MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 854 Pine and cypress・Red makeup③

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The next morning, half past five.

"Dong dong dong~" The door of Room 107 of the teacher's apartment was just knocked, and the apartment door was opened.

Zhao Tang opened his eyes wide and looked at the person who opened the door. For a while, he was stunned on the spot.

Not only Zhao Tang was stunned, but also Jiaomang Li and Big and Small Pomegranate at the back.

Because the person who opened the door was not Rong Taotao, but the first soul general outside Guan!

good guy~

Rong Taotao, can you? This is because you have no points in your heart, and you don't rush to open the door?

Moreover, Lord Soul General is still dressed in home clothes, white cashmere jacket and white casual trousers, which is completely different from the persevering soul general in the textbook.

When Xu Fenghua returned, he just caught up with the little souls on their overseas expedition. This was the first time Xu Fenghua saw his son's classmates.

"Gudu." Zhao Tang's Adam's apple wriggled for a while, and took a step back, looking very hopeless, "Xu... Xu Hunjiang."

"Salute, salute." Jiao Tengda was still sensible, and he responded very quickly. He hurriedly lowered his voice and whispered, "Call the chief."

Immediately, all the little souls hurriedly stood up.

Xu Fenghua smiled and said, "No, let's all come in."

With that, she turned and walked into the house, leaving behind the overwhelmed children at the door.

Shi Lan whispered: "Come in? I think it's better to be obedient, what do you think?"

Zhao Tang: "Well..."

Jiao Tengda rolled his eyes: "It's not good for so many people to go in and disturb them. Choose two to go in. Lu Mang, you bring Shi Lan in."

Lu Mang: ? ? ?

Shi Lan's eyes widened: "Why?"

Jiao Tengda pushed the two of them inside, muttering, "You two are good-looking and lovable. Call Taotao out, we'll be waiting for you outside."

As the two of them were pushed into the door, Zhao Tang also carefully closed the door. Looking back, he found that they were all in shock.

Li Ziyi whispered: "Ms. Xu is not as scary as she thought? She looks very kind."

Shilou has been in and out of the vortex. Compared with other little souls, she has seen Xu Fenghua before, and replied in a low voice, "Xu Hun will be very deliberately restrained."

Jiao Tengda grinned and looked at Li Ziyi with contempt: "This is the soul warrior who shocked the Snow Realm Dragon Clan. If you really look at you, do you think you can still live?"

Unexpectedly, plum, who has always been sour, nodded obediently this time: "That's right, tsk... Taotao is really miserable. I'm afraid you don't even dare to breathe at home, right?"

"You keep your voice down..."

At this moment, Rong Taotao, who was evaluated as "doesn't dare to breathe", was eating noodles in the kitchen, making more noise than anyone else!

Seeing Little Mango and Little Pomegranate coming in, Rong Taotao stood at the kitchen door with a bowl and waved his chopsticks at the two of them: "Have you eaten?"

Lu Mang and Shi Lan nodded again and again: "It's time for us to set off, to Songbai Town."

"Mmmm." Rong Taotao stepped aside to open the door, and said vaguely, "I really don't eat it? After this village, there will be no such shop. Lord Soul Jiang personally made noodles."

Xu Fenghua smiled and glanced at Rong Taotao: "Hurry up, don't delay business."

"Gudu Gudu." Rong Taotao finished the noodle soup and put the big bowl on the table, "Okay, I'll go pick up Aunt Hong, we'll see you at noon~"

Rong Taotao hurriedly set off, picked up his coat, and pushed the two of them out the door in the sound of mango and pomegranate saying goodbye to Lord Soul Jiang.

"Huh~" Rong Taotao was stunned as soon as he went out!

The little souls outside the door are all purple-red gowns!

If Rong Taotao wears it by himself, it may be like talking about cross talk, but if the little souls wear it together, it will not be suitable for cross talk actors.

The little souls present are all dragons and phoenixes, and the temperament of warriors is fully displayed.

Wearing this extravagant satin gown on his body, he looks like a young master of various schools in ancient China.

"Don't blah, hurry, hurry, Xiao Jiao is waiting for us..."

In the kitchen of the apartment, Xu Fenghua got up and came to the window.

After a while, she saw the figures of the children walking out of the apartment door and leaving noisily, and a smile appeared on her face.

This ordinary scene was something she had never experienced before.

She stopped for a while until the figures of the children disappeared from sight, and then returned to the dining table and filled herself with a bowl of noodles.

