MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 18 The world of the strong

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When Rong Taotao walked out of the martial arts hall with Fang Tianhua halberd, he immediately attracted the attention of many students.

If the twin sisters are still very confusing, and their aura is strong enough to pretend to be a college student, then for Rong Taotao, the students can see that this is still a middle school student.

Rong Taotao's skills were trained by himself. When there was a master before, he often practiced against each other, but it only stopped at the level of "training".

And the two girls with gorgeous big swords, I am afraid they came out of the real battlefield, and they are not the same as Rong Taotao.

Rong Taotao looked like a lost little brass, carrying a heavy Fangtianhua halberd more than two meters long, and stumbled into the training ground of the adult warrior.

When the students saw Rong Taotao carrying the halberd and walking towards Teacher Si Huanian's field, the scene immediately exploded!

what's the situation?

Teacher Sihuanian is going to beat up the children again today?

It's time for the well-received "Dream of Soul Martial Arts" link?

Si Huanian can be said to be a nightmare for high school students in the northern snow. She never hesitated to show her strength and send those high school students who came here home.

Songjiang Hunwu University is obviously a holy place in the hearts of Huaxia Xuejing Hunwu students. Every year, there will always be children who have not graduated from high school, and under the leadership of their parents, they will come here on a "pilgrimage".

In order to encourage these children with dreams, Songjiang Soulwu University also gave relevant policies: as long as you can show your true identity and show your high school student ID card, you can come in and visit for free.

Of course, student visits are allowed, but parents...have to wait in the reception room at the school gate.

There is no doubt that after seeing the magnificent teaching building, library, and racecourse, high school students will eventually come to the martial arts field to watch the battle of the university seniors and sisters up close.

And Si Huanian, as the management teacher of the martial arts field, of course, has been here all year round, so she has sent away many children whose hearts are higher than the sky and their lives are thinner than paper.

Abuse of vegetables is probably one of her bad tastes.


Just as Rong Taotao stood directly opposite Si Huanian, several college students were already surrounding him, and looking at the situation, more and more students were surrounding him.

The eyes they looked at Rong Taotao were mostly full of pity.

Rong Taotao couldn't help scratching his head, what kind of eyes do these people have? them......

A senior couldn't help but grin and said, "Hey! Little boy, do you know who you are going to challenge?"

Rong Taotao blinked, looked at Teacher Si who was immortal in the distance, and looked at the senior who was gloating on the sidelines, and shook his head for unknown reasons.

The senior said, "Teacher Si Huanian, one of the four rites of pine soul, sugar, AKA pine soul forgetting worry grass."

Rong Taotao suddenly looked confused.

What are these things, bells and whistles...

How can a regular university teacher still have a congratulatory number?

But her name is very beautiful.

Jinse has fifty strings for no reason, and one string and one column contemplate the Chinese New Year?

"Have you heard of "Forgetting Worry Grass"? Forget it, you probably haven't heard of it at your age."

Rong Taotao was suddenly unhappy, and I might not be able to do anything else. Listening to the song, you are considered an opponent!

In the years without anyone to accompany, the songs that Rong Taotao listened to have run through the entire music history of China.

Who do you look down on?

Rong Taotao immediately said, "I am Rong Taotao, the number one man of Xindanxi No. 1 Middle School, the small human-shaped speaker of the AKA school radio station!"

All students: "..."

I only heard the senior ask: "Yo? How about singing "Forgetting Worry Grass"?"

Of course, Rong Taotao didn't want to sing, he just hummed to himself...

"Let the weak we know cruelty and face the cold of life hard..."

As soon as Rong Taotao hummed the first sentence, he stopped and turned to look at Si Huanian with a strange face.

She even gave herself a little naughty sugar cube just now. The proper way is to express kindness. Is all this an illusion?

What is she going to do?

Will she discount my legs?

Is the cruelty of a woman really proportional to her beauty?

"Shut up." On the opposite side, Si Huanian glared at the talkative boy with a smile. The senior hurriedly took a few steps back and hid behind the students in the audience.

A burst of laughter also came out, adding a hint of joy to this piece of ice and snow.

"Take it easy~ Sijiao!"

"Sijiao! Don't hold back! Please give him a complete childhood! Just like you ravaged me back then!"

Rong Taotao: "..."

Listening to the words of the people around him, Rong Taotao raised his spirits. He thought that the university teacher would take him lightly, but looking at the appearance of the students around him, this teacher... seems cruel?

There are more and more students watching, and they are all ready.

A good day starts with abusing vegetables!

At this time, the two twin sisters of middle school students also came up quietly, looking at this special battle with curiosity, with a hint of surprise in their hearts.

The two of us have been fighting over there for a long time, but we haven't been able to attract the teacher's attention. This little natural scroll, He De He Neng, is practicing against a university teacher?

Is he stronger than us?

