MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 3 Rare Soul Slot

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The next morning.

Rong Taotao, wearing a blue and white school uniform, stood at the gate of Xindanxi No. 1 Middle School.

Today is the high school graduation ceremony. The front of the school was crowded with people, most of them parents bringing their children.

It's not that the students have to be picked up by their parents, but today's day is too special. The graduation ceremony is one aspect, and the more important thing is the awakening ceremony.

Whether he can awaken the soul slot and become a soul warrior, of course, can determine the future path of the children.

After constant exploration and experimentation, all countries in the world have found that human beings are 15 to 16 years old, which is the age most likely to awaken and become a soul warrior.

Huaxia's past data shows that children around the age of 16 have a 50% chance of awakening the soul trough under the intervention of external forces. About 500 students will be successfully awakened.

If you guide your child to become a Soul Warrior too early or too late, not only will the chance of awakening be greatly reduced, but it will likely cause some irreparable damage to the child's body.

And the number of students' awakened soul slots is not certain. The number of soul slots can almost be equated with a person's talent.

Generally speaking, most children can awaken 1~4 soul slots.

If you can awaken 5 soul slots, then congratulations, your talent is beyond ordinary people, and it will definitely be cultivated by the school.

If you can awaken 6 soul slots, then your ancestral grave may be smoking blue...

The number of junior high school graduates in Huaxia every year is about 15 million, and only about 300 people can awaken 6 soul slots. What is the probability?

If you can awaken 7 soul slots... well, forget it, you can't.

There are very few people in the world who can awaken 7 soul slots, I am afraid they can count them with two hands.

Of course, the number of initial awakened soul slots only represents your talent and does not determine your life.

Under normal circumstances, soul warriors can increase and open 1~3 soul slots on the basis of the original number of awakened soul slots through the hard training of the day after tomorrow.

As for how many more can be opened, it depends on fate.

"Remember, after feeling the soul power for a while, don't be discouraged!" A woman's serious voice came from beside her.

Rong Taotao was startled, turned his head to look, but saw a middle-aged woman who was talking to a girl: "As long as the awakening ceremony doesn't stop, you can't stop either, you have to do as much as possible. Absorb the soul power and let it hit your body again and again..."

Rong Taotao looked at the girl's absent-minded appearance, buried her envy in her heart, and walked towards the school gate.

Along the way, all kinds of parents, all kinds of exhortations, and occasionally accompanied by the children's voices back:

"You child, you must concentrate! Today is the moment that decides your fate! My mother and I are both soul warriors. If you can't wake up, where will I put my old face?"

"Okay, okay, I got it..."

"Er smash! Don't be nervous! It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter whether the awakening is successful or not! You will always be your mother's eldest child!!"

Rong Taotao walked slowly into the school gate with a natural roll on his head, his hands in his pockets.

Oh, with a small hand, I don't love anyone.

Well, no one loves me either...

On the huge green field, Rong Taotao found the square formation position of his class with ease. In order to welcome this graduation ceremony, the school has rehearsed countless times.

Rong Taotao sat down on the lawn. He was quite sure that this was his seat, but next to his ears, the students whispered:

"Hey, have you heard? The admissions office of Songjiang Hunwu University is here."

"University? What kind of person does the university recruit for the junior high school? Shouldn't it be the admissions office of Hunwu High School?"

"Who knows, I heard it too."

"Songjiang Hunwu also doesn't have an affiliated middle school... I'm afraid it's not for that guy, right?"

"Oh, yes, as soon as you said that, I understood, obviously you were running towards Rong... um..."

Rong Taotao sat cross-legged on the ground, his elbows resting on his knees, his palms supported his face, his eyes were dull and he looked at the green grass, ignoring the sounds around him.

He is used to being talked about. Of course, he is not very good, and he has nothing to achieve. In the final analysis, it is because of that famous name - Xu Fenghua's son.

To be fair, Rong Taotao was used to taking what other people said on a deaf ear. If he had just listened carefully, he might have asked curiously.

At half past eight in the morning, the graduation ceremony finally began.

After a bunch of tedious links, the children finally made it to the end. On the rostrum, the principal held the speech in one hand and pushed the thick glasses in the other, and started the last part of the speech.

Rong Taotao, like the vast majority of students, listened to the left ear and snorted the right ear. The students who were full of anticipation and high spirits were about to fall asleep when the principal's scripture was read.

After an unknown amount of time, Rong Taotao, who was wandering in the sky, was awakened by huge and warm applause. Rong Taotao, who did not know what happened, hurriedly followed.

As soon as he looked up, Rong Taotao found that the principal had finished reading and was waving his hands. Rong Taotao applauded even more...

On the podium, after the principal took his seat, a man in military uniform walked to the microphone under the guidance of the host.

For a while, the huge green field quickly became quiet.

"Attention students!"

The voice was full of energy, and the students became more energetic.

The man in military uniform continued: "You all know what I am here for, and you are looking forward to this day! Before the awakening ceremony begins, I will tell you what time, please listen carefully!"

"Number one!" The man in military uniform raised a finger, "For 50% of the students on the playground, the awakening session for a while will cause some discomfort to your body.

For those who can awaken, I have nothing to say, just follow the guidance.

For those who cannot awaken, this time we guide the soul power into your body and impact your bloodline, which will have some impact on your body. "

There was still silence on the green field, and the man in the military uniform looked extremely serious and said, "Please trust us, our unit is a professional soul guide fighter who has undergone rigorous training, layers of assessment, and selection.