However, as soon as the noodles were imported, Xu Fenghua pursed his lips and put the bowl on the table, with a helpless smile on his face.

It's so salty, thanks to him eating so deliciously.

At the same time, at the school gate.

The pick-up team finally converged, and the quality exploded!

Tobacco and wine, summer and winter, plus 7 little souls!

But it made the staff who were busy in their busy schedules so happy, especially those who were carrying cameras, they almost slammed the camera into a few people's faces!

There are a total of 11 people to pick up the family, and one of them is pulled out casually. They are all heads and faces.

The worst is also a world runner-up...

"What are you doing?" World 3rd Runner-up Li Ziyi looked at Rong Taotao with a puzzled expression, and saw that Rong Taotao casually summoned a handful of frost and snow, and shoved it into his mouth.

Rong Taotao immediately replied: "I'm thirsty, don't let me?"

"Eh?" Shi Lan's eyes widened and she wondered, "I just saw that you drank all the noodle soup, and you're babbling, why are you thirsty again?"

Rong Taotao rolled his eyes angrily: "Don't inquire about things in society!"

Shi Lan pursed her lips and said, "Oh."

"Stop chatting, let's go." It is indeed the best choice to have Li Lie as the best man. If Xia Fangran is the best man, maybe he will join the battle group and start the laning mode.

A group of people sat on Xue Ye Jing, and it could be seen that the specially invited camera team also had two brushes, and they all summoned their own Xue Ye Jing, which made Rong Taotao take a few more glances.

Think about it too, how dare you pick up the wedding in the northern snow, how can you carry the camera when you are shivering from the cold?

"Set off!"

"Let's go!"

When the troops set off, Rong Taotao, the only horseless man, sat behind Li Ziyi and rode upside down on a donkey like Si Huanian, using the sour plum as a human-shaped sofa.

It was only then that Rong Taotao realized that Dong Dongdong had not followed. At the gate of the school, he was leading the students on duty to light firecrackers.



The group of people turned their heads to look, and amid the bursts of firecrackers, Dong Dongdong smiled, covering his ears symbolically with one hand, and waved to the crowd with the other.

The sky is clear and blue.

The brilliance of the rising sun shone on this family, and it also fell on Xiao Ziru's high-spirited face.

This silent man, due to his special experience and personality, is usually low-key and terrible.

There is rarely such a high-spirited look on his face that has been through the vicissitudes of life.

Rong Taotao spent most of the fifty-kilometer journey watching Xiao Ziru's figure.

For Xiao Ziru, today is his big day. For Rong Taotao, his sense of happiness is not much at all.

He was a witness to this story and witnessed the joys and sorrows of this whole separation and reunion.

In the pine forest under the setting sun, he shared joys and sorrows with the woman in red.

In the snow field under the night, he escaped from the hands of the savage.

On the rooftop of the residential building, he spent two New Year's Eves with a touch of red makeup.

In the snow forest outside Wan'an Pass, he finally tore up the fascinated Frost Beauty and dragged the lost warrior back into the world.

The evaluation of the Xuejing Soul Warrior will never be out of date: all those who come to the Xuejing are people of faith.

The story of red and smoke undoubtedly makes Rong Taotao's life more meaningful.

When Xu Fenghua's return was still a long way off, it was the reunion of Hong and Yan, which made Rong Taotao's steps firmer and his faith more refined in the dark and difficult years.

If Hongyan's story can be so beautiful, then...why can't my story?

As it turns out, he can too.

When Rong Taotao, who was in deep thought, came back to his senses again, the team had arrived at the entrance checkpoint of Songbai Town.

One of the staff said: "There are not too many people to worship ancestors."

Li Lie glanced at Xiao Ziru and said, "I have discussed it with Lao Xiao, and you don't need to take pictures of ancestor worship. I will accompany Lao Xiao on a trip, and the others will go to the community first and wait."

Xiao Ziru suddenly said, "Tao Tao."

Rong Taotao: "Huh?"

Xiao Ziru: "Together."

Rong Taotao nodded dumbly: "Oh."

Regardless of whether it conforms to the shooting process or not, the shooting team did not dare to say anything when the group of Soul Martial Gods spoke.

After entering the city, there is no need for the group to divide their troops. After all, the location of Xiao Ziru's father's monument and Chen Hongshang's residence are both near Songbai Town Soul Wu High School.

Just passing by the community, Rong Taotao rose and fell lightly, and finally let go of Li Ziyi and got on Li Lie's war horse.

The Monument to the Unknown Soldier stands tall above the Xiaoshan Park to the north of Hunwu High School in Songbai Town.

