MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 964 God's game

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Xu Fenghua stood proudly in the center of the circular field, constantly improving his aura, resisting the aura of the female giant directly above his head.

She raised her head, looked at the end of the dead wood path, looked at the figure standing in front of the slate, and said, "You and I have no grievances and no grudges, and we have never met before. It's just the rules of the gods' game that forced us to confront each other."

The reformer knelt on his side beside the slate, and turned his head to look down from his posture of adoration.

With that, his fiery eyes gradually darkened.

Xu Fenghua: "If you are willing to give up the treasure in your body, maybe we don't have to fight.

When it's all over, you can go back to your country and continue your unfinished dreams. "

Of course, the changer can recognize the reality, but he also sneered: "You think I will believe your words."

The strange thing is that Tuo, a reformer who can't fight with Huaxia, not only fully understands Xu Fenghua's words, but his Chinese is also very good, but the tone is a little weird.

Xu Fenghua nodded gently: "Guarantee with my name."

"Oh, China's first soul general?"

The reformer snorted, and glanced at Gao Lingwei and Rong Taotao behind him: "So you can make decisions for them, without worrying about their feelings, and they will obey your orders."

Hearing this, Xu Fenghua frowned slightly.

There are some things that she can't change. At this point, she can only try to communicate.

But such communication is obviously ineffective, and the attitude of the other party is obvious: rejection.

And the changer did not express refusal in a conventional way, but seized the opportunity and began to divide?

"Yes." Gao Lingwei's voice suddenly came from behind, helping Xu Fenghua.

The girl's beautiful eyes were sharp, and she looked at the reformer and said, "Take your careful thoughts, and don't let the image you have created to the world collapse."

The changer's eyes narrowed, and there was a trace of anger in his heart.

The concept of "God" is relative. In front of Erwei, the changer can be well behaved and respectful.

But in his own land, the changer is the only god, and no one dares to violate his majesty.

The girl who is talking to him at this moment seems to be on the same level as him, but in the final analysis, she is just a young and ignorant brat.

If this is placed in her own country, she will be severely punished.

Xu Fenghua is indeed qualified to have an equal dialogue with him, but Gao Lingwei?

Who do you think you are?

Why is there a lack of respect for the pioneers of the Soul Martial World?

Just because you got the Leiteng Treasure by chance? Besides, what else do you have?

Shallow knowledge, pitiful experience, ignorance and youthful frivolity?

Gao Lingwei was not frightened by the eyes of the reformer, but looked at each other without giving in: "She can indeed decide for us.

Maybe you don't understand oriental culture. Unlike you, we have love and respect for our parents, and we are closely connected with our family for life. "

Changemaker To: ! !

Xu Fenghua couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly. In her impression, Gao Lingwei was not a person with fierce words.

Maybe it was a bit miserable by the female giant above her head, and the girl's state was not right?

In any case, the sound of Gao Lingwei's words made Xu Fenghua feel relieved.

It was obviously a very correct decision to completely cut off the thoughts of the reformer and not give him the slightest hope of alienation.

If it is possible to win the victory without fighting and avoid fighting, it will undoubtedly be the best result for the three members of the Rong family.

It's a pity that although the changer's illusion was shattered, he did not choose to surrender, and Gao Lingwei's words seemed to sting him and arouse his anger!


The branches of dead wood suddenly appeared under the feet of the reformer, and they spread like small snakes. They grew rapidly and became thicker.

At the moment when the size of the dead wood soared, there was also a crisp "click" sound...

Xu Fenghua sighed in his heart, knowing that everything was inevitable.


Xu Fenghua's figure disappeared quietly, and instantly appeared behind the changer, and the snow-made Fangtianhua halberd in his hand stabbed forward heavily!


Xu Fenghua's complexion changed, Fang Tianhua's halberd was as strong as he imagined, it pierced through the back of the reformer's support, and the sharp halberd tip stabbed out in front of him.

But there is no dripping blood, and the cracked wound is only a piece of rotten dead wood?

The changer is not flesh and blood, he is pieced together from dead wood?


The dead wood branches continued to spread, and in the crisp sound, the branches were like sharp wooden thorns, also penetrating Xu Fenghua's body!

Suddenly, Xu Fenghua was stabbed into "beehive coal".

