MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 17 open eyes

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The next day, 6:30 in the morning.

Rong Taotao, who got up early, was running on the campus sweating profusely. Judging from the sweat on his forehead, he should have been running for a long time.

Rong Taotao didn't expect that after yesterday's journey, he could get up so early.

On the one hand, it is because of the biological clock, on the other hand... Rong Taotao always felt that there was a problem with the supper provided by Songjiang Soul Wu last night!

Although it was a box lunch, the food was really delicious, and it seemed that some condiments were added to the food. Rong Taotao, who got up in the morning, felt a hundred times more energetic.

Even if he was in the car for one day, he might get sore back and legs the next day, not to mention that Rong Taotao had been bumping for 8 hours in the snow night terror.

Rong Taotao plans to go to the cafeteria for a while, then go to taste Songjiang Hunwu's breakfast, and then go to confirm whether they have added medicine in the meal...

At this time, it was July, which was supposed to be the time for college students to have a holiday. However, due to the particularity of the region, many students on campus did not leave the school, but chose to continue to practice the soul method and the heart of the snow.

This morning, Rong Taotao ran the school all over the place, and it was considered a preliminary familiarity with the school environment.

Especially at the horse farm in the southeast corner of the school, Rong Taotao stopped for a long time.

Looking at the rows of big and white snowy night terrors, Rong Taotao felt this envy in his heart~

The children of other people's junior high school graduates all went to find their natal soul beast, but he was dragged to Songjiang Soul Wu by his sister-in-law. One day has passed since the junior high school graduation ceremony, and he does not know where his natal soul beast is. ......

Will it be a snow night terror?

There is no doubt that Rong Taotao likes Xue Yejing's mighty and beautiful appearance, human nature and docile characteristics very much. He is very willing to spend the rest of his life with Xue Yejing, using his explosive talent to lead his own team. "True Destiny" roams the world.

However, his father made an agreement with him, saying that he would provide him with a chance to obtain the soul beast of Yun Dian's life.

While thinking, Rong Taotao ran to the stadium north of the school, and his running pace slowed down again.

When I ran here in the last lap, there were many people training outside the Hunwu gymnasium, but there was no competition. At this time, in the concrete fighting field outside the gymnasium, there were already many students learning martial arts.

The snow-covered road is in stark contrast to the clean concrete field. Rong Taotao also realized a fact... These outdoor performance venues are not supposed to be cleaned every day.

In this way, a stumbled and brave little brass quietly stood on the side of the road, watching the daily competition of Songjiang Soul Wu college students.

Of the 40 venues, eight were occupied, and some of the venues were filled with snow and snow, making Rong Taotao envious.

Among them, there is an edge of the field, and several students are watching.

For daily sparring, this should be a very rare scene. If you think about it, the students who practice in the field must be highly skilled.

A cold wind blows, and snowflakes flutter.

The gorgeous big knife was wrapped in wind and frost, slashed through layers of wind and snow, and collided with the big knife that also ripped through the wind and snow...

and many more?

The more Rong Taotao looked, the more he felt that something was wrong. The skills of these two people are indeed good, and they look exactly the same. They should be twin sisters, but why don't they use soul skills? Is it the school's test rules?

No, the students in other venues were all using soul skills, and almost all of them had swirling snowstorms under their feet, wrapping around the bodies of the students and circling upwards, like a small snow tornado.

Rong Taotao knew this soul skill, and its name was "Snow Dance".

This kind of soul skill is one of the snow realm soul skills that have been broken by soul martial scholars and written into textbooks.

That is to say, students do not need to inlay soul beads in their bodies, they can directly learn and use this soul skill.

The soul skill, Snow Dance, can increase the movement speed of a soul warrior to a certain extent, and it is also one of the basic soul skills that a snow realm soul warrior must learn.

"Hey, little devil." A magnetic female voice came from beside her, with a feeling of laziness.

"Huh?" Rong Taotao turned his head to look, but saw a woman in white.

In this icy world, she actually wore the Tai Chi suit of the old man in the square.

And this white Tai Chi suit, combined with her charming face, does have a "fairy air" feeling.

Moreover, judging from her slender figure, she... um, probably not wearing cotton pants?

But it's amazing, I met the Great God!

Rong Taotao's attitude was very good, and he said, "Hello, teacher."

The other party looked 27 or 8 years old and should be a teacher at Songjiang Soul Wu University.

In this Songjiang Soul Wu with an average temperature of minus 24 degrees, there is an unwritten rule:

The less you wear, the better!

There are only two kinds of people who wear less clothes, one is a fool and the other is a strong one.

Either way, it's all bullshit...

Looking at this woman's immortal temperament, Rong Taotao didn't think the other party was a fool.

This also shows that the level of the opponent's soul magic, the heart of the snow state, is definitely not low!

"A high school student who sneaked out of Songbai Town?" The woman put her hands behind her back, her long hair shawls, and looked at Rong Taotao with scrutiny.

"I'm here to take part in the assessment of the youth class." Rong Taotao hurriedly responded.

Songbai Town?

It seems to be the closest high school town to Songjiang Soul Martial City, and it is also a key high school. After all, in this big environment, the further north the school is built, the stronger the ice and snow attribute soul power.

