MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 873 Divine pet? Thunder Dragon?

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In the current waterfall composed of Thunder Dragon's body, Gao Lingwei was bombarded by fine lightning, and her body rolled down between the left and right collisions.

Thunder Dragon's devouring of prey like this can be called the ultimate killer move.

With the special structure of the body, the damage caused by it is even more overbearing than the Thunder Dragon Star Technique!

However, it ran into a hard stubble today...

As Gao Lingwei bathed in the current waterfall and rolled down, she gently picked it up with her palm!

Such accompanying actions seem to be engraved in the bones, and do not need anyone to teach at all.

The next moment, a huge thunderstorm swept across!

At present, Gao Lingwei does not know the name of this newly acquired treasure.

But what she knew was that when her fingers moved gently, her whole heart was filled with endless desire to destroy.

It was... an urge to tear the world apart!

In the wild state, the nameless treasure can form a huge thunder fog vortex, just like a natural disaster, with an extremely large scale.

In Gao Lingwei's hands, what was displayed was a thunderstorm that swept through rapidly.

Thinking about it, it was also because the treasure had just been acquired, and the girl did not understand and master it deeply enough.


With a crisp sound, Gao Lingwei was also like a little BOSS in the game, her body shattered with a bang, and a shattered electric current exploded on the ground.

The dense currents rushed in all directions. Among them, there were naturally several currents galloping upwards, rushing upstream in the current waterfall!

The currents were unstoppable, and they climbed rapidly, passing a distance of hundreds of meters. When they were put together again, they were already above the churning sea of ​​clouds.

The sky is clear and peaceful here.

"Hi..." Thunder Dragon hissed and roared, obviously, it was being baptized by the thunder fog storm.

In front of the huge dragon eyes, countless electric currents entangled and intertwined, and a human-shaped outline was pieced together in an instant.

"You, you..." Gao Lingwei bent her knees and stood above the dragon's eyes, her inner fear couldn't be added, her face was terrified, and she even trembled when she spoke.

But what's interesting is that the panic-stricken Gao Lingwei still has a great desire for destruction in her heart, and she also lit up the butcher's knife to the world!

This is an interesting picture.

She was like a timid little loli who carried a gun to the battlefield. She was so frightened that she cried, but she pulled the trigger hard.

While woo woo ~ while chug?

Thunder Dragon, devastated by the thunderstorm storm, found that the world had changed again.

Blue sky and white clouds, wrapped in silver.

There is still an iron-shelled bird lying down below, and next to the bird, there are still the few human races who are reluctant to leave.

Brontosaurus:! !

The whole thing is a big slap in the face!

Why are you still not dead?

It doesn't matter if I don't die, why did you drag me back here again?

Oops! That human boy!

Leilong thought of Rong Taotao's face, it didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and ran away!

Well, it doesn't need legs to escape. But Thunder Dragon does have claws, and it has four claws.

Gao Lingwei has seen many kinds of dragon creatures. Among them, the star dragon with more "toes" is Rong Taotao's star dragon, which also has four claws.

Whether it's a snow crystal dragon or a cloud top fog dragon, they all have three claws.

After seeing enough dragons and having a comparison, can it be considered that the number of claws and toes reflects the strength level of dragon creatures on an objective level?

Gao Lingwei didn't have the heart to think so much yet, she just hid in the natural head of the giant Rong Taotao.

I saw her hands on Rong Taotao's small curly hair, a small head emerging from it, and she looked out cautiously.

How cute is this picture?

If Rong Taotao is really here, he is afraid that he has already thought to himself: "Wake up! Dawei! Here is your romance, you are the **** here..."

Gao Ling Weimeng and Bumeng were put aside, she was very determined to urge Rong Taotao to shred Thunder Dragon!

How could the Thunder Dragon fleeing from Sayako be worth the Rong Giant who is moving in a flash?

In less than a second, it was fiercely grasped in the palm of the hand by Giant Rong!

You must know that Rong Taotao here is not a person, he is just a figurative output method of Gao Lingwei in the world of illusion.

Therefore, Gao Lingwei is "whispering while crying"...

Cowardly, and thief strong!

"Hey!" Thunder Dragon really didn't believe in evil, and it was shattered into endless currents once again, held in the giant's palm.

Gao Lingwei and her Rong Taotao obviously didn't believe in evil, but when they saw Giant Rong's hands, they suddenly stretched to the sides!

The Thunder Dragon, which was shattered into endless currents, was forcibly removed from its original shape by Rong Taotao! ?

Still want to run?

Let's have a lightning five whip appetizer~


Between the lightning and thunder, Gao Lingwei quickly adjusted her mentality, and then she disappeared from Rong Taotao's natural scroll.

"Hs.... woo?" For some reason, the torment was over.

But Thunder Dragon had lost the desire to resist, and completely felt what it meant to be "powerless".

It is said that it is five consecutive whips of lightning, I am afraid that there are more than a thousand whips.

In the process of these thousands of beats, Thunder Dragon tried to escape countless times, and he tried his best, but to no avail.

The rules of this world have completely subverted its cognition of the world.

Confidence was thrown to the ground again and again and smashed to pieces. Under the extreme pain of the body, such a real illusion world was no longer real in Thunder Dragon's heart.

As long as it possessed the self-destruction magic of Big Brother Star Dragon, it would have perished with this damned giant boy long ago!

At this moment, the rampant and arrogant Thunder Dragon hung his head and did not move as if he had been ripped off by cramps.