Although the picture is very thrilling, but there is no sound of a knife cutting into the flesh.

Xu Fenghua's figures overlapped layer by layer, completely exempt from physical damage!

Without a word, Xu Fenghua gathered a snowball in one hand, and the endless withered branches of the changer were all stirred into the snowball.

For a while, the sound of squeaking was incessant.

When Xu Fenghua tried to destroy the changer's trust, countless dead wood branches had already climbed on the winding down dead wood path.

The dead wood crawled so fast, it swept across the arena in an instant, and stabbed Gao Lingwei in the face!

The goal of the reformer turned out to be Gao Lingwei?

Hmm... that's right, the shadow of the famous tree of people.

Perhaps in the mind of the changer, Gao Lingwei should be the weakness of the Huaxia trio.

"Heh." Gao Lingwei lifted it up.

The sizzling current filled the air, and a huge lightning ball suddenly appeared and exploded in an instant!

Bafang Thunder and Lightning Longlei!

The endless dead wood branches are like giant pythons flying thorns, extremely ferocious, but terribly crisp.

In the explosion of Gao Lingwei's lightning ball, the layers of branches were crushed without any suspense.

"Mom, come back!" Gao Lingwei shouted loudly, aiming at the Yingsen slate with one hand, and gently picked it up with her long two fingers.


A gust of wind, lightning and thunder!

Bafang Thunder and Wind Power!

The terrifying thunderstorm was in the shape of a tornado, not only submerging the Ying Sen slate, but also submerging the densely packed dead wood branches on the ground.

Really destroy the world!

Gao Lingwei's eyes filled with electricity, and the pure desire to destroy filled her mind, and she even wanted to smash the end of this soul martial world!

In terms of output alone, Lei Teng of the nine attributes considers himself second, and no one dares to consider himself first!

Only the irascible lava can fight with Lei Teng, but at most it is tied for second place.

The crunching sound of Kacha Kacha came one after another, Gao Lingwei's heart is very determined, and the means are even more unique!

I saw the girl slowly dragging her palm backwards, and the thunder and lightning tornado also moved backwards, destroying all living beings from the end of Yingsen's path, moving all the way down to the circular arena.

She is destroying everything, and she is killing everything!

In the days when there was no Lava Chamber, Leiteng was the ultimate answer to "output".

"Yes! I'm a waste! It's made of mud!" Suddenly, Rong Taotao's trembling voice came from behind.

Gao Lingwei was startled and turned her head sharply to look back.

However, I saw dead trees quietly crawling across the arena, through the long frost and snow path, and stabbed Rong Taotao's head quickly!

The goal of the changer was not Gao Lingwei.

He glared at Gao Lingwei before, which was also an illusion. The ultimate goal of the changer is that Rong Taotao who is in the promotion state!

Rong Taotao, who was kneeling on the ground, reached forward with one hand, his palm blossoming.

A lotus · Prison lotus!

Those creatures that devour the world in the story of the hunter often have a terrifying mouth of blood, or a terrifying mouth of the abyss.

However, this prison lotus, which imprisons all things, is so beautiful and charming.

The faintly blooming flowers blocked Rong Taotao's body and swallowed endless dead wood branches into the flowers.

It can be seen that Rong Taotao's control of the lotus has reached the level of his will!

Hell Lotus is not just unilaterally accepting the invasion of deadwood branches.

Among the huge petals, small petals emerged, wrapped in fragile dead wood branches, and dragged frantically towards the flowers...

Rong Taotao and his prison lotus need not only dead wood branches, but also people who use this soul skill!

For a time, Tuo, a changer who didn't know where he was, suddenly turned into a spider spinning silk, while Rong Taotao turned into a capitalist and frantically pulled out spider silk.

bring it on!

Come as much as I want!

I'll see when you're hollowed out...


The dead wood branches suddenly separated into dense small branches, and small flowers bloomed on them. They were colorful and had a "small fresh" feeling.

Not to mention that these little flowers are blooming on dead wood.

The contradictory picture is truly beautiful.

But beautiful things are often fatal.

The flowers did not bloom for no reason, and layers of pollen were quickly released from the small flowers.

Rong Taotao didn't know what the effect of this pollen was, but what he knew was that he absolutely couldn't smoke this thing!