Although the two sisters are young, they are still very confident in their growth experience.

They can even pat their chests confidently and say: More than 80% of college students don't have as much actual combat experience as the two of us!

Because these two people came from the inland region of China, the land of Sanqin.

And their hometown is just next to a Hoshino vortex.

In the three years of junior high school, they have not yet become soul warriors, and they have already fought against low-level star wild soul beasts under the protection of their parents.

It can also be seen from here that the growth environment of Hoshino Soul Warriors is more than a hundred times better than that of Snow Realm Soul Warriors!

In the Hoshino vortex next to their hometown, the Huaxia Army entered the vortex to garrison, and the Huaxia Army will deliberately release low-level soul beasts for social soul warriors to experience.

The sisters have been chatting and laughing with Hoshino Soul Beast all the year round,

Compared with those ignorant junior high school graduates, they don't know where they are going...

"Show all the strength you should have, don't put too much pressure." On the venue, Si Huanian said, his lazy voice seemed a little gentle, which made the students around who knew her cruelty well. Stunned.

what's going on?

Have you eaten too much candy? Teacher Si is in such a good mood today?

Of course, the students didn't know that Rong Taotao, as a student in the juvenile class, was different from those middle school students who sneaked out to visit the school.

The students don't even know that in Si Huanian's heart, the student she wants to assess is not Rong Taotao, but... Xu Fenghua's son!

Si Huanian, who was full of anticipation, flicked his hands, and a burst of snowflakes filled the wide snow-white sleeves. The next moment, two white swords made of snowflakes quickly protruded out of the sleeves, and also "long" out. A sharp snow blade.

Rong Taotao held the halberd in one hand, carried it behind his back, and said, "Do you still need two knives to beat a child?"

Hearing this, Si Huanian raised his eyebrows slightly. Facing himself with such a powerful aura, the other party was not timid!

Aren't newborn calves afraid of tigers?

Not only is he not timid, this kid is even a little clever, and he even uses words to interfere with his opponent.

Well, the tactics are good, a bit interesting.

Si Huanian didn't say anything, just threw a knife on the ground at will.

Without the support of soul power, the battle blade made of snowflakes quickly disintegrated, and under the blowing of the cold wind, it floated away like a dream.

Rong Taotao bowed slightly, waiting for his opponent to attack.

Such performance, of course, is the beginning of the signal.

Si Huanian strode forward, without any subtle steps or shaking his body, he just walked straight to Rong Taotao.

Rong Taotao, including the students behind him who were watching on the sidelines, took a few steps back.

Rong Taotao was shivering from the cold as a wave of cold currents approached.

Damn, what is this?

Rong Taotao's face was pale, his body was shivering, but his mouth was very hard: "Being beaten up children, Tangtang teachers still use spirit power to oppress them?"

Although Sihuanian's expression remained the same, he was overjoyed in his heart: Not bad! There is no timidity at all!

His body trembled, which was an irrepressible natural reaction under the cold wind, but the words he said were still disturbing the opponent.

Si Huanian looked at Rong Taotao with interest, but also restrained some momentum very cooperatively.

Rong Taotao immediately changed his thinking of the battle. He stepped back a few steps, stomped his feet, instead of retreating, he advanced, and suddenly stepped forward with his halberd.

Rong Taotao made a steady lunge. Taking advantage of Fang Tianhuaji's length advantage, he was two meters away from Si Huanian and stabbed directly into the opponent's chest.


With a crisp sound, Si Huanian raised his knife and fell, and the snow-colored blade fell from top to bottom, knocking on the icy tip of the halberd.

Such a huge force made Rong Taotao not even qualified to fight.

The halberd that Rong Taotao stabbed with his bow step was knocked directly to the ground. Si Huanian just stepped on the "well" shape of Fang Tianhua's halberd, and he did not stop moving forward!

The next moment, her other foot had already stepped on the halberd.

It can be seen that she has deliberately restrained her strength, otherwise, Fang Tianhuaji in Rong Taotao's hand will definitely be released, and she will inevitably be stepped on the ground.

Another step, she is still walking on the long Fangtianhuaji!

Rong Taotao's feet slammed hard, not retreating but advancing again!

Every move, every move, was beyond the expectations of the onlookers.

I saw Rong Taotao holding Fang Tianhua's halberd with all his strength, and even holding the halberd's pole with his shoulders, stepped forward, and sent it up sharply!

This is a typical "leverage boulder" action!

Under the premise of Swannian's intention to restrain his strength, the subtle lever principle came into play immediately.

Rong Taotao tried hard to suckle, and finally got a little reward! Si Hua Nian, who stepped on the halberd, was pushed back and flew out.

Si Huanian raised her eyebrows slightly and did a backflip, but the snow blade in her right hand slammed towards Rong Taotao!




