MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 851 Against the rules, the soul falls to the road

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  Chapter 851 The rules are reversed, and the soul falls to the road

   "Name, race, cultivation level."

   This is a woman wearing an exquisite green robe. Her complexion is a little red. Although her face does not conform to Su Yi's aesthetics, she has two antlers on her forehead and two more in her hair. She exudes a noble temperament.

   "Su Yi, a demon clan, is innate in immortality."

  Su Yi replied quickly, looking forward.

  After passing through the Great Shore Light Gate, you have to travel a long distance before you can officially enter the Central Kingdom of God.

   There are a total of eight such huge light gates, distributed in all directions.

  Su Yi looked at the two giants that were tens of thousands of feet tall, secretly startled.

   It is definitely the eternal destiny of God!

   "This is your identity card. Take it. If you don't have it when you need it, you will be directly expelled from the Central Kingdom of God."

  The green-robed woman took out a piece of golden light and handed it to Su Yi. It was engraved with dense golden lines, which looked very mysterious.

  Even though she knew that Su Yi was an Immortal Innate, she was not moved. Obviously, an Immortal Innate was not worth mentioning in her eyes.

  Su Yi moved forward while looking at his identity card.

  As soon as he injected immortal mana into it, his message emerged, which was extremely miraculous.

   "Entering the Central Kingdom of God, you are not allowed to do it without permission, you are not allowed to steal, and you are not allowed to fly!"

  A domineering voice suddenly sounded in Su Yi's ear, Su Yi was so startled that he turned his head to look, but didn't see the sound's attention.

  He found that many creatures were as surprised as he was, and it was obviously the first time they had come to the Central Kingdom of God.

  The other creatures looked normal and continued to move forward.

  Su Yi looked at the gigantic giant next to him, and thought to himself: "Could it be that they are transmitting voices to all those who entered the country?"

  He shook his head and laughed, he was really ignorant.

  He quickly flew to the central kingdom of God.

   Soon, he landed, and the land of the Central Kingdom of God was extremely hard. According to his estimation, the ordinary Supreme Origin Lord might not be able to smash the surface.

  He secretly wondered what kind of rock is so hard.

  There are many buildings and palaces in front of you, some are as tall as the pillars supporting the sky, some occupy an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, and there are various shapes. The densely populated streets make the streets look very crowded.

  Su Yi noticed that there were no living beings setting up stalls on the streets of the Central Kingdom of God, so they could only rent shops for sale, or go to auction houses or **** shops.

  He went around all the way and asked where the Founding Book Pavilion was located.

  The Founding Book Pavilion is located inside the Central Kingdom of God, and it will take a long time to walk there. After all, you cannot fly here.

   It took half a month.

  Su Yi finally arrived in front of the Founding Book Pavilion. Along the way, he did not use the space-time rules to avoid alarming the guards of the Kingdom of God.

   In the sky of the central Kingdom of God, there are military patrols everywhere, which are extremely strict.

  The Founding Book Pavilion is a giant tree in the sky, its branches are thicker than the mountains, and golden fruits are connected to the branches, and many women with wings are picking them.

  Dozens of people can pick a fruit.

   Under the giant tree, there is a gate on the surface of the bark, which is the entrance to the Founding Book Pavilion.

  There are a lot of beings who came to the Founding Book Pavilion, and there are millions of beings queuing in front of Su Yi alone.

  Su Yi had a headache, and out of boredom, he started the live broadcast of the Zongmen, so that the people of Su Dizong could increase their knowledge.

  Wood: So many creatures? They are all so ugly!

  Nangong Daodi: Founding Book Pavilion? I feel that the central kingdom of God in the sixth source plane is amazing! I'm afraid that all the forces on the source plane combined may not be able to defeat it.

  Zhao Tuyuan: Those giants guarding the boundary are definitely the eternal destiny!

  Tang Qingtian: Let me teleport it over to have a look!

  Dangyang God Zun Hu Dingzhu: Little brother, you are moving very fast, you have already reached the central kingdom of God.

  Xiantian Haoxin: Emperor Shendao is indeed a character. The elders of my family often praise him, saying that the most heroic figure in the sixth source plane is Emperor Shendao.

  Abyss Evolution Great Emperor: It seems that we need to develop Sudi Great World, look at the central kingdom of God, this is called tolerance!


  Looking at Hongmeng and the eighth source plane, none of the forces has the grandeur of the central kingdom of God, which makes the members of Emperor Suzong feel very fresh.

  Su Yi directly rejected the dozens of transmission requests in his mind.

   Appearing out of thin air in the Central God's country without an identity card will be suppressed.

  Su Yi doesn't want to be implicated by them.

  After queuing for three full hours, Su Yi entered the Founding Book Pavilion.

  He handed in a hundred pieces of eighth-level spirit stones, and his heart ached.

  How long one can stay in the Founding Book Pavilion depends on how many treasures containing spiritual energy are handed in. In the sixth source plane, not only spiritual stones can be used as currency, but also spiritual pills and other natural materials and earthly treasures.

  One hundred eighth-level spirit stones is enough for Su Yi to stay for two days.

  After entering the Founding Book Pavilion, Su Yi felt that his surroundings instantly opened up.

  Here is very similar to Siwon, the space is white, except for rows of huge bookshelves like Buzhou Mountains, there are no other decorations.

  These bookshelves are so huge that when you look up, you can't see the top at all. If you look forward, you can't see the end. The picture is extremely shocking.

  The weirdest thing is that there are no other creatures.

  Su Yi was secretly amazed, did the founding bookstore open up an independent space for every cabinet entrant, and then share information?

  With a feeling of curiosity, Su Yi spread his consciousness and began to search for information about the gate of the avenue.

   An hour later, Su Yi withdrew his consciousness.

  He rubbed his temples, with a painful expression on his face.

  He underestimated the founder of Shuge, even if he is innate with immortality, he still can't afford it.

  The information recorded here is too terrifying. Under the gods of Dayan, if you dare to use your spiritual consciousness to sweep it, you will probably go crazy directly. No wonder there is a threshold for the founding book pavilion.

  After resting for a while, he flew forward for a while before continuing to browse with his spiritual sense.

   Just like that, every hour, he would rest for a while.

   The day passed quickly.

  Su Yi stopped, and with a wave of his right hand, a golden jade slip bigger than others flew over and floated in front of him.

  His mind moved, and the golden jade slip burst out with a burst of light, followed by countless strange words.

  Su Yi frowned, and said: "The gate of time and space, the rules are against it, if you dare to covet it, your soul will fall into the dao..."

What does it mean?

   Just that one sentence?

  Su Yi felt irritable when he saw it. He suppressed his impatience and continued to search for information about the Gate of Time and Space.

  The founding bookstore is so big that you can’t read it all in two days. If you keep searching, there is still hope.

   Anyway, he has a lot of spirit stones.

   It is not a problem to stay in the founding bookstore for a year.

at the same time.

  Outside the center of God, deep in the starry sky.

  Jidi, Ren Woxiao, Shi E, Zhan Kui, Fear of Jiusu, and Tianyuan Richuan stood on a meteorite, looking at the central kingdom of God.

   "Tsk tsk, take the eternal destiny to see the door, the emperor of the divine way is really majestic."

  Ren I laughed and wondered, with a playful smile on my face.

  Jidi had no expression on his face, his eyes were faintly shining with fighting spirit and excitement, he turned his head to look at Zhankui, and said, "Take out Shengtian Zhankui!"

  (end of this chapter)