The small flowers released a strong pollen, and the snow lotus also rolled up the frost and snow!

Rong Taotao, who did whatever he wanted, actually started a snow lotus storm inside the prison lotus, and instead of blowing frost and snow outward, it swept the frost and snow inward.

Perfect restraint!


Just when Rong Taotao showed his fighting talent to the fullest and performed the perfect fusion of himself and the lotus...

Between heaven and earth, there was a sudden roar, which was deafening!

The spider silk in Rong Taotao's hand suddenly broke!

A huge suction force suddenly came, like an invisible big hand, grabbed Rong Taotao and dragged it backwards.

"Boom" sound!

Rong Taotao's back slammed heavily on the snow stone slab, and subconsciously closed the flower in his hand.

"Hi..." Rong Taotao gasped in pain.

There was also a muffled sound on the road beside him.

The Lord of the Void, Xu Fenghua, was also controlled by this energy, and I don't know where she was pulled out.

At this moment, her hands are on the void stone slab, and her head is almost hit by the stone slab.

"Mom?" Rong Taotao's heart was tense, and he hurriedly turned his head to look to the other side.

as predicted!

The irascible Lei Teng Lord Gao Lingwei pressed his shoulders against the Lei Teng slate. I saw the girl looked embarrassed, looking at Ying Sen Road beside her.

The dead wood path that had just been devastated by the thunder and lightning has now returned to its original state, and the Fluorite Slate is unscathed.

The body of the changer was attached to the slate, and his face was terrified, as if he had not yet reacted to what happened.

"Yulde?" A questioning tone came, and Erwei's figure appeared quietly, standing in the center of the circular arena, looking up at the huge female face.

The giantess was still expressionless, unable to see joy or sorrow, and it was even more difficult for people to guess her thoughts.

But from the sudden appearance of Erwei and the questioning voice, Rong Taotao could infer that there seemed to be something unplanned?

"Huh." The reformer Tuo suddenly let out a long sigh.

In a short period of time, he was pierced by Xu Fenghua, crushed by Gao Lingwei, and swallowed up by Rong Taotao!

All of this made the reformer Tuo fall into despair, and he was still in shock, sweating coldly all over his body.

Suddenly, the savior appeared!

Sure enough, my faith is the most pious!

The Transformer Tuo, who was adsorbed on the Ying Sen slate, tried his best to break free from the shackles of the slate, knelt directly on the ground, and looked up at the huge face covering the world.

His eyes were pious, and he paid homage to the God of Creation, offering the highest respect.

You also feel unfair, don't you?

You have pity on your faithful, faithful people, don't you?


After several sounds, the space barrier actually came back, every road was blocked again, and the arena was closed like this?

Xu Fenghua, who is near the treasure of the void, is most sensitive to space elements!

She didn't even need to try to flash out to know that she was trapped here and could not leave this void path.

The strange thing is that Xu Fenghua's void element is restricted here, but Erwei can flicker and shuttle at will?

"What do you mean?" Erwei's voice was low, and she looked up at the face of the female giant, and was a little impatient?

Such an attitude surprised Rong Taotao.

When he saw the giant's face covering the sky and sun, he already had an inference in his heart, Erwei was a guide, and the master was the female giant.

Unexpectedly, Erwei would dare to talk to him with such an attitude?

There was silence between heaven and earth, and gradually, except for the four activated slates, a few slates on other roads faintly emitted a little light.

Erwei The hoarse voice was full of displeasure: "This does not conform to the rules we set before."

However, the giantess remained expressionless, completely ignoring the existence of Erwei, only the light on the rest of the slate was getting brighter and brighter...

Erwei snorted coldly in his heart: He is obviously going to die, and there are so many things to do.

To be reasonable, Erwei is still too talented. If this is replaced by Savage Stream, it will be a direct "force"...

"Master." A weak voice came from a distance.

Erwei turned his head to look and saw Rong Taotao with a painful expression.

Thinking that he had gone through layers of hardships and was finally about to reap the results, but he was stabbed by the Dream Weaver and temporarily changed the rules...

Involuntarily, Erwei also sighed in his heart.

"What happened? Are the previous rules void?"

"Oh, maybe." Erwei looked up at Yuld, the past resentment tended to erupt, "Who knows."