MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 948 Void becomes a god!

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The latest website: Rong Yuanshan looked at the Lotus River with a shocked expression. To be precise, he looked at the space cracks that opened one after another, and also felt the world's full of malice towards his own children!

Wait, this is...?

"Fenghua!" Rong Yuanshan shouted loudly, "The energy aura of the Void Dragons has disappeared, let's go and get the treasure first!"

Xu Fenghua was stunned for a moment, looked down at her husband, and then obeyed the order.

On the battlefield, the fighters must not be delayed. What's more, she could only be in a hurry standing here, and couldn't help Rong Taotao at all.

However, listening to Rong Yuanshan's meaning, the Void Dragon Clan is dead?

How did it die? Does it have something to do with the scream of pain just now?

No wonder that mental shock has reached such a terrifying level, it turned out to be the same astral skills!

Under the repeated urging of Rongyuan Mountain, Xu Fenghua plunged into Rongyuan Mountain and took him back in the direction of the deep pit.

Since he had seen the surviving form of another Void Treasure before, Xu Fenghua knew too well how hard it was to find such a treasure.

Only the aura of her husband, Rong Yuanshan, was able to find the Void Treasure in the shortest time.


The Void Vortex World was another earth-shattering shock, which made the couple feel anxious.

What's wrong with this world?

Is the void planet about to collapse? Just because of the shrill screams of the Void Dragons?

"Hi..." Rong Yuanshan sucked in a breath of cold air.

He saw the pitch-black body coiled in the deep pit, so even if the ancient beast died, its prestige still existed!

Rongyuan Mountain is very sure that the Void Dragon Race has died, and it has no breath of life.

But its eyes widened in anger, and the pair of huge dragon eyes were not only full of anger, but also had a vicious and violent aura that ordinary people could not imagine, shocking all beings in the world.

"Distant Mountain?"

"Oh, let's go! Go down!" Rong Yuanshan hurriedly recovered and quickly descended.

Although he is far away from his son, as long as there is a nine-petal lotus in this world, even if Rongyuan Mountain is completely liberated, there is no space crack to find him.

Under Rong Taotao's attractive firepower, Rong Yuanshan, who had no worries, was very efficient, plunged into the gap of the huge dragon body, and traveled extremely fast.

The Void Dragon Race is as black as ink, and the more Rongyuan Mountain dives, the darker the surrounding light.

The dark dragon body obscured the sky and the sun. In desperation, Rong Yuanshan could only adjust the quality of casting spells and picked up a small cloud sun lantern.

Looking for the frightening treasure aura, Rongyuan Mountain finally reached the deepest part of the pit.

With a muffled sound of "dong", Xu Fenghua also smashed down.

"Here." Rong Yuanshan put the cloud sun lamp under the dark dragon corpse above his head, he squatted down, and opened the hard gray-white rock ground with one hand.

Before he knew it, his hands had penetrated the Void Treasure, but he had no sense of touch.

as predicted!

Rong Yuanshan's face was solemn, and the existence of this Void Treasure was also illusory.

Can't hold it with the palm of your hand!

"I saw it." Xu Fenghua was half-kneeling on the ground, staring at the small hole in the ground that her husband opened up, and also saw a slightly distorted space, "Do you think it's time, Yuanshan?"

Rong Taotao is the body of a lotus flower, Rongyuan Mountain is the body of a cloud shadow, a pure snow avatar, a pure cloud top avatar, and the two cannot absorb the treasure of the void.

Xu Fenghua is the body, she can absorb the Void Treasure, but the problem is...

If according to what Rong Taotao said, there are only two Void Treasures, once Xu Fenghua absorbs the Treasures, she is likely to experience everything that her little daughter-in-law - Gao Lingwei has experienced!

As a result, it is very likely that Xu Fenghua will also go to the end of the world?

Hearing Xu Fenghua's question, Rong Yuanshan's heart sank.

There is no doubt that since Xu Fenghua was going to walk the first Void Treasure from Rong Taotao, she has already made up her mind - to open the way for Rong Taotao!

No matter what his son will face in the future, Xu Fenghua has already made preparations to face it together with his child.

When necessary, she is also willing to give everything and do her best to protect the child.

For self-sacrifice, Xu Fenghua doesn't think there is anything, but the only one who is ashamed is Rong Yuanshan.

As soon as we parted at this moment, the couple may never see each other again.

After all, no one knows where the mysterious world ends, and no one knows what the **** Erwei wants to do.