We guarantee that your life will be guaranteed. For those who are unable to awaken and feel unwell due to the impact of soul power on their blood vessels, after 1-2 days of rest, your body will return to normal without leaving any sequelae. "

The man in military uniform was talking on the stage. At the same time, behind the rostrum, a group of soldiers had come out. For a while, the quiet green field became a little restless.

"Quiet!" The voice of the man in military uniform increased a lot, maintaining the order of the scene, "If our soul guide fighters decide that you can't awaken the soul tank, or the number of awakened soul tanks has reached the physical limit, they will forcibly stop this awakening. , and take you away from this venue, please cooperate and don't make any drastic actions."

"One last emphasis! Disturbing the order of the awakening ceremony is a felony! Whether you are a parent or a student, please exercise restraint."

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall soldier was already standing in front of Rong Taotao.

Rong Taotao looked up at the soldier's face.

The huge green field is extremely quiet, because... in front of every graduate student, there is a soldier standing.

Due to the large number of soldiers, the soldiers had to keep a certain distance. Some students stood outside the plastic runway and went to the grove...

It's no wonder that the city's junior high schools have to hold graduation ceremonies on separate dates. If they were all on one day, how many soldiers would it take?

Ordinary soul warriors can't do it. These soldiers are all professionally trained soul guides.

"All students! Stand at attention!"

Rong Taotao hurriedly stood at attention, while the soldier in front of him sat cross-legged.

Rong Taotao looked down at the soldier, but only saw the brim of the training hat.

"Everyone has it! Start!"

Rong Taotao pursed his lips. Before participating in this graduation ceremony, the school had shown the students several videos of the awakening ceremony, and he was already prepared in his heart.

Only the soldiers in front of them pressed their hands on the green grass, and a trace of soul power was released.

As a soldier of the soul guide, the soul power emitted by it is completely invisible to the naked eye.

But at this time, the green field has become a swaying green ocean!

The green grass that is neither long nor short on the land actually rippled in circles. In the end, from the left half to the right half of the playground, the effect of "wind blowing wheat waves" was blown. The picture is quite beautiful. .

The parents of the students who were separated from the school gate and waited, took their mobile phones and took pictures of beautiful scenes, and those mobile phone cameras were also aimed at their children.

At this moment, Rong Taotao... only felt that something was coming in from his hand.

Yes, not from the lawn under your feet, but from the tip of your left finger that hangs naturally.

It was a warm current, a...

"Hi..." Rong Taotao suddenly took a breath. He was enjoying the warm touch, but suddenly, when the warm current passed by his left wrist, it had no reason for it. Get irritable!

Rong Taotao's eyes widened, only feeling that his left wrist was about to explode, accompanied by extreme swelling and pain.

Expand... expand... expand again!

The originally docile soul force suddenly turned into a violent barbarian. He was reckless and aggressive at Rong Taotao's left wrist, constantly expanding his territory until...until...

An illusory little vortex emerged from Rong Taotao's wrist.

In less than 20 seconds, a layer of cold sweat appeared on Rong Taotao's forehead, the extremely swollen pain finally passed, and the warm current became docile again, flowing in Rong Taotao's body on his own.

"Huh?" With the surge of soul power, the soldiers in front of Rong Taotao couldn't help but light up!

A soul guide is an exquisite profession, and its specific "workmanship" is absolutely as fine as a master craftsman.

As pioneers, soldiers will guide the soul power into the body of the students, trying to lead the students to awaken, but it is definitely not to "wake up" the children!

He is only responsible for guiding, protecting the body of the students, and continuously providing impetus for this strand of soul power to move forward, but soldiers must not lead the direction of this strand of soul power!

Numerous experiments have shown that each soul warrior has his own specific location for opening the soul slot. If people intervene and try to forcibly open a certain soul slot, it will only be counterproductive, and even the awakened will pay a painful price. UU reading

At present, there are 14 places where the human body can open the soul slot, namely: the forehead, the eyes, the chest, the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists, the knees and the ankles.

And the soul slot of each position can be inlaid with exclusive types of soul skills!

For example, the soul slot in the chest and the soul skills of the whole body defense can only be embedded in the chest position. This is the exclusive soul slot position of this type of soul skill, and other positions cannot be embedded at all!

You must know that after most people wake up, most of their soul slots are opened on the wrists, ankles, shoulders, knees, etc.

After all, most people can only awaken 1~4 soul slots.

Among the 14 soul slots in the body that can be opened, the most difficult to open is the soul slot on the forehead, followed by the eyes, and then the chest.

At this time, the soldier's eyes lit up, and it was the scene that just happened!

Originally, the soldiers covered Rong Taotao's whole body with a thin layer of soul power according to the normal procedure.

At that time, the soldiers did not feel anything special. After all, when most people awakened, their soul power entered their bodies first from their hands and feet.

But now, after Rong Taotao's left wrist was opened with the first soul slot, the trace of soul power flowed upwards on its own.

That trace of soul power swam over the elbows, over the shoulders, and climbed over the temples. Without stopping, it went straight to the forehead!

The soldier immediately raised his spirits and made sure that the boy in front of him opened the soul slot on his forehead!

The soul slot on the forehead is not only the most difficult to open, but its exclusive soul skills are even more terrifying!

Forehead soul slot...

The inlays are all spiritual and spiritual soul skills!