A burst of exclamations came, and Si Huanian's body flipped and jumped in the air, with nowhere to borrow. At this time, it was understandable to use such a method to buy time for himself to land.

But... you speed-spinning snow blade is rushing to kill! ?

Rong Taotao didn't have time to react at all, and the movements his body made naturally led him to fight.

The results of long-term hard training and fighting against Master are vividly displayed at this moment!

Rong Taotao carried the long pole with both hands and shoulders, his body suddenly stepped to one side, and at the same time, he held the long pole with both hands and blocked it diagonally in front of him!


The extremely fast rotating snow blade still hit the long pole in front of Rong Taotao.

But the moment it touched the halberd, the snow blade shattered into pieces of snow.

Si Huanian did attack, but he also kept his hand. The snow blade shattered at the touch of a touch, not for killing people.

The broken snowflakes immediately smeared Rong Taotao's face...

Just when everyone thought that the Sihuanian meeting would land smoothly, Rong Taotao, whose face was covered by the wind and snow, was "blinded by physics", relying on the memory in his mind to predict the future of Sihuanian. At the landing point, he suddenly threw the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand!

It's called Fang Tian Hua Ji, but it's actually a tic-tac-toe javelin!

There is an old saying in Huaxia,

Come and don't come, it's indecent!

Si Huanian, who had just landed, couldn't help but his beautiful eyes lit up, and in front of him was the halberd coming from the thorns!

When people fall, so do knives.

The moment she touched the ground with her feet, she pieced together a snow blade again in her hand and slashed down.

Simply amazing!

The snow blade's landing point is extremely precise, and her strength control is extremely delicate.

Facing the halberd standing in front of him, Si Huanian kicked him out!

The target is directed at Rong Taotao!

Rong Taotao, who wiped away the snow in front of him, faced Fang Tianhua halberd flying upright and menacing, and he stepped back three steps in a row.

Watch the time!

Rong Taotao grabbed the halberd of Fang Tianhua's halberd with one hand, and the whole person retreated and rotated.

Quite the essence of "four taels breaking a thousand gold"!

I saw that Rong Taotao's unloading technique was quite ingenious. He held the Fang Tianhua halberd, followed its huge momentum, and took the halberd to take three steps back, and then turned around in place.

The icy tip of the halberd drew a circle on the concrete floor, making a harsh sound, and even grinding out a little spark.

"I'm going? There's something in this gramophone!"

"Brother, it's not a gramophone, it's a small speaker..."

"Tsk... It's still too bad, the physical attributes have been crushed in all aspects."

"Yes, one power will drop ten times, in the face of absolute power... wow! It's so fast!"

Rong Taotao just dragged his halberd, turned around, and managed to stabilize his body, but when he tried to face Si Hua Nian again...

A white face appeared in front of his eyes, blocking his entire world, and the distance between the tip of their noses was even less than 10 centimeters...

Rong Taotao was startled! Are you a ghost! ? When did you come here?

In addition, with the face-to-face posture of the two at this moment, the halberd in Rong Taotao's hand that swept a full circle would definitely hit her?

How did she dodge and make no sound at all! ?

In a panic, Rong Taotao stepped back subconsciously, but he stumbled and lost his balance.

But it doesn't matter, he still has one foot and the Fang Tianhua halberd with the tip of the halberd to support his balance, but...

Si Huanian yanked his right hand sharply, and at some point, the snow blade in her hand had turned into a snow-colored whip.

It was the snow whip wrapped around his ankle that made Rong Taotao lose his balance.

"Eh? Eh?" Rong Taotao shouted, and his body was lifted upside down with his ankles tied by a long whip.

Rong Taotao was hanging upside down in the air, holding a halberd in one hand to point the ground, controlling himself not to shake back and forth, and in front of him, it was Si Huanian's calf.

"Not bad." There was a hint of admiration in Sihuanian's rustling voice, "You can go to two rounds with me."


should be over...

The faces of the students around were different, and they didn't see the expected one-sided devastation, which made them a little uncomfortable.

This is a battle with a huge disparity in strength, and the two are not a heavyweight player at all.

A middle school student can actually fight back and forth with a university teacher, even if it's only 2 rounds, but it's still amazing!

And Rong Taotao didn't care about the opinions of the surrounding seniors and sisters, and he didn't even pay attention to Si Huanian's praise.

Now that the assessment is over, he is already thinking about another question in his little head.

Under her loose Tai Chi suit, did she wear cotton pants?

Finally, Rong Taotao stretched out his hand!

He gently squeezed Sihuanian's calf...

Sure enough, she was not wearing cotton pants!

Not only did she not wear cotton pants, but according to the feel, she might not even wear long johns?

Is this the world of the strong?

i got i got...

However, as strong as Sihuanian, at this time, his head was also stunned.

Fa... what happened?

This kid... did he touch my calf?