Suddenly, one hand grabbed Thunder Dragon's neck.

Thunder Dragon was desperate, and he couldn't figure out how his incorporeal body was caught.

I thought that the boundless purgatory was about to continue.

But he didn't want to, this time, Thunder Dragon met a giant, Gao Lingwei.

You can get bigger too...

All right, crush me, and end this soon.

But if you give me another chance and find you stiff and falling from the air, I will still try to bite you to death...

Leilong couldn't speak, and there was not much reaction on the surface.

It was held by Gao Lingwei at the connection between the dragon's head and the dragon's body, and was carried in the air like a wilted bean sprout.

The big head is drooping, and the body hangs down naturally, motionless.

Gao Lingwei, who had already adjusted her emotions, had little desire to kill, but rather a hint of appreciation.

Her huge thumb pressed against the chin of the dragon's head, propped up Thunder Dragon's drooping head, and looked directly at the pair of dragon eyes.

Finally, she spoke: "Follow me in the future."

The Thunder Dragon Clan cannot understand the human race, but it has a certain IQ.

The enemy is no longer attacking, but is trying to communicate, what does this mean?

The language barrier is not a problem.

This is a romantic world, Gao Lingwei's thoughts changed, and the whole world changed again!

Gao Lingwei held the dragon's head and aimed straight ahead.

Thunder Dragon was tortured miserably, and he was a little confused. He didn't quite understand the scene that suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the picture, the tiny human girl is standing on its head, soaring into the sky.

Brontosaurus:? ? ?

Afterwards, the scenes are switched and played.

One person and one dragon cooperate very well, fighting against the sky and fighting the battlefield.

This is a movie viewing experience that Thunder Dragon has never had before!

As it gradually picks up its spirit, what really arouses its interest comes!

I saw that in the broadcast screen, the figures of Wulong, Jinglong, and even a dazzling star dragon appeared one after another?

It has been a long time since Leilong saw this group of "people sitting on the ground".

After leaving the Dragon Cave, I don't know if this group of **** have gone extinct, or they continue to bully the newly settled Dragon Race...

Gao Lingwei is painting cakes!

Of course, this pie must be big enough and delicious enough.

Therefore, in the picture that Thunder Dragon saw, one person and one dragon cooperated tacitly and worked together to display all kinds of thunder and lightning abilities.

With one person and one dragon, a large group of crystal dragons will be smashed to pieces!

Thunder Dragon is not a graduate of a famous university, nor is he the leader of a huge army. It hasn't read books and doesn't know any art of war.

It is only dominated by primitive desires, and it is just like this!

"What do you think?" Gao Lingwei asked and took the initiative.

She regarded the Thunder Dragon as a scarf, wrapped it around her neck, picked up the dragon's tail in one hand, and swung it gently around her neck.

Under the inertia, the long dragon body wrapped around Gao Lingwei's neck several times.

As the scarf was finished, Gao Lingwei's chest also had the dragon head that she turned to look at, and the dragon tail that fell naturally.

Thunder Dragon couldn't understand the girl's question, but he felt kindness.

In such a state, it seems to be able to strangle this human girl to death?

After all, in the rules of this world, one's own body is in a physical state.

Maybe, who knows~

"Hey~!" Thunder Dragon turned his head again, looking at the picture of the two killing the Quartet, and facing the crystal dragon group in the picture, there was a manic electric shock!

Gao Lingwei: "Have you made a decision?"


Another huge electric shock wave, overwhelming the sky and drowning the picture ahead.

Gao Lingwei raised her eyebrows slightly: "I think you agree?"

"Crack!" Thunder Dragon said nothing, and once again spurted endless current.

Involuntarily, the corner of Gao Lingwei's mouth raised slightly.

This terrifying big guy has the attributes of being a little arrogant?

The mouth doesn't say it, but the body is very honest.

Whether it is shooting thunderbolt at the phantom of the enemy, or wrapping around her neck and no longer running away.

Isn't this all physical honesty?

Gao Lingwei smiled and patted Thunder Dragon's big head with one hand, and the world of illusion was shattered.

Thunder Dragon only felt a flower in front of him, appearing again above the churning sea of ​​clouds.

And just in front of it, stood a tiny human girl figure.

Although she in the real world is not as magnificent as in the world just now, Thunder Dragon has a clear understanding of her strength and knows how terrifying this little thing is!

"Be careful!" Above the head, the voice of the fit hero suddenly came.

Gao Lingwei looked up with a stunned expression.

Black heroes have no mouth and cannot speak.

And although Bai Yingying has a mouth, he never speaks!

The word "be careful" was definitely not taught by her, but should have been learned by black and white heroes stealthily in the process of exploring the Thunder Vortex.

In the blink of an eye, one of UU Reading, one of the combined heroes dominated by the white hero, trembled rapidly and switched genders quickly.

A long black hair danced lightly, and the fair-skinned jade held a bow and arrow in his hand, and in the sky behind, a huge black bow and purple electric arrow suddenly took shape!

"Stop!" Gao Lingwei hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop the combined hero above.

"Hi..." Leilong groaned, the enemy met, and he was extremely jealous!


Gao Lingwei stomped on the huge dragon's eyes: "You also give me some peace!"

Thunder Dragon Clan: ? ? ?

Black and white hero: ? ? ?

Gao Lingwei pursed the half-flowered lotus between her lips and teeth, looking at the black-and-white heroes and the Thunder Dragon clan, suddenly feeling a bit of a headache...


Ask for some tickets~