Rong Yuanshan hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly: "Isn't this the goal we are pursuing?"

Xu Fenghua: "Well..."

Rong Yuanshan: "Not only for Tao Tao and Ling Wei, but also for the Snow Burning Army and China.

We promised He Siling that we would have access to the mysteries of this world earlier than soul warriors from other countries. No matter what happens in the future, we will ensure our leading position. "

Saying that, Rong Yuanshan put one hand on Xu Fenghua's shoulder: "Go accompany Ling Wei, go see and see the higher-level world, and I will take care of Tao... Oh, he doesn't need any care now. "

The fact is right in front of them. The two parents are facing the lotus river torn by the cracks in the space, and they can't help at all.


The Void World vibrated violently again, like a sound of urging.

Rong Yuanshan: "Absorb it, Fenghua, Taotao and I will always find the lotus pod. Maybe that world is dangerous, but I will send him to you with my own hands."

Push your wife and children into the fire with your own hands?

Rong Yuanshan is not a qualified husband, let alone a qualified father, but he is a qualified Chinese warrior.

On the other hand, Rongyuanshan has always believed that the actions of the **** Erwei have deep meanings.

He is also willing to believe that the wife and children who have broken into that circle will one day become an existence like Erwei.

This is the most fundamental reason for the existence of the inner vision soul map! The answer has long been placed in the effect of the inner vision soul map!

"Meow!" The cry of the small briquettes came, and it fell into the bottom of the pit in the dark, and with its unparalleled keen sense, it found the owner's position.

Without the desperate cry of the Void Dragons, the small briquettes and the small charcoal recovered their senses and hurriedly looked for their masters.

The difference is that the small charcoal stopped at the lotus river. Although it was not fortunate enough to see Rong Taotao display the lotus petals, it regarded the rich snowy atmosphere as Rong Taotao.

The small briquettes searched along the way, looking for the breath of the Void Treasure, panicked and got under the corpse of the huge dragon clan, and also found the owner who was kneeling on the ground with a sad expression.


Xu Fenghua didn't give the briquettes a chance to act coquettish. She picked up the cat with one hand and pressed it into her ankle.

The small briquettes are also void soul beasts. If there is an accident and it accidentally absorbs the treasure, the whole plan will be messed up!

Rong Yuanshan said softly: "Ling Wei won't lie to us, her being able to attend Yang Yang's wedding also means that she is indeed in a safe environment.

Fenghua, after going there, concentrate on researching the Void Treasure, and after seeing the future, if there is really an answer, pass the message back through Ling Wei. "


The trembling void world made Xu Fenghua stretch out his palm subconsciously, and his slender fingers pointed on the twisted space: "Let's go, go first with Taotao, this world seems to be collapsing..."

Before he finished speaking, waves of strong soul power fluctuations suddenly came.

Xu Fenghua's eyes widened, and the pupils almost shrank into needle-like shapes.

Under the rush of strong soul power, Rong Yuanshan "dengdeng" took two steps back, his back was against the dragon corpse, and he was able to stop.

Looking at his wife whose soul power fluctuated violently, Rong Yuanshan also realized that everything in the plan was coming.


Suddenly, a space crack suddenly opened behind him!

Space crack! ?

Didn't they all target Rong Taotao? How would it appear here?

The pitch-black dragon corpse was torn out with a deep wound in an instant, and a large stream of blood sprayed out, drenching Rongyuan Mountain's back.

"Let's go!" Xu Fenghua shouted loudly, but his voice was a little tight, "Quick, go."

Rong Yuanshan looked at Xu Fenghua's back, and his face was a little sad.

From beginning to end, his eyes were firm and his face calm.

At this time, when Xu Fenghua couldn't turn his head to watch, Rong Yuanshan's eyes showed a little reluctance for the first time.

"Goodbye, Fenghua."

Xu Fenghua's heart was extremely complicated. She couldn't see her husband's expression, but she heard the tone of farewell.

Her movements were stiff, she turned her head with difficulty, and looked up.


Rong Yuanshan didn't give her a chance to watch, and her body turned into a fog and swayed upwards.

"Heh." Xu Fenghua chuckled, a little helpless and a little bitter.

The next second, her expression changed!

"Heh..." Xu Fenghua sucked in a breath of cold air, the Void Treasure instantly entered the body, the emotion of this Treasure was so overbearing!

