MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 14 Inner stamina! Turtle breath is true!

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  Chapter 14 A sense of inner strength! Turtle breath is true!

  Turtle Breathing Gong has no requirements for cultivation qualifications. Children can practice it, and elderly people can practice it. Of course, if you want to really practice it, it will take years of hard work!

   As time went on, the night became darker, and a natural drowsiness struck, so Su Changkong lay on his side on the bed.

   "Although a turtle has a nose, it uses its ears to breathe, and when sleeping, the breath comes out of its ears. It is called the turtle's breath, and it will be a long life for the turtle!"

   Naturally, Su Changkong was breathing, but the strange thing was that he inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his ears!

  This real turtle breath is not something that very people can do. Su Changkong was able to enter this state of turtle breath after cultivating for the first time, not only because his potential value is already as high as 8 points, but also because he has a solid foundation.

  The first realm of martial arts is the realm of physical fitness, which is further divided into four realms: refining, inner strength, divine power, and bravery.

  Su Changkong has reached the point of strengthening his internal organs by cultivating the Wuqinxi assiduously. His internal organs and other organs have been tempered, which makes him more effective in cultivating internal skills!

   In this state of turtle breathing, the sky was getting brighter, Su Changkong opened his eyes, and he was refreshed after a night of cultivation!

   Turtle Breathing Technique (35% for entry)

  Su Changkong opened the attribute panel. After only one day of training, his Turtle Breathing Skill proficiency reached 35% of the entry level. According to this progress, in three or four days, Su Changkong would be able to practice it to the first realm.

   This speed of progress is absolutely exaggerated to the extreme!

   After getting up, Su Changkong practiced Wu Qin Xi as usual.

   "Clang clang clang!"

   After practicing until his body was slightly sweating, the bell in the Black Iron Villa rang, which meant that the busyness of the new day had begun. Su Changkong stopped practicing, ate breakfast, and entered the workshop to start work.

   Forging iron and casting is work, but for Su Changkong, it is also a kind of cultivation!

   "Clang clang clang!"

Su Changkong was holding a hammer that weighed several kilograms, hitting the steel in front of him one by one. Every time the hammer fell, the red-hot steel sparks splashed and the impurities were removed. The hammer in his hand was like a knife. ,tempered into a steel!

  Su Changkong was naked on his upper body, and each piece of lean muscle seemed to have a faint lustre flickering, rising and falling with his breathing, making him forge as if he was not tired.

   "This kid Su Changkong... is simply talented!"

   Yang Chao wiped off his sweat, stopped the work he was doing, and took a water bag to replenish his hydration. When he saw that Su Changkong was still concentrating on forging, he couldn't help but marvel.

   I have rested several times, but Su Changkong doesn't feel tired at all. The difference in physical strength is too great!

  After a busy day, in the evening, Su Changkong practiced Wuqinxi for a while, took a bath, ate, and then began to practice the Turtle Breathing Exercise.

One of the great advantages of   Turtle Breathing Exercise is that it can be practiced while sleeping, just like a turtle sleeping, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the ears, without taking up Su Changkong's Wuqinxi and swordsmanship practice time!

   Name: Su Changkong (15 years old)

   Lifespan: 61 years

   Potential Points: 8

  Master martial arts: Wuqinxi (Outstanding 13% in the 5th realm), Iron Slashing Swordsmanship (39% in the 4th realm), Turtle Breathing Gong (1% in the 1st realm)

  Mastered skills: forging (4 realm consummate 33%)

   It took only four days for Su Changkong's Turtle Breathing Technique to be practiced to the point where he could first glimpse the door. Su Changkong felt that his body had not changed significantly, but his breathing was longer.

   "The lifespan has increased by a year!" But what made Su Changkong happy was through the attribute panel, he clearly saw that the lifespan had increased by one year, and it was only a few days of cultivation!

  Cultivating the Turtle Breathing Technique not only increased his lifespan, but Su Changkong found that even with his Wu Qin Xi, his training speed was slightly improved compared to before.

  Su Changkong knew that the direction he had chosen was correct. By practicing internal strength, he could further develop the potential of his body!

   "Cultivation! Cultivate your inner strength first!"

   This made Su Changkong very motivated and fell into a new ascetic cultivation. The right way is to combine internal and external!

   With the progress of Turtle Breathing and Wu Qin Xi, Su Changkong's appetite further increased, which brought about his body began to grow.

   Originally, Su Changkong's physique had surpassed the limits of ordinary people, but now his strength and speed have begun to grow slightly, and his physical strength and endurance have continued to grow!

  The days are peaceful and satisfying. Autumn and winter come, and another year of winter comes.

  In the early morning, in the room where Su Changkong lived, he was lying on the bed, like an old turtle lying on his back, breathing for a long time.

  The strange thing is that between Su Changkong's ears and nose, there is a faint white airflow lingering, which circulates with his breathing, and even the muscles of Su Changkong's whole body rise and fall with his breathing.


Su Changkong's whole body seemed to be immersed in warm water. When breathing and breathing reached a critical juncture, the rushing airflow that circulated between his ears and nose also began to circulate in his body, like a rushing stream, and finally converged in his dantian. , dense as fog!

   Also at this moment, Su Changkong opened his eyes, and there was a faint glimmer of soul-stirring light in his eyes that flashed away.

   "True qi... Finally, true qi has been cultivated!"

   Su Changkong's face was filled with indescribable joy.

  Internal energy is to extract a pure energy from the body and internal organs to generate a sense of qi, and then cultivate this sense of qi to gradually grow until it is transformed into true qi!

  Su Changkong practiced the Turtle Breathing Technique. In the second month, he had already developed a sense of qi, and then it took more than half a year to make this sense of qi grow, produce a qualitative change, and turn it into true qi!

  Turtle Breathing Technique (1% for 4 realms)

   For nearly a year, I worked hard every day, and I never slack off. From the original entry to the 4th realm, I successfully cultivated the true energy!

   If an ordinary person with no foundation practiced the Turtle Breathing Exercise, it would take at least ten or twenty years to reach this point!


  Su Changkong tried to mobilize the infuriating energy in his body. He punched out, his fist broke through the air, and made a sound like a firecracker!

  Su Changkong's ears moved slightly, and he could hear the subtle rustling sound of the trees outside the house being blown by the wind.

   "Is this true qi? By mobilizing true qi, my strength and speed can be increased by 10% or 20%, and my eyes and ears are more sensitive.

  Su Changkong couldn't help but marvel at the mystery of True Qi.

   The strength and speed increase of 10% or 20% seems to be small, but it is actually a huge increase!

   For ordinary amateur athletes, if their speed and strength are increased by one or two percent, they will have the capital to hit the world championship!

   Not to mention that Su Changkong's current physique exceeds the limit of ordinary people, and the improvement of 10% or 20% on this basis is quite exaggerated.

   "In addition, my Wu Qinxi has reached 99% of the 5th level, and I will be able to complete a breakthrough in the next few days!"

   In addition to the Turtle Breathing Technique, Su Changkong's Wuqinxi has also progressed rapidly.

   Originally, according to Su Changkong's estimation, it would take about three years for his Wuqinxi to progress further, but practicing the Turtle Breathing Gong and further developing his body's potential will make Wuqinxi's practice suddenly enlightened. In just one year, he will have to make another breakthrough!

   (end of this chapter)