraining state], but it has jumped from the forging stage to the blood-melting stage."

"Although I have lost the affinity for the wind, rain and thunder, I am closer to the heaven, earth and nature. This is the magic of Lingbao's source qi."

"The most surprising thing is that the supernatural power 'Heng Longyin' has also been refined and transformed into another special supernatural power [Nine True Spiritual Sound]."

With these thoughts, Tao Qian realized something.

With a slight smile, his hands suddenly formed a seal, and he said in his mouth: "Nine days are true, and there are great secrets."

In an instant, the cave was bright and generous.

The pure brilliance that was enough to make many demons and demons melt away cleanly poured out. In this sound, Tao Qian got up and walked to the puddle in front of him.

Looking through the water like a mirror, sure enough, all the characteristics of the Henglong on his face disappeared.

Not only has the appearance of the human race been restored, but his face seems to be like jade, making him look like a fairy from the dust.

With such a temperament, if he puts on a robe again, UU Reading is his self-proclaimed Daoist disciple, and no one will have any doubts.


"It's not a big mistake for me to say that I am a Lingbao Taoist."

Tao Qian spit out a sentence, in a good mood.

Putting away the secret book in his hand, he strode to the entrance of the cave and removed the boulder.

Seeing the right angle, he jumped up and landed right on the mountain stream.

It was also the right time. The moment Tao Qian left the pass, the sun was rising in the sky, and billions of warm rays of light fell on the earth. There were mountains and streams in front of him, and the white mist was rising. Recovery, this grand scene seems to be to reflect Tao Qian's mood at the moment.

"If the world of practice here is pure and natural, the kind that seeks longevity in harmony, then I have officially entered the Dao and acquired a new supernatural power, and I have to scream and spit out the nine true spiritual sounds, attracting all the beasts here. Show off."

"It's a pity that this world of practice is moody and unprovoked, so it's better to keep a low profile."

Saying that, Tao Qian patted the sleeves that were free of dust.

Then, using a gesture of "flying and jumping" with a general effect, he went to Xunxian County in the distance.

He can't do anything about it.

After purifying the Henglong Origin Qi in his body, he officially completed the "Diagram of the Nine True Spirits of Lingbao", entered the stage of absorbing qi and melting blood, and obtained the magical power of [Nine True Spiritual Sound].

The first price also appeared. He lost the ability to control wind, rain and thunder, and he couldn't even fly short distances.

"If there is a chance, you still have to develop a flying technique. If you can't even fly into the sky, how can it be considered a cultivation of immortals?"

There are some beasts of wisdom in the mountains and forests, envy watching the young Taoist-like young man swept away, never imagined that this vulgar idea would be in the minds of human beings.