That is a kind of firmness, a kind of determination, a kind of absolute confidence in achieving the goal!

Even if Xu Fenghua had mixed feelings in her heart, when she made up her mind to absorb this treasure, she already matched the emotions of the Void Treasure!

All goals must be achieved, and must be achieved in an instant!

This is too overbearing...

Under such terrifying emotions, the two Void Treasures merged infinitely in her body, and the latter Void Treasure was a strong entry!

As soon as it came, it was absolutely dominant.

You must know that when the Void Treasure Dream was absorbed first, his emotions were humble and insignificant, and he was full of awe for this world.

And the newly arrived Void Treasure took the command right away, not only perfectly integrating the two treasures, but also taught the younger brother how to be a man... um, how to be a treasure.

"Heh, heh." Xu Fenghua was breathing heavily, her chest heaving violently, and as the Void Soul Technique rapidly improved, countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

"One day, I will uncover the mysteries of the higher-level world."

"Om..." The Void Treasure that merged into one in the body buzzed.

"No need to say goodbye, Yuanshan. One day, I will come back to you."


Just after the thought in Xu Fenghua's mind, the whole person suddenly disappeared, crossed a very long distance, and moved from the bottom of the deep pit to the edge of the deep pit in an instant.

She still closed her eyes, half kneeling on the ground.

And not far from her side, is a cloud that has just floated out.

Rong Yuanshan pieced together a human form. Under the influence of Huang Yunzhibao, he looked not far away with a look of horror, and also saw his wife who was half-kneeling on the ground.

Xu Fenghua was still immersed in his own world, unaware that he had teleported.

"I will be involved in breaking the secrets of the Void Treasure Dream Time, and I will find out how to use it. I will go to the future to find out... eh?"

At this moment, the world freezes.

The terrified Rong Yuanshan, the space crack torn open behind him, and the constantly shaking Void World were all frozen.

Xu Fenghua trembled in his heart, only to feel the cold wind blowing across his face, and the frost and snow filled the air.

The integrated treasure kept shaking, but Xu Fenghua didn't feel anything wrong. After all, she saw what Gao Lingwei had experienced after gathering the treasure.

But the wind is blowing, and the frost and snow are in the air?

The void planet is completely stable, with almost no wind and waves, not to mention frost and snow.

Xu Fenghua opened his eyes in astonishment, but found that the surroundings were brightly lit.

It was quiet in the barracks, and the surrounding buildings were hung with lanterns and paper cages, flickering faintly.

Below her knees are no longer grey and white rocks, but... ice?

Dragon River?

This is Longhe Camp! ?

No matter what the surroundings of Longhe have become, whether a complete military camp has been established, Xu Fenghua can recognize it at a glance. After all, she has stood here alone for nearly 20 years!

"Xu Hunjiang?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Xu Fenghua suddenly turned his head to look, but saw a thin figure.

Compared with the generally tall Xue Ranjun, there are not many thin boys of 1.7 meters.

He wears glasses, is dressed in snow camouflage, and his body and training cap are covered with frost and snow, and he seems to have been waiting here for a long time.

Xu Fenghua knew this child. Isn't this Gao Qingchen's guard, one of the young souls of the youth class, Jiao Tengda?


Xu Fenghua was shocked, when the Void Treasure·Dream, go to the future!

On the way to the Battle of Longhe, Wan'anhe opened the Void Treasure and landed directly on the Songhun campus.

And at this moment, when he opened the treasure, he actually descended on the banks of the Dragon River?


Because of a special emotion for a certain place?


Xu Fenghua seemed to be in the flesh, but his body suddenly appeared and disappeared.

It may be because of her current Void Soul Technique and Void Soul Power level, or it may be because of her first acquisition of the ultimate treasure. In any case, she is in the process of rapid demise!

Jiao Tengda was in a couldn't care less, and hurriedly said, "Plum and bamboo in the old world, whirlpool lotus pod!"


Xu Fenghua's figure disappeared quietly.

"Plum and bamboo in the old world, spin..." Jiao Tengda slowly closed his mouth when he saw the figure disappearing in front of him.

Until now, he still felt that it was a dream, and everything that happened in front of him was an illusion.

"Haha." Jiao Tengda shook his head and smiled, took off the frosty glasses, and gently wiped the frost on the glasses with one hand.

Paradox, Taotao, paradox.

If I don't know how you found the lotus pod, how can I tell you?

But... if I didn't tell you, how did you find the lotus pod?