"Oh?" The woman raised her eyebrows slightly, as if remembering something, and then nodded lightly, but she saw her hand sticking out from the wide cuff, and there seemed to be something else on the white and tender palm.

Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment,

Two little naughty candies?

This college teacher's way of expressing kindness is unique, after all, not every adult carries candy with them...

Rong Taotao's face was well-behaved, and he reached out and took the candy.

He doesn't have any special ideas. If someone gives a face, he will just take it.

"Leave one for me." The woman turned to look at the martial arts field and said casually.

Rong Taotao: "..."

Rong Taotao put one of the candies back on her palm again.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the package and threw it directly into his mouth with the sticky rice paper wrapped around the sugar cube.

The woman with a fairy-like air beside her was watching the fight on the martial arts field intently. She rolled over the wrapping paper with one hand, stuffed the candy into her mouth, and threw the wrapping paper to Rong Taotao by the way.

Rong Taotao was in a hurry for a while, hurriedly grabbed the messy wrapping paper in the air, and then asked, "Teacher, what's your name, what grade do you teach?"

"If you succeed in enrolling, I may teach you." A very magnetic voice came, and Rong Taotao was also "fairly fluttering"...

So characteristic!

With this voice, if there is a song "The Love of My Life", Rong Taotao can turn into a monkey on the spot, wear armor and hold a stick, and drive west of the cloud...

No, I have to have a good relationship with her and let her record a ringtone for me!

Also no one.

When others see the teachers of Songjiang Soul Wu University, they all want to learn two-handed soul skills from the teachers, while Rong Taotao is thinking about the ringtone of the mobile phone...

"Did they come with you?" The female teacher raised her head slightly and tapped the twin sisters on the martial arts field not far away with her chin.

"No, I don't know them." Rong Taotao shook his head.

"Then they should be your first class." There was a hint of admiration in the female teacher's eyes. Looking at the swords and swords on the martial arts field, she seemed very satisfied with the quality of the students who participated in the assessment of the junior class.

"They are junior high school students?" Rong Taotao was obviously stunned for a moment, with candy in his mouth, and turned to look at the twins.

Maybe it's because puberty girls develop early, so Rong Taotao didn't see it right away. He thought these two girls were college students. No wonder they haven't used soul skills. I really didn't expect...

The way to distinguish soul warriors is not only to look at the physical development of the other party, but also to look at their temperament.

Obviously, the two people on the martial arts field possessed a temperament that ordinary junior high school students did not possess. The rapid offensive, sharp eyes, and strong fighting aura completely deceived Rong Taotao.

If the two of them are really junior high school students, they must have been "killed" all the year round, otherwise, it would not be so fake.

"Crack, click."

The female teacher bit the sugar cube in her mouth, and watching the competition on the field, she couldn't help but nodded one after another, without concealing her inner appreciation: "Yes, very good."

"Teacher, I am also very good." Rong Tao Tao said weakly.

"Oh?" The female teacher turned her head, looked at Rong Taotao with interest, and said, "Are you going to try?"

"Uh..." Rong Taotao scratched his head and looked confused, "I don't have a weapon, I still can't make snow tools with my soul skills, I... I'm even a soul beast now. None."

"Haha." The female teacher nodded and smiled, expressing understanding.

Rong Taotao felt a little uncomfortable, otherwise, would he go and compete with the twin sisters to test their fist skills?

Rong Taotao is also very confident in his own boxing skills, and the rank level in the inner vision soul map is also clearly written as "two-star high-level".

"Then don't disturb them." The female teacher said something, making Rong Taotao, who was just eager to try, give up the idea in his heart.

"What's your name?" The female teacher smiled and looked at Rong Taotao. She also admired this boy very much.

The students present could see that the twins had a high level of fighting. Rong Taotao could say "I'm not bad", at least in a good mood.

The female teacher did not think that Rong Taotao was bragging. After all, the students who were specially recruited to take part in the assessment of the youth class were all geniuses among geniuses.

Rong Taotao replied, "Rong Taotao."

"Huh?" The female teacher's eyes widened slightly, and in an instant, her complexion changed, and the light-hearted face before became a little serious.

Rong Taotao realized what the other party was thinking. In fact, in his growing up, he always encountered such a situation.

"Yes, that's the person you thought, her son." Rong Taotao shrugged and admitted generously.

The female teacher lowered her head slightly and looked directly into Rong Taotao's eyes, as if she wanted to see something in Rong Taotao's eyes.

A few seconds later, she stretched out her hand and pressed it on Rong Taotao's head: "Go to the martial arts hall, find the student who guards the door, and ask for a weapon that you are good at. Say that Teacher Si asked you to go."

As long as it was someone else, Rong Taotao had already turned his head away, but... at this moment, he was cowardly and did not dare to refuse the opponent's claws.

Sometimes, this natural curl is cumbersome, and there are always people who want to touch it.

The teacher surnamed Si tilted his head slightly, gestured to a free space not far away, and said, "I'll wait for you there."

Rong Taotao: "Oh."

Rong Taotao did not dare to refuse this person who might become his mentor in the future, and could only "oh" her.


Knife slashes ass! Today, I will let the teachers of Songhun University open their eyes!