The three of them quickly crossed the park, came to the stairs, and dismounted.

There are 303 steps here, Rong Taotao remembers it clearly. After all, Da Wei once said that she spent countless nights in high school jumping here.

Xiao Ziru stepped up the first step and suddenly said, "Hongshang said, you saw her here."

Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Li Lie, who was stunned, and then responded, "Ah, it's Auntie Hong who I met here."

Xiao Ziru stepped up the steps and looked at the monument above: "You know, who is here to pay homage."

"Well..." Rong Taotao pursed his lips and said softly, "Dawei told me that it is your father Xiao Li, the founder of Songbai Zhenhunwu High School."

Xiao Ziru: "What else do you know?"

Rong Taotao: "Headmaster Xiao defied all opinions and pushed the high school several tens of kilometers to the north when the snow environment was extremely harsh back then, and this is the first key Hunwu High School."

"anything else?"

Rong Taotao: "Uh... It is said that the old man finally died in the school hospital."

Rarely, Xiao Ziru opened the conversation.

He said: "The monument is built here, the original intention is to let him watch the children who have grown up from generation to generation, walk out of the campus he created with his own hands, go to various positions, and become the backbone of the northern snowy land."

Rong Taotao: "Well..."

Xiao Ziru suddenly smiled and looked at Rong Taotao: "But he didn't want to, let him see Hongshang waiting here day after day."

After hearing the words, Rong Taotao was a little confused.

Xiao Ziru was laughing at himself, but Rong Taotao didn't know how to respond or how to comfort him.

Xiao Ziru stopped talking, and Rong Taotao didn't speak again.

Level 303, the atmosphere is that the first order is more quiet than the first order.

It was not until the three of them boarded the platform, stood in front of the towering monument, and looked up at the word "hero", that Rong Taotao's mood became much calmer, and he let go of the distracting thoughts in his heart.

The trio just stood there quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, Xiao Ziru said softly, "Where did you see her?"

"Over there." Rong Taotao said, pointing his finger forward to the right, and moving his footsteps sideways, "In the Song Berlin over there..."

Before he finished speaking, Rong Taotao stopped.

As he moved away, there was no longer a monument to block his sight, and in the pine forest, he saw a red figure!

For a time, Rong Taotao almost thought he was dazzled.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked up again, the red figure was still there, but...

Compared with the red figure last time, this time, the woman's dress is so gorgeous.

The dragon and phoenix gowns are gold and red, and the golden dragon and phoenix auspicious pictures are coiled on it, which is graceful, noble and gorgeous.

The long skirt was fiery red, covered with thin snow on that side, spreading all the way to the surrounding pine and cypress trees.

Xia Pi is so gorgeous, but Rong Taotao was not lucky enough to see the phoenix crown, because the woman's head was covered with a red cloth hijab.

This time, it is no longer the afterglow of the setting sun that is reflected on her and in this pine forest.

It is the glow of the rising sun.

The deep red in Rong Taotao's memory finally turned into a beautiful red.

She just stood there quietly, like a few years ago, motionless, waiting for that person to pick her up.

"This..." Rong Taotao hesitated for a while. He was the first to attend the wedding. He didn't know whether there was an ancestor worship link in the Chinese wedding, but he knew that the bride should not be here, but should be at home.

Suddenly, Rong Taotao felt that his hand was picked up by a cold palm.

Turning his head to look, he saw Gao Lingwei's profile, that side face with a slight smile, under the sunlight, it was so beautiful.

Rong Taotao: ? ? ?

Where did the big throw pillow come from?

Between doubts, Rong Taotao not only saw the big but also saw Si Huanian not far away, wearing a cheongsam with a smile in his eyes.

Gao Lingwei gently shook Rong Taotao's hand and whispered, "Aunt Hong said that she was still in this pine forest and witnessed by old principal Xiao, and asked Xiao Jiao to pick her up."

Rong Taotao raised his head, looked at the towering Heroes Monument, and felt a little relieved.

Indeed, Xiao Ziru picked up Aunt Hong here, and his father...would feel at ease.

"Crack!" A large, generous hand patted Rong Taotao's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

Xiao Ziru did not speak, but the meaning was self-evident.

Rong Taotao, who was specially invited to come here, is the most important person that Yanhong and Hong can reunite with.

Under the witness of this monument to Father Xiao, under the gazes of several people...

Xiao Ziru, dressed in a red robe and bathed in the rays of the sun, walked step by step towards the red makeup that was quietly waiting in the pine forest.